• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 13,712 Views, 928 Comments

Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria - munomana

Kirby's shenanigans in Equestria

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Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria


The air was still. No sound could be heard... other than the snores of a certain pink creature. The world around him was glittered with the stars in space illuminating the air around him.

Kirby lay in his star ship as it slowly drifted through space, no certain destination highlighted. Kirby had been through many adventures in his life, yet he was still shrouded in mystery. Nobody had known where he had come from or what he was. He was an enigma. All he had to do now, was to rest in his ship until something happened.

Apparently, that time was now.

Out of the quietness of the air, a loud bleep from the ship's alarm sounded. Kirby awoke in an instant, confused by the sudden lack of silence. He had heard the alarm before. Last time, he landed in Dreamland. Something's gonna happen. Kirby looked at the controls as they blinked in unison with the alarm.

On the screen read the word: "WARP"

Suddenly, a sheet of yellow metal began to obstruct his vision as it began to cover the spherical glass used to see.

The ship began to kick into action as it suddenly accelerated rapidly. The ship was surrounded by a exuberant myriad of colors in the shape of a tunnel as the ship continued to propel itself through.

The ship began to slow as it exited the tunnel. The bright yellow cover began to recede as the world around Kirby was revealed. Directly ahead of him stood a spherical planet, bright in color. Kirby was elated to see that he was about to land in a new world. It was about time for fun.

Kirby's starship slowly drifted towards the new planet with adventures ahead.

The Equestrian sun shone above as the day progressed through to the evening. Twilight paced through the library as she checked most of the items off of her daily checklist. She had cleared next to everything on her list. She went to the grocery, watched over the library all day, and she sent her previous friendship letter to Celestia. Only one thing was left on her list.

Stargazing with friends.

She looked towards the clock before realizing that it was almost time to get going or else she'd be LATE. Being late was never one of her favorite things.

"SPIKE! I need you to get my telescope, a blanket, and my picnic basket! It's almost time to get going!" yelled Twilight as she proceeded to grab a scarf and saddlebag from the hanger by the door.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it all right here!" Spike wobbled down the stairs, holding all of the required items in hand. He was just glad that he didn't have to come. A nap was needed immediately.

"Thanks Spike! I'll see you later." Twilight then proceeded to place most of the items in her saddlebag before sticking the handle to the basket in her mouth. She then rushed out the door at full speed, wanting to get there on time.

The world around her dimmed as the sun began setting over the horizon, revealing Luna's beautiful night. Twilight rushed through the semi-filled streets of Ponyville, as ponies began to file into their houses, ready to rest for the next day.

The trot to the resting spot was rather quick as Twilight rested down in the top of a hill outside Ponyville. She proceeded to place her basket on the ground before lying a blanket on the soft grass. She quickly placed her telescope beside the blanket before resting on the blanket.

After a few minutes, Twilight's friends began to arrive. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, And Twilight sat around on the blanket, enjoying the daisy sandwiches. Rainbow Dash, of course, was bored and flying around doing tricks.

"Okay everypony, it's time to start! The sky is perfectly clear!" Twilight was beaming with excitement. She had been looking forward to stargazing with her best friends! She could show them, and lecture them, and call them George-... Okay, maybe not that, "I'll use the telescope first so you know how to use it, okay?"

Everypony present nodded in agreement before Twilight adjusted the telescope into view, hoping to find any constellations Luna could have made. A few minutes passed, nopony made a peep.

Applejack took a cookie in hoof before looking up to the sky, " Twi, is there suppose' ta be a meteor thingamajig tonight?"

Twilight turned her head away from the telescope towards Applejack in confusion, "Not that I know of Applejack. I'm sure I did my research before-hoof." Twilight then returned to the telescope, trying to find something.

"Then what's that there flyin' light?"

Twilight responded by looking away from the telescope and in the direction of Applejack's pointing hoof. In the sky, there was indeed a falling light. It seemed to move slowly, but got bigger in size.

It then struck her like a tons of bricks.

'It's getting closer!'


The mares quickly jumped to the ground before a star-like ship passed overhead, a few meters above their heads. It sped down the hill at an angle, scraping against the hill and leaving a dirt trail behind. The UFO slowly began to roll before coming to a stop.

Everypony was petrified in place by fear, unsure of what to do.

The ship just sat at the bottom of the hill. The engine stopped humming as the ship died down. Kirby's star ship had dents littering the surface of the yellow metal-like material. Kirby sat with his eyes closed. He had been knocked unconscious in the impact.

The world was still for a few moments before Twilight slowly rose to her hooves.

'I'm not sure what that is. I'll have to make sure it's nothing dangerous.'

Before anypony else could do anything Twilight began trotting down the hill at full speed. She didn't care if she would fall, she had too many questions that needed an answer.

Twilight had reached the bottom of the hill before running to inspect the ship. It was shaped like a star and made with a hard, yellow material that she was unfamiliar of. The UFO had a semi-spherical glass-like substance on top of the start. Inside the ship was many buttons and levers that had an unknown purpose.

Twilight noticed a pink object hidden behind what seemed like a seat. She quickly ran around towards the front of the ship before looking inside.

Twilight froze.


I apologize for being so inactive lately. I got hit by a case of writers block, even though I had the old story planned out. I just wrote this to get me feel like writing again

P.S. I apparently spelled thingamajig right.

P.P.S. I'm not expecting this to be any good XD