• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 6,155 Views, 88 Comments

ATC's Scrapbox - AdmiralTigerclaw

collection of random ideas and plot ponies

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A book fit for a pegasus

Rainbow Dash’s new adventure into the realm of literature has left her with the desire to fill a void she never realized she had. A sense of imagination long dormant in the deepest corner of her mind. But now that she’s tasted it, just finishing one book series won’t be enough. What kind of books will she hunt down once she runs out of Daring Do?

Rainbow Dash frowned as she pulled a dusty old book from the corner of the flying section. It’s title was fading, but she could still make out the word ‘ace’ on it. Given the section she was in focused on flying, she figured it had to be something good about some legendary pegasus.

Pulling it down and trotting over to a table, she carefully parted the pages, making sure it was going to stay in one piece as she read the delicate script on the first page.

“Chapter one,” she began... “The Nightmare.”

Rainbow Dash blinked... Nightmare? Not, Nightmare Moon is it? With no further hesitation, Rainbow Dash turned the page.

“I saw my death in my dreams,” she read, “Many times…”

It was dark, ponies were fighting every which direction, lightning and thunder ripping about as they used the very weather itself for weapons.

“Magic to Spectrum Leader,” the voice crackled over a telepathic link. “Bogies are confirmed hostile on a direct course for Mareami.”

There was something out there in the dark, fast, mean. Where was it?

“You are cleared to engage and destroy…” the telepathic voice continued.

“A nightmare I’ll never forget…”

Then, there it was! Out of the shadows, its bestial form like a giant cat with wings, claws extended for the pounce. It was too late to react as the creature turned sharply, it’s beak open in a predatory smile as it prepared to snap the neck of its next victim. There was only time to throw a hoof up in a feeble gesture of defense, but even that… That could never hope to stop it…

Colonel Rainbow lowered her hoof, blinking away the terror, now only an echo in her heartbeat.

Glancing around, she noticed she was still in formation, the other pegasi with her as they raced over the countryside. She could see them now in the distance, ponies, other pegasi, fighting everywhere in madness. There was a group coming up, looking to be in trouble.

Nightmares brushed aside, she angled to the right, adjusting formation and prepared for a dive. The mission was clear. Down all hostiles and protect the city from attack.

Colonel Rainbow reached up with a hoof and pulled her goggles over her eyes. She could already see the first target sweeping in below. She waited until her enemy was lined up perfectly, snapped her wings, and pounced.

“Spectrum One!” the voice of her wingmare snapped. “Spectrum one! Tally Bandit One O clock!”

Talk about stating the obvious.

“He’s mine Scoots,” Rainbow replied. That was all she had time to say as her opponent broke hard to the left, seeking shelter from a lightning bolt as it struck one of the nearby buildings. The colonel rolled to follow, unwilling to be thwarted by such a simple attempt.

“I got your back boss,” Scoots replied as she focused. The pegasus in front of her refused to go down easy, zipping through buildings and trees trying to drive her to make a mistake. However, Colonel Rainbow did not humor her opponent today, dropping her enemy from the sky with a bolt of lightning right to the wing. She had a limited amount, but being fresh to the battle, had plenty left.

“Spectrum,” the telepathic voice warned. “Bandits are heading for the mill!”

Plenty to use on the next pegasus that zipped into her vision. No sooner did the first opponent go down than did she set her sights on this one. He too wove a course in an attempt to out-fly her, but ultimately, proved not to be the best pegasus to ever take the sky when she accidentally smashed through a windmill blade.

Rainbow flinched as one of the wooden beams that scattered from the impact struck her right in the wing, almost taking her down with her opponent. Luckily, it didn’t feel like anything was broken as she managed to right herself.

“Spectrum leader,” Scoot’s voice called in concern. “Colonel?”

Rainbow grit her teeth, the stinging sensation starting to fade.

“I took some shrapnel,” she replied. “I’m okay, but my wing feels a bit bruised. I’m going to do some checks. Watch my tail.”

Scoots came back a second later. “Go for it Dash,”

“WHOA…” Rainbow Dash lowered her book. “That’s one serious pegasus. Last time I busted a wing I went down on the spot and spent the next few days…”

Then she grinned, raising the book back up.

Spectrum squinted through the flash as four simultaneous bolts of lightning struck her targets. Each pegasus went down, knocked cold from the strikes. Suddenly, Spectrum two could be heard shouting off to one side.

“Colonel!” she heard her wingmare shout. “It’s HER! That jerk eagle!”

“BLAST!” Colonel Rainbow snapped as the griffin let go of a lightning bolt and turned. There was no time to turn as the harsh blue-white glow grew too bright to look at.

Then with a jarring boom, every nerve in her body seized up as it struck, paralyzing her instantly.

As the colonel came to, she found she was falling slowly towards the ground, ponies from her unit dropping all around her. She was struck by something that revealed to be a lion’s tail as the griffin that had taken her own whipped by, pursuing her remaining squad mates.

Then with a sudden realization of horror, the creature turned hard, diving for her, claws outstretched, beak open to snap her neck. It was all she could do to throw her hoof up in futility.


Dash jumped as Twilight shouted in her ear.

“I hear you Magic!” Dash snapped, slamming the book down. Then she paused, realizing Twilight and Spike were looking at her strangely.

“You know,” Twilight commented idly. “You CAN check the book out. It’s almost time to close for the night.”

“Huh?” Dash turned, looking out the window. The sun had already set and the evening shadows were deepening.

“Oh,” she turned to Twilight, a sheepish grin on her face. “Heheh... Sorry Twilight.”