• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 2,830 Views, 115 Comments

Vortexes are Magic - JeckParadox

The Doctor's in Equestria, he's in love with Luna, and Celestia blames him for everything

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Daleks in Equestria Part 3

Luna and Celestia pointed their horns at the ship and diverted any magic that wasn't being used for the banishment spell into the blast. It hit the saucer's shields and seemed like it would not make any head way, but then they shattered without warning and the beam burned into the hull of the saucer.

After it had been a few seconds the Doctor screamed "NOW!" and Twilight teleported the Doctor into the vehicle through the hole.

The Doctor didn't even check to see he was alright, he just pulled out his screwdriver and started screwing up every system he found, taking care to completely deactivate any weapons. "YOU WILL DESIST!" screamed a light blue Dalek. It began firing at the Doctor, who only managed to survive it because of a force field that came up out of nowhere. He looked around for the source but couldn't find it. He decided to accept the mysterious gift and continued wrecking the vehicle from the inside. "DESIST! DESIST!" the blue Dalek shot at him, and upon bouncing against the force field began firing it's laser at him point blank, the shield quivering from the charge.

The Doctor waved his screwdriver at the Dalek, using the ship's controls to deactivate the soldier's shield, then the Doctor deactivated his weapons. "Too easy!" The Doctor laughed, looking at the Dalek's waving but now useless gun arm. The Dalek looked at his gun arm and then redirected his stalk eye to the Doctor. "It... was too easy..." The blue Dalek tackled the mysterious force field, causing cracks to appear along it's length.


"eep!" The Doctor jumped to the side as the force field shattered, the Dalek's momentum flipping him over and sending him against the wall. "Teleport... Teleport... Teleport!" The Doctor found the correct controls and with a few quick movements with the Sonic the machinery activated, sending him back to the ground.

With a guest.

The blue Dalek had landed on his side in the road nearby. And it levitated itself to get a clear look at the Doctor. "... THE GROUND WORKS TOO."

"Oh dear..."

The five friends, the twelve guards, and the two Princesses looked up with some hope at the shaking space ship, Twilight and Rarity trying to pick up on teleportation magic, Celestia and Luna focusing on their banishment spells. Rainbow Dash was building up Pegasus magic in her wings to do an emergency Rain-boom, just in case. Applejack and Fluttershy stood around awkwardly, not knowing what they could do for the situation.

"It's ready!" Celestia shouted.

"Mine will be in another minute." Luna said, struggling with the magic in her horn.

Celestia looked at Luna and frowned. "You're almost three times faster at this spell than me."

"Sorry, I uh... Practiced a lot on the moon, I was still pretty angry... I wanted to be prepared for revenge."

Celestia frowned at the news but decided that it was best not to bring up the past at the moment. "Good, it's useful right now..."

"The Doctor is out!" Twilight shouted.

"How could you tell? I didn't sense anything!" Rarity asked.

"He's over there!" Twilight pointed down at the Doctor being chased by a blue trashcan with several things sticking out of it.

"What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack said, cringing when it collided with a street lamp in a desperate attempt to tackle the Doctor.

"A Dalek I presume." said Celestia grimly. "Sister? Are you ready? Your war-criminal boyfriend is safe."

"I'm ready." Luna said, apparently not hearing the last part.

The two sister's spells shown from their horns, gigantic circles of light, decorated with symbols and images of the sun and moon, spiraling together, Luna's blue, Celestia's yellow. "AS PRINCESS OF EQUESTRIA I HAVE FOUND YOU GUILTY FOR GRIEVOUS CRIMES AGAINST EQUESTRIA, IT'S CITIZENS, AND IT'S PROPERTY. YOU SHALL BE BANISHED!" the two sisters shouted simultaneously.

"TO THE MOON!" Celestia shouted.

"TO THE SUN!" Luna shouted. And the spirals burst from the Princesses' horns and enveloped the ship, with every circle it faded and became yellow and blue energy. The lights spun around in a double helix, then shot in different directions, one notably heading upward toward the sun.

"Well, that leaves only one problem left." Twilight said, letting out a sigh of relief that it had gone off without a hitch.

"Two actually, and from the looks of things one is going to solve the other first." Celestia said smugly, looking down at the pathetic battle to the death that was unfolding on the street below. The Dalek would charge at the Doctor, while said target of attack would manage to get away just in time, looking like a fool while doing so. This continued for about a minute and a half with no sign of which would be the winner, when Luna sighed and flew down to help the Doctor.


"For some reason that doesn't make me feel inclined to free you." Celestia said, marching around and around the chained up Dalek. "Has anypony reported anything on the whereabouts of Pinkie Pie?"

"No your majesty. I'm afraid not, we have searched every dwelling in Ponyville and the surrounding area. We have soldiers and volunteers shifting though the forest for her as well."

"VENGEANCE! VENGEANCE!" with these words everyone in the room turned to look at the Dalek.

"Did you have anything to do with Pinkie's disappearance?!" Twilight said angrily to the war machine.


"Alright, everyone, we need to find Pinkie Pie, if for no reason other than to petrify this horrible creature as soon as possible." Celestia ordered. "Luna..."

"Yes sister?" Luna replied sweetly.

"Where is the Doctor?"

"He had to go check up on the Tardis." Fluttershy offered.

"That box! Luna, allow me to make you a deal, destroy the Doctor's machine and i'll pardon him of his past crimes, seeing as he will not have committed them, heck, he'd be a hero."

"Celestia, if we destroyed the Tardis, he would not have met me in the first place, and none of his 'war crimes' would have ever happened, but then we would have no reason to destroy the Tardis, it would be a paradox!"

"Well, we won't know until we try, will we?" Celestia said, getting up. "You, darlec, how can we destroy the Tardis?"


"I thought you hated the Doctor."

"I DO, BUT FOR PERSONAL REASONS... REASONS THAT WILL BASH HIM INTO THE GROUND!" The Dalek waved his gun and plunger arms, attempting to kill whatever would come close enough.

"Fine, i'll have to do it myself... Luna. What are you doing? Luna, stop!" the princess of the night had charged out of the open window and into the sky.

"Ugh... Twilight, you and your friends make sure that the Dalek does not escape, Captain Doting will assist you." said armored mare gave a salute and turned toward the Dalek, smiling. "I will go after Luna, hopefully things will turn out."

"Yes Princess." Twilight gave a short bow, followed by Doting and Twilight's friends.

"Good." and Celestia launched herself off the balcony with such speed that Rainbow Dash herself let her jaw drop an inch.

All the ponies in the room then turned to Dalek Sar, hoping to take their newly appointed guard duty seriously. "Not so tough are you now?" Rainbow Dash said, taunting the Dalek, "What were you saying earlier? That you were going to exterminate us?"

"AFFIRMATIVE. THIS IS ONLY A SETBACK. THE OTHERS WILL... THIS IS UNFORTUNATE." the Dalek's eye stalk fell. "I AM BEING PUNISHED... no one... is coming for me..." it looked at the ponies who were now staring at him awkwardly. "How long til i am to be 'petrified'?"

Fluttershy couldn't take anymore. "You're all alone, aren't you?"

"Yes... the others have either, through some ridiculously small chance actually have been affected by your monarch's waste of energy been 'banished', or have undergone emergency temporal shift, leaving this timeline. And even if they can come back for me, they won't. I am being punished."

"What are you being punished for?" Fluttershy asked.

"... I added the 'TWO MINUTES' part." he mimicked Jeck's voice perfectly as he said it.

"Oh you poor thing... you're all alone, you were being forced to do something you didn't want to do, don't worry, we'll help you."

"Fluttershy was it? You are at this moment dangerously close to committing treason." Captain Doting said calmly. "This thing tried to kill us all less than an hour ago. Not only that, but from what I've heard from that strange stallion with the hourglass this thing has killed lots of other ponies somewhere else."

"But that's the saddest part! He didn't want to do any of it."

"...EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN! I AM DALEK, THE GREAT EXTERMINATOR, I VENTURED TO THIS UNIVERSE AND UNDERWENT GENETIC TRANSMOGRIFICATION FOR THE SOLE REASON TO EXTERMINATE THE DOCTOR AND WHATEVER GOT IN OUR WAY! AND BEFORE THEN I WAS PROUD TO BE DALEK. PROUD TO PURIFY THE UNIVERSE OF ALL THAT IS NOT DALEK! I HAVE WITNESSED THE BURNING OF FORESTS OF INTELLIGENT TREES, THE DEATHS OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENTS CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO MY IDEAS AND PLANS! I WAS PROMOTED TO A MEMBER OF THE CULT OF SKARO FOR MY ASTOUNDING CRUELTY! I-I-I PLANNED THE DEATHS OF SO so so... so many... why am I feeling like this?" The Dalek had tried to begin spinning, but he couldn't. "C-could one of you rotate my pedestal in circles?" Sar had been chained to a gigantic stone pedestal, not unlike the one of discord. When Celestia assembled the Elements again she would have them petrify him atop of his eternal resting place. 'to save the trouble of detaching him from the ground and placing him again' as Celestia stated.

"Would that make you feel better?"


Fluttershy gave a glance to Captain Doting, who only shrugged. Fluttershy tried pushing on the pedestal but it didn't move. "Sorry..." she fluttered up to the Dalek. "Should i fly around in circles?"

"Yes." Fluttershy happily complied, flying around it for a few minutes.

Captain Doting itched her chin and looked up at the blue Dalek as it followed Fluttershy with his eye stalk. "What did it say about 'emergency temporal shift'?" she said, trying to mimic the Dalek's slightly metallic, slightly raspy, and mostly screaming voice. "About leaving the timeline?"

"YOU WILL NOT GET INFORMATION FROM ME!" the Dalek screamed, making Fluttershy drop a foot in fright before remembering her wings. "I WILL TELL YOU NOTHING! I HAVE ALREADY FAILED IN MY MISSION TO EXTERMINATE THE DOCTOR... and i have lost my pride as a Dalek thanks to these accursed new emotions..." The Dalek began watching Fluttershy with his eye stalk again, as she had resumed her orbit around him. "and... and... GAH! I MAY BE A FAILURE, BUT I AM NO TRAITOR!" The Dalek shouted at Doting.

"Fluttershy, stop spinning around that thing. He doesn't deserve any gratification." Doting said, giving a dark smirk at the war machine.

The Dalek looked down sadly at the pegasus pony who had landed on the ground. Then he began spinning his 'head', the steel dome that had an attached eye stalk and large lights. He gave up after a few minutes, looking down at the ponies who had began strained conversation. But his eye stalk fell upon Fluttershy the most often. >That one has made me feel shame, i shall torture her the most< he thought to himself. But a stronger, deeper, more permanent and natural voice from within himself rose up in anger from within him. >You sicken me, she has shown you undeserved kindness and you blame her for your previous lack of conscience.< >I AM DALEK SAR! DO NOT LECTURE ME!< >I AM DALEK SAR! DO NOT INSULT YOUR OWN DWINDLING HONOR!< Then Sar realized that voices in his head might be a sign of insanity. "I am insane." Sar finally said out loud.

"It's too late to plead insanity, the trial ended when you threatened the kingdom." Doting said to the Dalek.

"I do not plead anything, I simply came to that realization when I heard the various voices within my mind."

Everypony stared at the Dalek, slightly more disturbed by him as he stared back.

"I'm bored. I wonder if he's gone to the future yet." Pinkie said. Climbing back out of the coat. She moved around on the tips of her hooves, something that would normally actually make sharper, louder sounds on the floor, but with Pinkie it made her steps utterly silent. She sneaked to the exit of the pool/wardrobe and had a quick look around, the Doctor was standing by the Tardis's module. Flipping levers, spinning spinny things, pressing buttons, and even a few notes on a cannibalized piano. Pinkie painfully resisted the urge to touch everything. She considered it in her mind, if they had gone into the future, or the past, she could go outside at any time. But what if the Doctor left, not knowing she was outside? But if she talked to him now he might make her leave or take her back to the right time without letting her arrange her own surprise party. Would she risk it? "Doctor!" Looks like she's risking it, 'thanks lack of self control', pinkie thought to herself.

'what are you talking about, we just resisted touching all of the very fun and colorful and noisy controls!' Pinkie's self control retorted back.

"Pinkie!? What are you doing here? Your friends were looking everywhere for you, you missed the Dalek's attempted invasion of that city up on the mountain."

"Oh... and they didn't invite me!"

"Your friends were looking for you."

"I was trying to be cool and intimidating, let's go save Canterlot!"

"Like i said, you missed the invasion."

"We are in a time machine!" Pinkie said expectantly. "How can we miss anything?"

"A time machine with no power and under a lot of stress from having to deal with two lifeforms instead of one familiar life form, considering, we could miss quite a bit, and even once the Tardis has enough strength to travel i'll still have to run calculations for a few centuries."

"A few CENTURIES?!" Pinkie said, her gaping jaw hitting the floor.

"Yep, don't worry, the Tardis will teleport into deep space, and then once she's completed the calculations she'll come right back and i'll be able to go anywhere, anywhen."

"Can i come with?"

The Doctor looked at her, he always picked up companions, but it almost never ended on a happy note. "Are you sure, my... companions... always end up wanting to leave after a while, i find that i'm a magnet for danger, and that danger is always deflected on those around me... and they're not always prepared for it."

Pinkie considered this for a few seconds. "You're right..." the Doctor felt a little relieved and a little saddened at the same time. "I'm not prepared! Just let me get a few things and i'll be right back!" The Doctor was about to say something about 'mortal danger', and 'horrific things no one should have to experience' but Pinkie had already gone out the door. She came back, to the Doctor's relief, less than two seconds later. "Hey... we aren't in Ponyville Park!"

Luna was flapping her wings as fast as she could, but she was already tired from her previous record speed acheived with the Doctor on her back, lifting the Tardis before that, and of course using that ridiculous amount of magic to banish the Daleks and their ship. And as such, her older sister caught up with her easily, and Luna found that she was without the speed to escape or the power to resist. "Luna! Where are you going!?"

"To stop you from destroying the Tardis!"

"Luna, please, if we destroy it then-"

"Then what?! We would be creating a paradox, the Doctor warned me about them... but if you're right, and all of the stuff he caused, what you attribute to him, what he did for me, all simply never happened... what then? Do you know how much I will lose Celestia?!"

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE ALREADY LOST?!" Celestia shouted back, knocking Luna downward from the air. "Luna! He.. he took you from me... he took you, for 1000 years he took you, and while you were gone I watched as our subjects demonized you, and... Luna, please trust me, the world would be better off if the Doctor never came."

"Well, I'll just have to take your word for it Sister." And Luna let herself drop into the Everfree Forest, vanishing into thin air seconds before her impact with the canopy.