• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 44,325 Views, 2,825 Comments

Foal Necromancer - Kytranis

A designated villain finds himself in equestria and his paranoia runs rampent, scaring the locals.

  • ...


“So how long until this incarceration period ends?” I ask wryly and Luna fixes a glare at me.

“Until I can trust you not to run headlong into danger! Every time you ran into a changeling you immediately provoked them rather than warn the guards. When they came for you in a group you didn't even think to get help. You charged straight outside and into a trap!” Luna exclaims sounding outright offended by my actions. What's her problem?

“I won didn't I? I won decisively!” I protest and I find my lips are suddenly glued together. There's a steady hum of power in the room.

“From this moment forwards, until I can trust you with your own safety. You will be in my sight or escorted by a guard at all times. There will be no debating this.” she says and since I cannot verbally lodge a protest or scream... I nod meekly. “Good. Now, it's time to start planning your education.” she says and an eyebrow goes up. Then I sneeze, but since my mouth is sealed shut I swallow the rush of air in a painful gulp, and breath it out slowly though my nose after a sniff. The power fades and my mouth in unsealed.

“Excuse me? I'm nearly two hundred years old here.” I tell her and one of her eyebrows goes up.

“Two hundred years as a self educated recluse. You know manners from impersonating nobles but not the differences between separate casts. You understand things as an outsider looking in, and that was in a world you are familiar with. You have no clue here.” she tells me and I groan. She's right and now... I don't get to finish that thought as I sneeze. When you have the snout of a pony you really notice your sneezes.

“What the!? Why am I sneezing so much?” I ask in shock. It should have been over when I warmed up.

“You've caught sick.” Luna tells me with a bit of a smile. There's a very thin and fluffy piece of paper floating in front of me. “Blow your nose.” she says and I sigh before grabbing the paper and doing just that.

“How can I be sick? I'm a necromancer, my presence kills such things.” I state before thinking. “Oh no... I made the disease undead as well.” I mutter before blowing into the paper again. The next few days are going to be absolutely horrible.

“Is that going to be infectious?” Luna asks warily and I shake my head.

“It won't survive away from a necromantic wellspring. In other words only I'll be putting up with this.” I say before coughing. Oh just wonderful, just freaking wonderful. I beat my enemies and now I'm basically imprisoned and sick as well. “What did I do to deserve this?” I moan, I did not whine. Only children whine and I am not a child.

“I spelt it out to you and you still don't get it...” she states shaking her head. “Come on, let's get you some vegetable broth.” she states and I stand up feeling far, far more tired than I have any right to be. “Careful.” she says and I sigh and shake my head to try and clear it.

“I hate it when this happens.” I state.

“You get sick often?” Luna asks and I shake my head.

“No it's urgh... it is something that just happens. If I don't know I'm sick or injured I can ignore it for days. But now that it's pointed out...” I say letting it go at the end and Luna titters a little.

“Well I guess I don't have to worry about you sneaking off on me, for a little while at least.” she says and I sigh. “Also I will be putting a seal on your powers.” she states and my jaw drops.

“WHAT?! How would you even do that?! Why would you do that?!” I ask quickly and shrilly. Seal my necromancy!? How!? There are ways to become immune to it's effects, or simply cancel all magic in an area, but she only said my necromancy... how!?

“Why I'm doing it is that necromancy is your answer to anything. When you were threatened by the changelings you didn't get help, or try to trick them. You either used necromancy to kill them or sicked your necromantic creature at them. There were better ways that would not have upset the cleaning staff so much.” she tells me and I raise an eyebrow, I open my mouth to protest but she cuts me off.

“Don't even try to deny it. You have two skills, maybe three. Necromancy, a minor amount of soul magic, and maybe a bit of skill with imbuing gemstones with magic. What can you do that does not apply to those fields?” she states then asks me and that stops me cold.

“I... uhm...” I begin but nothing comes to me. My seduction of Velvet could be attributed to the enchanted gemstone I found. Most of my more bombastic non-necromancy spells were from scrolls. I also can't use the smaller spells due to my horn being broken. I used to use necromancy to empower my barely alive body so physical combat is out too... I also used it to simply survive...

“See the problem?” she asks and I look away.

“Yea, my problem is that you're about to take away my only defence in an unknown world!” I announce and she snorts.

“Hardly, I'm placing a seal on your necromancy so that the energy reserves for it are no longer near limitless.” she tells me and an eyebrow goes up. “You need to learn other skills, a one trick pony lives an empty life.”

“What are you talking about? All sorts of things have been happening. I've rarely, if ever had a dull moment.” I tell her with complete honesty. Just how in all hells has my life been in any way empty?

“And when, was your last enjoyable moment that had nothing to do with the pain of another?” she asks and I try to answer, but I can't.

“My time with Velvet?” I ask trying to get an answer out, she just shakes her head.

“She was horrified and pained by the death of her lover when she saw you take an arrow to the head.” she tells me and I flinch. Yes, that did happen. Didn't it?

“Can't I just take an oath or something?” I ask lamely, a wave of depression hitting me as a sneeze does.

“Considering the past day alone, I have to say no.” Luna tells me and I frown. “I'm not completely cutting off your power. I'm putting a limit to how much you can use.” she states and now I'm confused.

“How?” I ask, getting really worried now. It's not too bad if a goddess I've been in the presence of can figure it out, she is after all, a goddess. But, if anyone else can figure out how to limit my power I am in more danger now than ever before.

“The next time you go to sleep I'm going to slip an amulet on you.” she states and I'm instantly worried. “The amulet will stop you from pulling at the dark energy well in your soul. Although, it will not stop you from using the energy that pours over.” she tells me and I start to think. That's not... too bad. I think. After all, a few days of overspill from that energy created one of the most powerful undead abominations I have ever spawned.

Still, this also means nothing big. No walking corpse bombs, (Or in the case of those changelings flying corpse bombs) no residue that will revive the dead as undead in an instant. Nothing big, just the small. So commanding the dead, speaking to spirits, sensing life, easing pain... all the small stuff. No instant death spells or preventing my own death either. Shit.

“What the?” I ask as she levitates me onto her back and I quickly find myself sitting in between her wings.

“I did mention some broth didn't I?” Luna asks gently and I sigh. This woman... she changes moods so fast I can barely keep up. I think deeply as we leave before grinning. She's just stemming the flow. If I can stock up crystals when I'm not using magic, I can build a second store of power...

“Night-Shade!” A voice shouts out a few moments later and I turn to see Rain-Drop rushing up to us with a pegasus mare that has her colour scheme, and a quill and scroll for an emblem.

“I apologize my lady, but Rain-Drop's been beside herself with worry since she was separated from the prince.” she says and now I'm starting to feel guilty. Luna has a general idea of the havoc a necromancer like me causes just by being alive. She knew what she was getting into, I think. Rain-Drop is a child. A young one at that. A child whose seen another rush off to face a horde of monsters.

The poor girl must be halfway traumatized, I realize as the guilt takes a solid grip on me. Well... don't I just feel like a bastard... I jump down using my wings to brace the fall. “Oh thank goodness you're alright, I was so worried when Bones wouldn't let me follow you, and I heard that half the guards had turned into changelings and let in a huge swarm, then there was that horrible shield and I saw so many changelings flying around outside and I, and I... I was so scared for you!” Rain-Drop quickly sobbed out as she rushed up and hugged me. I sniff to try and clear my nose and process what she said.

“I'm okay Rain-Drop, I only got a little cold. I've been through worse and I'm still alive.” I tell her and her horrified gasp tells me that was not the right thing to say.

“What could be worse!?” she asks horrified and I'd slap myself if she wasn't holding me. I hate that everyone is bigger than me. Just saying.

“I was just trying to help you calm down, don't worry. I'm fine, you're fine, and that's just fine.” I say trying to keep it to words she will understand. “You are okay right?” I ask and she sniffs and nods. “Good.”

“Just don't do it again...” she says sniffing. Oh... oh crap... did Luna plan this? I can tolerate something aggressive or powerful annoyed at me but a child... a child who likes me on top of that. To make it worse she's not annoyed, she's hurt.

“I'll try not to...” I hedge and she sniffs and backs off a little. She gives a weak smile as I give a sniff. I hate being sick, I hate being manipulated, I hate being small, I hate that I care, I hate the fact I have to stand up. When I feel like crap I hate everything, and I hate that.

Before anyone else can say anything a sneeze rips it's way out of me again. Rain-Drop jumps back and smiles sheepishly. “You sure you're okay?” she asks and I nod as I sniff a bit. “How did you do all that anyways? Your horn is broken...” She asks before stating the obvious. She also trails off as if uncomfortable with it.

“I... know a little bit about soul magic. It's really hard to do, but you can do things that most magic can't.” I tell her and she looks like she's considering something deeply.

“Can you... can you teach it?” she asks and my eyebrows go up.

“Well... maybe... I'm not really good at it myself.” I say and she blinks in surprise. “Those who are good at it are scary strong though.” I tell her and she looks to be thinking it over.

“Oh... wow... is it really hard to learn?” she asks and I chuckle a little ruefully.

“More like I only had the chance to learn a little. I only ever got one scroll about it, and it only covered the basics.” I say and a look of comprehension dawns on her face. I have to sneeze again.

“Maybe when you're feeling better...” Rain-Drop's mother says and I nod. Somehow the cold has given me some time to think... lucky? Maybe...

“Yes, some vegetable broth and rest is what's ahead of him today. Nothing else, understood young stallion?” Luna asks sternly, looking down at me and I don't even try to look back. I just groan in annoyance. “Understood?”

“Yes... I understand.” I answer her before heaving a huge sigh. This is so annoying, doubly so in that I can't do anything about it. Now Rain-Drop and her mother are giggling. I missed something, didn't I?

“We best get going, but I'd be happy to schedule a playdate when he's better.” Luna says sounding quite cheerful. A playdate? Oh for pities sake...

“See you later Night-Shade!” Rain-Drop says cheerfully, she quickly dashes in to give me a hug before backing off just as fast. Was she trying to outrun the cold?

“Yea, bye.” I say without much energy. My cold is partially responsible, but it's mostly my reservations. A play date? She's a decent scribe but... I'm going to have to keep a small child entertained while pretending to be entertained myself? Is this further punishment?

I'm quickly levitated back onto Luna's back and I slump down in relief. I just feel so tired... how long was it since the last time I got sick? Hmm... I can't remember... so of course it would have to be an undead disease in order to infect me. Just... bloody perfect. I hate this. I'm thinking in circles, and I'm dead tired. And when I fall asleep, I'm going to wake up with most of my power gone. Gods Damn It!

Most of the trip blurs as I almost doze off. I force myself up again as I sense a wendigo try to get close to the palace. I focus deeply to try and clear my head. I open my senses to souls alone and am nearly blinded by Luna's presence. Well that kind of stupid. I distance my senses and start looking around, I find a cluster of shifting souls in the basement. One of them, the biggest one of the bunch, was horrified and furious.

I focused on them all completely and I found out that almost all of them were connected to the largest one... hold it, those are the changelings! Why are the other spirits so small? I focus on them more fully, and I realize that for all the energy they're absorbing they cannot heal what was never there. So they're evolving into something smaller. Something that is composed of all the thin roots brought together into something durable and whole. A hollow shell pushed together into a solid whole, just smaller.

I shift my focus slightly and sense tiny bodies, curled up they're smaller than my growing eyes. They seem to have extra wings, no horns and... long lion like tails? Interesting. “Uhm... just a heads up. When the changelings come out again they're going to be really, really small.” I say, and she stops as I focus on physical senses again to realize we're just a few metres from the kitchen door.

“How small?” Luna asks.

“Smaller than my eye, also they will have four wings and lion like tails.” I tell her and she blinks in surprise.

“All that change for something so... trivial?” Luna asks and I stare at her in shock.

“Soul magics aren't well known around here, are they?” I ask and she shakes her head.

“No, we can use them to block of magic, but that's about it. We never explored beyond it. There is the occasional spell but they come from one of a kind prodigies. Star-Swirl the Bearded for instance, he developed a time spell that borrowed heavily from soul magic principles.” Luna explains and I sigh.

“Alright, the first major thing to ever learn about soul magic, is that anything you do is magnified and distorted thousands of times over. Any sort of tampering causes a massive chain reaction. What's happening to the changelings is an example of that. Blocking magic is about the limit without causing damage or change.” I explain then mentally back up. “Although blocking a large source of power can cause a massively damaging backlash that can prove to be quite lethal.” I tell her quickly and she snorts.

“Not buying it.” She tells me simply. Well... damnit.

“Nothing to buy, just a fact.” I say still trying to convince her.

“You're not very good at lying.” Luna says simply before she pokes her head into the kitchen. “Excuse me, I was wondering if there was any vegetable broth available for Night-Shade? He's caught a cold and needs something to warm up before I put him to bed.” Luna tells them, I try to sigh but halfway through there's a sneeze that won't come out. Oh that's just annoying. It doesn't take long for Luna to get the bowl of broth she wants, it does however take me far too long to force that sneeze out. I can barely breathe, and it's playing stubborn? What in all the hells?

“Hey, uhm... what exactly does that time spell grant? Does it freeze a moment and let you act freely, speed you up, slow an opponent, jump you forwards or let you travel backwards?” I ask and Luna smiles at me.

“If you finish your broth I'll tell you.” Luna says as she pushes the bowl into my grip, and I sigh in frustration. I can just tell that arguing won't help. I blow on the hot liquid and dull my ability to feel pain, then gulp down the steaming broth wholesale. Hmm... I've burnt my mouth and throat, it's not bad though, so it should be healed by tomorrow.

“That was a little quick.” Luna states and I shrug. “Did you just hurt yourself?” she asks and I have to nod. Talking will only aggravate the burns. “So what was your question?” she asks and I glare at her. She giggles before quickly levitating the bowl back into the kitchen where a servant grabs it.

“The spell allows you to travel back in time for a few minutes. It does however, create a stable time loop so as to avoid paradox.” Luna tells me and I nod, appeased of my anger.

My vision blurs for a moment... how sick am I? Or did Luna slip me a sleeping drug? “Did you slip me a sleeping drug?” I ask in a whisper and Luna shakes her head.

“No, but you are using your magic to not feel pain, and the disease is feeding off the magic.” she tells me and I groan in near silence. Oh perfect, just gods be damned brilliant. That makes sense, and it's going to suck. I let go of the magic in my throat and the pain slams into me. It wakes me up but I'm still completely exhausted.

“Didn't help much.” I whisper as I sway a little.

“Just relax. You're safe, remember?” Luna asks and I force myself upright. Am I? I do have a phylactery... it is well hidden... alright, fine.

“Fine, why not?” I say before willingly nodding off on her back and just letting the darkness take me. I can barely feel myself held in Luna's magic, she carries me somewhere, probably her room. I'm laid down on something soft as the last of my consciousness leaves me.

“You...” A voice echoes in the darkness. “You bastard!” It shouts out and I open my eyes. Am I in a dream-scape? Freaky. I look around the black chitinous tunnel with pulsing glowing green lights in the scattered flesh. It's like I'm in a living creature's intestines, but it's armoured. I hear a scuttling behind me and I turn in time to see a small group of changelings scuttle from shadow to shadow. I notice a reflective bit of the black chitin and I see that I'm still in alicorn form, but I'm about the size of Cadance. I look to be in full health but I have pure black orbs for eyes.

My horn is... serrated and my wings are bat like. I have a black spiked crown with a white pony skull emblem and dark armour. Whoever is having this dream, they are very afraid of me. I turn away from the reflective chitin and begin wandering. The sooner I can confront the dreamer the sooner I can leave, and I want to leave right now.

“Murderer...” A voice echoes through the dream, it takes me a moment to place it. It's Chrysalis.

“You know, murderer is a little harsh from you, sweetheart.” I say caustically as I drench as much acid into my tone as I can.

“How dare you?” The voice echoes at me as I continue to wander.

“Just pointing out facts, you controlled all the changelings and they're responsible for a great deal of death.” I say calmly, the almost insect sized changelings are scuttling along the floor but always avoiding me like the plague.

“What have you done to me monster?” she demands and I'm fairly certain I'm drawing closer. Unfortunately, the cavern walls are shifting now. Rather creepy.

“I'm not sure, but if the first one I changed is anything to go by, I may have made you harmless.” I tell her and the wall shifting speeds up considerably. I think I've annoyed her.

“Freak... thing...” she hisses at me, and it's now echoing from all around me rather than one direction.

“Are you unaware of the word irony?” I ask out loud as I keep walking in the original direction I was heading. Not that it matters, this is a dream. Logic has little to no place here, if she thinks I'm coming for her than no matter which way I go, I get closer.

“What are you? How can you command death?” she asks and I smirk.

“With ease, with great ease.” I say and a shudder rocks its way through the tunnels. She's scared. The tunnel curves as I casually walk through a small archway and I find myself in a large chamber with numerous holes leading elsewhere. I look up and see a strange pod being held aloft by numerous silk like ropes. They remind me of spiders.

It takes only a flicker of effort to fly up just above the large pod, and there is a gasp of horror as I rise above it. There she is, backing away from her throne in abject terror. I land lightly on one of the ropes and walk casually towards her, she backs up even further and her rear left hoof slips on the edge of the platform and she looks backwards in horror.

“What do you want?!” she asks her voice breaking.

“I want to know just why the hell you pulled me in here.” I demand and she blinks.

“What?” she asks and I blink.

“You do know this is a dream right?” I ask her and she blinks in shock.

“I'm having a nightmare? Alright then... you go away now!” she shouts and there is a massive wind, but it doesn't move me.

“We're having a dream. You started it, and somehow I was pulled in. That's why it's comfortable for you, but now that you know I'm here your fear is just going to pull this place apart.” I say casually as I walk forwards and casually push her off the edge. I focus and the dreamscape changes. She lands safely and softly in a down bed as a skinny, green haired human woman. I land beside the bed, standing upright as I was before ending up in Equestria.

“What are you?!” she demands in terror as she jumps off the bed and runs. She runs through an open door in the log cabin we are now in and finds herself in a griffon throne room. She's back in her changeling form as two guards in bone armour grab her forehooves and drag her forwards. I am on the throne with a massive version of bones behind it. I sit as a massive albino griffon and I glare at her.

“I'm complicated.” I tell her and she runs wiggles free and flies out the window. “It's a dream remember? Just wake up!”

“This is insane!” She shouts out as she flies through a cloud and is suddenly underwater. She surfaces as a human child in a pond within a graveyard. The skies are iron grey and a chill wind blows. “What is going on here?” she demands drenched and shivering in a black sundress and boots.

“I want to talk.” I say putting a warm coat around her shoulders and she jumps away from me in fright. I'm also a small child in black. Except I have pants and a shirt instead of a dress.

“Just talk... no more... no more madness?” She asks, and I nod before guiding her to a bench. “What is this place?” she asks and I sigh.

“It's where my family is buried. All of them have reincarnated, all but one.” I tell her, and she looks at me completely confused to my confession.

“What do you want from me?” She asks and I smirk.

“I want to know why you wouldn't leave me alone. Also, I want to make sure you don't fall into some stupid revenge spiral.” I say and she glares at me.

“You killed my children! You slaughtered them like it was sport! You tore apart our greatest defence like it was a joke!” She screams in my face with enough force to blow my hair back a little.

“Perhaps, but it was you who kept directing them to me. Like I said before, if you would have left me alone none of them would have died.” I tell her and she glares at me. “Oh come on! It's not like they were really alive!”

“They were alive to me! They're all I've ever had!” she shouts at me.

“All you've ever had? What kind of life have you led?” I ask and she turns away with a stony expression. “Oh boy... Look, I spared you because things have the promise of change in this world. If you ran into me a mere week ago... you'd be dead. You'd be deader than dead, I would have shattered your soul!” I tell her and she looks at me shocked, then examines me and herself. We've changed into foals now and I look the way I do outside the dream and I've moulded her into the general shape that the changelings are turning into.

“What? What's this supposed to be?” she demands examining herself, especially the tail. She's kept the same colour scheme which I doubt she'll have when she emerges. Although, I would have bet the lack of a horn would have gotten her attention first. Who knew she paid so much attention to her rear?

“It's what the first changeling I tampered with is turning into. It's very small though, so you're likely to be small yourself.” I say and she stares at me in shock. “I told you, there is a promise of change here. I haven't been hunting down your children as you sleep, I've changed them through you.” I say and I can't get any further before she faints. “How the hell do you faint in a dream!?”

I wait around awkwardly after hoisting her back onto the bench. She's out like a light and isn't showing any signs of waking back up. I roll my eyes and sit down beside her, I really need to finish my explanation. But, I have no idea what will happen if I wake her up early from fainting in a dream. It still astounds me that you can faint in a dream.

She begins to stir and of course at that moment I feel myself disconnecting from the dream. I must be waking up. Oh goodie, time to face the fact that Luna's cut my power off at the knees. Joy.

The first thing I feel is the diseases effects on my body. My head feels like it's full of snot, I'm sore all over, and I'm as exhausted as I was when I went to sleep. Also thirsty, very thirsty. I feel around my neck and I don't find the headband but rather a thin chain. I follow the chain and find a small disk pendant that hums with energy in my grip.

“So this is my slave chain... lovely.” I mutter, before giving the thing a tug to test out it's strength. I reach towards the hole within myself and I find my grasp blocked. There's still energy emerging, but only a fine trickle.

“It's to stop you from hurting yourself again, it's also there to encourage some creativity.” Luna tells me and I snort. I don't know where I am, but I will assume I'm in her room due to her earlier declaration to not let me out of sight.

“So you say. By the by, where's the headband?” I ask plainly, I'm not willing to argue with her at the moment. I'm just too damned tired.

“Just open your eyes, it's the next day.” Luna tells me and I scrunch them up a little. This is going to be so weird.

I try opening my eyes, but the first thing I get is a stab of pain from the bright light. “Gah!” I exclaim, rolling over and then opening them just a crack. The whole room jumps into sharp focus, sharper than my spells actually. Were my old eyes this effective? I look around blinking owlishly before spotting Luna, she smiles gently at me.

“Well, don't you look adorable?” she asks just before a slight sneeze forces it's way out of me. “May I suggest blowing your nose in the bathroom? I'll send for some porridge and warm milk.” she says and I nod before forcing myself out of the small bed I was in. Clearly, she had meant every word of keeping a close eye on me.

“Maybe I should count my blessings she doesn't follow me into the bathroom.” I mutter to myself and I hear her giggle. Right, pony ears. They can angle them in other directions to pick up certain sounds. It's not any stronger than human hearing, but it is more accurate. I give out a huge shuddering yawn, and force myself up and make myself walk towards the bathroom.

I do my... morning business as quickly as I can before gazing into the mirror in surprise. Huge. Green. Eyes. Very round, and very... childish. “I'm a murderer.” I say and I do not believe my reflection. “I'm a necromancer.” also rings false. Well... damn. “I'm innocent?” I ask and it looks believable, in the innocent of murder category at least.

“What's going on in there?” Luna calls out. I quickly blow my nose into the water and with soap wash off my face and hooves. A quick shake of my head later and I'm only a touch damp.

“Just... taking in the whole eyes thing.” I reply before jumping back up to the sink and mirror to take a solid look at the amulet. It's made of brass and it's on a silver chain. It has a snake biting it's tail in a figure eight that's been separated. The snake indent is filled in with blackness but the slash through it in silver, there are also two crescents above and below it, they make an almost complete circle with thick tops and bottoms. What does it mean? Eternal darkness hewn and contained by light? Or by the moon? Is she sacrificing a portion of her power to contain mine!?

Her every act... she's claimed they've been in my best interests. For argument's sake let's say they have been. She's devoted a literal piece of herself to stopping me from using large amounts of necromancy. What did she say before? A one trick pony leads an empty life? I think that was it... Does she really mean that? Or even more importantly, does she have a point? Is she right?

... I don't know. Do I want to know? Yes, yes I do. However, if she's right... my train of thought is cut off as I hear a door open. Is it the porridge? How long have I been in here? I drop down from the sink and walk out of the bathroom. How much time did those simple actions take? The servant is already gone.

“So what do you think?” Luna asks and I sigh.

“I'm not certain what to think...” I say honestly as my mind turns a little.

“About your eyes?” She asks sounding surprised and I blink.

“No, the eyes are fine. More than that, they also give me a very innocent look. So no real complaints there. What I'm not certain about is the amulet, and the implications.” I say glancing down at it and thinking. Does a one trick pony lead an empty life?

“Food for thought?” Luna asks and I nod before walking over to the cart and standing upright to take a look at the contents. The porridge looks good, it's got fruit chunks and berries floating in it. I watch in mild curiosity as Luna levitates one of the spoons and scoops some up. Is she going to prove to me it's not poisoned or something. “Now open wide for the birdie!” she sings out.

“Are you kidding me!?” I demand in shock, but she manages to get it into my mouth regardless. It's tasty, I will admit it's very tasty, but I instantly hate it's delivery method. “I can...” I start to say and get another spoonful in my mouth. “Eat on...” another spoonful. “My own!” Yet another. “Stop that!” it stops.

“Sorry, it was just too funny not to try.” Luna says and I sigh. Which gets another spoonful shoved in my mouth. I settle for glaring at her, which brings about a fit of giggles.

Author's Note:

This is going to be the last one until January. In less than five days I leave to spend time with just shy of thirty people. Add in the fact that I'm a bit of a recluse, and you can imagine I'm going to have a wonderful time with my little cousins and younger sisters running riot. Still, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. Good will to all Mankind. And more of the same. Happy Holidays Bronies.