• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 1,218 Views, 20 Comments

Umbratara: The Garden of Shadows - Kipakuta

A long time ago in a land to the west, a monster terrorized ponykind.

  • ...


A gray, yellow-maned pegasus reached into her mailbag. "And this last letter goes to..." She pulled out a scroll with a wax seal depicting Luna's crest. Written in one of the exposed corners was a name and a destination that she didn't recognize. "Antonia LaRoulette? There's nopony by that name in Ponyville." She held the letter in an outstretched hoof, then slowly turned in a circle.

She felt a light tug on her hoof as she pointed the letter to the west. "There? Ok." She took to the air, flying along air currents that she could see thanks to her special sight. As she approached the edge of town, the tugging on her hoof kept pointing forward. "Outside of town? Well alright."

She had delivered packages to Canterlot and Cloudsdale before, but that was the extent of her duties. She crossed the railroad tracks, then headed to the neighboring Chateau. The tugging lead her to a four story mansion, which rested atop a low hill. The pegasus landed at one of the entrances, then headed inside.

- - -

A carnation pink unicorn slumped against the raised portion of a chaise lounge, and sipped from a glass of iced tea. "As an old wise pony once said." She stated to anyone within earshot. "A worn tool is of no use to anypony."

"We have been rather busy lately." A purple pegasus with a red and pink mane, replied with a smirk. "Ever since your uncle Udan made Any an offer she couldn't refuse."

The unicorn nodded. "And business has been booming since, Stars." She took another sip. "I've had to renegotiate many of the family's contracts as some of our associates have finally gotten their promotions and territories."

Starsong nodded. "Well you've done a bang-up job, Toola Roola." The pegasus picked up a sugar-coated oat cluster from a bowl on a nearby table. "If this keeps up, You'll be Matron in three months." She tossed the cluster up and caught it in her mouth.

Toola Roola took another sip from the glass. "I'm especially proud that I could help Joe and Gustave with their new enterprise."

- - -

"Concierge Toola Roola." A caramel colored unicorn adressed the pink mare. "Thank you for hearing our request."

"My father is a busy stallion currently." Toola Roola replied. "And you are good friends of the family." She motioned to a pair of padded stools in front of her desk. "Please, have a seat." Joe and the black-feathered griffon seated themselves. "Now, what can I do for you two?"

Gustave and Joe exchanged glances, then the griffon addressed Toola Roola. "We've combined our businesses into a single company and we were wondering. How would this affect our current business arrangement with you?"

Toola Roola opened a pair of folders, labeled with each of the pair's names. "Let's see...Currently, we are giving you, Gustave, a payment of 300 bits per month, in return for you selling coffee from Bold Roast's company." The griffon nodded. "And you Joe, are getting ingredients from us wholesale, in return for Palace news and gossip." Joe nodded. "So." She looked at the pair. "What do you request from us?"

"We've discussed it. and we think a payment of 500 bits per month is reasonable." Joe replied. Toola Roola levitated over a notepad, then wrote on it.

"This is a slight increase for us, but since you prefer the bits over our crops, we can sell those to other ponies at a fair market price." She scribbled some figures. Toola Roola looked over to the Diamond Dog that stood next to the door. "Jasper. Can you get Bold Roast in here? I think we can negotiate another customer for her."

"Be right back." The Dog replied as he headed out.

- - -

"Well, word on the street is that Celestia is cleaning house on the Nobility." Starsong grinned. "I guess she doesn't want you to come storming the castle, like what Great Granny Zabala did to Mont-de-Maresan."

Toola Roola giggled. "Stars, Zabala only provided the torches and pitchforks at reasonable prices." Starsong's grin widened as she looked to Toola Roola. "Aaaannnd maybe some motivational speeches." The pegasus kept grinning. "Ok ok, Maybe she did participate in the looting, but she only took stuff that she could find a better use for."

"Like that heirloom gold cape that your father wears?" They both snickered.

"It was a debt settlement." Toola Roola protested. "Duchess Le-Mane tried to ruin the family business."

"Fair's fair, I suppose," Starsong replied. "So anyways," She munched another oat cluster. "Wanna go hang out at the Manehattan mall this weekend?"

"Fifth or Eleventh street?"

"The Eleventh street mall." Starsong replied. "I wanna see if Megamusic has that new Pon3 and Octavia album."


"Yeah, that one." Starsong noticed a gray pegasus approaching. "Hey there Derpy, aren't you Ponyville's mail pegasus?"

"I have a letter for you." Derpy hooved the scroll to Toola Roola.

Toola Roola accepted the scroll. "Thank you." She said in surprise. "Usually the house servants handle the mail."

"This is an important letter, I needed to get it to you right away." The mailpony said. "Oh! Oat clusters." She helped herself to a few of the rolled treats.

"Hey, isn't that Princess Luna's seal?" Starsong pointed to the imprinted wax blob holding the scroll closed. Toola Roola broke the seal, unrolled the scroll, and read the letter.

To Antonia 'Toola Roola' and Cheerilee LaRoullette, and Starsong Whistle.

From Her Royal Highness Princess Luna, Grand Mobile Element of the Lunar Orb,

Sovereign of the Order of the Starry Night, Head of the House of Night,

Joint Diarch of the Principality of Equestria.

Thou art summoned to appear before us. Said appearance is to take place on the Eve which thou recieveth this letter. As our invited guests, thou wilt have priority in line, barring any ongoing meeting when thou arrivest. As thou art Roani, thou wilt be given the proper protection due a diplomat, upon presentation of this scroll to a Canterlot Peacekeeper. Failure to answer this summons within twenty-four hours of this letter being opened will result in a visitation from ourselves. And we will be most displeased.

P.S. This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.

Ignore the preceding line. Our sister took advantage of a momentary distraction to insert a jest.

Toola Roola lowered the scroll. "It's a summons from Princess Luna."

Starsong gulped. "Does it say what we're being charged with?"

"No, it just says that she wants to meet with you, me and Cheerilee. Tonight."

"Welp, duty calls, derp." The gray pegasus said, turning to leave. Starsong noticed that the bowl had been emptied.

- - -

Cheerilee removed her saddlepack and slumped down on the bed, thinking over the events of the past week. "The students aren't the only ones who worry about finals week." She muttered. "At least the class for Summer School is small this time."

Her reverie was interrupted a moment later by a pink unicorn with a yellow, orange and magenta mane. "Hey Cheerilee. Princess Luna wants to see us tonight."

"Tonight?!" Cheerilee sputtered. "What about dinner?"

Toola Roola tapped her chin. "I know of a place that you might like."

"Joe and Gustave's place? I was hoping for something a little more classy than pastries."

"Hey, maybe we can snag something from the Castle kitchens." Starsong added as she entered.

Cheerilee looked at a clock. "So when did her Highness wish to meet with us?"

"Just says 'tonight.'" Toola Roola replied. "I've already notified Papa"

- - -

That evening, the three ponies were in the foyer just outside of Luna's court. Toola Roola presented the note to the pegasus guard who stood outside of a set of double doors. The pegasus took the note and read through it. "Ok, just have a seat and I'll call you when she's ready." The guard stated.

"Hey, I've been waiting here for an hour!" A silver earth pony with a black and gray mane complained. Toola Roola, Cheerilee and Starsong ignored him as they took their seats.

"Sir, you've only been here ten minutes." The guard answered. "These three were-"

"Make 'em wait their turn, I was here first!" The earth pony snapped.

"It's ok Monsieur, we don't want any trouble." Toola Roola offered. She moved to another seat towards the rear of the room.

"It's bad enough that you steal money and crops, now you ribbon-tails are stealing spots in line." The earth pony added. Cheerilee immediately turned on him.

"Now listen here cheese brain." Cheerilee began. "We're not stealing anything. We had an invite."

"Cheerilee. chill, ok?" Starsong said while trying to guide her away. "He's just a Schmetterling." [1]

"Reiten, huh?" The earth pony continued, oblivious to the fact that the guard was sidling away from the door. "Ich zahle dir je zwei Bits für eine tolle Zeit." [2]

"He's all yours Cheerilee." Starsong released her grip. The guard watched in mild amusement as Cheerilee lunged and back-hoofed the other earth pony.

The earth pony rubbed his jaw as Cheerilee settled on a seat again. "Guard, aren't you going to arrest that gypsy wench for assault?"

"I'd say that you got what you deserved for baiting them."

"Lazy flank flutter pony." The earth pony snarked.

The doors to the throne room slammed open as Luna stormed into the foyer. The pegasus guard had moved out of their swing radius, but his mane and feathers were still rustled by the breeze. "HEAR ME NOW THOU LOW-WITTED, MIRROR-EYED, MALT-TONGUED, COB-GNAWING, ONE VESTED GELDING!" Luna declared, glaring at the earth pony stallion. "THOU HAST INSULTED OUR CHILDER, OUR SERVANT AND OURSELVES! DO NOT DARKEN OUR THRONE ROOM WITH THY PRESENCE FOR A MONTH!" The earth pony slowly slunk out of the room. Luna looked over to see Cheerilee and Starsong standing protectively between her and Toola Roola.

"Your Highness, we can explain." Cheerilee stated. Luna raised a hoof.

"We overheard everything. While we are in favor of thee, thou has still technically committed an assault, and this must be addressed."

""We're no strangers to technicalities." Starsong added. Cheerilee cracked a grin.

"Please step inside." Luna invited, returning to the throne room. The three followed. A lime green unicorn stood next to a throne of carved and polished granite, inlaid with silver icons resembling the phases of the moon. "First, allow us to say that other than thy actions in the foyer, none of thee are being charged with anything. Do not ask how, but we know of thee and thy works."

"We're the Dandy Highwaymares that folks are too scared to mention." Starsong began.

"We spend our cash on looking flash, and grabbing your attention." Toola Roola finished, giggling along with the pegasus.

Cheerilee rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Have a little dignity you two. we're in the presence of the Moon Princess."

"Nay Cheerilee." Luna admonished. "Let thy spouse and thy aegis have their merriment."

"Her majesty relishes such occasions." The green unicorn added.

Cheerilee nodded. "Might as well join in." She mused. "So, her Highness called us here to her castle. I assume that there's a problem that needs solving?"

"Correct with both statements." Luna replied. "Tell us, has thou ever heard of Umbratara?"

"It's a zone of untamed magic in Western Equestria." Cheerilee said. "While ponykind has made some progress reclaiming Bohaymia, there's a maelstrom that dominates most of the land."

"Ain't it also where the Roani came from, originally?" Starsong asked, glancing to Toola Roola.

The pink unicorn shrugged. "I've heard that we had to flee that land a millenium ago. And besides, my home is here in the sight of the castle."

"Aye, as Cheerilee hath said. A maelstrom of wild magic sears the land, a consequence of ourselves losing our connection to it." Luna explained. "Umbratara was once our principality to rule, but we were unprepared for such responsibilities."

"I'm just a sweet Umbravestite, from Umbrasexual, Umbraterria." Starsong sang. Cheerilee and Toola Roola blushed in embarrasement.

"We thought thee native to Greater Canterlot. How canst thou have been born there?" Luna quirked an eyebrow.

"Your Highness." Lime leaned over. "She is sharing a piece of pop culture. Umbratara has inspired a whole genre of movies, games and literature."

Luna tapped her chin in thought. "We recall that there are tales of vamponies, luquins, haunted houses, things lurking in the sewers, and even ponies who have given in to their own dark sides."

"Don't forget the things that lurk in the sunless depths of the ocean." Starsong added. "Like Sss'qu'irrrk." She sounded out each fragment phonetically.

"You've read H.P. Lovecolt too?" Lime asked the pegasus.

"Mr Roola's got every one of his stories. Apparantly his grandma knew the guy, and was able to get autographed copies."

"This would be Sagari's mother, we assume?" Luna inquired.

"Yes." Toola Roola stated. "She was a big advocate of literature, especially with the development of movies in that time period."

Luna waved a hoof. "Let that pass for now. What we have summoned thee for is this. We desire to reclaim our domain, but there be a sickness that plagues the land. The soil and plantlife appear to be infested with some kind of widespread taint We wish to find a way to remove it before we risk connecting with the land again, lest we ourselves succumb to the same sickness."

"Ah, Vous êtes l'état." [3] Toola Roola stated. "The ruler and the land influence each-other."

"Indeed. What we request of thee is to find the cause of this sickness and if possible, remove it." Cheerilee raised a hoof. "Aye?"

"Your Highness. I mean no disrespect, but surely you can find more qualified individuals than us." She pointed to herself. "I'm just a schoolteacher." She then indicated Toola Roola and Starsong. "My spouse is a painter and performance artist, and Starsong does little odd jobs around the Chateau and Ponyville."

Luna nodded. "You are as you say. And while we could hire a team of scholars and a squadron of soldiers for this mission, they would draw much unwanted attention."

"How about hiring ninjas?" Starsong replied.



Luna cleared her throat. "Cheerilee. You come highly recommended, both by my sister's protege, and by sources that we shall not mention. Thou art well read in matters of history and folklore, and thy talent shines in all matters oratory. Thou could very well be a ninja as mentioned by thy aegis, and we would be none the wiser." Luna turned to Starsong. "You, on the other hoof, have shown a lack of decorum throughout this whole meeting." The pegasus shrank back. Luna's stern expression softened into a prankish smile. "And that is an asset for thee." She chuckled. Starsong joined in a moment later.

"Well I like having a good time."

"Aye, thy Jollity will be needed to defend thy charges in body and spirit. The Maelstrom and the sickness will surely be taxing."

"As you are my witness, I will do my best to keep them safe and happy." Starsong bowed.

"Aye." Luna looked to Toola Roola. "As for thyself, thou art descended from the Zigany tribes that once lived in Umbratara. Thy ancestors were loyal to the pain, even after our descent into madness." The princess paused to wipe something from her cheek. "Would that we could dry every tear thou shed, still every tongue that spoke against thee, sooth every heart that turned away from thee."

"Princess Luna." Toola Roola began. "Do not cry for us. Instead, let us laugh with you."

"Indeed." Luna smiled again. "Jollity be the name of the game, correct?"

"It's kind of our specialty." Toola Roola replied. "We know how and where to find fun." She said with a wink.

"Your Highness, we'd love to help." Cheerilee began. "But we already have responsibilities at home."

"Aye, as thou art a teacher. But thy duties can be suspended for a time."

"Yes, sorry to-wait, what?" Cheerilee blinked.

"Thou art relieved of duty." Luna stated. "Thou art free to accept this request we have laid before thee. Unless thou does not wish to."

"I'm in." Starsong stated.

"Me too" Toola Roola added. They both looked to Cheerilee, who was fidgeting in place.

"Do I have a choice then?" She asked Luna. "I can't just leave these two to their own devices. Who knows what kind of mischief they could get up to?"

Luna conjured a scroll, and levitated it over to the three ponies. "This then will be our contract. To affirm thy choice, please place a hoof on the space allotted, and the magic within the scroll will perform its function."

Starsong looked through the scroll. "Ok...basic overview of what you asked, why we were chosen, legal mumbo jumbo...Ah, here we go. Each of us is entitled to a royal reward for ourselves, in proportion to our efforts."

"At the very least, we want thee to find the cause for the land's sickness. Our sister and ourselves might be able to devise a way to cure it. If thou art able to find a cure, we would be even more grateful."

"How about dinner?" Starsong asked.

"A most excellent suggestion." Luna exclaimed, looking down from her throne at the trio. "As guests of the castle, thou art allowed to access the dining hall, but be reasonable in thy requests. The chefs be rather firm in what they will and will not prepare." She leaned over, and said as an aside to Lime. "Even if it be ourselves that ordereth an apple and caramel cheesecake shake."

"Woooo!" Starsong raised her front hooves up. "See gals, I told you she'd go for it. The Moon rules! Number one!"

"I do indeed rule." Luna replied, grinning smugly. "But number one? What wouldst our sister say to that?"

"Your Majesty." Lime placed a hoof on the throne's leg-rest. "Princess Celestia has plenty of devoted admirers. You are entitled to these three."

"Perhaps one last adventure before I settle down for good." Cheerilee mused, placing her hoof on the allotted space. As soon as her frog touched the paper, there was a blue flash and a pricking sensation. Cheerilee jerked her hoof away, and saw an imprint of her hoof and frog on the paper. "Well, that's convenient." She said, checking her frog for any sign of injury and finding none.

Toola Roola placed her hoof on the scroll next, wincing a bit as the magic flared briefly around her hoof. Starsong placed her hoof next, then Luna took the scroll with her magic and placed her own hoof on the blank space. "There. All four of us are now bound by this contract. The terms cannot be altered until the mission is complete."

"Do you not trust us to be honorable?" Starsong asked.

"We trust thee to be true." Luna replied. "But to earn thy trust, we have to show that we ourselves are willing to abide by the same terms."

"How soon should we leave, your Highness?" Toola Roola asked.

"We shall allow thee to make preparations. Return here in the morn, and we shall have an airship ready to take thee to Bohaymia."

- - -

"Absolutely not!" A green unicorn stallion stated. "Antonia, I forbid it!"

"Father, we've already made a contract with the Princess. It's magically binding." She protested.

"You will have to go up tomorrow and unbind yourself." The stallion replied. "Umbraterra is no place for you."

Toola Roola looked to the unicorn mare resting on her father's back. "Mother, please."

"Your father's right." The older mare replied sadly. "You are born in blood Roani, your magic won't work there."

"And besides." The stallion added. "Matron Nadezda has sent me reports that there are rogue members of Zadacha in the area." He reached over and patted Toola Roola's shoulder. "I just don't want to lose you, my daughter."

Toola Roola nuzzled the hoof for a moment. "Papa, I hear your concern, but this isn't just for me. This is for mother as well."

Aurelina leaned forward. "Oh? Princess Luna plans to reward me as well?"

Toola Roola nodded. "Find what is making the land sick and fix it. Then all the Zigany may return."

"And what if something happens to you?" Gilbert replied. "Toola Roola, I just can't take that risk. You're too important to me, to the Business." He held a hoof to his chest. "It hurts me to even think of something happening to you."

"Can we discuss this in the morning?" Starsong interrupted. "I think after a good nights rest, we'll all be thinking clearly."

"Alright. We continue tomorrow." Gilbert replied. After Starsong, Cheerilee and Toola Roola left, Gilbert looked to his wife. "They're gonna sneak out early, aren't they?"

Aurelina smiled. "Try as we might, the three of them are stubborn and willful, much like we were when we were younger."

Gilbert sighed and shook his head. "When did I lose control of my children?"

"Did you ever really have it?" A chestnut-colored mare replied as she approached the pair. "I remember asking myself that exact same question whenever you two went off on with Udan on his little adventures."

"But, I still think of her as a little filly. I held her in my hooves."

"I held you in mine, Lucky." Sagari replied, using his colthood nickname. She looked to Aurelina. "How much do you venerate the Moon Princess?"

Aurelina thought. "Its always been a custom to give praise to Luna. I just never thought that placing my trust in her could be so hard."

"You've often told fortunes for others." Sagari said. "But what do the cards say about you?"

"To let them go." Aurelina sighed. "The path they walk is one of their own choosing."

"You win, Mother." Gilbert replied. "We'll let them go and hope for the best." Sagari gave him a comforting hug.

- - -

Early the next morning, Starsong, Cheerilee and Toola Roola slunk into the Ponyville train depot. "That was easy." The pegasus commented. "We managed to slip out without being seen, and by going over the wall instead of through the gatehouse, we managed to avoid the front gate security."

Toola Roola cantered over to the ticket desk. "Three first class tickets to Canterlot, please."

"Right here." The clerk turned around and presented the tickets. Toola Roola skittered back a few paces upon seeing the green stallion.

"P-p-papa?!" She sputtered.

"You seem surprised. Not expecting me?" He slid the tickets towards the edge of the counter. "Go on now. Princess Luna is waiting for you."

Toola Roola accepted the tickets. "You changed your mind, why?"

Funny little story about that. Your Grandma argued for your freedom, but I had a visit from her Royal Highness after that."

- - -

The green stallion walked onto the balcony adjoining his room. He placed two wine-filled goblets on the table, each covered with a stuffed-pepper. After settling on on one of the seats, he looked upwards to the moon. "Princess Luna!" he called out. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm inviting you to talk!" he motioned to the empty seat. "Even if you don't come, I still have something to say!" he lowered his voice. "It's about my daughter, Antonia."

A shimmer in the air resolved itself into the form of the Moon Princess, though she was transparent. "What troubles thee, oh Keeper of the Casino?"

Gilbert blinked. "Oh, uh. She tells me that she made a contract with you. Cheerilee and Starsong did as well."

"Indeed, They entered into it freely and of their own will." the princess replied, levitating the goblet set out for her. "They are of legal age, so that is not an issue."

"I'm concerned about their safety." Gilbert said. "I know that Umbraterra-"

"Tara." Luna corrected. "Please continue."

"It's a harsh land, and Roani gifts don't work there, or so I've heard." He pointed a hoof at her. "I don't know if you have children, or have had children in the past."

Luna approached him. "Thy concern for thy daughters is well merited, but we only ask that they find the cause of the sickness 'pon my land. Once the cause is found, they are free to return home."

Gilbert nodded. "I just want them to come home safely."

"We shall do all we can to ensure their well being," Luna promised. "I would not have asked them if I did not think them capable of such a task."

"Your Majesty, if there's one thing I've learned from Dame Fortuna, it is this. Karmic Justice trumps Legal verdicts. That is what my family puts it's capabilities towards."

"I know. Do not ask how I know, but I have learned a great deal about you and your allies. That is why I came to you and yours first."

Gilbert bowed and twirled a hoof. "Our motto is 'Toujours bon à vos amis.'"

"Be good to your friends," Luna nodded. "I would like to consider you as such."

"Alright. Take the goblet with you, I have many more like it." he motioned to the floating vessel.

"Thank you, Patron Gilbert," Luna replied, before she vanished, taking the offering with her as well.

- - -

"So she was able to convince you to let us go?" Toola Roola asked.

The stallion drew the red and gold croupier stick that he usually carried. "Take this." He passed it along the counter. "It's attuned to me, but it'll help amplify what little magic you can muster." Toola Roola picked up the stick and the tickets.


"It's ok, I can use magic just fine without it. It'll just take a little more effort."

Toola Roola slid the staff under the back of her dress. "Thank you, Papa." She turned and rejoined her friends.

Gilbert looked over to the stallion who was sitting on a cushioned stool. "Thank you for this, Monsieur." He remove the clerk uniform and redonned the attire that was hanging on a nearby coatrack.

"Heh, not a problem." the earth pony replied, putting on the clerk uniform. "I know how important family is."

- - -

The Canterlot Zeppelin tower was a short walk from the Train depot. Toola Roola, Cheerilee and Starsong met with Golden Stare. "I've been instructed by her Majesty to make sure that you're prepared." the pegasus guard stated. "As well as go over the boarding procedures with you."

The three ponies presented their saddlebags for inspection. Golden Stare inventoried the contents of Toola Roola's bag first. "A notebook, some extra clothes, and a bit pouch. Is this all you plan to take?"

Toola Roola nodded. "I know a few ponies in the area, and what they can provide me with."

Golden Stare inserted a folder containing maps and information provided by Luna. "You're taking a big chance on things being available. You know that we can only take you as far as Bohaymia. The Maelstrom prevents thaumatech from working within the rest of the Principality."

"Food won't be a problem." Toola Roola repeated. "I've checked the atlas. It's a three day coach ride from Prahay to Nocne Mesta. We could be there and back in a week."

"Why can't we approach from Dalmatia?" Starsong chimed in. "Or try looping around and flying in from the other side?"

Golden Stare looked to Starsong. "Her Majesty has considered all possible options. Dalmatia and The Aegemane Sea are Diamond Dog territory, and Loshad has restricted their borders and airspace to prevent members of Zadacha from sneaking in or out. Pomarenia was one of the early options, but the Flight Agency declined after the background check, though they didn't say what they found."

"It might be because of the family business." Toola Roola replied. "I understand." She retrieved her pack, then Golden Stare looked through Cheerilee's pack

"Trail mix, a three-pony tent, first aid kit, canteen, compass, binocs, tool kit..." he closed the pack. "At least somepony's prepared."

"I'm probably the only pony who's been on an actual camping trip." Cheerilee replied. "At least I don't have to chaperone a full class this time."

Golden Stare passed the pack back to Cheerilee, then looked through Starsong's gear. "'Margerita's Movie Manual for Managing Macabre Monstrosities, hoofguards, silver hoofguards, rubber mallet, sharpened wooden stake, bag of salt, book of riddles, and a seltzer bottle."

"Yeah, I was hoping I could get her Highness to bless that." Starsong smirked.

The corners of Golden Stare's mouth twitched upwards for a brief moment. The sound he emitted could have been mistaken for stifled sneeze. Regaining his composure, the pegasus passed the pack back to Starsong. "Her Majesty will be here shortly to see your departure, but I wouldn't get your hopes up about her going along with your fanfilly behavior." He said as lead them up the tower where the Zeppelin was docked.

- - -

[1]: Butterfly. (The tonal quality of the language is used to deliver the insult.)
[2]: I'll pay you each two bits for a fun time. (Implication that the three offer 'favors' for low prices.)
[3]: You are The State. (A play on Louis XIV's declaration.)