• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 6,153 Views, 88 Comments

ATC's Scrapbox - AdmiralTigerclaw

collection of random ideas and plot ponies

  • ...

High Energy Ponytons

So in today's what-if scrap. Chrysalis strikes down Celestia... However, instead of every pony in the room sitting there and taking it like a herd of cowards, Twilight Sparkle gets angry. After all the emotional hurt, the wrongdoing done to her oldest friend, her brother, and now her princess... she snaps. And if we recall the last time she lost her temper... it wasn't pretty.

I hope Chrissy has Life Insurance...

This particular piece is inspired by the track:
High Energy Protons

Listen to it, and FEEL the powah.


All eyes fell on Twilight, eyes narrowed. The changeling queen just chuckled.

"Oh, YES," she mocked. "I've won... and now it's just a matter of minutes until my army-"

"NO!" Twilight snapped forcefully. "I've had it with you. It ends NOW. You tricked us, brainwashed my brother, attacked and imprisoned one of my oldest friends, and hurt my teacher! You've gone TOO FAR!"

"HAH!" the Chrysalis mocked. "And just what do you plan to do? You couldn't stand up to me before, and I just defeated your PRECIOUS princess with the power of your brother's own love."

Even as the changeling said that, something unsettled her. All of her antennae were silently buzzing as if lightning were about to strike. Something was in the room with them.

"Maybe," Twilight voiced into the queen's thoughts. "But how much of that power did you just use up just to take on the princess?"

The other ponies around them finally noticed a strange breeze blowing through the room. One normally felt only on an open field on a warm summer day. Yet, none of the chapel windows were open properly.

-You're gonna' have a WONDERFUL trip...-

"I don't think you can pull that off twice," Twilight continued. There was definitely a strong breeze in the room. "And I don't think you realize..."

Twilight's horn lit up, magic sparking off it as she brought her power into focus.

"... I AM the princess' personal student."

"Whoa nelly..." Applejack blinked.

Chrysalis said nothing, simply opting to fire another magical beam to silence the upstart. It scattered on a purple shield that flashed into existence around the smaller pony.

"HGRT!" The queen bit down to hide the strain she felt from the shield's resistance.

"Not so tough, are you?" Twilight glared from inside her shield. "Not when you've used up what limited energy you can collect from others."

"I beat Celestia," Chrysalis snarled as she forced more power into her beam. The other ponies in the room quickly began to step. "I can beat you!"

"I don't think so," Twilight growled back. "Because you're already struggling, and I'm just getting started..."

The shield suddenly started to shrink, and for just a moment Chrysalis thought that maybe Sparkle's comment was a bluff. But then she realized the pony was only looking angrier by the second. And then it felt as if someone had yanked on her mind. All the energy in the room, all the magic. She could feel it being pulled away, towards some invisible point, towards Twilight Sparkle.

There was a flash and a concussion and the unicorn appeared to burst into flames, a wall of fire expanding several feet away from the pony. Everypony in the room made to duck, but it was unneeded as the flames seemed to slow to a halt in the air.

Then the wind that had been almost fogrotten in the clash suddenly kicked up, swirling into a vortex that sucked the fire into a dancing whirlwind of bright orange flames. Chrysalis, in fact, everypony had to partially shield themselves from the sudden burst of intense heat that radiated from the conflagration.

From amidst the swirl of fire, two glowing red orbs appeared. Twilight Sparkle then stepped through the infernal vortex, her mane replaced with fire, her purple fur now white.

"THIS-" she stated in a tone that was as if to lecture the changeling. "Is something I discovered I can do when I get REALLY angry... And I've found that no matter how hot I make this fire, I can't be burned. You might even call this the heat of my anger..."

Then Twilight glared again, her glowing red eyes turning white with intensity. The flames around her became angrier, hotter. The ground nearest her hooves melted slightly, becoming a semi-molten puddle.

"And right now... I'm REALLY angry," Sparkle continued. The changeling queen had all but forgotten her assault in her surprise at the unicorn's impossible fire. "You've hurt my brother, my princess, and my friends."

-You're gonna' have a WONDERFUL trip...-

"So we're going to do things like this," the flaming unicorn continued. "You've got thirty seconds to release my brother, call off your army, and surrender unconditionally..."

The angry yellow flames turned white hot, every pony in the room stumbled back, surprised at the intensity of the heat.

"...Or I will IMMOLATE you where you stand."