• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 44,497 Views, 2,825 Comments

Foal Necromancer - Kytranis

A designated villain finds himself in equestria and his paranoia runs rampent, scaring the locals.

  • ...

A Very Long Day

Well in all honesty I sort of did expect this. Having a whole group of children catch me escorting Sweet-Heart to the kitchens to pay Bones his protection fees. The only part of this I didn't at some level expect was Wind-Song leading the group of children. Most of the flutter-ponies had scattered to explore the palace and I really hope they follow Sweet-Heart's command of 'Be friendly and useful.'

Still I will admit it is rather amusing to see Sweet-Heart, former scourge of this land stand like a deer caught in the torchlight. Just frozen and unsure of what to do. That, and the unending wave of questions was doing one hell of a job keeping her off balance. After a moment of consideration I place a hoof up to my lips and blow hard. A piercing whistle rushes out from between my hoof and lips and now everyone is staring at me.

“Slow down a little. Let her answer the questions first.” I advise.

“Are you really the princess of Flutter-Ponies?!” a filly asks excitedly with stars in her eyes... that looks so odd.

“Well, yes but I'm new at it.” Sweet-Heart says and there are more stars in more sets of eyes. How do you even do that? No, seriously... is it a subconscious spell? A trick of light reflecting off of the eyes or... something? It has to be something right? I'm not just going crazy right?

She's starting to look confused and a little scared. Is she... is she not good with others? Maybe I should intervene... yea. “Hey, we were going somewhere and she just woke up too.” I say and the whole group of children turn to me.

“Hunh?” the majority ask all at once.

“She's...” Uh-oh think fast. “Only really... been around flutter-ponies before so... so many ponies our size is a little scary for her.” I say, the lie forming as it comes out. It seems to work as all the foals step back a little in order to give her room to breathe.

“Thank you.” Sweet-Heart says with a nervous smile. Why is she so scared? These are children and she's an immortal. Even if they all jumped her with knives she'd walk out alive. So why is she so damn intimidated?

“Uhm... Charon was showing me around and... well his kitty is a little hungry and I wanted to see the kitchens...” Sweet-Heart says and there's some kids saying Oh! and others nodding with a smile. One of them looks confused.

“Uhm... Charon? Isn't his name Night-Shade?” the unicorn filly asks and I chuckle.

“I have two names, one of them is for when I have to help mom with her work. The other is an everyday one.” I say and I get a chorus of Oh!

“So is Charon the work name?” One of them asks and I nod.

“I hate to just run off.” I lie, “But we should get going again.” is say honestly this time. There's a tingling in my mouth. “Bye.” I finish and start to lead Sweet-Heart away who starts to say goodbye but a strange look comes over her face. Oh, she's about to sneeze...

Then she does it and shrinks down to the size of the other flutter-ponies! What?! Has she been holding that in reserve in case she needs to run? Or did she not know she had that power?

“That's new.” I remark with raised eyebrows. The foals swarm around her anew I quickly get over to her and hold up my hoof for her to land on. “So was this an accident or...?” I ask her letting the question drift off.

“I... I didn't even know I could do this...” she admits and I grin. Bones jumps on my back and in a moment of amusement I lift her to where Bones is, she catches on and jumps onto his back as he stands on mine. He then jumps onto my head and I focus so that I can feel the bones of people, I can feel Sweet-Heart stand on Bones' head. He lets out an amused mew.

“Well... this is going to be quite a balancing act.” I admit with a grin as the foals chuckle and laugh at this. “Anyways,” I begin doing everything I can to keep my head still as I speak. “we are on our way to the kitchens. We'll all probably bump into each other again soon enough.” I say pleasantly and I walk away as quickly as I can without bouncing too much.

I don't draw more than a couple curious looks from the occasional guard. Most of them have a flutter-pony imitating them or helping watch out. The flutters though are all to happy to wave at Sweet-Heart. However as we travel a thought dawns on me. It feels like a stupid question to ask but at the same time... maybe it's not.

“Uhm... Sweet-Heart? Do you not know how to change back to full size?” I ask and I can just barely hear an indignant huff. “Is that a yes or a no?”

“I don't know.” she admits after a minute of silence. Bones mews in amusement and I sigh.

“Can you try? It will be... actually on second thought if you stay that size you should be able to live more comfortably.” I realize as I explain. What an odd thing. A few moments later a full sized Sweet-Heart was standing shoulder to shoulder with me.

And Bones is looming like a monster over us both. What. “You shrunk me.” I state as I feel my eye twitch.

“Not so high and mighty now are we?” she asks smugly and I give her a completely unamused look.

“When did I act high and mighty? I've been trying to help you since you woke up!” I demand and she just glares at me. Have I been missing something?

“That's besides the point! Now we're both tiny and I have no idea how to undo it!” She half shouts and I sigh at this.

“Alright uhm... calm down and try to focus. Just focus on the way your body feels. Also, don't panic.” I say before rearing up and putting my two forehooves on each of her shoulders and focusing. She flinches a little at the contact but steadies herself after a moment when I make no hostile movements. “I'm trying to sensed what magic is being used but...”

“But what? What's wrong?” she asks sounding a little scared.

“You're basically made of magic. I'm having a hard time telling up from down even. You just cast a spell into me though so... ah... there we go.” I narrate as I find a shard of her energy in me. It's partially tethered into her hyper thick aura so I trace it backwards and I find a small spot. “Now pay attention.” I say before strumming on the cord. Sweet-Heart jumps in shock, she clearly felt it.

“That's where the spell is, how to toy with it though... I don't know.” I say as I back off and she gives me a strange look. “What?”

“How did you figure that out so easily?” She asks and my eyebrows go up.

“How could I not? It's practically basic for me. Something I've mastered to the point that it's like breathing.” I tell her and she stares at me for a few moments. “It's like changing form used to be for you.”

“Oh! Okay, that makes more sense.” she says and she focuses for a moment. We both quickly spring up to full size, and give each other a massive headbutt. On a completely unrelated note it turns out that Sweet-Heart makes up words when she's angry. Or knows many languages and all of their curse words, in which case I should take notes.

“Bones, stop laughing.” I say dryly to the kitten rolling on the floor. He doesn't listen. Why isn't the creature I've literally brought to life listening? I just sigh at this, so much has happened... and now I'm feeling every day of a hundred and seventy years... “Let's get moving again. I'm starting to think and that's not a good thing.” I say and there's a strangled snort from Sweet-Heart. That's when I realize just what I said.

“Oh just forget it! Come on already!” I say and she giggles as she follows me with Bones snickering as well as he jumps onto her back and then her head. I turn and see Bones climb up into her antenna/antlers. Wind-Song had to wait for her antenna to harden into antlers, so did most flutter-ponies. Sweet-Heart had hatched with her antlers fully intact though.

“Stop.” she says after a bit. She's in pain... not physically but... mentally? No... Emotionally. “Be honest. If I ask you and Luna not to, will you still tell Cadance who I am?”

“I won't... but... I'll be honest. As... generous as Luna's been and as much as she likes me. I don't know if she'll keep your secret. Her priorities are clearly to the ponies first and foremost. If either of us make her choose between either of us, or them then she will pick them. Even if it hurts.” I say and she looks... I'm not sure, hopefully resigned?

“That's about what I expected... now the question is... does she think I'm still a threat?” She asks and I sigh.

“I don't know. You don't seem to be but, she and I have very different standards.” I admit and she looks down. “If worst comes to worst I can buy you a minute, maybe.” I say and she falls quiet again. “... If you want to run now you can get a few hours headstart if you want.” she's just looking at me with a blank expression, I don't know what she's thinking but all I can tell is that this subject is hurting her at some level.

“Why?” she asks and I blink. Oh what now? Honestly...

“Why what?” I ask unsure of what her problem is now... alright I have some idea but I'm not good with others!

“Why are you going so far for me? I can tell your honest but... why?” she asks and the pain in her increases. How the hell do I answer this? If I leave anything out she'll be able to tell... and I hate admitting fault. I'm too old to make bonehead mistakes... right?

“I... I messed up. You were right earlier, and I... brushed it aside. I had no right to change you like this, I have no right to do that whatsoever. You went from secure enough to challenge a god to... cringing... If nothing else, I can respect strength and I took yours... That was... wretched. I really am sorry, and I am trying to make up for it.” I tell her and she's giving me a strange look now. “And... I know I'm not doing a good job of it. I'm much better at causing pain than ending it. Sorry.”

She just stares at me for a few moments before nodding. “You're doing fine. I... I'll think of something you can do to make it up to me later.” she says and I nod. We both fall silent at this and a few moments later I cough into my right forehoof uncomfortably.

“REOOOW!” Bones screams at the both of us with so much force it actually ruffles our hair a little. Sweet-Heart flinches in pain and I jump back at this.

“Okay! I get it! You're hungry, I'm sorry. Let's go.” I say and the kitten nods imperiously but Sweet-Heart who's carrying the little monster doesn't move.

“Can you carry him? That was very, very loud.” She asks and I nod and whistle. The kitten jumps from her head to mine in an instant. At least I think he jumped, I blinked.

“That is one fast cat.” Sweet-Heart notes.

“Yea, ironic in that my most powerful creation is an accidental one.” I note and Bones swats my horn stump.

“And temperamental I see.” Sweet-Heart muses. “Let's make sure he doesn't get any more violent.” she says starting to walk in the direction of the kitchen. “Also... shouldn't you have control of that thing?” she asks and I glance up at Bones who glares at me.

“I... don't want to try... also... he's loyal and protective. As long as he doesn't bring me trouble I'll put up with just about anything.” I tell her and she blinks. Bones purrs at me. “That was not an open invitation for chaos!” I tell the kitten and he starts huffing in a way that suggests ominous chuckling.

The rest of the trip is thankfully in silence and arrive at the kitchen in short order. I open the door and slip in and everything stops as Sweet-Heart follows me. There's a silence so deep that I start to edge closer to her in case anything happens. The massive hippogryph walks up to us and scratches under his chef's hat with one claw. One very sharp claw.

“I must admit, it's been a strange day.” he says as a tiny purple flutter-pony shoots out giggling.

“What were you doing in there little one!?” Sweet-Heart demands sounding shocked.

“The feathers are really weird! I mean they're usually on wings but they were on his head instead! It was so funny! They're a lot smaller and softer and bigger and all sorts of things! The ones on the top are both soft and big and bouncy and...” the purple flutter-pony rambles on happily and I raise an eyebrow.

“Do you think all of them are like this?” I ask gazing at the dark purple and black little thing.

“No... I can sort of mostly feel all of my flutter-ponies. Only a few of them are like this, but... they're probably going to stand out a lot more. There's actually a small swarm in the library going through the books and becoming obsessed with different subjects. Most have decided to stay in the palace but, a few are already in Canterlot meeting the ponies there.” she says and there's an impressed whistle from the massive cook.

“Now that's a useful trick right there. I take it you're the head of the new pony type?” he asks and Sweet-Heart has the deer in the torchlight look again. Then she nods. “No need to feel intimidated, I'm big so that I can reach all the ingredients without flying.” he says gently and Sweet-Heart nods. Then he smiles hugely. “Now! How can I help such a lovely young filly?”

“Uhm... well, Night-Shade is showing me around the palace and his cat is hungry too... so...” she says softly seemingly completely out of her depth before the massive predator... actually... that's kinda reasonable now that I think about it. If your survival instincts are terrified in front of a predator five times your size, then you know something is right with you. Meaning something is wrong with me.

My thoughts turn inward for a moment as the massive chef is talking to Sweet-Heart. I really have to let things go... trying to do the same thing and expecting different results is just madness. The inverse is true as well, I'm in a completely different situation. I am a different person. To expect the same things to happen to me is just... madness. I breath in deeply and breath out imagining all the hubris and pain and sheer exhaustion flowing out of my nose like smoke. I breath in again and imagine clean air pouring in. I open my eyes and see Sweet-Heart warming up to the staff as they all start doting on her.

She seems to be handling herself well, the whole shy and nervous bit is clearly winning over the crowd. So I slink off and quickly fill up a couple of bowls for Bones who damn near dives into his food. A few moments later someone bumps into me and I turn quickly to see it's Sweet-Heart backing away from the crowd, she's trying to get distance without insulting anyone and they all think it's so adorable that they keep crowding in closer.

“You know if you stop acting cute they might stop trying to hug you.” I whisper to her and her ears flick in such a way that I know she heard me... I know she heard me. I guess I'm starting to understand these ponies better. I do hope she can keep herself together for a while longer, Bones is clearly still hungry and will need a second bowl.

“It... it's not that easy...” she tells me and I roll my eyes.

“You could start picking your nose and cursing them out. I'm sure that would drive them off.” I mutter and she shoots me a dirty look. I just smile back. She sighs in disgust and looks away, I can only assume she's put her smile for the crowd back on.

We manage to sneak away in a few minutes when Bones finally had his fill. He also played up the 'I'm an adorable kitten' routine and got a tiny fish and a saucer of milk. “So... where to?” Sweet-Heart asks and I shrug.

“Well... where do you want to go?” I ask and she thinks for a moment.

“The library maybe? There's a lot of Flutters there and it should be quiet...” she offers and I nod.

“Fair enough, I... I was going to start looking into Divination magic when you hatched so while we're there I'll definitely have something to do.” I say after thinking for a moment. She nods and we set off, a few hallways later and we run into someone liable to make this very awkward. Prince Blueblood.

“Good Afternoon Prince Charon, I take it this is the newest addition to the palace?” he asks cordially and I nod.

“Yes, this is Sweet-Heart, she's the head of the flutter-ponies.” I say and he looks pensive for a moment and I feel a slight surge of spiritual energy. He's still wearing the soul stone I made! Wow, wait... it's only been a couple days... feels like it's been much longer. At least I've had things to do...

“From what I understand the Flutter-Ponies are... the purified remnants of the changelings in some capacity correct?” he asks and my jaw drops.

“How did you figure that out?” I ask shocked and he smiles.

“You should know better than any that the dead are good listeners. That, and the reports of random ponies gasping in horror, turning into changelings then into white shells.” he explains and I nod, but the flutter-ponies are much smaller than the shells were. “And just this morning an enormous swarm of tiny ponies fly out of the dungeons where the shells were taken. I've spoken to a few and they seem... pleasant, my father tells me that their souls are of an entirely different make than that of a changeling. Which is a good thing.” he states kindly. “Ah, but where are my manners? It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Sweet-Heart.” he says taking Sweet-Heart's hoof and kissing it. She blushes.

“I... I uhm... thank you... and... I uh... I'm sorry for what the changelings did to you...” she says clearly babbling and her eyes widen in shock and horror as what she said dawns on her. Blueblood freezes for a moment and then his ear flicks as if he's listening to something. I focus myself at this point.

“She's honest, and... frightened. If she was Chrysalis she's been massively changed. More likely though that it's the monster's daughter. In a sense at least. As such she is not responsible for her mother's crimes.” Justicar says and I raise an eyebrow, he turns to me and blinks. “You can see me right?” he asks and I nod.

“Yes I can see you, hear you as well. I've just been paying too much attention to physical sight since getting eyes again.” I say and both of the Gild-Iron's nod with understanding.

“Perfectly understandable. Still I must thank you for allowing me to guide my son from beyond. It is a boon without equal, it allows me to... make up for such a foalish mistake.” he said and I blink.

“Foalish? I'd hardly count being murdered as any form of abuse or abandonment to your son. You had no choice in the matter.” I say and he sighs deeply, and Sweet-Heart looks from me to what must look like empty space. If not for Blueblood also doing so she'd probably think I'm going insane... or freaking out even more. I flick my tail over and it drapes over her back. Hmm... I must really be adapting to this body. That's good progress. That aside, I place a bit of spiritual energy into her and she gasps as Justicar comes into view.

“Did you just impart the blessing of Soul-Sight?” Justicar asks sounding awestruck. What's there to be awestruck about? It's a basic spiritual ability... Wait blessing? What's that about?

“I guess, I personally don't think it's anything special. Any fool could learn how with a few months and some form of instruction.” I say honestly confused. I know soul magic isn't very well known around here, but this is right in the bone marrow basic. It should not be something from out of myth.

“Anyways I just wanted to introduce myself to your charming new friend. We won't hold up you two any further.” Blueblood says with a smile and steps away from us.

“Uhm... thank you... have a nice day.” Sweet-Heart says in a quivering voice. I give a short bow to the massive pony and we start walking away. I focus energy into my ears, as I count on my semi-awakened hair to hide the slight blur of energy.

“She's clearly Chrysalis...” Blueblood mutters under his breath.

“Calm yourself son.” Justicar orders.

“But she!” he protests.

“A second chance for all things, and as Gild-Iron's it will be our duty to either dazzle the courts with charm or strike down the crown's foes with our steel. If our little friend earns her loyalty and she becomes an ally to the crown...” Justicar begins to explain and Blueblood sighs.

“Then they will make reparations, but what could possibly equal a horrific death and a lifetime of deception and corruption?” Blueblood asks and I feel a sense of satisfaction from Justicar.

“You'll be surprised my son. You will be most pleasantly surprised.” Justicar remarks as me and Sweet-Heart move out of hearing range. Okay... so we're already found out... shit. Luckily Justicar seems to be very, very reasonable. A very nice step up from a ball of pain and hopelessness that screams in your face.

There are no more interruptions and we enter the library to find a swarm of Flutter-Ponies shooting around carrying different books and some of them were reading aloud. Most if not all of the little things were either revelling in the knowledge they were gaining or laughing at some form of comedy. Except...

“Oh no... NO! This is a complete travesty! There is no way she would be naive enough to take in a Tyrannosaurus-Rex as a pet... she would have to know that there's no way she can afford to feed such a thing...” A cynical voice announces and both me and Sweet-Heart look at each other curiously.

“Linked-Aura... one of the more... enthusiastic Flutters.” She says and I nod before trotting calmly up to the source of the griping.

“Hello, is something bothering you?” I ask the tiny yellow flutter-pony with brown hair... and a brown hat and jacket. A nice hat and jacket but where in the hells did he get those in his size?

“It's this comic! It's annoying! The art style just goes right down the drain and the characters have all their common sense follow it!” Linked-Aura complains and I blink.

“Well... at least he's found his passion...” Sweet-Heart says and I raise an eyebrow. I'm not sure what to make of this in any way. He's harmless but... very present I guess you could call it. He certainly stands out. He asks me something and I'm so lost in thought about the strange little creature I miss what he actually says, but I do catch Sweet-Heart snorting for some reason.

“Great! Now the Daring Do Comics are originally published by Polo House Books however a recent resurgence in interest caused them to start the series again recently with several spinoffs as well...” Linked-Aura begins but I hold up a hoof.

“Exactly how much have you learned in the few mere hours since you've been born?” I ask and he looks from left to right quickly.

“A lot?” he replies in a questioning tone. Am I intimidating him?

“Then can you give me a summary?” I ask and he sighs.

“Basically new artists and writers took over and they clearly have no idea what the character is actually like. It feels like I've been bucked right between the eyes.” he says with a sigh rubbing the spot between them... he has glasses on... where did he?

“Where... have you been getting clothing and such in your size?” I ask unable to hold it in any longer. The tiny pony pauses and examines himself.

“It just kinda showed up here.” he says and it all dissolves into light that matches his wings. “Interesting...” he notes and it all reappears. “I'm keeping it.” he says simply and Sweet-Heart sighs.

“So, is there anyway in particular you did such a charming thing?” she asks and Linked-Aura looks up at her for a moment before shaking his head.

“No I just wanted some clothes to make me stand out, and it happened.” he says and she nods before focusing. She now has a saddle on. Why would a race of horse people wear saddles? They are an item used exclusively to allow riders, why in the hell would... I mean... don't centaur get really upset if you try to ride one?

“I think he likes it...” Linked-Aura teases as I try and make sense of why Sweet-Heart would put on a pale blue and very frilly silk saddle... although I can sort of mostly understand the pendants hanging from her antlers that she had been staring at appreciatively. Although now she's smirking at me and... I know why but... let's see what happens when I play stupid.

“I like what now? What's with that look?” I ask backing away nervously. Linked-Aura slaps his forehead at this, and Sweet-Heart... isn't playing fair. That hurt look is entirely uncalled for.

“Can you not tell a bad joke when you hear one?” I ask hoping to pave over whatever mistake I just made.

“Oh I can, I just turned it on you.” Sweet-Heart tells me perking up in an instant and trotting off humming. Well, I suppose letting her have her small victories over me will make her feel safer. So why not?

“So is there anything in particular you want to read or are you just spending time with your people?” I ask her and she smiles at me.

“A little of one and a little of the other, I don't have to choose.” she says and I nod before glancing through the swarm.

“Fair enough.” I say offhandedly to her before whistling towards a small cluster of Flutter-Ponies who are reading books on magic. “Excuse me! Could one of you direct me to a tome of divination magic?” I ask and one shoots off moments before a heavy book is hurled at me. Whoever threw it has good aim as I ducked and it still nicked me. “Careful!” I call out and a bright pink flutter pony in a lab coat zooms into my face and glares at me.

“Why didn't you catch that?” she demands crossly.

“My horn's broken?” I reply, well more ask if it's the right answer really.

“So it is...” she say glancing up before returning her glare to me. “I'm watching you.” she states and my eyebrows go up. What exactly does this little speck of a pony expect to do to me?

“I like her.” Sweet-Heart says with under her breath with her voice full of approval.

“Now do you like her because she doesn't like me or because she has traits you admire?” I ask her and she just grins at me. First one it is then. I pick up the book with a hoof and place it between my wings which I use to prop it up and keep it on my back before walking to a free desk with chair. I just sit down and start reading while tuning out the insane mini-ponies.

It takes me a while to really grasp the concept, but it seems that all of them resonate with a feeling of 'movement' and 'distance' as the knowledge is moving to a distant place. There is apparently a very basic spell that can bend your sight like looking at an angled reflection. It looks simple enough, and if I get good at casting it I can get familiar with the feeling of such magic. That way I'll have a warning if I'm being spied on...

“Alright, let's give this a try.” I say to myself and start focusing energies. The spell is mentally shaped like a square and can only be seen by the caster. Basically it's an invisible mirror that only the caster can see. Certainly sounds easy enough... but is it easy enough to cast with a broken horn?

Well nothing for it, I focus my will and energy. There's a feeling like I've been hit without the pain and an uncomfortable heat in between my eyes, but a dark grey mirror appears in my sight regardless. The flutter-ponies make no reaction to it as I on a whim send it floating around my line of sight letting me look in all directions without turning my head. I get a good look at Sweet-Heart who's glaring at me.

“I don't know what spell you're using but stop. Divination makes me feel exposed.” she says before particles of light gather around her and form a fancy, but very concealing soft pink gown.

“It's just a spell that lets me look without turning my head.” I say deactivating the bit of magic and turning to her.

“It still makes me uncomfortable.” she says and I sigh.

“Well... yea I can understand that. Someone keeps looking for something with Divination and is always glaring at me so... if I learn about it I may be able to tell when they're watching or stop it altogether.” I say and she frowns at me.

“So...” she begins before trailing of.

“So...?” I ask and she looks from left to right quickly.

“I... forgot.” she says and I slap my forehead. Like a damned genius I hit my horn stump so it hurts like a hammer blow. I guess that means I can't complain about her being stupid.

“Let's go see what kind of idea's mom has then.” I say and I start walking out towards the door and it takes me a moment to realize that she is just not moving. “What now?”

“Nothing I... I'm just nervous.” she says and I nod. “It... it won't stop me though.” she says and I nod as we walk out quietly. Bones quickly jumps off of me and onto her as what I must assume is a comforting gesture, if it's not intended as such then the little bastard is far more sadistic than I assumed. Oh joy.

“Wait a moment... how did you know that I was using a divination spell?” I ask her and she rolls her eyes at me.

“A formshifter that can't tell when someone's trying to figure them out doesn't live long.” she says plainly and I nod. Makes sense, I wonder...

“Can you...” I begin and she shakes her head before I can finish. “Why not?”

“Think of it as part one in an infinitely long plan for vengeance and self satisfaction against you.” she says and I sigh at this. Of course she has to go down the whole, petty revenge path rather than actually wanting me to make it up to her. This lovely fact means that she will never, ever let me live anything I do down. Period. I'd ask what I did to deserve this but killing enough people to empty a small country should damn well be enough. If not then I have no clue how the universe or morality works.

We plod along for a bit with nearly twenty flutter-ponies shooting around the two of us like drunken bats who can not shut up. Actually that's an unfair analogy, as that bimbo sorceress's familiar had the decency to slam into a wall and knock itself out. Luckily most of the little pests fly off elsewhere and leave us in silence. Of course with the way my life works I found myself pining for the senseless noise they brought as everything became awkward again. Great.

“So...” I begin awkwardly about halfway to the tower/room/wing that Luna calls a 'bedroom'. Not that I'm complaining about having space to myself when she insists on mothering me but at the same time, I've lived in places smaller than her bed. Still to pull myself from an ever more frequent and concerning mental wandering pattern I notice that Sweet-Heart is looking at me strangely. She obviously want's me to continue but I've actually forgotten just what the hell I wanted to ask... time to make things up. “Best case scenario with today and tomorrow. What happens?” I ask and she stops.

“I... uhm... I don't know. The pony who was most likely to take me back is the one I've now hurt the most... that still lives and you've exposed me to all of Equestria. I have no way to run or back out and to make matters worse I now have to either lie to at least two straight up gods and that's if the third doesn't sell me out or I have to face up to basically trying to murder one of them. Not the best of situations irregardless of your promises.” she says coldly and I mull it over before nodding in admittance that yes, she is pretty much doomed.

“Well... what do you want me to do? Go back in time so that when we fought I flat out killed you? Here's some news for you sweetheart, I've been through it too! You're not going to get sympathy by complaining about how much your feet hurt to someone who's been dancing on the same hot coals and glass!” I tell her and she backs off with wide eyes. “Listen, I'm not trying to be a monster here but, what patience I have for other people complaining started out around nothing. That and turning into a child has taken my attention span behind a privy and beaten it to death with a shovel.”

“Very... visual... still you should be able to sympathize with me being nervous.” she retorts and I nod.

“Yes, but... I'm sick of complaining and listening to complaints.” I say feeling a rather hefty amount of irony weigh down on me. I ignore it because I've got enough on my plate as is without considering the ethical, moral, spiritual and temporal meaning behind my every bowel movement.

There's now a panicked flapping noise. Either a chicken has somehow gotten into the castle or a pegasus has gotten drunk. It approaches quickly as both me and Sweet-Heart duck down to dodge the messenger who shoots over our heads. So what's this about? May as well be direct.

“What's the rush?” I call out to him before he's out of sight.

“The Princesses are returning early!” he shouts as he shoots out of sight and both me and Sweet-Heart give each other an alarmed look. This might be very, very bad.

“Oh no... Cadance...” Sweet-Heart says with dread and I reach out with one of my mostly useless wings and place it gently on her back. She gives me a look I can't interpret... why? All I'm doing is trying to be nice here, what in the hell is going through her head.

I don't bother saying anything as I break out into a full gallop towards Luna's tower. Sweet-Heart doesn't bother to gallop and instead flies after me. She's babbling to herself and I try and tune it out so I don't trip over my own hooves. We get to mom's tower just as the messenger leaves. I carefully open the door and peer inside.

Luna is pacing back in forth constantly saying 'This could be good, but it could be bad, but it could be good...' in a cycle constantly switching from go That would actually explain some of her rushed decisions.

“This a bad time mom?” I ask her and she freezes and looks at me with startled eyes.

“N... no. Just... trying to think quickly here, both your aunt and cousin will be back in the hour and we need to think fast. Do we tell them or not or do we only tell Celly or only Cadance or...” Luna states and truly begins rambling. I sigh at this and gesture for Sweet-Heart to follow me in. Luna finally stops pacing and takes a deep breath to calm herself. “Alright, Cadance and Celly are rational, level headed ponies. This will not blow up into a huge issue.” Luna says mostly to reassure herself before sighing and putting on a smile.

“So according to you everything is going to be fine?” I ask her and she raises an eyebrow.

“Not quite. After thinking it over everything will not be fine but it will not spiral out of control and into a night terror.” she says and I nod as Sweet-Heart backs up a little. “Now, I've managed to get your room sorted out Sweet-Heart, if you'll come this way I'll show you myself.” Luna says walking past us and both me and Sweet-Heart look each other in the eyes before she shrugs and starts to follow. I bring up the rear and try to think things through.

Alright, my goals as of now are: Learn to detect Divination. Atone for my mistakes against both Luna and Sweet-Heart. Fully heal my body. Learn what it truly means to have ascended, and all that it entails. And finally, get some more goals. It doesn't take long at all to get to Sweet-Heart's new room it looks like a normal guest room. Except the shelves on the walls with what look like long pillows and blankets on them.

“Are those for the smaller ones?” I ask as Sweet-Heart seems to be unable to say anything. Luna nods, it seems like she doesn't want to startle the stunned Flutter-Pony princess or whatever Sweet-Heart decides on as a title... my mind really does wander doesn't it? And now it's wandering onto the fact that it's wandering. How confusing.

“So is there a plan at all? Or are you just going to break the news to them?” Sweet-Heart asks and Luna nods.

“Yes, trying to hide it may make a mountain out of a molehill. However, Cadance is an incredibly forgiving pony, and Shining-Armour is not the type to bear a grudge.” She says and Sweet-Heart nods. If she already knows this then why is she so nervous? Wait I should know this... ... ...well whatever the supposedly obvious reason is I can't seem to grasp it. Don't I just feel ignorant, and now Bones is purring. Probably at my discomfort at my own ignorance. Little jerk.

“You put a lock on the door?” Sweet-Heart asks all of a sudden. I shake myself out of my thoughts and see that she's been examining the room. Wait there are locks on the doors? ... Of course there are locks on the doors it's a castle. Why wouldn't there be? I just have a talent for making myself feel like an idiot today.

I watch as Sweet-Heart prances around the room a bit clearly giddy. Something niggles at my mind and I turn my head and focus. There is a large amount of wendigo hanging around the castle. Are they... they might be.

“Uh mom... there's a swarm of wendigo just outside the castle. I don't think there's anything alive around there but...” I say and trail off examining the strange creatures swarming around. Why would they do that?

“Anything odd about them?” Luna asks and I shake my head.

“No they're just swarming like... like the undead changelings I controlled...” I say unable to keep a touch of pity out of my voice. Odd, that hasn't happened in a long time.

“My babies?” Sweet-Heart asks and I flinch. Oh yea, I screwed up this one.

“Yea... I... I need to do something about this before Celestia or Cadance fly through that swarm.” I say and Sweet-Heart makes a noise... I don't know what kind of noise I can call it but it's clearly a miserable one. I wrack my brain for a way to salvage the situation that won't take a month, but I don't have nearly enough power for such a thing... or do I? Even if I do I've never brought something back to full life... except maybe bones but he's more deathless than undead.

Wait a moment... if Sweet-Heart brought them to life initially and if Mom can help with the energies then maybe... Bones is purring loudly. He can tell that I have an idea. Okay, so he's not such a bastard.

“I think, I may have a solution.” I say and all eyes in the room are on me. “Mom you and Sweet-Heart will have to trust each other, and you'll both have to trust me to make this work.”

“What are you planning?” Luna asks cautiously.

“I can pull in the wendigo and remove their undead nature turning them into souls. Then I channel them into Sweet-Heart's control to help structure a physical body for them, I doubt she has enough power to do it to so many right now so you'll have to lend her your strength for us to revive as many as possible.” I say and they stare at me.

“Uhm...” Sweet-Heart begins and I paw the ground a little nervously. “Do you really think it will work?”

“Maybe, in theory it can work. I've never brought things back to full life before.” I admit and Bones hisses at me. “You're not alive... not really.”

“He's not?” Sweet-Heart asks.

“No he's deathless, neither undead nor alive.” I say and both Luna and Sweet-Heart turn to give Bones a good hard look.

“I'm willing to try.” Luna says and Sweet-Heart makes a noise of surprise that could only be described as a squeak.

“Will it really work?” she asks me and I nod.

“It should. You already know how to up a body together right?” I ask her and she nods. “Just make a bunch of small ones and I put the souls in, and Mom helps us through the whole thing.” I say and she seems to be thinking deeply about it. Then she nods and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

“Let's get moving then, the sooner we start the sooner my children are free of their torment.” Sweet-Heart says before turning a glare at me. I back up a bit. Wait, why did I do that? Hmm... there's a sinking feeling in my chest. Nothing is physically sinking though... I'm feeling guilt? Why!? It was self defence for pities sake!

Luna led the way and we shortly found ourselves staring upwards through the light slow. In the distance I could just barely make out the forms of the wendigo circling and soaring around where I had fought Chrysalis. The same pattern... this certainly cements why I should never use that necromancy bomb trick again. It just leaves a mess behind if I'm on the run then it makes it easier to track me, and if not then it just makes me look like a monster. Either way I lose.

“Alright now, I'm going to call them down.” I say and both the filly and mare nod. I pull at the energy within myself and I feel the shadowy energy holding the wendigo together. “Come.” I command them and I feel the elemental natures within them resist. They don't want to obey, but they're coming anyways... oh shit they recognize me!

They swoop down low and fast as I try time and again to force my will on them but... they're more elemental than undead. I can only hold a few at a time as the rest shoot towards me with blurring speed.

“No.” Luna states simply and all of the wendigo are just frozen. “What went wrong?” she asks me and I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding.

“They... the souls weren't very strong in the first place. That means that when they became wendigo they became more elemental spirit then spirit of the dead. My grip on them is very weak because of that.” I say and Luna sighs.

“We can still do this right? It's just plain dangerous to keep so many wendigo close to Canterlot. The ponies in the castle know not to go out much during winter but if these beings get to the city...” She explains before trailing off. She doesn't have to continue, both me and Sweet-Heart know the implications.

“I can, but it will take a little longer than expected. I'm going to start again now.” I say and I focus on the few I could grab. I strengthen the connection and empower it further, it becomes physically visible now as a smokey black rope leading to about fifteen of them. I send a pulse of energy and attack the sense of cold and movement in the souls I have a grip on. It takes a few of them to work but these aspects eventually shatter.

I sigh in relief and pull them in with ease as I feed them spiritual energy from the aether and direct them towards Sweet-Heart. At this point they look like stars in a miniature night sky. Sweet-Heart has been apparently pulling out her the hairs of her mane at the root and using them as the base for small cocoons barely bigger than an actual flutter-pony. More and more of them are being made by the second. I decide it's probably what she's intending so I manipulate one of the spirits onto one of the cocoons.

“It's working! Thank goodness...” Sweet-Heart exclaims in relief she visibly relaxes before tensing up again and making more and more of them.

“Slow down! You'll give yourself a bald spot.” Luna exclaims and Sweet-Heart glares up at her. To no effect.

“They are far more important than any bit of vanity!” Sweet-Heart snaps and I cannot stop myself.

“That and you can just conjure a hat to wear.” I quip destroying the sentiment of the statement.

“Quiet you!” she snaps and I grin at her frustration.

“Shall we continue?” I ask as I hold onto a few more. At this rate it won't take very long.

“Yes, but no more pauses until we're done. I will not leave my children to suffer.” She says determinately and I swear there's a fire burning in her eyes... or maybe my imagination is overacting for some reason.

The next set goes even more smoothly and I have to admit. Sweet-Heart is a little intimidating with how focused she is. Last time I saw that kind of focus was through a reflection as an assassin was using his garrotte to saw my head off. He'd gotten to the spine when I managed to get him with a bone spear through the eye. I don't know where, but that little bugger had gotten an Amulet of Unlife meaning my touch of death just made him stronger. I smashed the thing of course and went looking for more. Things like that are just dangerous to me.

“Focus broken brain!” Sweet-Heart snaps and I give her a look before pulling in the next group. I'm getting familiar with the feel of local wendigo so I can pull in much more.

“Something on your mind my son?” Luna asks and I blink at the 'my son' part as I don't remember her addressing me like that before. I decide to just answer though.

“It was just that I'm more easily distracted lately. I tend to think in strange directions or remember things. Sweet-Heart's extreme focus reminded me of... uh before I keep going are we being watched?” I begin before stopping myself and asking. Luna nods, shit. “Then I'll explain later, I don't want to tell total strangers my secrets.” I say and despite not being able to tell where the sensor is I can taste the aggravation of it's owner. A solid win.

“Why are you being spied on by humans?” Sweet-Heart asks and I give her a look even as we keep working. I don't know how much time has passed but we're about half done.

“I...” I don't want to outright lie to her, she'll catch it and if she exposes it I'm in huge trouble. But if I don't then the person watching me figures things out. “I don't know.” To the effect that I don't know why they keep bothering me as I stay away when they do. She gives me a look that plainly tells me she knows there's more but she doesn't push.

“Is this why you wanted to study divination? Because they keep bothering you and you want it to stop?” she asks and I nod.

“By the way...” I begin a few minutes later after working in silence for a bit. “How do you know it's a human? It could have been a griffon or a dragon or another pony.” I ask and Sweet-Heart blinks at me for a moment before grinning.

“Well! Unlike you I'm not manic focused on only one skill or another. I can sense such blatant divination and with but a flicker of interest see through it myself towards the caster!” she boasts and I roll my eyes at this bit of grandstanding.

“So what does our little spy look like? I think mom knows but she hasn't told me anything.” I say and Luna sighs at being put on the spot but I can see out of the corner of my eye that she's smiling.

“He's an elderly human male who often wears red and cyan robes. He rarely moves, but when he does he usually grimaces in pain.” Luna explains and a chill runs down my spine. This is the same mage that sent me between worlds. Wait... in that light I... I kinda owe him.

“Oh... well what are you looking for sir?” I ask in the direction that Luna and Sweet-Heart keep glancing at. They both seem surprised. “You both keep looking there so that's where he is right?”

“Uhm... well...” an elderly voice says as a hole the same size and shape of a door appears in midair to show the old mage that sent me here in the first place standing upright and staring at us intently. He must be using a full length mirror as a focus as I can see him using a cane and shaking a little. “I apologize for prying so much, I'm searching for a criminal. Unfortunately you have many similar powers so whenever I go looking my eyes land on you.”

“That... that's just bad news isn't it? By the way... what hurt you so badly?” I ask, like I don't already know.

“I... faced off against the criminal with a few friends. He killed James without any effort and... used the body to attack me. I won't go any further. You've clearly been through too much pain in your life already, and it's something I'd rather keep from a child who still has her innocence as well as something no lady of grace should concern herself with.” he explains smoothly. “Again, I apologize for my intrusion. But, it is in everyone's best interest if this criminal is well and truly brought to justice.”

“My power shouldn't be the only reason it focuses on me... why is it always me all the time?” I ask trying to sound innocent. This is the question that may make or break this day.

“I believe that you and this criminal are alternates of one another. It's a mostly unproven theory, but if you go to any other world you can find a different version of everyone you have ever met, but you have to look hard to find them. They may be alive then or in the past or yet to be born but all peoples will be born and on the rare occasion, which I believe is your case, they might be alive at the same time.” He explained and my eyes widened at this, the implications are staggering. Especially when I consider that there may very well be another me running around somewhere.

“That... that's terrifying.” I say slowly as the thoughts still spin around. If everyone is copied into another world or is a copy eventually then who is the original? Is anything original or true or... unique? “Is anything... ever unique?” I ask out loud, only realizing I've said it when it's already been said. “Uhm...”

“Well, yes. It's truly difficult to explain... think of it like this. Everything starts out with many identical beings to themselves. But from the instant they are born they become wholly different and unique, we all take different paths and for it we all end up differently. You and the criminal merely started the same, you grew to be something very different.” the old mage reassures me and I look downwards as if in thought to hide the sheer shock at one of my previous attackers trying to comfort me.

“Can we please get back to the task at hand!?” Sweet-Heart asks and I nod before turning back to it. The mage and his window into Equestria vanish as he makes a gesture that seems to be the spell cancellation trigger. I'm not too sure though as I still don't know much about that kind of magic.

At least the question as to who is spying on me has been answered... I really should have killed him when I had the chance... but... if I had then he wouldn't have made the portal that sent me here and as aggravating as things get... this is preferable to my previous existence...

I force these thoughts from my mind as I concentrate on finishing pulling in all of the wendigo. Although I do have to wonder, will the flutter ponies from these pods be infant flutter-ponies or full sized. What is the life cycle to this new race? They seem to have two separate genders if Linked-Aura and Wind-Song are good examples, are skilled in either limited creation or illusion as the 'summoned' clothing would suggest, very energetic and their wings are solid light constructs.

“Oh thank goodness, it's done.” Sweet-Heart says and I do a double take and notice that yes. We've finished. Wait. Since when does redeeming souls and granting them life become routine? Or rather when did I become so empty headed that I phase out during such events... I need to stop being so introspective.

“My, my, my! That was quite the show! Might I ask the occasion?” A cheery voice asks and I jump in surprise.

“Celly! What have I told you about sneaking up on me like that?!” Mom demands as we all turn to Celestia in shock. How the hell does a horse with a rainbow mane sneak up on anyone?! And how did I miss the aura of a God coming up at me?!

“How did you sneak up on us?” I ask in shock as Sweet-Heart basically dives behind me. I'd call that endearing, but she probably just wants a meat shield.

“Please don't say it.” Mom moans in an exasperated tone before Celestia grins mischievously.

“Because I have 'leet ninja skillz!” Celesita announces to my confusion. What was any of that supposed to mean?

“What?” I ask intelligently and Celestia blinks.

“What do you mean what? Leet Ninja Skillz!” She announces again and I just blink. Oh hey, Cadance and Shinning-Armour are behind her... that can wait for when I figure out just what in the hell she's saying? Is it code or something?

“Is... is that supposed to stand for something? Is it a joke? A code phrase?” I ask and behind me Sweet-Heart sighs.

“She's referencing something from another world. A lot of ponies look into that world for technological and artistic innovation.” Sweet-Heart explains before shrinking down as she realizes she just called attention to herself right in front of Cadance. Not the smartest move to do in front of someone you want to avoid... but who am I to criticize? I've done dumber.

“Okay... but what does it mean?” I ask and Mom looks ecstatic at Celestia's disappointed/crushed look.

“She's jokingly boasting about assassination based skills she does not have.” Luna supplies and my eyes widen.

“Assassination? How... how would a god of the sun have any form of assassination capability? You need subtlety for that and the sun is about as subtle as an apocalypse.” I note and Mom snorts in laughter as Celestia gives me a wry look at that. “I wouldn't laugh if I were you, the moon's not much better in that regard.”

“Whose side are you on here?” Cadance asks in a joking tone as she steps forwards to stand beside Celestia with Shinning-Armour beside her.

“Well... ours I guess. I mean really between the four of us only you and me have any kind of stealth.” I say gesturing towards Cadance.

“Are you saying a goddess of the night doesn't know stealth?” Mom asks me and I give her a sideways look.

“You're more a Moon goddess, and a Moon is only stealthy compared to the sun and even then, it's like comparing an elephant to a rhino. One may technically be stealthier than the other but neither wins a prize.” I say frankly and Luna shakes her head at this.

“Well someone's relaxed, what exactly happened when we were gone?” Shinning-Armour notes and I glance back to Sweet-Heart who shakes her head. I was just thinking and not looking for direction but thank you anyways.

“That's not a ten word or less answer there.” I say plainly before glancing around a little. No more wendigo and it looks like Sweet-Heart wants to get the cocoons somewhere safe. Not that I can blame her for that. It takes quite a bit out of me to stay calm in front of a former enemy, and I'm still in a position of power. She isn't, if things go south, she dies... and it's my fault...

A moment of vertigo comes and passes as I wonder when I started to care about my enemies. Former or otherwise an enemy is an enemy, something to be destroyed or crushed before they do so to you. Right?

After a bit of discussion by those who were taller, and a distinct feeling that they would talk over me even if I really cared about the logistics of a casual lunch we headed towards a dining hall. Apparently all three of them had only had a light meal to begin with and Cadance and Shinning-Armour also had something to tell us. Considering that Cadance is a goddess of Love I'm positive there's a baby on the way.

So after about ten minutes of doing my level best to ignore small complaints that I got the gist of two minutes in, I found myself constanly brushing away Cadance's attempt to touch my mane. She seemed to be a touch jealous about the fact that it's now flowing constantly and that her mane isn't. “Is there a reason why you keep doing that?” I ask fairly certain I know the answer already.

“I just can't get over how grown up you look with that effect. Couple it with your shaggy fur and you look more like a miniature adult than a proper foal. It's quite adorable!” she gushes without a hint of dishonesty from her. “If aunty Luna didn't snatch you up as her foal first I definitely would have!” she exclaims and the blood drains from my face. Luckily the fur hides this. There would have been murder, if not Regicide and Deicide in the castle if I had to constantly put up with this much gushing.

Maybe... maybe then but... I think I can put up with this nonsense now. “You'd really want to put up with me on top of running a kingdom and a relationship?” I ask as we enter the room with a couple of the serving staff bringing in a meal... for all six of us... wait, Sweet-Heart get's nourishment from emotion. Can she eat?

Oh great, now I'm worried that they'll assume normal changeling before we can explain anything. Wait... a changeling has to be able to eat in order to maintain a disguise... but did the Flutters keep that? Moment of truth I guess, Sweet-Heart is already shaking a little, will she be able to eat at all? Will everything go wrong? Will I ever stop asking myself questions I'm about to get the answer to?

“So you really must start Luna, what exactly happened when we were gone? The rumours made it sound like Chrysalis launched another attack!” Celestia exclaimed and despite lacking emotion devouring abilities I could practically taste the fear boiling off of Sweet-Heart.

“Well, that's the funny bit. She did, and she did so because she was panicking about my foals ability to sense her swarm. Unfortunately while Immortal herself Chrysalis wasn't much in a fight and... well, Night-Shade is quite a bit in one.” Luna explains and all eyes in the room turn to me.

“She fought by bringing hundreds of barely alive beings to face me. I have the touch of death and I can weaken life energy at a distance. Basically they couldn’t get close and it took practically nothing to both kill and reanimate them. I quickly got a little creative which ended the swarm and severely weakened her.” I explain before shrugging. “It wasn't so much about me being powerful as it just being a very poor matchup for her. If she was instead some massive, formshifting, leviathan of power then I would have been outmatched.”

“And just how would you picture that?” Sweet-Heart asks with a sweet tone that I know is a promise of pain should I say the wrong thing. I also know that if I don't play it up Celestia, Shinning-Armour and Cadance will get suspicious.

“Anything really, the whole idea of a shapeshifter and the power in one is that they can use whatever physical strength they choose. The point is though that if she concentrated on being powerful rather than simply having an army she would have won.” I explain and I notice Sweet-Heart nodding fervently. Clearly she's taking notes. Wonderful.

“Well... that's grim. Although... how did you get out to fight her anyways? Why didn't your mother interfere?” Shinning-Armour asked with a raised eyebrow.

“She uh... she put up a shield that was designed to only let Night-Shade out. It was fueled off the magic inside it meaning that Luna was making it stronger and every spell she tried just fed it.” Sweet-Heart explained looking proud before catching herself and shrinking in her chair. Smooth move there, they might not catch on so long as they're completely retarded.

“Something you'd like to tell me... Cousin?” Cadance asked and Sweet-Heart went as still as statue. Shinning-Armour's horn started glowing and Celestia frowned.

“Exactly when were you going to explain this Luna?” Celestia asked eyeing Sweet-Heart warily. Looking... ready. Not aggressive nor defensive, just ready.

“Well I was planning on doing so right about now but you were a little quick.” Luna says taking a casual sip of tea and I can't help but give her a flat look. Right before Celestia starts giggling.

“Oh for pities sake they're both doing it.” Shinning-Armour says, he looks like it's taking a heroic effort of will to not scrunch up his eyes in frustration.

“Excuse me Cousins, but would either of you two mind explaining just what happened?” Cadance asks in a very formal tone. Clearly, this is her version of being upset.

“Uhm... well...” Sweet-Heart begins but clearly has no idea what to say.

“Before we actually fought I caught a changeling and began experimenting with it. I wanted to find out a way to change them. The reason for this was that I came to the realization that if I simply killed everything that threatened me as before, then the same horrible cycle would start up again. So I decided to nip it in the bud and try and figure out a different way. I ended up changing the Changeling in such a way that it no longer stole love but was sustained by the mere presence of all emotion. Then, when Chrysalis attacked and I ended up with her at my mercy, I forced the change on her and it started a chain reaction that altered every Changeling.” I explain at length, before picking up a glass of water with a wedge of lemon in it and taking a gulp.

“So those little beings I sense are changelings?” Celestia asks and I tilt my head from side to side.

“They're very different now and... well thanks to Rain-Drop and my own desperate attempt to keep things sane I ended up naming them Flutter-Ponies. Accidentally of course.” I say quickly and there's a snort. Probably at the thought of me accidentally naming something.

“And you Chrysalis? What are your thoughts? Cousin.” Cadance says in a slightly icy tone towards Sweet-Heart who flinches.

“I... I'm not sure what to think.” she says as all eyes in the room, my own included, turn to her. “I was changed against my will. My children murdered then changed... but. But, at the same time he spared me, he spared most of my children and has now... he's now helped the ones he killed. I don't know what to think.” she says and I'm surprised she's being this open. At least I think she is, I'm assuming this on the idea that someone would catch on and call her out.

So either she's a good enough liar to fool three goddesses and a veteran warrior, or she's sincere. I'm not sure which is more likely but I am inclined to believe her. Cadance quietly stands up and slowly walks around the furniture until she and Sweet-Heart are inches from one another. I sense... a very mild flow of energy from Cadance and then she sweeps Sweet-Heart into a tight hug.

“So... someone mind filling me in?” I ask after a few silent minutes. Shinning-Armour shoots me a disapproving look.

“I don't expect you to understand. I... I saw all the love, all the goodness drain out of her so long ago... it scared me so much I stopped looking for it in others. But now... she... I... I'm so sorry I didn't try harder all those years ago.” Cadance explains/stammers and I understand, no really I do. She's seeing the connection from Sweet-Heart to the Flutter-Ponies and her own love for them. For a goddess of Love that must be pretty encouraging, and now I'm stating the obvious to myself in my own damn thoughts... I may need to see Doctor Payne again, I'm clearly going insane.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the huge wait, sometimes you just can't write. I remember a solid week where I stared at the word document every day for three hours each day and only managed to write a paragraph. Twenty plus hours of effort and one darn paragraph. Which is just painful when I myself enjoy writing and can't do it. Heck it's still here meaning that I couldn't even come up with a decent chapter title, although I did finally manage to finish the chapter to my satisfaction. Still, it felt like torture to know what I wanted to write but not able to actually get it down and getting nothing done. Believe me, I want it to stop as much if not more so than any of you.