• Published 3rd Jan 2012
  • 21,108 Views, 246 Comments

Sparkle No More - dastrdlyW

The battle with Nightmare Moon goes awry as Twilight is lost to a curse.

  • ...

Repercussions Part 1

Twilight groaned, twitching slightly as she awoke. Her entire body ached with stiffness. Pain filled her senses with even the smallest of movements. Even opening her eyes was enough to make her wince. Once she finally managed to open them long enough to see, she was only met with a blurry haze. She lifted her head and tried to stand, but her legs only responded with agony at the attempt. With a grunt, she collapsed back on the floor.

I remember the curse being painful... She shifted her legs slightly and winced as another surge of pain shot through her. But it was nothing like this. Twilight blinked a few times to clear her blurry vision, but to no avail. She exhaled heavily, closed her eyes, and found herself drifting in and out of consciousness until the sound of her friends waking with a collective groan awoke her a final time. She glanced over to them and examined their current state.

They were a little scuffed up from the aftermath of the Elements’ outburst, but were otherwise unharmed. Unable to bear the throbbing in her neck, and satisfied that her friends weren’t injured, Twilight relaxed and laid her head back down.

“Uggh. What the hay happened?” Applejack asked as she rubbed her head.

Rainbow Dash was the first to stand up. She surveyed her body for a moment and stretched out her wings. “They’re... healed.” She took off and hovered a few feet off the ground. “Yes!” she laughed triumphantly, doing a loop in the air. “Wait a sec,” Rainbow paused and studied the others. “Did Twilight... save us?”

Twilight lifted her head at the mention of her name, but immediately relented, groaning as her body pleaded with her to stop moving.

“Twilight?!” Fluttershy screamed as she darted over to the fallen unicorn, the others following closely behind. “Twilight! Please say something! A-anything!”

She looked up as they surrounded her, a worried frown planted on all their faces.

“Twi’! Can ya hear me? Y-you’re gonna be alright, ya hear? J-just stay with us! Somepony go get help!”

“I’m f-fine, Applejack. I just... hurt,” she said with a weak smile.

“Twi’, you’re not fine. Just look at yourself.”

Forcing her vision to focus as much as she could, she glanced over herself. While her mind was free, the vile black matter which had corrupted her still blanketed her body, and its alterations remained unchanged.

However, her body was in worse shape than she had ever seen. Her legs were the most obviously damaged: misshapen and bent unnaturally, merely looking at them was painful. Along the rest of her body, blood seeped from countless wounds and dripped down her coat and into a pool beneath her.

She gasped at the sight. The sharp intake of air caused a burning sensation in her throat. Instinctively she lifted a hoof to cover her mouth, but stopped when she was met with a painful resistance. Her vision blurred as she fell into coughing fit, which ended with a clot of blood splashing onto the ground. “I... Nngh.” Twilight groaned as she rested her head back on the ground.

“Look,” Rainbow Dash said, calling attention to herself. “We need to get help. Twilight. Needs. Help.”

“But who can we get?” Applejack asked. “There’s nopony around, and splittin’ up would be a bad idea. We can’t just leave her.” Applejack glanced quickly around the room, her eyes coming to a halt on a certain white unicorn. “Rarity! You’re a unicorn, can’t ya use some magic to heal her?”

“I’m afraid not. I may be a unicorn, but I never learned any healing spells. That kind of magic is far more advanced than anything I’ve ever learned. Surely the princess can help!” Rarity said. “With Nightmare Moon defeated, she must be somewhere! Right?”

“But where would she be?” Pinkie asked. “Where should we start!? I mean, she could be anywhere!”

“The only other option is to move her, but that could make things worse.” Rainbow grunted in frustration. “What do we do?” She paused. “What can we do?”

Silence filled the air as the ponies turned to each other, each hoping another would have an idea, and each having the same look of doubt on their faces.

A flash of bright light illuminated the room as Princess Celestia gracefully landed inside. The pride which beamed from her face faded as she studied the scene before her. On one side sat Luna, unconscious and lying in the shattered remains of Nightmare Moon’s armor. On the other side, however, was a group of ponies huddled around Twilight’s disfigured form.

“Princess!” the group shouted collectively.

Rainbow Dash darted towards her. “Princess, Twilight needs your help! You have to do something!”

Twilight twitched as she turned her attention to Celestia. In between groans, she managed to mumble, “Prin...cess.”

Celestia’s eyes watered as she surveyed Twilight’s condition. “This... This is–” Her regal guise cracked as her emotions raged, “NO! This wasn’t...”

“Princess?” Rainbow took another step towards her. “You can save her, right?”

“I... I don’t know. This–”

“What do you mean ‘You don’t know?’ Can’t you heal her?”

“It... isn’t that simple.” Celestia took a shaky breath as she continued, “She’s been cursed. Curses are different than ordinary magic, and they are far more complicated to undo. Even worse, this is forbidden black magic. It’s completely beyond even my ability to break. I would need... months... if not years to begin to understand this... evil... this– “Celestia closed her eyes, hanging her head in grief.

Twilight gulped and looked up at her mentor. She wracked her brain, but couldn’t remember a time she had seen nor heard the princess so devoid of hope. With the possibility of death hanging over her, Twilight averted her eyes as memories of her friends and family flashed through her mind. From the thoughts of her mother, father, and brother, to the very events that led up to her current condition, each memory left a sour taste in her mouth as she realized everything that was at stake.

“She saved us!” Rainbow retorted, snapping Twilight back to the conversation. “She broke through the curse!”

Celestia inhaled deeply before responding. “She broke through the part which controlled her mind, but the curse itself is still present. There are two ways to help her, but both have... consequences. One is healing magic, but with it comes great risk.”

She paused once more, trying to keep her composure. “The curse takes any form of magic it encounters and warps it, and its effects vary depending on who’s casting it and the intention of the spell. A healing spell, for instance, becomes extremely unpredictable. At its best it could simply do nothing at all, but at its worse it could cause new injuries, make her current injuries worse, or...” Celestia’s voice caught in her throat, as if she was trying to choke back tears, “it could kill her.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “So, you mean I–” A surge of pain shot through Twilight’s body as she spoke and silenced her.

“Wait,” Rainbow exclaimed, “Twilight healed us earlier. After the fight, she healed us. Is that why she’s...?” She glanced down with a sigh. As her eyes trailed over Twilight, she winced and quickly turned away. Rainbow stood silently for a moment, visibly trying to calm herself, before looking back to the princess. With a slight nod, Celestia confirmed Rainbow’s suspicions.

“What’s the other option?” Rainbow asked.

“The only other option,” Celestia knelt down next to Twilight, “isn’t much better. While the curse can’t be reversed or destroyed without killing the host, transferring it is a possibility. However, it must be moved to a living creature, else it will either latch on to the nearest being it can find, or return to its previous host.”

Rainbow Dash stared at the ground as she processed Celestia’s words and then looked back at her suspiciously. “...How do you know all this?”

“Because...” Celestia paused and took a deep breath. “Because this isn’t the first time it’s happened.”


Celestia and Nightmare Moon stood in the center of the room, wings flared as each dared the other to make the next move. The air hung heavy with tension as the two alicorns stared at each other in dead silence.

The fighting had certainly taken it’s toll. The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters was in shambles. Shattered glass dripped from broken windows. Torn tapestries hung loosely from the wall and small fires blazed around the room, consuming what remained of the castle’s furnishings. A single shard of glass dropped from a shattered window and crashed to the ground, yet neither of the two alicorns batted an eye.

“Luna...” Celestia stared at her with pleading eyes. “Let’s end this before anypony gets hurt. Please, Luna? Don’t make me do this.”

“How dare you call me by that name!” she bellowed. “I am Nightmare Moon, and you will address me as such!”

Nightmare Moon fired a burst of energy towards Celestia, but as she jumped to avoid it the beam seemed to slow down as it redirected its course and continued on its path directly towards her. In a desperate attempt to avoid it, she teleported away. However, as soon as she reappeared, the beam changed course once more. With nowhere to run, Celestia shielded her body with her wings. The force of the impact completely disintegrated the feathers on the front half of her wings and sent her tumbling across the floor.

Nightmare sauntered over to Celestia triumphantly. Sporting a malicious grin, Nightmare raised one of her legs a few inches above her sister’s head. With a deceptively light tone she asked, “Are you prepared to die, Celestia?” When she didn’t respond Nightmare moved her hoof over and gently placed it on the base of her horn. “On second thought, I think your horn would look lovely hanging in front of the palace, don’t you?”

Nightmare slowly applied pressure to Celestia’s horn, as if trying to draw out the process as long as possible, and unable to free herself from Nightmare’s grasp, Celestia awaited the inevitable. She could practically hear her horn cracking under the weight of her hoof. It continued to bend further and further, it’s connection to her skull threatening to falter. Just as Celestia thought her horn would snap, the doors to the throne room slammed open, halting Nightmare’s torture.

“Who dares disturb–” she snapped her head around. “Well well well, if it isn’t Star Swirl the Bearded. What impeccable timing you have. You’re just in time to witness the end of an era, and my ascension as Queen of Equestria.”

“I will never bow to the likes of you. I serve her Highnesses Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, not you, foul beast.” Star Swirl’s horn lit up with a silver aura. “I’m here to put an end to your wretched game.”

“You dare to challenge me!?” Nightmare Moon grinned over her shoulder spitefully, her horn lighting up as she readied a spell. “HAH! I will squash you like the insect you are!” She launched her attack, but Star Swirl erected a reflective shield, redirecting the attack back at Nightmare Moon and grazing her cheek.

“You were saying?” Star Swirl quipped, grinning. “Do you honestly think I’ll fall to the likes of you? I’d sooner die than serve underneath your rule.”

“Oh? Is that so? Well, now, I guess we’ll just have to remedy that situation, won’t we? How about we make a bet; I’ll show you a spell that you can’t replicate and you’ll serve underneath my rule, as my personal minion.”

With a groan, Celestia pushed herself to her hooves. “Stand... down, Star Swirl. You don’t know what she’s capable of.”

“Celestia, you’re injured. Please, sit down. I’m more than capable of handling myself.”

Celestia took a step forward, “No, Star Swirl, I–” Before she could finish her sentence she crashed into a barrier which surrounded her, blocking her from interfering. “Star Swirl!” she commanded, “lower this shield immediately!”

He snapped his head towards the princess. “You are hurt, Celestia. Stay out of this,” he barked. Narrowing his eyes, he turned his gaze back to Nightmare Moon. “You have yourself a deal, cretin,” he sneered. “Just say when.”

Nightmare’s horn flashed to life with a black aura. “You’ll be swearing an oath of allegiance to me in no time.”

Star Swirl shifted into a defensive stance, keeping eye contact with his challenger. His eyes widened in horror as the aura shifted from blue to black. “What in the name of–” Star Swirl’s muscles seized completely, the remaining words leaving his mouth as a mere grunt. “Hmpph. Resorting to cheating already, Nightmare? What, decide you couldn’t beat me fairly?”

Nightmare Moon just smirked as she slowly stepped towards him. “Oh, I’m not cheating. You said you could replicate any spell of mine.” She stopped right next to him. “Let’s see you match this.” Nightmare’s horn flashed to life once more as her mutated aura began to cover Star Swirl.

Shortly after, a pitch black ink appeared at his hooves and started slowly climbing up his coat. “What!? What is this!?” he roared.

“What? The spell?” Nightmare Moon chuckled lightly, eyeing Star Swirl mockingly. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a curse that controls your mind.” She let out a short laugh. “Do you like it? I made it myself.” Nightmare Moon giggled.

“C-curse!? You s-said this would be a magic duel! A magic duel involves spells, not cheap trickery!”

Nightmare laughed mockingly. “Oh, Star Swirl, you forget: a curse is a spell.”

Star Swirl growled in response, clenching his teeth together as he resisted the curse and the pain that came with it “I... will not be defeated by a spell such as this!”

Nightmare Moon took a step back, her mouth hanging open for a moment before twisting into a smirk. “Hmph. Do you honestly think you can fight this spell?”

In between sharp breaths, he grunted through his teeth, “I’ll last... longer than... you will!”

As the black matter continued its ascent, Star Swirl charged up his horn one last time, large lightning bolts swirled around it as he fired a spell at Nightmare Moon. Bands of magic lashed around her and bound her in place, leaving her paralyzed. The shield around Celestia lowered as Star Swirl called out to her, “Celestia!” he shouted, “use the Elements!”

“B-but you’re too close to her! What if–”

“DO IT!”

Nightmare Moon’s eyes widened as she realized what Star Swirl had planned. “What!? No! You wouldn’t!”

Celestia desperately conjured her magic and lifted the Elements from the pedestals. After a brief moment, the magic nested inside them sparked to life and formed a circle around Celestia with the Element of Magic floating above her. She cast a worried glance at Star Swirl as the Elements released their energy. Beams of white light shot from the sides of the orbs, connecting them to each other and forming a pentagon around her. Glowing brightly, each orb released a beam of energy into the Element of Magic.

“No!” Nightmare shielded her eyes from the light emanating from the Elements.

A tear trailed down Celestia’s face as she averted her eyes, not wanting to witness her sister’s defeat. “I’m sorry, Luna.”

A giant ball of light shot from the Element of Magic and encircled Nightmare Moon. As the vortex opened up around her, Nightmare did something none of them expected. What started out as a chuckle escalated into a maniacal cackle. “You will regret this, Celestia! No matter how long it takes, I will have my revenge!” The laugh resonated through the throne room. Even after the light had faded, and Nightmare Moon’s laughter had stopped, the echo remained.

Once Celestia was able see again, she looked to where the Nightmare once stood to find it empty. Nightmare Moon– no, her sister, was gone. Celestia turned her gaze skyward through what remained of the roof, scanning the final night sky her sister had created as she sought some sign, any sign, of Luna. Her eyes came to a halt on the moon as she realized its features had been altered. Plastered on the face of the moon were numerous new craters in the shape of mare’s head.

The tears flowed freely down Celestia’s face as she realized what she had done. Her legs gave way and Celestia fell to her knees, as if her body was unable to support the emotional weight. She had just banished her sister to the moon and had no idea when, or if she would ever see her again. “I’m so sorry.”

A sudden groan brought Celestia out of her shock. “Star Swirl!” Celestia knelt down next to him. “Star Swirl, are you alright?”

In between grunts and groans, he spoke, trying, and failing, to hide the pain in his voice “I... I’m afraid not. The spell Nightmare cast... it’s threatening to take control of me.”

Celestia took a step back. “St-stay still. I’ll remove it.” With a flash of her horn, Celestia sent a small ray of white light into Star Swirl’s horn, but as her magic reached him, the aura turned black, and Star Swirl screamed out to her.


Celestia obeyed immediately, confused. “What... what happened?”

“I think I understand. It’s a magic alteration spell. It changes both your magic... and my own. Celestia, listen to me. I have... a warning–a prediction. Take note of this, or the consequences could be grave.

“In a thousand years, on the eve of the Summer Sun Celebration, the stars will align, allowing Nightmare Moon to escape. She will return with her plans to bring everlasting night to Equestria. You must keep the Elements hidden here. Do you understand me? Place a spell on the Element of Magic. Make it appear only if the five others are present, and there is a spark of harmony in the room. They must not fall into the wrong hooves!”

He grimaced as he studied just how fast the curse was progressing. Growling in frustration, he slammed a hoof into the ground, cracking the stone floor. “The curse is advancing more quickly than I thought. Before I go, I–”

“‘Before you go!?’ What!? No. NO! Star Swirl! I can’t lose both my sister and you in the same day! Please!”

“There’s no other way, Celestia! Now listen! I must make one last request.”

Celestia swallowed, trying to restrain her tears from overtaking her. “Anything.”

“I ask... that you don’t mention me in the events that transpired tonight. Ponies will make me out to be a hero who sacrificed himself rather than what I did during my life. I’d rather be remembered for the spells I’ve created.”

“But you saved me! I can’t just–”

“Please,” he replied tonelessly, “I don’t want to argue with you, Celestia.”

Celestia exhaled deeply before nodding hesitantly. “...I will.”

“Now leave.” His horn lit up with arcs of electricity as dark energy coursed along its length. “I have to end this before I lose myself to this curse.”

Celestia hesitantly took a step back. “W-wait! There has to be away around this! Maybe we can–”

“No! There’s no time! I won’t tell you again, Celestia. Step back!”


“I said step BACK!” A wave of force knocked her away, and a second later a loud crack echoed through the throne room. When Celestia glanced up once more, all that remained of Star Swirl was a pile of ash and black soot.

With a heavy sigh, Celestia pushed herself to her hooves and surveyed the destroyed throne room. “...I promise I won’t let you down.” Celestia turned towards the Mare in the Moon once more. “But... I don’t know if I can last a thousand years without my sister.”


“Princess?” Applejack’s voice snapped Celestia out of her reverie.

“I refuse to let another pony I care about succumb to this horrible spell. All of you, stand back, I’m going to stop this even if I have to transfer the spell onto myself!” Celestia stood and braced herself as she channeled her magic into her horn, but dropped the spell as Twilight’s hoof touched her leg.

“No, Princess,” she interjected, her voice straining. “I can’t... let you do that to yourself.”

“B-but Twilight, I–”

“No.” Twilight interrupted, “I... wouldn’t wish this... on anyone.” Twilight sniffled as tears slipped from her eyes. “You’re all... so special to me. And I won’t... let any of you... get hurt. Not again.” Silence momentarily filled the room as Twilight’s consciousness drifted once more.

“But what about the Elements!?” Rainbow questioned, “Can’t we do anything!?

“I’m afraid not. The Elements weren’t made to counter something like this. And without Twilight to activate the Element of Magic...” Tears spilled from Celestia’s eyes as she spoke. “The only way the curse is truly removed is if the host... passes.”

Twilight groaned as someone nudged her from her slumber. She glanced up to see Celestia by her side once more. “Princess?”

“Twilight, I’m sorry! I never... I didn’t...” Celestia’s words failed her.

“Princess, I... I want to thank you.”

Thank me?” Celestia questioned. “Why? Wha–”

Celestia cut herself off as Twilight continued speaking. “Before today, I never had any real friends. But... with this journey, I did make friends. And even though... things happened the way they did, I’m glad I met them. And I wouldn’t have... if it weren’t for you, and I couldn’t be happier. So, thank you.”

I’m leaving everything behind: my new friends, my parents... my brother.

“My family... tell them...” Twilight’s vision blurred as tears started streaming from her eyes. “Tell them... I love them. And my friends. T... take care of them? Please? A-and Spike. He’s... only a baby dragon...” Her voice trailed off at the end as her eyes began to close.

“I will. And Twilight?”

Twilight only murmured softly in response as the last of her strength failed.

“T-Twilight. Stay with me a little longer! I-I really need to say this.” She paused a moment to calm herself and catch a breath. “I want... I need to thank you, Twilight. Not just for saving my sister, or your actions here today, but for everything. The years I’ve spent with you were truly some of the happiest I’ve had since... in a very long time.” Celestia lowered her head and gave Twilight a gentle nuzzle. “I watched you grow from a powerful, young filly into a truly wonderful and remarkable mare. And I couldn’t be any prouder.”

Twilight smiled lightly, closed her eyes, and with a mumbled, “Thank... you...” she exhaled her final breath.

Celestia shuddered with each breath as she stared down at Twilight’s lifeless form. “This... This wasn’t supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to...” Celestia’s chest seized and her words refused to form. She trembled as she struggled to maintain her balance, her legs threatening to collapse beneath her. She stumbled a bit, trying to keep herself upright, but quickly gave in to the inevitable and collapsed to her knees, unable to stand any longer. “You were taken away from this world far, far too soon. And though I may not be able to change what has happened, I can at least make sure your final sleep... is a peaceful one.”

With a small glint of her horn, she released her magic. Her aura surrounded Twilight and slowly restored her broken form. The darkness which tainted her coat melted off her and formed a puddle on the ground, revealing Twilight’s pristine lavender sheen, and the stripes in her mane and tail. The bones in her body realigned and the wounds covering her sealed shut. As Celestia cast a final glance at Twilight, she started openly sobbing, unable to contain her emotions any longer.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all gathered around Twilight one final time, each one trying to wrap their minds around the morning’s events. As the sun broke over the horizon, their gaze remained focused on their fallen friend.

A rising sun is usually a sign of peace and prosperity or victory, and although the battle had been won, as far as the remaining Elements of Harmony were concerned, they had still lost. All they could do was weep as a friend lay dead in front of them, and there would be no replacing her.

Celestia glanced over to the remaining Elements. “You five should go back to Ponyville. It’s been a long night and there are some… things I need to take care of here.”

The others looked to Twilight’s corpse then back at Celestia before Applejack nodded and spoke up, “I reckon so.” She motioned to the others and led them out of the ruins.

As the sound of their steps faded, Celestia sighed dejectedly. Everything. She’s taken everything from me... again. The bitter feeling of loneliness struck full force as Celestia began to sob once more. Nightmare Moon’s threat rang in the back of Celestia’s mind. She had threatened revenge for her defeat a thousand years ago, and she had made good on her promise. Celestia’s wings drooped to her side while her mane lay draped along the ground, resting on Twilight’s body.

Anger rose with Celestia’s grief, her body shook with each sob as the threat replayed itself over and over again in her mind. “Star Swirl wasn’t enough for you, Nightmare? You had to take Twilight away from me too!? Curse you, Nightmare Moon. Curse you and that damned spell!” Celestia paused and took a couple deep breaths to calm herself. “I will make sure that your evil never sees the light of day ever again... no matter what I must do.”

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed until she finally looked up again. It could’ve been seconds or minutes, but by this point, time meant nothing to her. She couldn’t bear thinking of how she was going to tell Shining Armor, let alone Sparkle family, that Twilight had been killed.

Glancing over, she saw the spot once occupied by Luna’s sleeping form was vacant. “Oh, Luna...”