• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 2,366 Views, 59 Comments

Flowers for Algamenon - TrollestiaSubject

The attitude of everypony towards Derpy changes once Twilight tries a new and polemic spell on her.

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Derpy's diary: Firsts days

DAY 1:
okei loki zo todai iz da 1zt dai n teewiilite azkeded me to writte somedin abot my, and I sayed = no tiwilithe-I dont like to grite cuz i'm not a unicorn and I cannot c mi leterz gwen im writteing bot she sayz thatz oki juz put sumting there u Have an our n it finishined nu and I writed diz

DAY 2:
jezterdei tiwlite made me da ting

but I dun wana write

da our finisheded

DAY 3:
tiwiilihte sais that im gona be smarter but I dun wana be smarter than zhe is
it sims boring

DAY 4:
tiwiligthe waz like wirte plzplzplz, n I waz like nononono
& nu I m tired writeing diz so I stop


DAY 5:
yezterdai twilighte saided = im gona give yuo mufinns ij yu writtte
so I waz lik writteining dat - but todai waz beter

DAY 6:
writeing all dis semz nize im goting how to grab it wiht the mouf & zhes givein ing me muffins
she kips makin me glow whit her horn and it tikles
its funi

DAY 7:
tiwlate sais im doining beter now - a week now but I duno wy beter now - algamenon sems to beate me in da ligthes game still & tiwiligth gives him muffins and then she lookz at me n gives a muffin too me too cuz I was 2dn plaze

DAY 8:
algamenon beats me in da gamez but we 2 have a muffin in da end and im happy so I dun really care.

DAY 9:
algamenon is a rat lab & he wins allways but I dun c wy coz we have da same price in da end & I have a ohur to finishen my muffin

DAY 10:
i dun wana write now cuz algamenon wined another thime and he was like = chipchip and he waz jumpin ober hiz muffin
& I cant

DAY 11:
todey I telled algamenon -i gona win u a muffin one day ahd he was like runeing inside his caje in some runing circle he have tehre

DAY 12
algamenon likes his runeing tihng inside his caje cuz he uses it alot, maybe cuz her running away the hole muffin he eated, algamenon caje as an algamenon leter on it, but tiwielight sayed that thas the mark of the cage and the rat didnt haved a name, so I puted him name and I was like - I conot velibe it
algamenon owhs me a muffin for a name

DAY 13
yay, todai I wined algamenon in te lights tingh as I telled him and im hapie I telled hem taht I was going to win the muffin today

i wined agein I was eatingin my muffin and algamenon was sad so I give him a bit, like the bit a muffin is for me and we eated mufins togeter, and den tiwilighte teached us a new game wiht a maze, and algamenon wined me da phirst time but I dared him again, and we had half muffin when I winned but algamenon don't eats all his muffin so I ate a lot of muffins today ^_^

tiwilihgte sayed that im samarter, and I was like = no way tiwi ure smarterst than me
& she asked me wyh I write so bad & I saied that I dun like to write.

tiwilithe gave me foal books and I was like = no I don wanna read but she told me to just luk da way dat words are & I say okey and wordz in the rite were fine and the ones in the left were fine too.

my boss saied that im doin beter in my job and I sai = of course I m.
but he was hapie and I was happi with that, and I wined algamenon again, and these silie pegasueeseses pegasy of wheater are leaving thehir clouds more above so im happy with them too, and the quill is falling less and and happie too with that, and I winned algamenon again, I had said that?.

Tiwilight teached me how to write her name but I wirted it with a quill too & didnt get what she was saying cuz I write it just da same that her but with my mout. and she saied that im better listeneining than reading and I had said taht all along.

Tiwilighte said something, dun remember what, but she was happy, and a lot of ponys are happier around, or geting smart is making me notice how smat and hapy other ponyes R

Tiwilighte saies that
i need to write more in the hour she gavedes me
= and I was nooo
but now an hour seems to be a lot less
my boss still happy, and I guess I have more clients now cuz I see more ponies every day now, becaus before I c'd somethimes yes, and sometimes no, but nowialways i do,
and thei are hapie when thy c me to me

Tiwilight sais someting about a new game with algamenon, it was something about open a dor, and exit various rooms and I didnt get it too well, and she entered for me and taked me out, & I was sad cuz you dont win muffins if she rescues you with algamenon in her shoulder, I didnt get the game so I just got 1 muffin and the part that algamenon doesnt eat

today I readed a book about a filly that goes to the stars and shes shes stuck in the moon, and I readed it when I was a filly but I didnt remembered the ending, but I remember now and in the end she returns home with her family an friends and I didnt remembered the end, but I remembered my famili and I dont have family now, but I have the end and im feeling sad cuz I dont remember what happened to my famili but now I know what happened to the fillie in the book and I wasnt her

algamenon doesnt have a cutie mark, and Tiwilight asked me how I got mine and I said I was bubbling bubbles one day and she was like = hooo and I told her we could bubble blubbles togeter but she was like = lets play the maze doors again and algamenon woned me again and I was sad again and his cutie mark should be a door or a maze, or me sad with half of muffin or something like that.

today someponie asked me a direction and I was going to tell him pinkie pie cuz she know everypony but I knew what was that direction, and I sayd, one blok there, and then other, and other, and other, 4 in total, and then to the righft one, and two and I think he pictured out cuz he was happy and
or ponies are really happy
or I did a good job cuz I knowed the place

it's a purple house with a yellow fence, but I didnt tell him cuz he lefted, im thingking that just rite nuw
but it was like play tiwilights game doors


i was like =1 to left > 1 to right = and im where I was

it was amazing
by the way that doors box seemed smaller in the outside
algamenon has a littler maze, I saw him running today cuz I won
i won, I won, I have a wole hour here already but I dont care cuz I won

Twilight toughtched me how to write today, she said I was looking in another direction before but I was like = of course, I have two eyes, but she sais both doing the same is beter so I was like = oki loki and I dunno wy but reading is slower now, and I dont really like to read so im feling disapointed ed-ing disapointied.

yesterday I was with my friend raimbown Dash, and the sun was shiny and stuff, and we where in a cloud, and she was like 'wow derpy, you look great'
and I was 'wow you too but you dont wanna win with a pair less of wings' and she was like 'what the hay'
but anyways, and we rested in a cloud, and I dunno why other ponies dont rest more often in clouds, but anyways

anyway, I guess thats all

i writetoofaster now
i played with algamenon to the dors again, its easy if you go slow and think where you are inside your mind, cuz if you run away you get lost and algamenon wins and then he enters with thiwilite Twilight, and rescues you, and thats embarasing.
my boss was happy again, he gave me something important to do, and I was like 'ok' but then he was like 'don't mess around' and I didn't cuz he was happy when I came back, last time something important showed up a lot of stuff falled over twilights head and I said today earlies that I was sorry, and she said 'its ok' and we played the doors game and I won
half an hour, ill take the rest to eat my muffins I guess, cuz I won a lot now

Twilight told me that I was smarter, that the thing has taken efect slowler of what she tought, her blue thing, and I was a little scared cuz I dont want to be smarter that her, cuz if something comes to the town I guess the smart ponies taste better and
i dunno, maybe the smart ponies have to take care and I dont wanna be in chanrge
i dunno, yesterday I was watching what I had writen and I saw a lot of things from before and im writeing better now

Letters dont move anymore, before they told me two thing diferent and I didnt know what was right so I keeped writeing but its like the doors maze, if you dont forget where you are, you are ok and not lost, so yeah, im writting better, bad thing I dont like to write,

Twilight sais that I can write too whenever I want and not everyday, but im kinda used cuz I have muffins when writting and I like muffins, I always have had, mommy baked muffins when I was young and I like the smell of them
i wonder where is my mommy by the way, she was baking before, but that was alot before than before, so I dont really remember, I tinked that I was going to know if I read the filli in the stars story again but I didnt, and twilight dun know, and algamenon maybe knowns but he doesnt known how to talk, I dunno how hes so smart, twilight told me she did before what shes doing with me, but algamenon cant write either, so I dunno what she means

Day 31:
Let me think, well, me and algamenon have been playing a new game for 2 days, its about select a light, and then select the other light, and you win with that until one of the other loses

it's easy really, but algamenon won the first day, and then I won, and today he won again, but im catching a tryk, depending in wich light he preses one of mine is gona lite up, but always the same, I just have to learn the pattern I guess, I hope twilight doesn't chanche it.

im not writing everyday, which makes ME happy, let me think, boss is happy, twilight is happy, rainbow dash is ok, spike is happy too, algamenon seems to be happy just with some piece of muffin and his corcleding circling thing to run.
the silly rat.
and I happy
i had writed that

deliver stuff is fun, ponies are happy when you deliver something, I can't usually take something as reward, but I can take their muffins if they are even holding one and can't recieve their shipping.

a brown stalion was like that the other time, and I was thingking brown is a nice collor, and yeah, I have seen him before and I dont know his name, but I like his mane, like mine but all the way around diferent, and brown, he has an hourglass cutie mark, I could ask his name the next time I see him around
or I could read his envelopes, that could be a good solution.
i dunt remember if I ate his muffin

Twilight is making me most smart whit With her magik, she told me, I dunno how she can sai im smarter, but I hope she stops before get too smart cuz then im gonna be the one sending letters to the princess and shes going to deliver stuff to ponies, that actually could be fun, I whish I had my own spike, or be a spike all by myself, and deliver stuff with fire, but then I couldnt fly and thats sounds boring, so I better dont.

Rainbow Dash isnt very happy now, she was like "cheer me up, im the best" and I was like "no way" so she flied around, and I said I could do the same, and she said "go on!" and I did, and she was like "you know = facehoof

and she said that wasn't faster, and I said im not faster, I just did the same, and she doblefacehoofed herself, and I dont know whats the point, I was like "Rainbow, please" I hope twilight dont get the same with this smartness thing cuz I can do everiething she does, except the unicorn stuff, so I dont really get the point of all of this.

but I like to play with algamenon.
and the muffins.