• Published 22nd Aug 2011
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For the New Lunar Republic - Moxypony

The story of Moxi's fight as a Spec Ops agent in the New Lunar Republic

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Chapter 4 - Introductions to Royalty

“Statistically speaking, Moxi” Luna said after a moment, her voice measured and even, “one incidence does not indicate a trend.” Moxi stared at the Princess, her mouth hanging open, before blurting out an incredulous, “What!?”

“It’s not that I don’t trust your skills as an agent, Moxi,” she said, hastily trying to calm the young pegasus, “and, while I admit the appearance of this assassin is a shocking piece of information, there hasn’t been evidence from any of the other soldiers to indicate that alicorn soldiers are in regular use. The forces of the New Lunar Republic are stretched thin already, we can’t afford to bolster our positions, and the only way we would be able to do so is to abandon ongoing operations and leave occupied zones unprotected.”

The alicorn princess rested her head on her hooves, her eyes closed contemplatively, “Most of the occupied zones have shown their support for our cause, abandoning them at this hour would be nothing short of a death sentence. No, Moxi,” she raised a hoof to silence any opposition, “those ponies will not see the sun again until I am certain it is out of my sister’s hooves.”

“And when contingents of alicorn soldiers are raining death down on your armies,” Moxi growled, “when your soldiers are dropping like flies, what will you do then, Princess? Who will protect the ponies left standing when the Republic falls?”

Luna knocked her chair aside as she stood to glare at Moxi, fire in her eyes, “Do not presume to lecture me, child! Should the time come that I am forced react to such an onslaught I will do so, until then, I have no reason to suspect it other than the claims of a single attack!” She stormed to the doorway, flinging the heavy wooden doors open with her magic, “Claims made by a child, no less, now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.”

Moxi glared at the doors as they swung shut behind the princess. “Surely,” she muttered to herself, “the centuries should have calmed that temper of hers…” She cast a glance at the wide-eyed Melody. “Umm,” she sputtered, “she’s probably going down to see Dreamcatcher in the infirmary, maybe we should go too?”

Moxi stared at her for a moment before shaking her head. “You go,” she spoke, turning to leave the war room, “You three will have some catching up to do, once he wakes up. Tell the princess I’ll be waiting in the barracks when she needs me.”

3.5 Months Earlier

As the train rattled across the Equestrian plains, Moxi noted that the further behind them they left Manehattan, the darker the sky became. “Dreamcatcher,” she spoke to the earth pony, sitting across from her in the train compartment, “what time is it?”

“About three in the afternoon,” he said, not taking his eyes from the darkening horizon, a couple of the brighter stars were already becoming visible, “though frankly time doesn’t mean much anymore these days. Obviously you noticed that Manehattan has been in daylight hours for over a week now, that’s because Princess Luna refuses to yield control of the moon to Celestia. Anywhere Luna is not welcome, the moon and stars will never shine.”

“And I take it,” she said, eyeing the rapidly approaching night, “that the same is true in reverse, and anywhere the New Lunar Republic has a strong hold will be trapped in eternal night?”

Dreamcatcher winced at her wording. “In so many words, yes,” he turned to face her, “but it’s not like Nightmare Moon.”

“How so?” Moxi scowled at him.

“Because Princess Luna is only trying to protect those under the blanket of night,” he said, fiercely, “and besides… Nightmare Moon is dead and gone.” Moxi eyed the earth pony, waiting for an explanation of his cryptic remark, but Dreamcatcher clearly had no plans to reveal his meaning anytime soon.

“And besides,” Moxi said, sinking back into her seat, “Celestia is trapping the ponies in eternal daylight, isn’t she?”

“Yes,” Dreamcatcher nodded, “it will be all of one or the other everywhere until this conflict is resolved. Unfortunately, that doesn’t look to be coming any time soon.”

“Hey,” Moxi said, suddenly remembering the lessons taught to her from the old pony tales, “wasn’t Celestia able to simply banish Luna over a millennium ago? Why hasn’t she just pulled another move like that?”

“She can’t,” Dreamcatcher smirked, “Celestia was able to banish her sister to the moon using the Elements of Harmony, but the elements have since been entrusted to the care of six mares, and while one of them remains firmly under the control of Celestia’s Solar Empire, of the other five, one is heading up the Equestrian Peace Corps, seeking peace in Equestria through non-violent means, one is in direct opposition, commanding the New Lunar Republic’s 21st Airborne division… you can imagine how many pegasi flocked to the cause following the fall of Cloudsdale… and the other three have taken officially neutral stances in the conflict. With the Elements of Harmony so… well… out of harmony, their power remains dormant and unusable by either side. This will be a battle of tactics and resources, magic will barely come into play at all.”

Moxi and Dreamcatcher were met on the station platform by a couple of pegasus ponies, their bodies covered in dark armor and their forelegs wrapped in bands bearing the seal of the New Lunar Republic. Dreamcatcher stepped forward and saluted one among them, a powerful looking pony, his muscled haunches covered in scars and his eyes weary and dull. “Sergeant Alabaster,” he said to the pegasus, “it’s good to see you again. How goes the battle on the frontlines?”

“Poorly, Agent Dreamcatcher,” Alabaster growled, “Celestia’s forces are hitting us from all sides and that young general of hers knows her tactics a little too well for someone barely old enough to have seen our Princess’ glorious return.” He turned to eye Moxi, “I trust your mission was a success, then?”

“Mission?” Moxi said, eying Dreamcatcher warily.

“Shit,” Dreamcatcher swore, “looks like I’ve got some explaining to do.” He turned to face the Sergeant, “For the most part, when do we leave for the camp?”

Alabaster gave a jerk of his head to indicate the skies where a heavy cloud covering was beginning to cover the sea of stars above, “As soon as my men finish with our cover. It shouldn’t be long now, but we can’t take any chances with Celestia’s spies lurking about.”

“What do you mean?” Dreamcatcher eyed the pegasus warily, “Surely the Solar Empire doesn’t have troops this far into Lunar territory.”

“A lot’s happened since you left, Catcher,” the older pony growled, “in the last week we’ve lost two convoys bringing supplies to the troops, they’re trying to cut off our supply lines, we don’t know how they’re finding our supply routes, but we’ve got to take extra precautions lately.” At that moment, a young pegasus landed beside them declaring the cloud coverage sufficient. Alabaster nodded and loaded everypony onto the cart prepared beside them, when they took off, Moxi could see for mere seconds before the clouds completely obscured her vision, they were quite literally flying blind.

“So, ‘Agent’ Dreamcatcher,” Moxi said, putting a heavy emphasis on the title, “care to elaborate as to exactly what mission you were on?”

Dreamcatcher let out a heavy sigh before speaking in a dejected tone, “Ok, it wasn’t entirely of my own volition that I went in search of you. Chillwind and I were members of the NLR’s Special Operations branch, and with her gone we needed someone else who could take her place, Luna and I thought you would be an ideal candidate.” He turned to face the clouds whipping past them, “I don’t think any of us expected to find a sobbing drunk, but that can be dealt with.”

“How would the Princess know me?” Moxi scowled. Dreamcatcher shrugged without turning to face her, “Why don’t you ask her yourself? We’re almost to the basecamp now.”

Dreamcatcher had barely finished speaking when the cart broke cloud cover and a scene out of a dream appeared before Moxi, a luminescent structure, turrets and towers reflecting cool moonlight onto everything around them. She could see the formations of ponies marching around the smaller buildings at its base, giving her a sense of monstrous scale. “By the night,” she muttered in amazement, “I’ve never seen anything like this before…”

“Luna’s palace is one of a kind,” Dreamcatcher spoke, his face filled with a gentle pride, “though she wouldn’t consider it her own. She’s far too humble for that, but the Republic needs a leader, and we couldn’t ask for a better one.”

The Princess of the Night’s smile was motherly as she looked down at the dumbfounded Moxi. “Moxi,” she spoke, her soft voice seemed all the more gentle when Moxi remembered the being it came from could tear her body to pieces without even making an effort of it, “I’m so glad you chose to accept our offer.” The princess’ eyes turned down, as she said, “I am very sorry for the young miss Chillwind, she was one of my best, and a good pony as well, she often spoke very well of you.”

Moxi tried to keep the tears from her eyes. “Thank you, highness,” she said, her voice cracking under the strain, “I was hoping that, before I begin working with you all, I might be able to see her body?”

Luna’s face cringed, she’d been dreading this moment. “I’m afraid not,” she said, her voice mournful, “as we don’t have Agent Chillwind’s remains…”

“What!?” Moxi spat angrily.

“Don’t blame her, Moxi!” Dreamcatcher called out, “Chillwind and I got separated on one of our missions and by the time I got back to her, the enemy had already taken her away, I only found a pool of blood and a number of feathers from her wings. There was nothing else to bring back home…”

Moxi felt a tiny surge of hope build up inside of her at these words. “But,” she said, “but maybe that means Chill is alive! You never found her body, maybe she’s not dead!”

Dreamcatcher shook his head but it was Luna who responded, “I’m sorry, Moxi, but that is all but impossible, if Chillwind was free, she would have returned to base by now, and General Sparkle doesn’t take prisoners… at least… not for long.”

“The last few prisoners taken by the Holy Solar Empire were executed in the streets of Canterlot,” Dreamcatcher snarled, “I personally hope that Chillwind was killed there and then, I don’t want her to have to suffer a public execution.”

“But maybe she is still alive out there,” Moxi shouted, she was clutching at straws, she knew it, but she had to hold onto whatever hope there may be, “maybe she escaped and is just too injured to get back here!”

Luna looked at Moxi with empathetic pain etched into her eyes. “Yes,” she said, “it’s a possibility, and if any of our troops find her, you will be notified immediately. Until then, we need you operating at peak efficiency, Moxi, get some rest, your training begins at 0600 hours.”

Moxi as trudged away, Dreamcatcher leading her to the Spec Ops barracks, she eyed the swinging scarf at her side. No, she thought, Chillwind wouldn’t just die on me.”