• Published 22nd Aug 2011
  • 5,830 Views, 73 Comments

For the New Lunar Republic - Moxypony

The story of Moxi's fight as a Spec Ops agent in the New Lunar Republic

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Chapter 18 - Return to Camp

The carts bearing the returning soldiers flew aimlessly over the Everfree forest for two hours before a pegasus pony scout returned to the cart bearing Captain Ironhide. The two spoke shortly before Ironhide made a gesture with one hoof causing all of the carts to begin a descent directly into the forest.

“We’re going back into the forest?” Moxi asked of Dreamcatcher.

“So it would seem,” Dreamcatcher replied, eying the dark canopy of trees beneath them, “would Luna be so reckless as to set up the new camp so close to Canterlot?”

Within an hour, Dreamcatcher had the answer to his question, as the convoy took them deep into the heart of the forest where they discovered the crumbling remains of a once-great castle. The structure was clearly under reconstruction, unicorns working magic to rebuild the crumbling structure. The castle was bordered by a deep crevice, its walls sheer cliff faces. Beside a rickety rope bridge, there now stood a serviceable stone bridge, capable of supporting the weight of any number of troops who may need to cross it.

The carts alighted onto the ground in the castle’s courtyard, all the ponies inside disembarking and reporting to a nearby officer, who checked their names off a clipboard before referring them to their commanding officers. Moxi and Dreamcatcher, however, immediately split off and entered the castle.
The interior structure was significantly farther along in its reconstruction than the castle’s exterior, every corridor they passed through had soft, warm carpeting lining it and the walls were clean and smooth, unnaturally so, given that the castle had been unused for over a century. They began the task of searching for the command center of the operation, but had barely begun when they were frozen in place by a shout from behind them, they turned to see a green unicorn barreling down the hall toward them.

“Dreamcatcher!” Melody tackled her friend, sending both of them tumbling across the carpet, “We were so worried! When you didn’t return after the raid, I feared the worst!”
“Hey, hey,” Dreamcatcher smiled, patting the mare on the head, “sorry to worry you, Melody. Moxi and I are safe, but we had to complete our mission.”

Melody reeled back and punched Dreamcatcher in the stomach, the stallion let out a grunt and doubled over as she yelled, “Not so much as a letter!? You couldn’t have contacted us even just to let us know you were alive!?”
“We were out of dragonfire gel,” he said, holding up a hoof to defend himself in case Melody decided to strike again, “it’s not like we could have just passed off a letter to the nearest mailmare to send it to you!”

Melody fumed for a few moments longer before calming down, her face downcast. “Well, you worried me,” she said, woefully, “I’m sure Luna was worried too, she never showed it, something about wanting to maintain her status as a stoic leader, or maybe she was just too proud to admit that she was afraid for you, Catch.”

“That makes me feel real special,” Moxi muttered.
Melody blinked at the pegasus as if just remembering that she was there, she flushed and spoke half-heartedly, “Oh, I mean, she was worried about both of you.”

“Whatever,” Moxi rolled her eyes, “but we should probably give our report, some of this stuff is important, right, Catch?”
“Not just some of it,” Dreamcatcher shook his head, “ALL of it. Melody, the hit on the lab turned up way more than we’d anticipated. We need to get this data to Luna as soon as possible.” He paused for a moment, considering, before he pulled one of the documents from his bag and offered it to Melody. The unicorn took it and eyed it in confusion. “I’d appreciate it if you could look into that one personally, Melody,” he said, “I need to know how far along it was and what kind of risk it poses. It also might behoove you to… to check the name of the subject they were testing on…”

Melody eyed Dreamcatcher quizzically before reading a small portion of the document. Her eyes widened as she read and Moxi could see her throat twinge, as though she was fighting the urge to vomit.

“I trust you, Melody,” Dreamcatcher said, placing a hoof on the mare’s shoulder, “I’ve seen that brain of yours at work before and it never fails to amaze me, I know you can figure this stuff out. Right now, though, Moxi and I need to speak with Luna.”

Moxi and Dreamcatcher entered the throne room to the voice of General Warhorse, who stood over the familiar map of Equestria. “Celestia has much greater control over the ponies than we do,” he said, indicating the numerous miniature flags bearing the emblem of the Solar Empire, “we must face the fact that most ponies in Equestria are still unaware of the scale to which this conflict has escalated. And with the balance of power as it is, we can ill afford to inform the general populace. We can’t afford the risk it takes to get proper recruitment.”

“So what are you suggesting, General?” Luna spoke with deliberation, her eyes locked on the map, taking in each detail.

“Your highness,” Warhorse continued, stepping around the map table to address the Princess directly, “I am prepared to send our fastest flyers to the Gryphon Kingdoms, the truce they held with Celestia was tenuous at best, and we may be able to convince them that it is in their best interest to send aid to the Republic.”

Luna considered for a moment, but ultimately shook her head, “No, I’m afraid that’s out of the question.”

“But Princess-“

“No, Warhorse. This decision is final. This conflict is Equestria’s. It’s unlikely that the gryphons are not already aware of the turmoil taking place here in our homeland, and that alone has put the ponies at risk enough without us exposing our internal strife to our enemies. No, Equestria’s future will be its own, even if we should fail, I will not be the one responsible for handing this nation over to outsiders.”

The general bit back a retort and nodded his consent. “Very well, Princess,” he said turning to leave the room, “I shall consider alternative tactics and report back to you as soon as possible.”

“Thank you, General.” she called after the retreating pony before turning to address Moxi and Dreamcatcher, “Dreamcatcher, Moxi, I’m glad to see you’ve returned safely. I trust you have news?”

Catcher and Moxi nodded and launched immediately into a full report of what they’d seen on their excursion to Salt Lick City. The princess’s face fell as the pair spoke, and when they told her of Chillwind’s fate, she closed her eyes to compose herself.

“I am,” Luna hesitated, trying to maintain her cracking regal bearing, “sorry to hear that. Chillwind was a good soldier. I shall see to it that she is honored properly when all this is over.”

“We already saw to the cremation,” Moxi snarled, unable to face the princess. Luna considered pressing her on the subject, but ultimately decided against it.

Luna let out a long sigh at the end of their report. “I knew Celestia had fallen far,” she spoke, mostly to herself, “but necromancy? It was Celestia who banned its practice shortly after we took to the throne.”

“Regardless,” Dreamcatcher interjected, “not only does it seem Celestia has rescinded her ban on the practice, but from what we saw in Salt Lick, they seem to be rather far along in its development as a weapon.”

“Where is the research?”

“I left the documents pertaining to that specific project with Melody, she’s going to take them to R&D. Everything regarding the other projects I’ve got right here. I figured you’d want to see everything yourself, but… we need to know about that one as quickly as possible… Celestia’s made this personal.”

“If you’ll excuse me, Princess,” Moxi spoke up as Dreamcatcher made to hand the bag containing the documents off to Luna, “I would like to find the barracks and settle in, it’s been quite an ordeal, these past few days.”

Luna nodded absently, immediately starting in on the research before her, “Yes, of course, I’m sure somepony nearby will be able to lead you to the Spec Ops quarters. Get some rest, Moxi, you’ve earned it.”

Moxi trotted from the room, casting one final glance at the room behind her. Luna leaning over the map table, and Dreamcatcher standing at her side, eying the documents with a strange look on his face, a look Moxi recognized… the same look she got on her face each time she saw the picture of Chillwind she’d kept in her bunk. She tried watched in confusion as the heavy doors sealed behind her, closing the curious ponies away from her.