• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 2,830 Views, 115 Comments

Vortexes are Magic - JeckParadox

The Doctor's in Equestria, he's in love with Luna, and Celestia blames him for everything

  • ...

Stars; Conclusion

Written by Jeck Paradox. Edited by Slateblu1.

"Is it ready?"

"...Yes sir. It's ready."

"Then let us begin." Orbitus took a step forward, and breathed in deeply. He flew into the sky and began taking control of the clouds around him. It was easy, the amount of Pegasus magic inside him had been underestimated. He took confidence in that.

His wings outstretched, and he felt the air, and extended his reach. "A clear day in Unicornia." The clouds above the capital were drawn away. "Light showers in Pegasopolis." Miles and miles away, beyond his sight, it began to rain in the cloud city. His wings began writhing as he took control of about an eighth of Equestria's weather. He began converting more of his unicorn magic to Pegasus.

A quarter of Equestria's weather.

His wings felt like they'd be ripped off, but he had more magic to spare. Three eighths. "RAAAAGGHHHH!!!"

He poured in more and more unicorn magic, but he was running out. He channeled his Earth magic, he had almost three quarters of Equestria.

Orbitus felt excruciating pain in his legs and in his wings, and a huge pressure on his forehead. He was losing control. He began switching his Alicorn magic into Pegasus magic. The wrong choice. As if he had opened some gate inside himself his Alicorn magic rushed out of him, his entire body becoming as ethereal as his mane.

He had never felt power like this. It flooded him, overwhelmed him, it was like there was a thunderstorm in every individual bone. He forced his eyes open, and saw with confusion that he was falling, and that the clouds were moving, but he had long since lost control. His legs jerked with Earth magic, and when they touched the ground the land writhed with life, every prehistoric remain, every fragment of bone or leaf or claw began bursting with the magic of life.

His body went through tremor after tremor, the air swirled around him, and plant life grew around him. He tried to gain control, but his magic was overflowing from the alicorn fibers in his bones. He felt a brief pain as his horn exploded. And one that wasn't brief as his bones began shifting.

He looked up into the air as three shapes, no more... He couldn't tell, flew above him. But when they came close he recognized them. His beautiful wife, his daughters, his son, his closest friend. "I... I..."

"Don't try to talk, I'm trying to siphon it away right now, just relax, alright? Relax."

"I... n-need to say this." Orbitus got out. "I love you all..."

"We know Orb, we know." His wife bent down, and her alicorn magic faded away, her purple hair fell onto his face.

"...will this worko... tria...?"

"Out for Equestria? Of course. No one will ever forget your sacrifice."

"Dad..." Luna gasped out. She turned to Discord. "Can't you heal him?!"

"What could I do?! I don't have the power to heal... I can conjure up anything you want, but I can't... grah!" He bowed deeply to Orbitus. "I'm sorry."

Celestia and Luna laid by his left side, and Umbra laid down on his right. Starswirl sighed and pulled his hat off his head, bringing it over his heart. Orbitus opened his mouth and took in one deep breath. "I... smell flowers." He looked up into the wild, stormy sky, and twitched his wing. The clouds were forced away in every direction, and he saw the blue afternoon sky.

He took a breath, and let it out.

He took another breath, and let it out.

Discord reached down hesitantly and closed both of Orbitus's eyes. "...How do we tell them?"

"Tell who?" Starswirl asked.

"The ponies of Equestria... The entire world actually, the Sun will be under new management from now on." Discord looked toward Umbra. "..My Queen, what should we do? You're in charge now."


Starswirl simply stared at her, and Discord raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"...The 'eternal' monarch is dead. And not only that, he died after only twenty years of rule. This is no longer the monarchy that will last forever. And I'm no more the queen of the night than Orbitus was the King." She looked at her two daughters, forever twelve, that had fallen asleep next to their father's corpse. She shivered and moved them a few feet away from the King. "I'm stepping down, this is now the age of Celestia and Luna."

"You can't be serious!" Discord hissed. "My queen, Luna hasn't begun her 'royal' education, and Celestia has only had what, three years? How many years did you train to be queen?"

"...fourteen hundred." She sighed and looked back down at her husband. "But the problems with our reign had nothing to do with what we were educated on. As long as they're wise and just and have good advisers, they'll be fine."

Discord sighed and sank down to his haunches next to Umbra, and invited the aging wizard to sit next to him. "What are we going to do? He..." Discord covered his face with his arms. "You know, Celestia was the one who rescued me, but Orbitus was the one to let me into his home. Even after showing I was dangerous and a thief.... He wasn't very wise when it came to pets." Discord let out a sad laugh.

Umbra smiled for a second. "But he was wise when it came to friends."

Discord laid himself down, but got up again after some plants that hadn't been there a minute ago poked his back. "His Earth Pony magic went out of control."

Starswirl looked up into the afternoon sky, the same color as the King's mane. A cloud moved slowly across the sky. "The air is alive as well." He stomped the ground. "This entire area has been enchanted uncontrollably and randomly, it's amazing that it's not on fire. Alicorn magic is really something."

Umbra got up. "Should we bury him?" She asked.

Starswirl got up shakily. "I had always thought he would have preferred his body being burned."

"And his ashes kept in a jar to be put in some museum? He would have hated the thought." Umbra shook her head.

Discord looked up at the sun. "I... have a really strange idea."

The Doctor sat in the library and waited for the purple dragon to find the book. The dragon had assured him that the librarian, a miss Sparkle, was not at home or due home for the next hour, which would give him enough time to check out a book on the Everfree, and then he'd hopefully have this week's project.

"Here you go, 'A history of the Everfree Forest', by a 'Green Woods'." The Dragon gave him the thick tome. And the Doctor thanked him. It started out with a short encyclopedia of the proven species to exist within it, and four pages of unproven sightings... and disappearances that are attributed to specific creatures. Already something interesting. He began the actual history of the forest afterwards.

The Everfree Forest is well-known throughout Equestria and outlying countries for several reasons, the first being the variety of dangerous species that are rare outside the forest, this includes species of plants, animals, magical constructs, supernatural sightings, and even diseases, that, as well as the mysterious and strange nature of the forest, have made parents everywhere discourage foals from entering, or even going near the forest. Another peculiar aspect to the modern Equestrian is that the forest is not overseen weather-wise by any Pegasi patrols, the forest itself has it's own climate control apparently inherent to it. Any Earth Pony could also tell you that every plant there is growing of it's own accord, and every animal fends for itself, a gruesome and ancient battle for survival continues to this day within the forest.

But the greatest significance of the forest could be historically, countless battles and events have occurred within the growing boundaries of the forest, but the most significant of all was the creation of the forest, as listed on page 58.

The Doctor flipped to the fifty-eighth page and began reading a biography of a king. About half way through he realized that this was about Luna's dad. The one who chased him into the Tardis. By the end of the page he was sobbing and shivering.

"The Everfree Forest was, ironically, the Great King's last 'gift' to Equestria. The air and ground of the forest is overflowing with the 'First Monarch's' magic, causing plants and weather to grow and move of it's own accord. For millennia the remnants of Equestria's greatest reformer's magical power has been protecting the existence of the great forest for 'ever free of any other pony's influence'."

The Doctor put down the book and ran to the dragon, demanding a biography of King Orbitus. He grabbed it from the now frightened dragon and went to the end. Something he hated. But there was an epilogue. He hurriedly paged through the back of the book, frustrated, when the librarian came back early from her afternoon with her friends, and caught sight of him. "You!" The Doctor tossed the book to her, and she caught it. "What do you think you're doing, barging into my library and-"

"How did King Orbitus die?!"


"How did he die!?" The Doctor rushed up to her, and summoned his wings to hold her in place. "How?!"

"H-he tried to control all the weather in Equestria, and in doing so he exerted himself too much, and accidentally gave himself Magic overload... why?"

"He's Luna's dad you twit!" He sunk down to his flank. "Oh Luna...."

Twilight stared at hims for a second before stealthily flicking her horn. But the doctor reached his sonic screwdriver and somehow changed the direction of the chains midair. They flung around and wrapped themselves around Spike. "Hey!"

The Doctor got up, patted Twilight on the back twice and flew out the window.

"...He escaped again."

Umbra was wearing a full black dress that went well with her purple coat. Celestia and Luna were wearing similar ones. Discord was wearing a full black tuxedo and Starswirl has removed his Mage's coat and hat for the day. Beyond them were hundreds of similarly dressed ponies. It was a field of black and rainbow as the colorful ponies all bowed their heads one final time, showing their black-clothed backs to the sky.

Then Umbra and Starswirl stepped forward. Their horns glowing they created a blue pond of magic in midair. Celestia and Luna then both lifted the casket into the air with their horns, but they both kept their wingtips on it. They slowly pushed it forward through the air until it was above their Mother's and Starswirl's magic pond. They then slowly lowered the casket into the pond, and the surface wavered and shook as it entered. Umbra choked back a sob, causing the surface to ripple. Discord then came forward, and clapped both hands together once. The pond became a bright sky blue. The casket was fully submerged in the magical water.

"He tried to save Equestria from chaos twice. The second time... appeared to be a failure." Umbra slowly said in the Royal Canterlot voice. "But we cannot let it be so. The bureaucracy will be destroyed, and we will rebuild Equestria yet again. We will not allow my Husband's sacrifice be in vain." She then did her spell, mixed with Discord's and Starswirl's, that turned the magic pool into a portal. It was enveloped as Celestia and Luna moved the Sun and the Moon. Creating a solar Eclipse. The first in millenia.

The portal closed and the five of them, once six, looked up at the Solar eclipse not blinking. But only Discord could see the casket appearing before the sun, and it falling and burning in an instant. But he flinched as the sun became brighter for a millisecond, then returned back to normal. The five of them then turned to the field of ponies. And their words would be repeated throughout the Kingdom.

"....Equestria was redesigned seventeen years ago to be an eternal monarchy... and the King has died. However... By Equestria's eternal laws, there cannot be a replacement. As is such... as of now, Princess Celestia will be given position of High Queen, and I shall step down." Celestia looked down nervously, but with a tiny nudge from Luna she looked back up with a practiced determined expression. "It was a pleasure to serve you all for these seventeen years, I only wished that it would have lasted longer."

Celestia sighed and shook her head. "I apologize Mother... But I am the Princess, and the King and Queen are eternal. There will be no other King in Equestria beside Orbitus, and no Queen other than Umbra. However, if you will still step down, then you do have Princesses, you do have Regents."

Umbra looked at Celestia with confusion, but she stepped down. "As you wish. Equestria from this moment is under the Rule of Princess Celestia, Regent of the Day."

"And Princess Luna, Regent of the Night." Celestia added. Causing Luna to get a nervous look of her own. "That will be all for now.... I will hold the first court of Princesses in two hours, the entirety of the House of Decision, and the Public Court, and the Royal Court shall be present.... That is all."

And Celestia marched away from the other four, she looked back toward Luna and motioned for her to follow. Luna let her head fall a little lower and followed. The Ponies gathered then roared together. "THE OLD KING IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE PRINCESSES!"

Luna choked back a gasp and Celestia held back tears as they marched together toward the courtroom.

"....I wonder if I still have a job." Starswirl said quietly. "Maybe I'll go back to being a professor."

Umbra nuzzled him slightly. "You think they won't need your help?"

"No... they're both smarter than me. And I already taught them as much as I possibly could."

Discord looked at the field of ponies who were mulling about. Some were rushing to their Princesses, others came to the edge of the stage where Umbra, Discord, and Starswirl still were, and others were leaving the area.

Umbra sighed. "Discord... could you teleport me to my room? I need some time to be alone..."

"Of course My Queen."

"Don't call me that."

"...Umbra then? Or Mom?"


Discord gave a warm toothy smile and snapped his claw, teleporting himself and Umbra to her room.

Starswirl stood and looked at the eclipse above. "Goodbye old friend."

Luna looked at the perfectly round gem and ignited her spell. It glowed blue for a few seconds before becoming bright white. It began slowly floating upward. "...It's perfect!" She said finally.

It didn’t sink, or explode, or collapse into a black hole. It had absolutely the right amount of light, and the little flame inside was moving and alive. She held the light in her hooves and spun around in a little dance. "It's absolutely perfect... one down... billions to go." She sighed. She looked at it and frowned. "Where should I put it?"

She walked outside and looked over the blackness that was the sky. She frowned and stuck out her tongue in concentration. "hmm... perfect genius, or completely random.... I'm not going to say that I'm a genius... But I don't want it to be random. Hmm...." She conked herself on the head with one hoof. "I should show Starswirl!"

She wrapped the star with a towel and galloped down the halls to Starswirl's tower. The aging unicorn hadn't been doing as well in the year since Orbitus's death. But he still had life in him. "Starswirl! I finally did it!"

He looked up from the ancient tome he was making and smiled at the Princess. "Oh? Let's see it then!"

Luna proudly unwrapped the sphere and showed it to the Mage. His eyes became pinpricks. "So... this is your 'star'?"

"...Yes, isn't it beautiful! I grew the crystal myself, and the spell making it light up is powered by moonlight, so as long as the moon is there it'll always have power!"

"You've thought of everything. Why is it so small though?"

"Well, the higher up it gets and the closer to the moon it gets the brighter it will become... but for now my main problem is production. It took me a week to grow this one, and I need a billion!... At the very very least eighty million. Most won't be this big either, but still, it'll take a humongous amount of time and effort...."

"If you grow them one at a time..." The ancient unicorn did calculations in his head. "about 500,000 years."

"I think I can grow maybe 400 at once... and who knows, along the way I might be able to do it better and better!"

"So 1200 years to reach the bare minimum."

Luna nodded. "Um... I was thinking that you could help me?"

Starswirl smiled. "You know I was looking for a new project." The Unicorn pulled out another large tome and coughed as some dust was knocked into the air.

“Are you sure you don’t want to become my and Celestia’s adviser... you know how she handles court.”

“I’m sure, but thanks for the offer Luna. You’re my student. But you know better than me. I was Orbitus’s student in a way, and I just helped him with his judgement. I don’t need to help you two, and you really don’t need my help.”

Luna thanked him and flew out the window, the star-towel dangling from her mouth as she relished in the noon breeze. She looked at the blue sky, and thought about her efforts finally coming to fruitition. The Doctor would be so proud... She shook her head. It would be another year at the latest before he came back. And she decided she was okay with that.

Thirty thousand years later the Doctor sat on the cloud-house he had carved for himself over the Everfree. The Tardis was parked in the corner and the sky was peaceful above him. He had a lawn chair and a tanning mirror, as well as some sunglasses that didn't fit well because they were designed for a human. But he was relaxing. In a few days there would be a dragon migration, and he'd throw himself into danger for a while, or maybe just talk with old Frostscale or Greenbit. He didn't follow much of a plan nowadays. He hadn't tired of adventure, it just never came up. In the old days there was always some kind of distress signal or thing to show someone else. He was sitting there, restricted because he couldn't find out about his and Luna's future, because he didn't have any universe-shattering enemy, because, well, he didn't have any enemies. He considered looking for the other Daleks, who knows? Maybe they escaped way back when. Changelings were always a problem, but he refrained from looking for them after he found out what happened to a good portion of the Pegasi population in Cloudsdale. A lot of the ponies there had made big connections with disguised Changelings, there were prominent families who became disgraced after finding their Grandfather's had been a Changeling, families broken up because one of the spouses, and sometimes their children, were changelings. Sunflower herself had found out the neighbor she had been friends with for fourteen years was a Changeling. Nevertheless, when he found them he tried to find ways for them to coexist, or he'd just release their prisoners and not bother to see where they went. He was sure they had a bounty for him by now.

It was boring. That was the word. Four years of being restricted to a few select time periods. He was done with it, he decided. ‘Sorry Luna, I just couldn't stay away the whole five years’ He'd say. And then they'd be whisked off on adventure.... that’s what always happened in his head. But he always found something to do and managed stayed true to his promise.

Today though he got a visitor. A lone Zebra walking through the forest. He had seen her before, and was 80% sure she knew he was up there and just didn't care. He watched her make her way through the forest of doom and eventually found her way to a river where a kind Sea Serpent he got to know let her pass. He followed her to a stone castle, one he recognized as Luna's and Celestia's shared castle. The Zebra poked around and eventually made her way up to the highest peak. The Doctor decided to make himself known to her after she only looked at everything present for a half hour.

"Hello miss!"

The Zebra turned her head to him and smiled. "Hello Doctor, do not mind me, I am simply admiring all the scenery."

"Oh?" He decided to leave the question of how she knew him to a later time. "This is the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, correct? I understand it's historical significance. But it's not exactly very pretty to look at."

"Hmph, I disagree. This is the most important place in all of Everfree." She pointed toward a spire where six broken pedestals lay. "That is where lay the Elements of Harmony, from where Luna from Nightmare broke free."

"Nightmare?! What happened? Actually, no, don't tell me... it's not a good idea."

"Why would it not be? You would come to know either way eventually." the Zebra mare gave him a smile. "You swoon for the Princess of the Night, but do not know of what will be her greatest plight?"

The Doctor frowned. "Please don't tell me. If I know the future... then it's bound to happen."

"What has already happened will come to pass. Nightmare Moon is a name that long will last, I'm surprised you haven't already heard of her. After all, you stood in her lair."

The Doctor frowned. "Who are you? What's my connection with you?"

"I am a spiritualist Doctor. And we become great friends in the far future." She smirked. "I am called Zercora."

"Hmph. Well Zecora, you seem to already know a lot about me, so I'm sure you know what will happen if I know the future."

"You always had a knowledge of the future, present, and past. Just not anything in between."

"You stopped rhyming."

"So I did, it gets cryptic at times, but I find peace in rhymes." Zecora blushed. "And here I go again."

"Well, that was an interesting chat Zecora." He then eyed the destroyed room one more time before flying off. It was a close call. And he decided he couldn't stand it any longer. He would go see Luna.

Court was in session, just like every weekday since Celestia first took the crown, but every day seemed to only get more stressful. Celestia gave a deep sigh as the nobles debated and screamed at each other as always. She rubbed her brow and silently cried out against whatever force created Alicorns for not making them susceptible to painkillers. She had a constant headache. The doors were pushed open as Luna walked into the courtroom for the first time that week. "Luna! Glad you could make it. I already forgot about what we were debating."

The Earth Pony scribbling down the minutes looked up at her. "We are debating a 0.02% tax raise on imported rice, your Highness."

"Yes, rice. You wouldn't want to miss out on that, would you?"

"I have something far more important." Luna assured.

Celestia sighed. Noticing that not a single noble had noticed that their Princesses were speaking, or even that Luna entered the room. "Sorry Luna, but I need to stay here."

"I can show you... I think it'll make the court speechless as well."

Celestia laughed. "Then I'll fund it. Show me."

Luna smiled and unfurled her towel, revealing the Star. Everyone in the court was hushed by the warm light. Celestia relished in the silence, but she knew what Luna's light meant. "So... you're ready?"

"Nowhere near... but in the next thousand years..."

Celestia nodded. "We'll deal with it when the time comes, in the meantime though, thank you so much for shutting them all up." Giving a sweet smile to the abashed Lords. But then both Princesses ear’s perked up. “Did you hear that?”

There was a whooshing sound in the courtroom, and both of the Alicorn's hairs stood on end. "What...." Celestia looked to her side, and sure enough, there was a blue box fading into existence. "No." She said simply. "Why now?! It's a year early!"

Luna looked at the box and felt a wide smile appearing on her face. "Doctor?" She asked.

The box came fully into existence. The door opened, and a stallion stood there, smiling at her. "Hello Lulu... I couldn't wait another year..." He was interrupted by being lifted from the floor by the Alicorn Princess, who was officially taller than him. She kissed him, and he shrugged and kissed her back.

She then set him back down in the Tardis and walked in herself. "Ooh! You redecorated!" She smiled. "So, have you come to finally marry me?"

"Yes, definitely, would you marry me?" He asked, pulling out a ring he got ages ago for her horn.

"No." The Doctor sank to his haunches.

"What?" He asked, not really angry, just surprised. Luna shut the door and looked at him.

"Doctor, my body is still early thirteen. And that's just the first problem. I'm still too young for you chronologically."

"I never had a problem with that."

"Well... I decided I did. The last time you contacted me, you said to become my own mare. I was looking forward to your arrival... but I stopped counting the hours so to say. My father..." Luna suddenly became angry. "My Father... he died."

"Yes, and I-"

"You didn't tell me he would die! You said he was still there in the future!" She shouted at him in the Royal Canterlot Voice. His ears actually bled. Her speaking quietly and politely for a prolonged period was enough to make a pony deaf, but her crying and screaming... "I always thought I'd never have to fear death! I thought I'd spend an eternity with my Dad and my Mom!...." She sank to her haunches. "I'm sorry... I know why you'd decide not to tell me but... why would you lie? Why didn't you come and see me afterwards!"

The Doctor backed away and looked at the crying filly in front of him. "Oh Luna, I'm so sorry." He said quietly. He sank to the ground. “I... well, I didn't lie. I almost never lie. And especially about something as important as this... when you asked me if I met you and your family in the future... I didn't know they weren't there. I just said I didn't meet them yet. I didn't see Umbra, or Orbitus, or Discord, or Starswirl in the future... but I don't know whether they left, or died or... I don't know. I don't know the future. If I know too much I'd try to change it! Even if I only did a little, even if I tried not to. I try to know as few details as possible, and as much in general as possible. I'm sorry Luna... As for coming to see you." The Doctor shifted his hooves. "I'm sorry I didn't. If it means anything at all, as soon as I found out I mourned as well... but that means nothing. Less than nothing. I have no excuse. I'm sorry Luna."

The two of them sat in the Tardis, Luna crying. The Doctor watching her with sympathy. They did this for hours, and only broke out of the cycle when the Tardis alerted them that there was a nuclear beam aimed at the Tardis's force fields.

Luna hiccuped. "Celestia's probably worried 'bout me."

"Heh, yeah.... So how should we go about this?"

"About what?"

"Should I turn myself in?"

"To Celestia?! Oh definitely not..."

"If it means that I get to see you then-"

"Doctor, stop it... please don't flirt with me right now."


"Maybe someday. But not now, not for a while.... unless we don't have much time?"

"We have millenia and millenia Luna, that I'm sure. You were older than me when I first met you, and I was one of the oldest things in my universe."

"Then we should give it a while..." Luna said.

The Doctor sat. "Then what am I supposed to do?"


"Luna, my adventures just aren't as fun without you. They're still fun... but I'm not, oh my god this will sound cheesy. But I don't feel completely complete without you."

Luna smiled. "I don't know, become your own stallion? Don't be too dependent on me?"

The Doctor shook his head. "Heh... hahaha!" He laughed for another minute or so before calming down. "I waited four years to be turned down and given my own advice. Well, that's kind of new." He looked up at Luna sadly. "Could we still travel together sometimes?"

Luna considered it, and nodded. "Doctor... I want to give you something."

The Doctor looked at her expectantly when she pulled out her towel-wrapped star. "What's in there?"

"You might want to close your eyes."

"No thanks."

Luna smiled and once again uncovered her star. She handed it to the Doctor, who looked at it with wonder. It was a spherical crystal, and inside it was what appeared to be a constantly shifting pure white fireball. A tiny sun. He let a tear fall. "A star..."

"Yes Doctor."

"You're giving me a star?"

"My first star."

The Doctor looked down at the object in his hooves. He had collected treasure from all time in the Tardis. He had even turned down a Van Gogh from Vincent himself. But this crystal in his hand was the most valuable of all. "Could... Could you put it up with all the others?"

"All the others?"

"Yes, I suppose they wouldn't be up there yet." He gave her a hug, and handed her back the crystal. "But... when you're finished, could you put this one up there last? So I could watch?"

Luna smiled even wider. "Of course."

The Doctor opened the doors and smiled at the angry white Alicorn and the palace guards stomping on the force field. Luna walked out, meeting the congratulations and sympathy of the soldiers, while Celestia glared at the stallion still inside the box. "Luna! I'll meet you there to look at the Moon."

"I think I'll be there too." She glared at her sister and the guards. "Alone."

The Doctor gave a giddy laugh and jumped back into his box. And it whoosh-whooosh-whooooosshhhed out of the timeline.

Luna stood on the great pedestal in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, in the heart of Equestria, near the newly grown and named 'Everfree Wood'. She stood at her full height. She was 12,052 years old. Before her were the Lords of each of the neighboring nations, and behind them were representatives of every friendly nation in the World. She sighed and looked up in the sky. She had managed to do it, flown up there and touched the fabric of it. And after only six hundred years of trying. She attached every star as she made it. Spent long days and nights mapping it out, touring the world to look at it from different directions and perspectives. She made shapes that could form differently from different directions, and arranged them by brightness and in relation to the Moon.

And now... she was going to turn them on. She had received the temporary permission from almost every nation. And she was ready.

"Ponies, Griffons, Dragons, Minotaurs, Dogs, all species of intelligence and understanding.... I present to you... my gift to the world. Something that will outlive me. Something that everything in the world can enjoy together. She looked up and smiled. And lit her horn. The Moon shifted slightly, completing the magic grid.

And the sky was lit up. She backed away from it in fear for a second. But she stopped. The blackness had become a purple-blue dotted with whites and yellow sparks. Celestia gaped at the sky, and she heard some scattered applause. Discord stood by her and gave her a congratulatory hug. Starswirl fell to his back laughing. But soon all was quiet, simply staring up at the sky. No doubt there were now beings everywhere in Equestria watching the sky. All entranced in her work. But one Pegasus made his way through the distracted crowd of nobles and stood by her. "Congratulations Luna... It's absolutely beautiful."


"But It's missing one thing."

"Oh?" Luna smiled. "You noticed?"

"Of course I noticed, I came from a world with way more stars, remember, and I could recognize every one." He pointed straight upward. "My star isn't up there."

"It's not perfect yet." Luna said. "So I'm not going to put it up there until I'm sure I'm done."

"I think it's beautiful." The Doctor said simply. He leaned a little closer to Luna, and smiled. Discord noticed him finally, drawing his eyes temporarily from the night sky. He smiled and stepped away.

She leaned a little closer as well.

They kissed under the first starry sky.

“Marry me?” The Doctor asked.

Luna considered for a second. “Sure.”

(Image source); http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/162/5/1/equestria_at_night_by_darcowalways-d4ct67w.png

Comments ( 41 )

So... Happy. DALEKS DO NOT CRY! Shut up little bit of my mind programmed to RP! This is just so happy!

2141690 i would say humany wumnay but you aren't a human so i shall go with liquid pride


2142520 I'm not completely human actually. I once thought I was an Asian Homo Sapiens named Kevin, but now I'm not so sure.

2147148 i once thought i was a normal human then the doctor told me their is no such thing as a normal human so i guess that explains me more and more


2147604 I'm a bodysnatcher who got amnesia when my victim was about 3. And this isn't my OC either. This is all TRUE. I can't lie since Kevin's mother yelled at me one time when I lied.


2147604 Also, I'm not entirely sure that you are telling the truth after all, I've met hundreds upon thousands upon billions of people who say that happened.

2152250 they've met a man with a box that's smaller on the outside who can travel through time and space and saving worlds while being all sorts of marvelous?


2152855 Yes, they have told me that. And so have you. Now please break character before I send you a virus or something.

2153748 please no biological warfare in the comments section, thank you.


2154063 I meant a computer virus.

2157290 I' rather you didn't do that either.

2153748 but i don't wanna because twilight will become an alicorn if i do.....


2157840 *slaps* open your eyes, she already has and you know it! Now, drop your delusions and I'll try to drop mine even though they're all I have left of me.


1622050 Sycorax, my friend.

2158945 no that's a lie a lie i say i don't want your damn cake


2160125 I don't have any cake! Though I am a good baker. That's not the point! The point is I'm sick of talking to people RPing as the Doctor's companions. Goodbye! Also, you may want to watch the latest episode of MLP FIM.

2162369 i did it doesn't mean i have to accept it just like i don't accept that the ponds are gone


2162790 Now you're probably claiming you're the doctor. I didn't like it when they died too.

2163502 I think they had a good death, as far as companions go, they got the best deal, living together peacefully in New York their entire lives. I mean, Rose got trapped in another universe, Martha.... Donna lost her memory and became as stupid and insufferable as she was in the first episode with her, River got her own season and then was only a background character, the Ponds had probably the best Companion deaths.


2164224 I suppose so. I think the angels kept hunting them down though remember. They'd get sent back repeatedly. Remember New York is a time farm.

2166802 Well, even if they were constantly in the presence of angels, they were together, and they said Amy became a publisher, she published River's book, remember? So they must have been left alone at some point.

2163502 i never said i was a mad man with a box


2168382 I never said you were.


2166857 Yes I suppose they were. Probably left to build up P. E.

2168622 never said i wasn't or i was


2169426 Potential Energy. There's more to eat that way.

Next time please refer to it as potential energy instead of PE.
Even hardcore Doctor Who fans such as myself have trouble figuring out what the acronyms mean.


2748828 That was a few months ago. Why are you telling me now. Did it take you that long to figure it out? NO offense.

Sounded to me like you meant as much offense as you could and hoped you would get away with it. :raritycry:


2751676 WHY! Why am I so naturally a dick! WHY! :raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair:

2751823>>2751676 you know, I keep getting notifications and thinking, 'hey! Someone has something to say about Vortexes!'
But Nope!
Just you two arguing. :raritydespair:

Oh yeah erm...
Vortexes are magic is great :twilightsheepish:
Er, make more...I guess? :yay:


2751907 I was actually quite sad when it ended. I wish you'd make more.

2752017>>2751914 there's actually a sequel in the works. It's first chapter can be found here

2779493 there's a bit, but she gets her own backstory and characterization later on, and the reasons she really hates him are in the sequel 'Royal Doctor'

Well, I read everything from start to finish and I enjoyed it a lot though I would have liked a resolution between the Doctor and Celestia but this ending is nice too.:twilightsmile:

3510789 Thank you. I had a sequel in the works, but I lost interest in it unfortunatly... I might still make it someday, but It's unlikely.
But to tie up loose ends;
Discord goes back in time with the Doctor and finds out the Draconequus were horrible monsters, and goes crazy, but gets better in the future.
The Doctor and Luna are happily married, until she goes Nightmare Moon. He supports her in one reality and turns against her in another, and Pinkie has to repair the timeline damage done by the alternate Doctors.
The alt-Doctor who supported Luna goes Nightmare Doctor, and threatens to reshape reality with time travel, as Equestria is proven to not have fixed points, and then the universe created the Master as a light warrior to combat him.
The good Doctor then fights in a three way with Nightmare Doctor and Unicorn Master, Sombra gets involved, and in the end, The Doctor wins, and lives with Luna again in the future.
Celestia hates and fears him in the present because she remembered his power as Nightmare Doctor, through magic or something.
Whew!! I hope that covers any questions about what happens after you might have, but personally, I'm fine with just letting them have this happy ending.

3511933 Yep, that pretty much covers any questions I might have had:twilightsmile:

Plizz more

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