• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 10,106 Views, 508 Comments

The Prince of the Night - keaton-furman-prower

After attempting a new spell, Princess Luna becomes a stallion, and moves to Ponyville under the guidance of Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

The Newcomer (Edited 3/5/16)

Pinkie Pie sighed as another customer left with his freshly-baked muffins. She was somewhat sad that the new pony had left so quickly after she had attempted to welcome him to Ponyville. Admittedly, she had mixed up the confetti and batter again, which had been a problem more than once before.

There was something else, though. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but there was something strangely familiar about him.

Before she could continue contemplating she felt a twitch in her tail. The next thing she knew, several customers in the line were knocked over by a large gray flying object. Pinkie ducked as the object passed over her and landed behind the counter onto a bag of flour, causing it to explode in a cloud of whiteness.

“Oh, hi Pinkie! Got any muffins today?”

The shocked pink pony turned to find herself staring at a gray pegasus with a blonde mane and a lazy eye.

“Derpy!” said Pinkie happily. “How did you know we were gonna have fresh muffins today?”

“Sorry! That was my fault!” said a third voice. Pinkie turned to see a brown earth pony trotting into Sugarcube corner. Derpy immediately jumped to her hooves, shook the flour off, and made her way around the counter.

“You see?” she said. “I told you the slingshot wasn’t enough to re-create the Sonic Rainboom.”

“Okay, I was wrong,” said the Doctor, his face becoming red. “Sorry, Pinkie, I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Aw, it’s okay,” said Pinkie Pie. “That was actually kind of cool!”

“Thanks,” said the Doctor. “So, how are you today?”

“Well, it's been okay, Doctor,” said Pinkie. “I tried to welcome a new pony to Ponyville, but he ran off before I could figure out anything about him.”

“Oh my, I wonder why...” said the Doctor, his voice full of sarcasm.

“Maybe he sensed that you were conducting one of your experiments again?”

Several customers began to laugh at Derpy’s suggestion, causing the Doctor to look away in embarrassment. The cheerful pegasus took no notice of this, however, and instead asked Pinkie about the stallion she had attempted to greet.

“I didn't get to ask him anything,” said Pinkie. “All I managed to get out was that he was a student of Celestia.”

“Celestia?” said the Doctor. “Would I be correct in assuming that he is a unicorn?”

“Well, I think he was,” said Pinkie, “but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Merely the fact that he's sure to be incredibly talented,” said the Doctor excitedly. “After all, Celestia is an incredibly powerful being, powerful enough that ponies all over Equestria consider her to be a goddess, and thus any unicorn who trains under her guidance will undoubtedly learn various skills that few other ponies can even imagine. Add to that that she always chooses unicorns with great potential to be her students and you have the formula for a very powerful, talented pony. Just look at Twilight Sparkle. She is powerful enough to be the wielder of the element of Magic! And now there's a new unicorn in town who could potentially be as talented as her!”

As he finished his explanation, the brown earth pony stallion turned towards his two friends. Derpy was rolling her eyes in separate directions, while Pinkie had raised her eyebrow.

“Is he always this obsessed with unicorn magic?” asked Pinkie.

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it,” said Derpy. “You wouldn’t believe how giddy he was when he found out our filly was a unicorn.”

“I am not obsessed with unicorns!” the Doctor said angrily. “I’m simply curious about them. Pinkie, do you have any idea where he might be staying?”

“Nope,” said Pinkie, “but I saw him with Twilight, so she might know!”

The Doctor scratched his chin as he thought. Twilight was another student of Celestia. Therefore, she might know more about this new pony than anyone else. Also, it made sense that he would wish to go to her before anyone else in Ponyville. As a fellow pupil of the solar monarch, she probably already was familiar with him and could undoubtedly help guide him as he visited Ponyville.

“Ditzy, have you gotten what you need?”

“I don’t need anything,” said Derpy. “You’re the one who tossed me here.”

The Doctor sighed as he remembered the unfortunate events leading up to their accident.

“Let’s just get some muffins and go. I believe we are due for a visit to the library.”

“So, in a nutshell, Luna messed up big time.”

“Spike!” scolded Twilight.

“No, he's right, I really did mess up,” said Lucian. “Even if I'd rather blame the rabbit.”

Twilight had just finished telling Spike the story of how Luna had been turned into a stallion, and how he had chosen to come to Ponyville to make friends, as well as how Twilight had offered him a place to stay.

“Maybe if you'd chained it up you wouldn't have gotten into this mess,” said Spike.

“Spike! You know it would be mean to do that to a poor little rabbit!” said Twilight.

“Actually, I agree with Spike. Rabbits are a bunch of sadistic little Discord-worshipers after all.”

Twilight looked towards Lucian incredulously.

“Uh, yeah. I'll just go wash this,” she said nervously, levitating the batter-coated hoodie and trotting away, leaving Spike and Lucian alone.

“So tell me,” said Lucian, hoping to break the awkward silence that had taken over the room. “How exactly did you and Twilight meet?”

“Didn't I tell you when we met at last year's Nightmare Night festival?” asked Spike.

“No, you were too busy screaming and running around in circles,” Lucian deadpanned.

“Well, so was everypony else!” said Spike. “It’s your fault for being so scary!”

“Fine, lesson learned,” said Lucian. “I still want an answer, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Okay,” said Spike. “Well, it all began when I was hatched from a big purple egg...”

“And that’s how Twilight and I came to Ponyville,” said Spike.

Lucian’s eye twitched as Spike finished his story. When he had asked Spike to tell him how he’d met Twilight he had only been expecting a few sentences about how he met her. However, the young dragon had retold his entire life story, from the moment of his birth to the defeat of Nightmare Moon. And although there were a few interesting bits, most of it had been rather dull, and the blue alicorn had struggled to stay awake for a large part of it.

“Well, that was...interesting,” he said finally. “Although there’s one thing I’m kind of confused about.”

“What’s that?”

“What are you to her?”

Spike raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“What do you mean? I told you, I’m her number one assistant!”

“Seriously?” asked Lucian. “That’s it? Number one assistant?”

For a moment, Spike’s eyes drifted away from Lucian.

“Wow, really?”

“Is something wrong?” asked Lucian.

“No, not at all,” said Spike. “It’s just that you’re the first pony ever to ask that. Normally they just assume that I’m just her assistant or even her pet.”

“Really?” said Lucian. “Like a dog?”

“A scaly, fire-breathing, talking purple dog.”

At this, Lucian began to laugh. Spike glared at him momentarily, then laughed as well.

“Okay,” said Lucian as he calmed down. “So, what exactly are you to her?”

“Well, the truth is, she’s basically my mom.”

Lucian raised an eyebrow.

“Your mom?”

“Yeah,” said Spike. “We really don’t talk about it much, but she was the one who hatched me, and she’s been caring for me since then. Of course, she had help from her parents and Celestia, but she raised me, and I learned pretty much everything I know from her. So… I consider her my mother, and she considers me her son.”

“Okay,” said Lucian. “But if that’s the case, then why do you only call her by her name?”

“Well, I’ve never really had much reason to,” said Spike. “First off, she doesn’t want me to feel like I’m inferior to her. Second, she needs my help a lot more often than I need hers, and it kind of embarrasses her to think she’d need to think her son less than he needs her. Also the last time I called her mom, she told me it made her feel old.”

“Well it does!”

Both Lucian and Spike looked towards the stairs as Twilight made her way down.

“Sorry,” she said as she passed the freshly-washed hoodie to Lucian. “It just feels awkward to think that I became my mother just as I got my cutie mark.”

“Whatever you say, mom.”

“I told you not to call me that!” said Twilight.

“Okay, Twilight,” said Spike. “Now if you excuse me, I’m going to go get that new Power Ponies issue.”

“Don’t be out too late,” Twilight warned.

“See?” said Spike as he walked out the door. “You act just like a mother would.”


Lucian watched Twilight yelling at the now-closed door as he put his hoodie back on. He sighed as she groaned and stomped on the ground.

“Twilight… even if it frustrates you, you should accept the love he’s offered you as your son. You may not realize it, but being a mother is one of the most beautiful things in the world.”

The angry unicorn simply glared at him.

“You just wait. The universe is going to balance this out.”

“Really,” said Lucian. “Now what are the odds of that?”

Suddenly, as if to answer Lucian’s question, the library's front door flung itself open and a gray pegasus flew in, landing right next to Lucian.

“So, Pinkie was right about there being a new pony in town,” the mystery pony said.

Lucian groaned as Twilight smirked at him.

“And who are you supposed to be, exactly?”

“I’m Ditzy Doo, though my friends prefer to call me Derpy,” the pegasus explained, staring at Lucian with one eye while the other pointed off in a random direction. “Who are you?”

“I’m Lucian.”

“Oh yes! You must be the new pony!” said a second voice. Lucian turned around to identify it, only to be faced by a brown earth pony.

“Hello! It's a pleasure!” said the stallion as he offered his hoof. Confused, Lucian reached out and shook it.

“Okay, so who exactly are you?” he asked.

“I am Doctor David Trottant, though you can simply call me the Doctor. My job is to discover the secrets of time and space!”

“He’s a watchmaker,” said Twilight.

“Oh, well, I make watches for a living,” said the Doctor. “But my real job is much more timey-wimey and spacey-wacey!”

“He’s weird like that,” Twilight whispered to Lucian. “Just go with it.”

The two stallions took a moment to observe one another; the Doctor was excited about getting to meet one of Celestia's students, and his face showed it. On the other hand, Lucian was slightly unnerved by the brown earth pony stallion, who was grinning at him happily.

“Pinkie Pie told me about you!” the Doctor said finally, breaking the semi-awkward silence that had gripped the room.

“Oh, really?” asked Lucian nervously.

“Indeed!” said the Doctor. “I must admit, I've always been fascinated by unicorns, especially when they studied under Princess Celestia herself!”

“Did Pinkie mention that too?”

“Well, it was all she really knew about you,” said the Doctor. “We really do need to get together sometime! I really admire ponies with talent, and who could have more talent than a student of Celestia? Perhaps you could show me some spells you know? I always ask Twilight but she doesn't always have time, what with-”

“Okay!” Twilight said loudly, hoping to end what was obviously turning into a very awkward situation for Lucian. “I think maybe it would be best if we all calmed down a bit, especially since some ponies would really appreciate some peace and quiet!”

Upon hearing what Twilight had had to say, the brown earth pony quickly closed his mouth and backed away from Lucian. His cheeks had turned slightly pink.

“Oh, yes. I'm terribly sorry for getting carried away,” said the Doctor. “Again, I am quite fascinated by ponies who have great talent-”

“And unicorns,” muttered Derpy.

“-and I sometimes forget about their personal space. Please forgive me.”

“I guess it's okay,” said Lucian with a sigh. “I'd be happy if I just had some time for myself right now.”

“Fair enough,” said the Doctor. “Come along, my impossible pony!”

The pegasus standing on the ceiling took off, then landed on the floor next to the Doctor. They then walked out of the library together. Lucian observed the two ponies as they walked out, and shook his head.

“Will I ever get some peace and quiet?” he asked as he sat down on the floor.

“Don't worry,” said Twilight as she magically locked the front door. “I'll close the library for now. I've got to admit, it's fortunate you put on your hoodie before they got here. Otherwise, they would've noticed that you're an alicorn, and that would've screwed up everything!”

“Yeah, it was,” said Lucian. “Kind of ironic that I was worried about wearing it at first.”

“That’s great!” said Twilight. “Since you’ve managed to get used to that, maybe you’ll be able to get used to other things, like making friends!”

“Not so fast, Twilight,” said Lucian. “I’ll get there when I get there.”

“Fair enough,” said Twilight. “So, what do you feel like doing now?”

“Well, I'm not really sure. I just want some peace and quiet at the moment.”

“Well, you’re in a library! If there’s any place where you can find peace and quiet, this is it!”

The dark blue stallion considered this for a moment. He could certainly rest and recover from the day’s ordeals. Indeed, he felt he could probably enjoy a book or two. Of course, he wasn’t sure what kind of book he wanted to read at the moment.

He then turned towards Twilight. He knew that she had always sent letters to his elder sister telling her about the adventures she shared with her friends in Ponyville. And yet, he had never bothered to take a look at those letters, or even asked his sister about what her faithful student had learned in Ponyville.

“How about you tell me about some of your adventures?” he said at last.

“My adventures?” asked Twilight. “Are you sure?”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No, nothing's wrong with that,” said Twilight. “I just didn't think you'd be interested in hearing about me or my friends.”

“Well, I don't know about your friends,” said Lucian. “Especially Pinkie Pie. But I definitely think you're interesting.”

Twilight blushed slightly and smiled at Lucian's compliment. She never imagined that somepony other than Celestia or her friends would take interest in anything she did.

“Okay,” she said at last. “What would you like to hear about first?”

“Well,” said Lucian, “how about you start by telling me how you met your friends?”

“Why?” asked Twilight, raising her eyebrow. “You were there.”

"I... wasn't in the right mindset,” said Lucian. “Besides, I don't know about anything before that."

Twilight's face lit up.

“Well,” she said as she sat down next to Lucian, “It all began when I was reading a book about the two royal pony sisters...”

Author's Note:

Not much to say about the newest version of this chapter. However, the relationship between Twilight and Spike is going to come into play eventually.