• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 13,953 Views, 666 Comments

The Queen's Revenge - Listener

When the Queen of the Changlings takes her revenge on the ponies, will Twilight be able to stop her? Or, more importantly, will Twilight be able to stop herself?

  • ...

Welcome Back Party

The group entered the main hall of the castle, looking around in what looked like suppressed fear.

Fear of what they didn’t know.

Applejack and Rarity led the way, followed quickly by Fluttershy and a unusually mellowed Pinkie Pie, with Spike tagging along behind them. A guard quickly approached them.

“Elements. The Princess wished to speak with you in her private chambers immediately.” He said, nodding at them.

“Hold yer horses. We’re here to see Twilight!” Applejack said, stepping forward.

The guard shook his head. “The Princess insisted that you talk to her first.”

Applejack opened her mouth to make a retort at the guard, but was stopped by a hoof on her side. “Hold it Applejack. If the Princess wants to see us, we can’t exactly say no, can we? Besides, Twilight may be there with her.”

Applejack nodded slowly. “Fine. But Ah Still want answers.” She said, glaring at the guard. The guard, however, remained impassive. “All I can tell you is that there is some things that the Princess will prefer to explain herself.”

Rarity gave a reassuring smile at Applejack, while Pinkie Pie bounced forward, popping in between the two at looking at the guard.

“Well then, what are we waiting for? Lead the way Mr. Guard!”

The guard, without another word, turned around and started heading deeper into the castle. The multicolor group of friends followed him without a word, glancing around them as they went.

Eventually, however, the group reached Celestia’s room and the guard took his station on the left side of the door, the right side already having a guard there. “The Princess is inside, waiting for you.” He said, before assuming a blank stare.

The five ponies looked at each other for a moment before they moved forward, opening the door and heading inside to the brightly lit room, with Celestia sitting in front of the fire, a pile of letters in front of her.

She didn’t seem to hear them come in, as she was still reading a letter and didn’t acknowledge them.

Rarity cleared her throat softly. “Excuse me... Princess Celestia?”

Celestia started slightly at the sound, before lowering the letter and placing it on the pile.

“Ah, you’re here. I am sorry that I had to call you here with little explanation. I know that you have been worried about Twilight and Rainbow Dash, but they are here now, safe.” She said, with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

Applejack nodded. “Ah’m assuming that you’re going ta explain now?”

Celestia closed her eyes and nodded, breathing deeply before opening them again and addressing the group. “The mission to the badlands was an apparent success. Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash, Lyra, and the unexpected Scootaloo were able to reach the changeling’s hive and grab Twilight and bring her back.”

“They reappeared yesterday ago, each of them malnourished. Shining Armor is still in the hospital, and Scootaloo is... in the ER. The doctors are confident that she will recover fully, given time.”

Fluttershy gave a small whimper in the back of the room, where an unusually still Pinkie was comforting her.

“Rainbow Dash however, has made a full recovery, and is just finishing her final examinations before her release. She will be joining us shortly.”

Celestia paused slightly, trying to think of how to phrase what she knew she had to say.

Applejack shifted in her spot on the floor, uncomfortable with the silence, and with who was left to explain.

“Princess... what about Twilight?” She asked uncertainly.

Celestia sighed. “Twilight’s situation is... complicated. You are aware of how her time in the badlands may have changed her, yes?”

The five ponies slowly nodded.

“Well... she changed more than we thought possible.”

“What I am telling you is going to be hard to believe, but we have tested this, both magically and non-magically. And for all purposes... this is Twilight.”

The group just waited, slightly confused where Celestia was heading with all this.

“But.. it also appears that she is a... changeling.” Celestia said the last word slowly, still unused the idea, but slowly learning to live with it.

As she looked at the element bearers, a shocked silence filled the air.

Pinkie was the first one to break the silence. “What do you mean? It’s still Twilight, isn’t it?”

She paused, and Celestia was silent.


Applejack stood up suddenly after about a minute of awkward silence. “If it’s still Twi, Ah don’t care what form she’s in. She’s our friend!”

Rarity stood up next. “I for one must agree with Applejack. I simply don’t care what she looks like. She’s still Twilight, and always will be! I simply can’t imagine that she would let those brutes win!”

Pinkie Pie stood up with Fluttershy, both letting out two degrees of affirming shouts of agreement.

Celestia smiled sadly. “My thanks. But... there is even more troubling news that I must tell you. While she may be here in body...”

She sighs. “Twilight Sparkle appears to be in a self-induced coma. She is fine aside from that.”

Celestia stopped, taking a shaky breath, before letting it out in a slight rush.

“No. No she is not okay. She is in the hospital wasting away and there is nothing I can do about it!” Celestia said, her usually calm voice shaking with emotion. “For all the power of the sun, and there is nothing I can do to save her.”

She took a deep breath, and recollected herself. “That... is why you are here.”

The four ponies looked confused and upset at this news. Fluttershy was even hiding behind her mane.

“The doctors have given her less than... forty hours to live. I know that you all will... want to spend some time with her.”

Celestia broke off. “I am... sorry. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you to see Twilight. Rainbow Dash will meet you there.”

She said this, the group looking at each other and slowly left the room, but not before they saw Celestia started to cry.

Author's Note:

GUYS!!!! I am sooooo sorrryyyy- I had no clue that it had been six goddamn months.

And I know it's short! But Is split this chapter in half, and then next half should be done around the New Years Mark.

Please, Enjoy. And forgive me.