• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 13,693 Views, 928 Comments

Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria - munomana

Kirby's shenanigans in Equestria

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Kirby's Nightmare in Equestria


Quick Note: This chapter is after the chapter I am currently making. The previous chapter is not necessarily imperative to be read, and you can continue reading regardless.

Applejack and Kirby stood by the Ponyville train station. Applejack had been trying to explain to Kirby some things regarding Equestria itself, but Applejack's method flew right through Kirby's mind. Kirby was intelligent and could memorize certain things well, but it would take more than a short session to get it through his mind. Back in Cappy Town, they didn't have anything like ponies and special unicorn magic.

Luckily, Applejack was able to explain to Kirby about her friends, their names, where they lived, their occupations, and many other aspects. Kirby, on the other hand, was more interested in the abnormalities of this world. This world had many noticeable differences. The colors in both worlds were both bright, the worlds both spoke the same language, and they seemed to be oblivious to Star Warriors. Kirby was also confused why he obtained the beam ability from Twilight. He was also confused why the giant gingerbread house had a giant stone candy cane on it instead of real candy.

Applejack had already purchased three tickets to Canterlot using the money Twilight threw at her in haste. One for Spike, Twilight, and Kirby. She had no idea why they had to go, but she just tossed it aside as Twilight's business. The train left in 15 minutes, which gave them plenty of time. They ride was only a simple 30 minutes, but it was still the quickest way to Canterlot.

'Ah wonder why Kirby's comin' along too.'

Applejack was about to start up another conversation, but before she could, a purple speck began to grow in the distance, along with another, shorter purple speck. As they grew closer, Applejack was able to identify them as Twilight and Spike. Twilight had a rather large saddlebag that seemed to be filled to the brim with scrolls, quills, and other items that had to do with writing.

The cowpony quickly trotted up to Twilight before giving her Spike and Twilight's tickets.

"Um, need any help with that?"

"No thanks, Applejack. I need to start boarding anyway, the train's leaving in 10 minutes!"

Applejack nodded in understanding before stepping out of the way.

The mares said their goodbyes before Twilight, Spike, and Kirby boarded the train.

Kirby was rather confused by all that was going on. First, he landed and slept in a barn. The next thing he knows, he's on a train to a place called Canterlot. He wasn't sure why he needed to go, but there must have been a reason his ship sent him here. Kirby then decided to go along with it. These ponies seemed really nice.

They quickly took their seats before Twilight took out a notepad out of the large bag and opening it to the page she previously had before their Q&A got interrupted.

'All this time, Kirby seemed to have a large interest in eating food. It would probably have to do with his UNIVERSE for a stomach. Note: I'll have to research that later.

"So, Kirby. I have another question for you."

Kirby seemed to lift his head in interest, for he had nothing to do the whole trip seeing how they said it would take 30 minutes.

"Do you like food?"

The train ride neared Canterlot as their Q&A came to an abrupt stop. Twilight had been asking Kirby many Y/N questions, most involving food. She did manage to get lots of unnecessary info that pretty much did nothing as well. Spike, on the other hand, slept the entire time due to the fact that he barely got any sleep while Twilight studied all night.

The train slowed to a stop as it reached the train station. The realization hit Twilight like a ton of bricks.


The booming voice was accompanied by a purple blur flying out of the train. The voice echoed everywhere, and seemed to silence the whole city for a second.

As Kirby and Spike stepped out of the train, Kirby gave Spike a confused look.

"Oh, yeah. Twilight...does that. You'll get used to it."

Spike then began walking towards the Canterlot Castle, where Twilight was bound to be. For Twilight, it was be tardy, or not study. Kirby then followed suit behind Spike.

The pair continued walking down the streets of Canterlot. Spike walked casually, while Kirby skipped along in glee, which seemed to be the usual attitude of him. The ponies around them turned their attention towards them, and fell silent. Not a single sound was made the entire trip. The ponies were either aghast at the sight of Kirby, or just plain confused.

"Just don't pay them any attention. They'll get used to ya."

Kirby nodded in response.

Twilight ran the castle with haste. She didn't want the princess to think she was slacking and be tardy! Usually, she'd be crumbling under the weight of the saddle bags, but the thought of possible being late gave her an incentive not to take a break.

Twilight's mind raced with questions. All that had been taking place lately had been troubling her.

'Why does the princess want me? Does it have to do with Kirby? Who IS Kirby? Why does he have a universe for a stomach!?'

The ponies around her shot her glances of surprise, but Twilight was in too much of a rush to pay it any mind. She was too confused as is to care.

Twilight gleamed with happiness with a trace of worry as the castle came into view. She quickly rushed into the castle before the guards could do anything, but they quickly realized it was just Twilight.

She hurried herself into the throne room, where Princess Celestia stood.


The princesses turned around before coming face to face with Twilight.

"You said you needed me, for, um, a test?" Twilight then levitated the large saddlebags off of her back.

"I made sure to bring lots of quills and scrolls to show all my work!"

The items in the saddlebags spilled out along with a lone scroll that rolled to the princess's hooves. She then lifted it up with her magic before rolling it up.

"This, is a different kind of test."

She then levitated all of the contents back into the bags.

"The Crystal Empire has returned."

Twilight was shocked. She had not ever heard of the crystal empire.

"I-I'm sorry! I thought I was sure about everything, but I couldn't find anything in my books about-"

"There wouldn't be."

Celestia began to walk to the back of the back of the room before lifting the glass of a pedestal before lifting the crystal inside the glass case to the floor in front of Twilight.

"Even my knowledge of the Crystal empire is limited."

Suddenly, Celestia hit the crystal with a beam of magic before a projection of a city emanated around it.

"But what I do know, is that it contains a powerful magic."

The projection showed crystal ponies prancing around the streets before the sky began to darken.

"One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire, and enslaved all who lived in it."

The projection then showed of the land turning dark and the ponies in chains, walking, doing all that Sombra commanded.

"He was ultimately defeated and banished to the Arctic North."

It then showed Sombra being sealed between the cracks of ice.

"But not before he placed a curse on the Empire that caused it to vanish into thin air."

She then began to raise the crystal into the air.

"If the empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected above all of Equestria. But if hatred and fear take hold-"

Suddenly, Celestia horn emitted a dark, purple and green magic wave that struck the crystal before it turned an onyx black. A dark shadow then cast over towards twilight where a stalagmite of dark crystal grew from the ground right before her where it branched off around her and more stalagmites grew.

Suddenly, Celestia's horn glowed before she shot a beam of magic where it destroyed the dark crystals.

"-which is why I need your help to find a way to protect it."

Twilight looked in shock.

"You want me to protect an empire?"

Celestia then walked over to the pedestal before placing the crystal back in its place.

"This is why I told you it was a different test. You'll be with your friends, Shining Armour, Princess Cadance, and Kirby to help you."

Twilight finally understood, it was a big task, but she could do it.

"Where do I begin!"

"You will be meeting with Shining Armour and Cadance in the Empire."

Twilight was about to agree and carry on, but one giant detail confused her. One thing that was completely oblivious to her.

"Why is Kirby coming along?"

Celestia's eyes closed for a second before she spoke.

"You cannot ultimately defeat Sombra without Kirby. This is Kirby's fight. You are there to assist Cadance and Shining Armour and protect the citizens."

Twilight understood as she put on a brave face, but underneath, there was a layer of worry and doubt. Twilight then turned to the exit before walking.

"You can count on me, Princess."

"Okay, in you go, Kir-"

Spike was interrupted by Twilight walking through the door with an expression of doubt

"Well, that was quick!"

Twilight didn't reply.

"Did you pass?"

Twilight stayed silent.

"Did-...did you...fail?"

Kirby was confused for a second as music started playing from absolutely nowhere. Suddenly, Twilight began to sing a soothing voice. Kirby was confused for a second, before the uplifting voice brought him into a happy mood. Twilight then started to dance and act along with spike in different ways. Even Spike began to sing, which was actually pretty good.

Kirby contributed as he added a distinct, "Poyo!" between every line sung. The group danced through the streets and gardens, singing the whole way as they neared the station. Many dances and magic were used during it, including some rather brief stops.

The song came to an end as they reached to steps of the train stop. Spike sat down before a question reached his mind.

"Uh, fail what exactly?"

Before Spike could get an answer, The arriving train's doors opened. Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie all walked out of the car before coming to face Twilight. They all saw Kirby, but the passes it aside for the moment.

Suddenly, Pinkie reached out of nowhere and retrieved a cannon. Then, a loud voice boomed from Pinkie Pie as she turned on a huge smile.


Pinkie then cocked the cannon to shoot it, but before it shot, the cannon flew from its place and into Kirby's mouth in a huge tornado of wind. Kirby was enveloped in a flash before a blue cap adorned his head and a bomb appeared in his hands.

Kirby then took the bomb and ate it since he didn't need it at the moment.

The mares who recently exited the train were aghast, especially Fluttershy, who hid behind Rainbow Dash. The silence held for a few moments before Twilight spoke up.

"I'll explain on the train. For now, to the Crystal Empire!"




Hi guys! Here ya go. I only spent 4 hours on this one, with an accidental deletion, but otherwise, it's all good!

Some parts were botched because I deleted it, but I hope it's okay enough.

This is probably my longest chapter ever... which is sad.

Oh well, enjoy!

-munomana (moo-noh-mah-nah)