• Published 20th Oct 2012
  • 2,366 Views, 59 Comments

Flowers for Algamenon - TrollestiaSubject

The attitude of everypony towards Derpy changes once Twilight tries a new and polemic spell on her.

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Derpy's diary: Voluntary entries

Day 34:
very well then, Twilight has told me i've writting too little in the diary and i told her that i was plain fine, but the true is that i have been talking with this stallion, turns out his name is Time Turner, nice name, my friends told me that he looks a lot like from the bunch but i don't care.
his nice

Day 38:
Twilight keeps making me glow with her horn, its a funny sensation, and i'm helping her with her experiment, and she sais she's hellping me, but she hasnt thaught me writte lately, but i keep playing with algamenon and i usually win, until i wanna go easy with him, i can see he tries a lot harder now, but doesn't go mad when he loses because i always share a bit of my muffin with him when i win ^_^

Day 40:
Twilight is writing a diary too, i saw her hornwriting in it and she was a little scared, but i said "don't worry, im not reading your diary" and, i guess she's reading mine, but i don't write anything here that I don't talk with her, so i guess it's fine.
Maybe i start my own personal diary at home since im learning to write a lot better, Twilight is a lot useful after all she writes a lot of letter and has a lot of books, i wish my teacher back in school had been that nice as twilight has been with me.

Day 41:
Yesterday I saw my friends Rainbow Dash and Cloud Kicker after helping Tilight, they were hanging out near a cloud so i went there too rest with them and they all gretted me "Watch out Derpy!" thats how they nick named me. Ponies think that we pegasi are lazy but actually fly is tiring, and we are light but not that much, so when i placed myself in the cloud it droped a thunder and I scared myself a little with it, but then they all came near, turns out they wherent chosing a cloud to rest, that cloud had a thunder inside and they where trying to get rid of it.

so they all gretted me and they said i'm good for thunders, and yeah, i must be because a lot of them said it, i have a lot of friends between the wheather pegasi because the other delivery ponies take another delivery routes and we don't hang a lot toghtether as they do.

Day 43:
Today Twilight did what i was afraid of, she changed the paterns in the lights game, so algamenon actualli did won some games, even when i was trying really hard, but i won more games than he did, and we ended eating muffins, Twilight doesn't seems to like muffins a lot but she likes to writte in her diary a lot. she does everyday, and since i don't need to spend a whole hour here, i've been watching her writing in her diary.

Day 47:
Today Twilight asked me if I liked the name Depty Derpy Hooves, and sure i like it, it's the friendly name many other ponies call me by, and they all know its me. I even drew hooves before learn to write this better and they all knew it was me

you see? I am really a good drawer,
Algamenon can't draw this good and twilight likes to watch my draws but doesn't draw back anything for me. and she want's me smarter, i keep saying that smarter ponies are boring.

Day 51:
Today Twilight helped me to write a letter, it goes:
Dear princess mr mrs or whatever Time Turner.
and it keeps like that for a while

And i know i'm the mailmare, but i wanted to invite out this colt in a date, but Twilight said I shouldn't ask in a letter, so it's about another completly diferent thing, it's about how the mailmare wanted to invite him to a day out in a letter but a friend told her about ask him directly, so im gonna ask him tomorrow, or tomorrow after deliver the letter better.

and Twilight helped me to write my name, Ditzy Doo, I have a nice name, kind of adventurous, is curious but actually I didn't know how to write my name, i used to draw my eyes and my hooves and ponies always knew it was me before.

And Twilight keeps tickling me with her magic, and i whish i had magic to tickling her back, but i don't so i use my hooves on her and she laughs, but she doesn't seems to laugh that much. She told me her exam in near and that has a lot of results to study, but i told her to study a spell instead, and she laughed with that, I hope her teachers like to laugh too because all she does the whole day is write in her dairy, and watch Algamenon and me play.

Day 54:
and thats all i wanna say ^_^
He's a real gentlecolt and really nice, I don't even care if he has a pegasus twin that doesn't even live in Ponyville, so why should I?
Algamenon won a lot of games, I don't really care either.
Tomorrow i'll play more with him.

Today I'm gonna see him again, to Time Turner, not Agamenon, he's here in his cage, I guess he likes when I'm around because he goes out to play, and he likes to watch me write, just as I like to watch Twilight write, and he wonders what I'm writing, just as I wonder about Twilight.
I wonder now if i can understand what twilight is writing, Agamenon doesn't seems to understand what i'm writing at all.
I guess i can tell him everything about my date and he won't tell anypony.

I hope Twilight let me finish already, i wanna finish up early today.

Day 59:
Today my boss promoted me in my job, I don’t know why, but it comes with a better pay and a new brand messenger bag, just when I was thinking it was a little boring, I had been thinking actually to change into the weather control team, I have some friends there, we mail ponies don’t really dealt a lot with no other mail ponies, so I have more friends actually working for the weather division.
Dash is calling me Ditzy now, I wonder if she’s mad to me.

Time Turner and I kept dating, but that's private.

Algamenon keep wining some games, but just because twilight keeps adding more lights and changing the patterns of them, and Algamenon know it, so he’s cheating, little muffins dealer.

Twilight told me she wants me to accompany her to her next exam, I don’t really know if I can be of any help, but I accepted of course.

I do not know what else can I write, and I have lot of spare time from an hour.

I took Algamenon out of his cage for a bit to play, if your reading this, Twilight. Don't get mad at me please, he's safe and sound now inside.

Day 66:

Twilight asked me to write a little about my relationship with Time Turner. We've been dating for a while. Yesterday he and I where at Sugarcube Corner and Twilight got there with Spike and Pinky Pie. And I blushed a bit when she found me out there because I haven’t told her lately about our dates.

So today I’m supposed to write a little about him, and it’s a little shameful but Twilight is my friend so it’s ok.

Time Turner is some kind of doctor, but not a health doctor, still he’s very well read and is very smart, reminds me of Twilight sometimes. At the start I didn’t care, he says I’m cute and nice, and even now I’m blushing for that, but I’ve been nervous about this lately. He’s also from a wealthy family from Canterlot, and my parents, well...
They are gone... I don’t want to write about that.

Day 68:

Twilight says that write something about my parents here could help me.

I remember when I was young, and my daddy and I used to fly from cloud to cloud pretending to be playing hide and seek. But I always knew where he was hiding because he wasn’t very good playing that, but he was very good finding me.

Then mommy called us for dinner, and I used the different colors of the flowers from a field near to aim my landing near our home.

When I used our roof as landing place I used to end near Ponyville. And for any different reason if I used Ponyville to aim my landing, I ended in a completely different place at all, so I used the color of the flower below, and tried to land softly to avoid any harm to the flower.

Daddy used to taking me down before that, when I was even littler, and I could ride amid his wings, I’m just recalling that.

And one day they just weren’t there anymore. I was worried at the beginning, and they I forgot.

Day 71:

Yesterday I took the admission test for the Weather Control Team. I’ve been talking with Time Turner and he wants our relationship to be more serious. And he didn’t ask it; but I don’t think a mailmare could be a good couple for a stallion like him in a serious relationship. After all he’s a Doctor for Celestia’s mane.

I haven’t been playing a lot with Algamenon lately, sometimes I feel sorry for the poor little thing, Twilight doesn't seems to play a lot with him, and that creepy owl of hers keeps waking up to watch the little rat every time he's out of his cage, I've told Spike to take good care of him.

Day 74:


I’m so excited, now I can hang out with my pegasi friends while I’m at work, they said my coat as an inner cloak of lesser fur, and they need somepony like me because it makes me resilient to electrical discharges, and it’s more of quality than a talent, but still. I’ll be assigned to a pegasi weather team very soon.

Today I resigned from my job, and I was expecting some tears and hug everypony in there before leave, but just my boss told me it was a shame after the good job I was doing lately, and I just, went out.

I was a little sad and I shed some tears, but the sky was clear, and the next time I see to it maybe I would have helped it to look like that.

Day 76:
I could fly there higher of what I have flied before, so high your wings barely scrape the air and you can watch the afternoon at the distance. IT’SsoWONDERFUL!!!
No doubt why the weather pegasi are always cheerful around. Some of them haven’t even’t don't even have touched the ground before! And the light

The light is wonderful up there.

Day 77:
Last night Time Turner kissed me,
And it was my first kiss ever
He told me he loves me
And I didn’t knew, how could I overlook that? I mean, he’s hoofsome, and has taught me about constellations, and how to sync a clock with the sun or stars, some good stories from books.

Twilight says the hour is over; it has been a long time since the last time she said the hour had finished.

Think about time is really time consuming.

I’ve been thinking about Time Turner. And yeah, I love him, why not; he loves me.
I accepted to be his fillyfriend, I guess our relationship is serious now.
I hope not to ruin everything by doing something wrong.

He’s the pony responsible for keeping Ponyville's clocks in sync, sounds nice but I could go crazy doing that job, and I’m doing well in the weather team, it’s not as harsh as I believed.

Twilight, sorry for not telling you this face to face, but it’s a little shameful you know. Actually Algamenon knows more about my relationship of what I write here for you. It’s a shame that he can’t answer me back, but luckily he isn't writing a diary by his own

Day 83:
Yesterday I had a discussion with Rainbow Dash:
She was bragging about take off some clouds blown into the town from the Everfree forest, but they were quite black, electrically charged if you asked me.

But Rainbow, who has have been lately a little show off, didn’t wait for me, or my team, to take them away.

So in her “I can do it faster” attitude. She did of course the thing in which she is good at; Kick off the clouds, but detonating the inner charges.

I had warned her about the danger of that but she refused my advice.

She said she’s too fast to worry about that, but in the middle of the town any other pony in ground may have been harmed.

So we argued about possible consequences, I thought she was mad at me before for any reason, but when she called me again Derpy didn't sound very friendly, I didn't mean being called like that before but yesterday was a bad day.

In the end no pony was injured, and I guess Rainbow is right, she has the right to do whatever she wants, besides, for practical means, she’s my boss now.

Even so, I cannot help but feel my advice a little overlooked.

Day 86:
Twilight has been too busy lately to watch Algamenon and me playing. She stills playful with me but her exam is in four days, she said it’s going to take place here at the library, and some important ponies are coming that day, including, oh well, the ones you just told me.

All your friends are going to be here, including me of course as you requested.

Even I am a little nervous, I can feel butterflies in my tummy. I can’t imagine how you must feel. Even Algamenon has been a little edgy lately, you went out today again and didn’t watch our game, but I bet he is.

I wish I had a better way to help you than just being there that day.

Day 87
I Know you very busy right now, so Algamenon and I stopped out game to find out a better way to help you with your exam, just has you helped me with my weather exam.

I wonder if you diary can help me to find out; I’m going to take a tiny, little peck on it. I hope you don’t mind.

Day 89:

Comments ( 19 )

Am I going to regret this in a few days for adding this to my "Read Later" list?

Judging by the comments, I have a strong feeling I will...

I've never read the book Flowers for Algernon, or however you spell that name. Having said that I find this to be a very interesting concept and yes, while the spelling, grammar, etc are HORRIBLE it's part of the story's plot so it hardly matters. In a sense it's phonetic writing.

Liked. Favorited.

Added a bit of Readability
and a flood of some commas were killed; run-on sentences still there
not a joke, can you belive it?
It started as an original idea, if i had wanted i would have used the name Algernon, i mean, if hasbro doesn't demands me, why whould keyes? but it's not a carbon copy
the next chapter are Twilights notes, bad grammar not intended, luckily a lot will be explained there.
nice idea its gonna be called The Sun Mile
1472412 1472510 1478770
She's dyslexic, i thought people was going to figure out, maybe i'll add subtitles. and thx, this was born actually as an original idea, but set the words "flower for" paid off i guess
none of them
1473068 1475555 1473406 1473896

yeah, blow up, blow it well baby :twilightsmile:
i did actually
She's not stupid, she's dyslexic
if the cat says so
no problem pal, thx for the comment

Kill....please.....kill me....

This is an amazing story! I love that Doctor and Ditzy/Derpy are in love! >w<

Also maybe Doctor and Derpy can have some cuddles? :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::scootangel::ajsmug::derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpytongue2:

I think its amazing! Lovely please carry on!:pinkiehappy:

I read Flowers for Algernon in English. Oh, the tears! :applecry:

wait. so the same person who wrote that first chapter... wrote this? holy shit. :rainbowderp: that last chapter was utter drivel. this... was awesome. please write more like this in the future.

:facehoof: I'm stuck with dates, should i just use march, april, may, of french calendar, have they even said dates in the English voiced show? or should I show you you all a hoof and make you calculate the days? next part is Twilight's notes and they background derpy's narration.

just go with IRL months. I'm sure they aren't too far removed from pony months.

This could seriously be executed better. I know you're going for the whole "derpy derp" thing, but derpy is just a little scatterbrained, and clumsy. and she may occasionally misspell a couple words in a cute fashion.... but this.... this just portrays her as stupid. no, just no.
I know you're saying she's dyslexic but....

it's meant to show a direct improvement since I don't have any "live scene." From Phonetical writting with wrong use of simbols in it, to a more acurrate spelling, Actually what she says is never meant to be stupid, she's just a bit insecure.

Now what I need is a proofreader for the draft of Twilight notes. If someone is willing pls, let me know. thx. :twilightsmile:

:facehoof:All of you guys make no sense. OBVIOUSLY in the earlier parts of chapter 1, Derpy didn't spell very well and wasnt very literate. thats why the grammer was bad in that part! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:twilightangry2::flutterrage:

Upvoted because most of the downvotes have never read Flowers for Algernon. I'll post a review after I read, and if it's good, then I'll favorite it.

I realize that Derpy is this fic's Charlie, but please give her a better ending; that was the saddest part of the original.:applecry: I'm a sucker for happy endings.

Although it does raise some interesting philosophical questions....:applejackunsure:

is this based off that story with charlie?

Read Flowers for Algernon.

Fed up with Dr Who.

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