• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 10,100 Views, 508 Comments

The Prince of the Night - keaton-furman-prower

After attempting a new spell, Princess Luna becomes a stallion, and moves to Ponyville under the guidance of Twilight Sparkle.

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Ponies and Their Plots (Edited 3/7/16)

The first day of applebuck season was harder than Lucian had anticipated, but not due to any difficulty in knocking down apples. If anything, it was quite the opposite. Ever since the day before, when he had knocked down his first apple tree, he had come to realize that he didn't know his own strength. So far he had managed to avoid destroying any more trees, but he still knocked down several branches and broke off several layers of bark. After the first few trees, Granny Smith came up with the idea of using his strength to knock down a few of Sweet Apple Acres' old unused buildings as target practice.

After the first few hours of practice Lucian stallion had gotten his strength under control. Even so, he found it easier to avoid destroying trees when he restricted himself to a single leg. Now it was a simple matter of bucking the trees and making sure the apples fell into the baskets. And sure enough, everything went without a hitch. Lucian and Big Macintosh were able to cover a good deal of territory on the next two days, and so the fourth day they were able to take several longer breaks to rest and relax.

“You're not too bad at this, ya know,” Macintosh said as they munched on a few apples. “You done managed to knock down plenty of apples.”

“And damage a lot of trees too,” said Lucian, causing the large farm stallion to chuckle. “Still, I guess it's for the best if it helps you, since your sister can't help right now.”

He took another bite out of his apple, and then began to think about the orange mare's injury.

“Speaking of which, what happened to her leg?”

Big Macintosh swallowed loudly. Lucian could tell it was from more than just the apple.

“Ah am not really sure ah should talk about that,” he said, with a hint of nervousness.

“Family business?” asked Lucian.


The two stallions went back to eating their apples in silence. It would soon be time to go back to harvesting the apples, and finishing their snacks would help give them enough energy to finish their work.

“Ah will tell ya that Apple Bloom and her friends ain't gonna get no paragliding cutie marks, though.”

Now it was Lucian’s turn to gulp.

Applejack gave out a satisfied moan as the heat of the hot spring water soothed her injured leg. Although she was not the kind of pony who liked to spend a lot of time in the spa, she had little else to do due to her condition. And when Rarity and Fluttershy had invited her on their weekly session, she had found it virtually impossible to refuse.

“Ahh. This is real good. Ah don't know why ah don't do this more often,” she said as the hot spring worked its magic.

“It is quite relaxing, is it not?” said Rarity. “And I understand, Applejack. Your work keeps you busy.”

“That, and most crusades don't go so bad,” said Fluttershy.

Both the unicorn and the earth pony shuddered at the thought.

“Don't remind me, please,” said Applejack. “Instead, tell me, Fluttershy, how's life going?”

As Fluttershy began to talk about how one of the ducks had gotten into a fight with Angel, Rarity began to think about Lucian. Since that day he had come over to her house, she had spent most of her time thinking about him. Hopefully he hadn't been too intimidated by her sudden outburst. She still thought he was quite a handsome stallion, and one who held quite an impressive title to boot.

What she needed was some way to grab his attention.

“Um, Rarity?” said Fluttershy. “Are you alright?”

The white unicorn shook herself from her thoughts.

“Dear me! I'm terribly sorry for- oh, how could I have been so disrespectful to you, dear Fluttershy?”

“Oh, it's fine, Rarity,” said Fluttershy. “I can just tell you later if you're too busy thinking about other things.”

She then whispered “Jerk,” far too quietly for anypony to hear her.

“Somethin’ on your mind, sugarcube?” asked Applejack.

Raity stared downwards in shame. It felt very unladylike to have ignored one of her closest friends in favor of her own thoughts and feelings. On the other hoof, perhaps talking with her friends might help her resolve her current dilemma. In a split-second, she decided to make the most of her situation.

“Well, do you girls remember Lucian?”

“Sure do!” said Applejack. “He's actually workin' at Sweet Apple Acres right now! Not that he has much of a choice, seein' how he owes us.”

“Really?” said Rarity. “What does he owe you for?”

“Ah don’t know how to describe it,” said Applejack, “but it was an accident, so I suppose he's alright.”

“Oh, I think he's quite nice, as long as you don't take him near your bunnies,” said Fluttershy.

The other two mares blankly stared at her in confusion.

“It-it's a long story,” she said quietly.

“I see,” said Rarity. “The thing is, well, you both know how I quite admire handsome young ponies, especially when they have high standing in society, right?”

“Ya mean like Blueblood?” asked Applejack, trying to hide a snicker.

“Ugh! No! I mean, like Fancy Pants, Shining Armor, or the princesses!”

“Well, yes, I think I understand,” said Fluttershy. “But what does this have to do with Lucian?”

“Oh, please don’t try to deny that he is absolutely handsome!” Rarity said excitedly. “And he's a student of Celestia, to boot! That means he's bound to have connections to most of the noble Canterlot families, and since he's studied under the Princess, he's also bound to be extremely talented!”

“Ah can see where this is going,” said Applejack, “and ah don’t like it.”

“So, you like him?” asked Fluttershy.

“Well, I certainly do!” said Rarity. “Not only does he hold quite a special position in society, but he’s also quite a handsome stallion, if I do say so myself. How many other ponies like that have you ever met, Fluttershy?”

“Oh, not any ponies,” said Fluttershy. “But I thought that maybe Spike was sort of like that.”

Rarity sighed in frustration. The young dragon very much liked her, and she liked him, and perhaps, with time they might have been able to work something out. But the odds were against it; she was a pony, and he was a dragon, and he was much younger than her. Perhaps it was for the best if she chose to have him merely as a friend.

“Well, Spikey-wikey will always have a special place in my heart, but honestly, I don't know if it would really work out,” she said finally.

“Oh, I hope he won't be too sad about that,” said Fluttershy. “We all know how he's felt about you since he first came to Ponyville.”

“Well, if ya don't mind, I think I'm gonna sit out of this one,” said Applejack. “I'm not really in a good condition to go out and assist y'all, and I wouldn’t want to even if I was. So don’t go tryin’ to ask me for help with your crazy fallin' in love schemes.”

Rarity was about to say that her schemes were not crazy, when she realized that she didn’t even have any real ideas. It wasn't like she had spent her days stalking him or planning some crazy, convoluted plan to trap him and force him to fall in love. Only crazy ponies did that. And maybe Pinkie Pie. However, there was something Applejack had said that gave her an idea.

“Well, did you say that he was working at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack?”

The orange farmpony smacked her hoof against her face in frustration.

Rainbow Dash took a bite out of her cupcake as Pinkie Pie told her all about Gummy's family for the umpteenth time. Normally, she would feel happy about spending her day off at Sugarcube corner, eating sugary treats with Pinkie Pie and plotting their next round of pranks. However, her thoughts were elsewhere. Specifically, she was thinking about Lucian. He was pretty good-looking for a unicorn, seemed to appreciate her pranks, and, most interestingly, he was a fan of Daring Do. True, he was an egghead, but then again so was Twilight, and she was one of Rainbow's closest friends.

The athletic mare's thoughts were interrupted by Pinkie, who was staring at her with an annoyed glare.

“Hello? Dashie? Are you listening? I'm trying to talk about Grandpa Badbreath's attempt to declare war on the crocodiles of the Manehattan sewers! Doesn't reptilian history intrigue you anymore?!”

“Oh! Sorry, Pinkie,” said Rainbow. “I've just been kind of lost in my thoughts.”

“Really? Should I send in a search party? Oh! I've never organized a search party before! Well, there was that one time we went to the Everfree Forest to look for Fluttershy, but that didn't really count since I didn't bring any balloons or cupcakes, and we all know we can't have a real party without those, although maybe if I had brought my party cannon along-”


The excited pink pony immediately shut her mouth. The Search-for-Dashie's-Thoughts party would have to wait.

“Thanks. Anyway, you remember Lucian?”

“Of course! You have a crush on him!”

Rainbow Dash nearly choked on the piece of cupcake in her throat.

“What?!” she said after clearing her throat. “How did you know that?!”

“Simple!” said Pinkie Pie, giggling at Rainbow's confusion. “I got an achy nose, itchy hoof, and shaky plot, which means somepony is going to talk about a pony they have a crush on!”

“Oh. Pinkie Sense,” said Rainbow. “Well, yeah. I mean, Lucian's not perfect, but he's actually pretty cool! And he likes Daring Do! Do you know how hard it is to find a guy who likes Daring Do?”

“I don't know, Dashie. How hard is it to find a guy who likes Daring Do?”

“That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to say is that, now that he's come to Ponyville, I might not get a better chance to find somepony like him ever again!”

Pinkie Pie stared at her, deep in thought.

Dashie has found somepony she likes! But what if she can't get him?! If she can't get Lucian, she'll be totally crushed! If she's totally crushed, she won't have the will to do well on her awesome tricks! If she doesn't have the will to do well on her awesome tricks, she'll never be invited to be part of the Wonderbolts! If she's never invited to be part of the Wonderbolts, she'll never fulfill any of her dreams! Everything she's ever aspired to will cease to be, all because we couldn't get Lucian!


The determined party pony turned towards Rainbow Dash, who looked absolutely shocked.

“Pinkie Pie? Are you alright?” she asked nervously.

“Alright?!” Pinkie said incredulously. “Your entire career is at stake and you're wondering if I'm the one who's okay?! No! It's time for Operation: Hookup!”

Pinkie then grabbed Rainbow by the wings, and ran out the door at mach 5.

Twilight flipped through the pages of one of her old history books. Unknown to many, history was one of her favorite subjects, second only to magic. She loved reading about events that had happened long ago, thinking about how they affected the present, and wondering what it would have been like to actually have been there to experience them. Then there were the ponies themselves; how some had risen from humble beginnings to eventually shape history, while others had bravely sacrificed themselves to protect what they held dear, and even how royalty had fallen from grace and died in ruins. And, of course, she loved to think about how Equestria had changed so much over its long history.

There was so much she wanted to learn, and yet the books she read only told her so much.

Her thoughts traveled back to Lucian. He was at least a thousand years old, and probably even older. There was no telling what amazing adventures he had experienced in the past. (Granted, he, or rather she, had been gone for a period of a thousand years on the moon, but even then, the possibilities were endless.) He could probably share things with her that were long forgotten by everypony else, experiences that nopony else could imagine, and knowledge that would make even the greatest historians of Canterlot jealous.

Plus, he's kind and friendly, and smart, and pretty good looking for someone who's lived for at least ten centuries.

Twilight’s eyes went wide as she realized what she was thinking.

NO! Bad Twilight! You’re not supposed to think about that! He’s not supposed to be a guy! I mean… not that there’s anything wrong with liking mares, but you’re only crushing on him because he’s a guy! And he’s going to go back to normal eventually! So stop thinking those thoughts! They’re bad for you!

Twilight shook her head, trying in vain to distract herself from her most recent thought.

Think! Think, but not about Lucian! Think about… what you can learn from him! Yeah! that!

She then grimaced. While it was an exciting idea to ask him about what he knew about history, she wasn't sure that was a wise thing to do. After all, not everything he had experienced was benign. He had, after all, watched as Discord spread chaos across Equestria, then taken over by the malevolent entity known as Nightmare Moon, and subsequently forced to endure a thousand years of lunar imprisonment. And then there was also that one name he had reacted to.

Dusk Shine...

What did it mean to him? Had it been the name of a friend? A close ally? Maybe even-

“Hey, Twilight! Do you mind if I borrow a quill?”

Twilight snapped out of her thoughts as Spike walked up to her.

“What? Oh! Here, let me see.”

She used her magic to levitate a quill towards her number-one assistant. He in turn grabbed it happily, hopping off towards the bedroom.

“Hey, Spike, can I ask you something?”

Spike stopped and turned back to face Twilight.

“What do you want to know?”

“What do you think of Lucian?”

“Well, what is there to think of him?” asked Spike. “He's cool. I mean, he helps me with my chores and my poems for Rarity, made my costume look cool, and he tells Owlowiscious to stop bothering me, or he'll put him in that Frankenstein costume again!”


“YOU!” the purple dragon yelled at Twilight's pet owl. “You want to wear that costume again?”


“You see?” said Spike. “If he were here, he'd put that owl back in his place!”

Twilight giggled, then told Owlowiscious to go back to sleep, which the owl did happily.

“And doesn't it bother you that he's an alicorn who raises the moon and once went crazy and turned into the evil Nightmare Moon and tried to bring eternal night?” she asked.

“Well, that is a bit creepy, yeah,” said Spike. “But we saw how he- I mean she- did a pretty good job about being nice during her first visit to Ponyville, even if she did scare everypony in town. And of course, since she- I mean he- came to live here, he's been a pretty cool guy, even if he- I mean- you know what? Forget it!”

The two of them laughed together.

“Well, I'm glad you don't have any problems with him living here!” said Twilight.

“Yeah, me too,” said Spike. “Is there any reason why you wanted to know?”

“Well, you know how I love history, right?

“Uh huh?”

Twilight sighed deeply before explaining.

“The thing is, I've wanted to ask him about his past, since he's over a thousand years old, and he's probably seen history being shaped before his very eyes! Do you realize how much we could learn from him? It would be even more amazing than any professor or history book could ever tell me!”

“Yeah?” said Spike. “So, why don't you ask him then?”

Twilight hesitated before proceeding.

“The thing is, I'm not sure if I should. He's probably had a lot of bad experiences, like Nightmare Moon, for example.”

“Eh, I don't think he'll care,” said Spike. “He's tough. He'll probably just shrug it off.”

“That's what I used to think,” said Twilight. “But then, when we were looking for new names for him, I almost chose one which he didn't like, and I have a feeling it was related to a bad memory.”

“So? It couldn't have been that bad!”

Twilight glared at Spike, causing him to gape in shock.

“It was that bad?”

“The way he was shouting, you would have thought I was trying to kill him or something,” Twilight said, shuddering at the memory of her innocent suggestion going awry. “And I don't know if I want to force him to relive any more tragedies.”

She closed her eyes and looked away.

“Look,” said the baby dragon, drawing the shadow's attention back. “I don't think Lucian's gonna get that angry at you if you didn't intend to hurt him. You obviously care a lot about him, and he cares a lot about you, so if you just try to explain everything to each other, everything will work out.”

Twilight slowly began to smile, and then hugged Spike.

“Thanks Spike. I needed that.”

“No problem... mom.”

“Aaaand we're done here,” Twilight said as she used her magic to push Spike away from herself. He in turn groaned at her.

“Oh, come on, Twilight. You are technically my mother. And besides, it's not like we're even being watched by anypony!”

Twilight was technically correct. There was nopony watching.

There was, however, a shadowy presence in the bookshelf.

And it had just found something very interesting.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, Rarity and Rainbow Dash (Well, Pinkie Pie, really, but for Rainbow) begin to, ah, plot what they will do to get Lucian.

As always, feedback is appreciated.