• Published 3rd Jan 2012
  • 21,109 Views, 246 Comments

Sparkle No More - dastrdlyW

The battle with Nightmare Moon goes awry as Twilight is lost to a curse.

  • ...

Reconciliation Part 2

As the two princesses entered the castle Luna could feel curious stares of her sister’s servants and several guardsponies.

Most of the guards were in their armor which caused them all to look similar. There was one guard who caught her eye though. His armor was different. It was a mixture of different blues, and had a blue gem in the center. He had a light grey coat and his hair was also a darker blue than the other guards. As soon as he made eye contact with her, Luna gasped and quickly turned away. She didn’t want to draw any attention to herself. They turned a corner and headed towards a large double door engraved with a sun resembling her sisters cutie mark.

The door lit up with Celestia’s magic as she opened it and the two walked in.

“Okay,” Celestia said as she closed the door to her private suite, “What’s bothering you?”

Luna looked up at her then glanced away quickly. “Nothing.”

“It’s obviously not ‘nothing.’ You’ve been pulling away and shrinking back from everypony we encountered.” Celestia’s voice softened. “Did the Nightmare wound you so much, or was I more self-absorbed than I thought a thousand years ago?”

“I...” Luna faltered.

“Luna... talk to me, please?”

“It’s just all too much. I... They... The things I’ve... There’s no way they’ll accept me. So much has changed,” Luna paused and then added softly, “and yet too much remains the same. I never wanted any of this to happen. I just wanted to be appreciated the same way you were. I just wanted one pony to tell me how beautiful my sky was. I wanted to receive the same praise you do... but instead I was shunned. I never received an ounce of appreciating from anypony! I doubt anypony even missed me!”

“That... couldn’t be farther from the truth! The night I announced to Equestria what happened... that you were... gone... ponies mourned you. I mourned you. Many things have changed over the years, and ponies with them! Yes, ponies used to hide away during the night, but now there are ponies who spend most of their lives in the night. They work night shifts at jobs, and sleep during the days. Canterlot, Manehatten, and many others cities have a ‘night life’ all their own. There are even ponies who spend their entire lives studying the night sky!”

“... I know what you’re trying to do... but that just means they’ve been worshipping your night. It has nothing to do with me.”

Celestia placed a hoof on Luna’s cheek and smiled softly. “Come now, Luna. I know for certain ponies will love the night sky that you craft.”

“How do you know that? What makes you so sure? They’ve loved the night sky that you crafted for so many years. What makes you think they’ll like mine any better?”

“Because I never changed it! The night sky I raised every night… was the last one you created.”

Luna’s eyes widened momentarily as her sister’s words rung in the room. “You didn’t…?”

Celestia shook her head. “Not one star.”

Luna sighed. “But what if... what if when I do it, they just don’t care any more?”

Celestia stared at her sister a moment, as if she couldn’t believe Luna was serious and then rolled her eyes. “That won’t happen. Besides, these ponies have been studying my poor copy all these years, but your masterpiece would send them into a frenzy. We’d need to double your guard.”

“I... I don’t... Double my w--”

A knock at the interrupted her. “Ah, perfect timing as usual.” Celestia chuckled to herself. “Come in, Captain Sterling!”

The door opened and a stallion walked in wearing the armor of Celestia’s Guard. He was a silver-grey pegasus, but the bandages covering him hid most of his coat. He bowed respectfully. “Your Highness.” He then cracked a smile and assumed a more relaxed posture, apparently not noticing Luna. “Glad to see you made it back safe, Princess. How was the storm?”

Luna looked him over, noticing the bandages beneath his armor. It was an easy guess where his injuries came from.

“Dreadful.” She chuckled wryly. “I was tempted, more than once, to simply uproot every trees in that miserable forest just so their branches would stop hitting me.” She motioned to Sterling’s left. “However, my search was successful. She was hidden beneath a tree, in that old spot by the Everfree river, just as you’d mentioned.”

Sterling grimaced slightly before schooling his expression and resuming a more formal posture as Luna stepped forward. “He mentioned that spot? But…”

Celestia smiled, beaming toward both her sister and Sterling. “Yes. Believe me when I say, sometimes the best person to confide in is the captain of your guard. He knows… quite a bit about me, actually. Enough for some pretty impressive blackmail, at least.”

Sterling remained stone-faced during this and only then turned to face Luna. “Princess Luna. It’s good to see you returned.”

“I’m happy… to be back,” Luna muttered.

Celestia chuckled and gave Sterling a nudge. “You can relax, Sterling. She is my sister and there’s no need to hide our familiarity here.”

Sterling opened up at this and gave Luna a relaxed bow. “In that case, welcome home, Princess Luna. I really am glad to see you back.” She gave him a confused frown and he coughed once after a moment of it. “Anyway, I think I’ll head to the kitchens and see what the wait staff have prepared.” He eyed the two of them, noting the various twigs and leaves tangled in their coats manes. “And maybe find you two a few nice combs,” he added with a chuckle.

Celestia chuckled. “Yes. We are a little worse for wear, aren’t we?”

“Indeed.” Sterling paused. “Now, I’m sure you two have much to discuss, so I will take my leave. Good night, Your Highnesses.”

Luna watched Sterling go in silence. “He was one of the guards that I attacked, isn’t he?”

Celestia grimaced. “He was at Ponyville when Nightmare Moon attacked, yes,” she said carefully. “But I didn’t hear any ill will towards you. I’ve found that the captain of the Royal Guard is often one of the best ponies to confide in, and the captain of your guard is no different.”

“You mean your guard, ‘Tia.”

“No,” Celestia said, smiling impishly at her sister, “I mean your guard, Lulu. Shortly before your return, I organized a second branch of the Royal Guard. Much like my own guards, they are trained not only to watch over the city, but to protect you, as well. I tried to fill it with ponies who not only live and work during the night, of which there are many these days, but ones that revel in it. There are many such ponies in the Lunar Guard, and its Captain, Valiant Night, is the perf-”

“Wait!” Luna pinned her ears back and sat down, hard. “I-I… Oh Stars.”

Frowning, Celestia sat down next to her sister. “It is all a bit overwhelming, isn’t it?”

Luna nodded.

“Why don’t we try something more familiar then.” Celestia gave Luna an encouraging smile. “Why don’t you raise the moon and stars tonight?”

Silenced reigned for a few moments as she considered that. It had been a long time, and she did so love it. Could she really…? Luna nodded, making up her mind. It had been too long. “I would love nothing more.”

As the final traces of Celestia's sun left the sky, Luna set down her cup, closed her eyes. She inhaled deeply, taking time to calm herself, before focusing her magic. Tonight wasn't about trying to impress the ponies of Equestria, but doing what she loved. She smiled as she organized her stars into their constellations.

When she opened her eyes, she found herself standing alone in the Astral Plane, and sighed in content. “A thousand years since I've been here, and yet it still feels right.” As Luna continued to organize her stars, her eyes fell on a faded, purple figure which slowly solidified before her. “What... who are–” Luna gasped as the figure fell into focus. “Y-you! You’re... you’re the unicorn that–”

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. “Yes I am. But you,” Twilight paused, “you can see me?”

Luna nodded slowly.

“What is this place?”

“It’s... it’s the Astral Plane. It’s the gateway between the realm of the living and the...”

“Dead,” Twilight finished. “Yeah... I kinda figured I was somewhere like that. Though, if I may ask, what are you doing here?”

Luna swallowed nervously. “W-well, I... I transport my spirit to the Astral Plane to truly connect with the stars. From here, I can see and feel every single star I’ve created and control them.”

Twilight smiled. “I’ve read so much about you and your night, but there’s not a single diagram or painting I’ve seen that even comes close to representing the real thing. Watching you create the night from scratch like this... it’s astonishing. Especially from this angle.”

Luna paused and shifted uncomfortably. “Thank you... Twilight Sparkle? That was... is your name, correct? Why... why are you still here? Have you been here since I... since Nightmare Moon...”

Twilight frowned and nodded as she dropped her gaze to the world beneath her. “I can’t shake the feeling that... I’ll be needed. Which leads me to my next question: can other ponies see me?”

Luna shook her head. “Well, not here anyway. But if a spirit has the drive, they can will themselves visible, and sometimes even manifest themselves physically. Why do you ask?”

“Like I said, I just feel like I’ll be needed. Is there a time limit to how long I can roam the world before I am forced to leave?”

“No. A spirit crosses when he or she feels it necessary.”

Twilight nodded distractedly as she eyed the ground below once more. "While you're here, there's actually something I've been wanting to to say to you."

Luna cringed, her thoughts going back to the wrongs of this morning. "O-oh?"

“When Nightmare’s spell began to take control of me, I could see into her mind. I could hear, not just her thoughts, but yours as well. I heard you screaming and shouting and crying out for her to stop. And just earlier, I overheard your conversation with Princess Celestia, and I honestly don’t blame either of you.”

Luna shook her head slowly. “How can you say that? After all I’ve done... after what I’ve allowed to happen... most would deem me unfit to rule. Few, if any, would so openly forgive me.”

Twilight gently placed a hoof on Luna’s chin and turned her head until they were staring eye to eye. “Tell me, who are we?”

“I’m... afraid I don’t follow.”

“Who are we?” Twilight repeated. “First and foremost, what are we?”

Luna stared at Twilight curiously as she pondered her answer. “Um... ponies?”

“Exactly. We are ponies. We all have weaknesses, but we also have strengths. And if there’s anything I learned from my experience, it’s that everypony needs friends, and everyone deserves a second chance.”

“You... honestly believe anypony would do that for me? After they find out what I’ve done?”

“Yes I do.”

Luna started. “Why? How? Who in their right mind could forgive me?”

Twilight gave her a flat stare. “Me, obviously, and your sister, Celestia, as well.”

“I um...” Luna blushed and fell silent.

“If we, those closest to what happened, can forgive you, then others can as well.”

“But where do I start?” Luna sighed. “How do I start?”

Twilight turned away to watch the world below, she smirked at something below and glanced back over her shoulder. “You should start by asking for it, and then work to earn it.”

It was such a simple concept, and yet, it might work. Luna found herself nodding absently as she thought it over, until a sound caught her attention. It was the faint, but unmistakable sound of someone crying. It grew in volume and clarity, and when she looked to Twilight to see if she heard it too, Luna saw Twilight slowly drifting away, seemingly without moving. The clearer the crying became, the faster everything faded away until Luna’s eyes snapped open and she found herself sitting in the bedroom next to her sister, who was sobbing openly.

“‘Tia!” Luna jumped up and placed a hoof on her sister’s side. “‘Tia, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Celestia didn’t respond, her eyes locked on the sky. Following her gaze, Luna looked up and choked back a scream as she spotted a brand new constellation in the sky, aligned in the shape of a very familiar unicorn. The body, the face... it was unmistakable.

“Oh no! ‘Tia! I didn’t even realize what I was doing! I got distracted a-a-and–”

“She loved to read under the stars. Almost every night she would grab some book, or her telescope, and camp out in the gardens until she fell asleep.”

Luna sat dumbstruck until Celestia pulled her into another hug. “Don’t worry, Luna. I’m not upset. I just... Twilight meant a lot to me.” Celestia looked back up to the sky. “It’s amazing, Lulu. I’m sure she would’ve loved it. ”

“She did seem to like it up there.” Luna muttered absentmindedly.

Celestia’s started. “What?”

Luna froze, realizing what she had said. “Um... while I was up there, I...” Luna inhaled deeply. “She’s up there, Celestia. I spoke with her. She says... she says she’s not mad at you–at either of us.”

Celestia’s response took a bit, but then she smiled and snuggled Luna closer. “I... I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that. Thank you, Luna.”

Luna smiled as she snuggled into Celestia. It had been a long time since she had spent time with anyone, and spending it with her sister was enough to ease her worries, at least for now. There was one thing left to say, and now was the perfect time. “I love you, ‘Tia.”

“I love you too, Lulu. Always.”

A knock from the door broke through the silence once more. “Yes?” Celestia called out.

“Captain Valiant Night, Your Highness. I’ve come bearing two daffodil sandwiches, and... ugh, a side order of two combs, per the request of Captain Sterling.” A groan was barely discernable through the door, followed by a quiet mutter, “I can’t believe he made me say that.”

Celestia and Luna stared at each other blankly for a moment, before they both giggled a moment. As Celestia opened the door and Luna saw the pony standing behind it, she gasped lightly. It was the guard with the blue armor.

“Hello, Captain Valiant. It’s nice to see you,” Celestia said with a smile. “Please, come in.”

“Your Highnesses,” Valiant said with a bow as he entered. “I apologize for that. Captain Sterling was very clear when he said I needed to say that.”

“It’s quite alright, Captain Valiant. I’m glad you’re here. I’d like you to meet Princess Luna.”

Valiant bowed again. “It’s an honor to serve you, Your Highness. Is there anything I can do for you while I’m here?”

Luna stared at the pony bowing before her in silence, unsure of how to react. Part of her cringed every time he called her “Your Highness”, but isn’t that what she had wanted? “Uh... n... no, I’m–”

“Actually, Captain,” Celestia interrupted. “I’ll be turning in for the night fairly soon. If you wouldn’t mind showing Luna to her quarters, I’d be very grateful. You can leave my dinner where it is.

Luna jumped up quickly, prepared to object, but before she could utter a word, Valiant had already agreed to it.

“As you wish. Would you two like another moment alone?”

Luna nodded quickly. “Y-Yes. J-just give us a moment.”

Valiant nodded and bowed before exiting the room.

“T-Tia! Why would you–?”

“Remember what I said, Luna. Sometimes the best pony to confide in is the captain of your guard. There’s a reason I chose him to be yours. I know he’s someone you can trust.”

Luna exhaled deeply and gave a brief nod. “O...Okay. I’ll try... Good night, ‘Tia.”

“Good night, Luna.”

Luna leaned in and gave her sister another hug before leaving the room.

Valiant smiled briefly at her. “Are you ready to see your room, Your Highness?”

Luna winced. “Please don’t call me that.”

Valiant cocked his head, confused. “Call you what, Your Highness?”

“That. I just– could... could you just call me Luna, I... I think I’d prefer that.”

“Of course, Your H- I... I mean, Luna.” He motioned down the hall. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your room.”

Luna nodded sullenly as she followed Valiant through the halls until they slowed to a halt in front of a large door, painted with a full moon in the center of the door, and the different phases of the moon printed on the side of the door. “Here we are: your room.” Valiant opened the door.

Luna stared at the room in shock, admiring the beauty of its furnishings. Blues and purples of all shades and hues decorated the walls and curtains along the windows. The floor, made of pure marble, stretched seamlessly from one end of the room to the other, decorated by blue carpets sporting the image of her cutie mark.

Across the room, sitting between a pair of stained glass windows, was a blue canopy style bed large enough to fit half a dozen ponies. Adjacent to the bed sat a desk made of solid oak, complete with a pair of chairs and draped with a light blue cloth. On the other side of the bed was a tall glass door with a silver frame, leading to a balcony overlooking the gardens below.

When Luna looked up, she started. The roof above her was a painted glory of the night sky, her night sky. As she stared, it seemed to shift and move, tracking the sky outside, and the stars would twinkle right along with it. She lost herself watching it, and would have spent the rest of the night staring at it had a small cough not caught her attention.

“Is everything alright, Luna? I-if you don’t like it I can–”

Luna cut Valiant off with a shake of her head. “No, it’s... perfect.”

“I’m glad you like it, Luna. Is there anything else you need from me?”

Luna stopped for a moment as she remembered Celestia’s words. Very few ponies knew what happened in the ruins of the Everfree Forest that day, and she needed to know if there was any truth to her sister’s, and Twilight’s, words. “Actually, Valiant... can I confide in you? I would like your advice on... an issue.”

“Of course you can. That’s what I’m here for.” Valiant smiled. “What’s troubling you, Luna?”

Luna walked over to her bed and levitated a chair over next to it. “Please. Sit.”

Valiant walked over and sat down on the chair as Luna sat on the edge of her bed. She remained silent as she pondered how to open the subject. “How much do you know about what happened today?”

“All I know is Nightmare Moon made her return in Ponyville and tried to plunge Equestria into eternal night. I also know that she was defeated, thus freeing you from her control. However, I don’t know how it all happened.”

Luna’s ears flattened as she turned away. “So you know I was Nightmare Moon, then.”

He nodded.

Luna inhaled deeply as she tried to calm herself. “Nightmare Moon used me to achieve her own goals. She knew I was vulnerable, and the night when I felt like I’d had enough, she ambushed me and took control of my body. She didn’t hesitate to use this power and kill anyone who stood in her way.”

“Kill?” Valiant’s eyes widened.

Luna nodded grimly. “A thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon placed a spell and a curse on one of the greatest unicorns of his time, Starswirl the Bearded. He was one of my sister’s pupils, and Nightmare Moon used my body to kill him.

“Earlier today, she did the same thing to a young mare from Ponyville. In the end, she broke through the part that controlled her and was able to use the Elements of Harmony to save me... but the curse that I placed on her... ended her life. A young mare is dead, stolen from her friends and family. It was my weakness that allowed this to happen, and it’s my fault she’s dead. I’m a murderer, and here I am wondering if it’s right to seek forgiveness.” Luna deflated a little, and gave him a sorrowful glance. “Would you be able to forgive something like that?”

Valiant remained quiet for a few moments. “I am confused,” he finally answered. “Was it Nightmare Moon that did these horrible things, or was it you? I ask because, if I may be so presumptuous, you sound confused as well. Sometimes it’s ‘I,’ other times it’s ‘Nightmare Moon,’ - which is it?”

Luna stared at him, dumbfounded, for a moment. “But… I was Nightmare Moon.”

“Didn’t you just tell me Nightmare Moon took control of your body?”

“Y-Yes, but-”

“So who cast the spells? You, or Nightmare Moon?”

Luna didn’t respond.

Valiant took a step forward. “Luna, you’ve said that your weakness allowed her to take control, but it was Nightmare Moon that chose to kill. I wouldn’t presume to tell you what to do, but at some point, you’re going to have to forgive yourself, or at the very least move on and make up for whatever lapse you feel you’ve had. As far as I can see, you are no murderer.

“I can’t guarantee others will see this the way I do, but everypony is capable of forgiveness. Whether or not they do so depends on them, but before it can ever be given, it must be asked for.”

Valiant sat back, apparently waiting for Luna’s reply. She let out a melancholy sigh. “Can it really be that simple? ‘Ask, and be forgiven?’ If they aren’t able to forgive me, then what?” She stood up and walked onto the adjoining balcony, with Valiant following a few steps behind. “All I’d ever wanted before was some recognition, something that put me as more than ‘Celestia’s little sister,’ but to instead be hated? Reviled? I’m not sure I could stand that. If jealousy and loneliness brought about Nightmare Moon, what would happen should I break under that?”

“That won’t happen. There may indeed be some ponies that can’t forgive you, or that even vilify you, but this time around, there’s one thing that will be different: you won’t ever feel lonely again.” He took a deep breath and let it out, then added softly, “I won’t allow it.”

Luna slowly turned to look at him, unsure if she heard correctly. “Valiant…?”

“I won’t allow it,” he repeated. “Nopony should be left alone as you were, especially not one who can create such a beautiful sky. Tonight, for the first time in my life I’ve seen not just the moon rise, but the night sky come to life. Princess Celestia was never able to do that.”

They both sat stock still in the silence that followed and she stared at him, waiting as his blush creeping along his face. Then she caught his eye and gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Valiant. You don’t know how much it means to hear somepony say that.”

“You’re welcome, Luna,” Valiant said. “I’m glad I was able to be of help to you this evening.”

Luna nodded. “I’m glad I asked you. I’m not sure my sanity would’ve lasted had I not been able to get this off my chest. I’m... honored to have you as Captain of my guard... and... as a friend.”

Valiant froze momentarily, looking surprised. After a moment of stumbling over his words, he took a deep breath and smiled at her. “The honor is mine, Luna.” He stepped back to give her some space and then bowed. “Will there be anything else?”

Luna smiled and shook her head before turning back to her bed and climbing in. She yawned and bobbed her head once at him. “Good night, Captain.”

He quietly moved the chair back where it belonged and crept his way to the door. He paused before closing it, and whispered back into the room, “Sweet dreams, Luna.”