• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 8,076 Views, 226 Comments

Space Ponies - Boss_Hoss1

Something is watching Ponyvile and Pinkie calls them Space Ponies. One day she goes to find one...

  • ...

Chapter 7 . The Inevitable Pinkie Pie Party

Space Ponies

By Boss Hoss

Chapter 7. The Inevitable Pinkie Pie Party

Twilight gave a soft giggle as she led him inside the Library tree just before sunset. "Just a quick check of your magic potential and we can get you ready for the party.”

Eagerly trotting in behind her, Scott ran a hoof over the carving on the door as he walked in. “I can hardly wait!”

She turned to him and took a deep breath before continuing “I know it seems like a lot to happen to you all at once, and that we're all a bunch of crazy ponies wanting to be your friends everywhere you look, but... When you get a chance to catch your breath, you'll realize it's the best thing in the world. That's how it was for me."

Twilight's eyes comically shone in the dark ahead of him as she looked around and fumbled for the invitation in her saddlebag. "Hmm, petty dark in here. I wonder what Spike and Owlowiscious are up to? Let me turn on the lights and I can finally read where Pinkie wants me to bring you..."

Suddenly Pinkie turned on the lights, revealing a large portion of the Ponyville citizenry, and a thunderous shout of "SURPRISE!"
A spray of confetti and balloons rained down on Twilight and a stunned Scott amid the honking and tooting of noise makers. He was expecting a party at some point this evening, but such a huge party and so fast!

After a few stunned moments of blinking her dazzled eyes, Twilight finally looked at the invitation, reading the decorative script "Oh! The party is here! I should have guessed..."

Shaking himself from his "deer in the headlights" freeze-up, he looked around at the ponies and above them, a banner stretched across the balcony to the head of the stairs, reading "Welcome to Ponyville, Skybright! -and a Happy Cuteceañeara !" -In English!
Underneath was a line of the same kind of angular, blocky script he had seen on the eyechart earlier. Obviously the same sign in local script.

Both unicorns looked at each other, stunned.
Twilight whispered “I-is that your language on top?”

Scott nodded “I am not going to ask how she did that…”

Twilight nodded back “…Good plan, and I wont’ either…”

Giggling, Pinkie bounced up and put a conical party hat over his horn "Are you surprised? Huh? Huh? Ooooh you are! Colts aren’t known for parties to celebrate their cutie mark, but you are so old for finally getting one you deserve it!"
She giggled at the huge grin spreading over his face "Yay! You DO like it! Um, by the way, is this your birthday by any chance?"

Twilight giggled and levitated over a glass of punch for Scott. "It might as well be. Nurse Redheart says he's perfect for his biological age. -The same as ours or a little under! Yet he says he's older."

Scott shakes his head from the revere he was in "Y-yes, let’s make today my Equestrian Birthday!"
Pinkie squealed in joy and bounced in a circle around Scott "YAY! It’s a Party Trifecta! A Welcome-Cuteceañeara-Birthday for Skybright Party!!!"

Pinkie pointed at Vinyl Scratch to start the music, and burst into song when the electric blue-maned uni bobbed her head to the sudden beat...

"We Welcome you to Ponyville,
We hope you enjoy your stay!
We have a Party Trifecta!
The bestest surprise I must say!

Today was your luckiest,
for after you met Pinkie,
You Got your Cutie Mark-
Cuteceañeara Ahoy! (Even though you're a boy.)
Thrown by little ol' me!

And Oh what a surprise!
It's a brand new Birthday!
We have a Party Trifecta!
The bestest surprise I must say!

We hope you really like us,
We hope you think we're swell,
Oh please don’t roam,
make Ponyville your home,
And you'll never feel like... Wellll...

We Welcome our new friend,
Skybright, Hip, Hip, Hooray!
We have a Party Trifecta!
The bestest surprise I must say!"

After the song ended, there was a dizzying round of introductions to an equally dazed Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and a blushing Fluttershy.
Before he could recover, he was swept off through the crowd for more introductions at a speed comparable to Braeburn’s Appleoosa Tour…

Right after being dragged over to the DJ turntable set up by the stairs, and meeting Vinyl Scratch in full DJ-P0n3 mode, Pinkie giggled as she remembered something.
Pinkie turned to him and scruffled his mane “Oh silly me, I forgot to ask! Do you dance? As the Birthday Colt you get the first one!”

Shyly, he scuffed a hoof “Normally as good as Twilight, but now? Even walking is a bit new to me like this, but I can try…”

The moment he said that, she gigged and instantly pulled him into a dance “Goodie! I’ll be glad to teach you!”

The next few minutes were a dizzy blur…

About fifteen minutes into the party, Rarity finally managed to work her way through the herd crowding the floor, catching up to the G.O.H., who waved at her “Hello Miss Rarity! Are you having a good time this evening?”

Giggling pleasantly, the famous Fashionista dipped forward slightly on her foreleg in response. “Thank you kind sir, I am.”

Critically, she looked him over from horn to tail. “Oh my, my. Pinkie really needs to work on her guest preparations. Scott, is it? Twilight tells me you have not had a proper chance to get ready for this at all. You are already looking a bit tired and sweaty, yet have only had one dance with Pinkie… And your coiffure is a disaster! Oh my stars! Did you even bring a comb?”

Blushing sheepishly, Scott nodded. “-Still in Sugarcube Corner, with my pack, and what’s left of my clothes. I can’t even use it right now anyway. I am unable to use my horn yet, and I am not good enough with my hooves either to make it work.”

Rarity put a hoof to her fine, soft grey lips “Oh my! How horrible for you!”

With a sudden, determined look in her eyes, she picked him up in a sky blue nimbus of magic and ignored his protests as she towed him along up the stairs to the living area. “Pardon me everyone! I will bring the Guest of Honor back in a jiffy, after a little freshening up. Ta-ta!”


Inside the Master Bath, currently set up to catch the ponies that could not wait for the smaller public restroom on the first floor, Cherry Bomb preened her wings and freshened up in front of the large bathroom mirror.
The red Pegasus straightened her orange and yellow streaked mane, teased and moussed into the shape of fire “Oooh yeah, honey, you are one hawt poneh!”

There was a knock and Rarity’s voice came “Excuse me, is anypony decent? I have a fashion emergency on my hooves!”

Snickering, she turned to the door “Girl, I am never decent! Come right on in!”
Cherry’s eyes widened as Rarity barged on in with the Birthday Boy himself. “For me? You shouldn’t have, Rares.”

Turning her nose up, Rarity snorted as she set the new stallion down and pulled out a grooming kit from the cabinet. “Please! I would think he has some standards! Oh, Scott, this is Cherry Bomb. She was just leaving!”

Smirking, Cherry sidled up to Scott and ran a wing down his back, making him shiver in uncontrolled delight as her feathers hit places he didn’t know he had.
She was so close, he could smell a musky, hot cinnamon perfume on her as well.
“Oh ho, ho! Not so fast! Just because you are a prude doesn’t mean all unicorns are immune. Stallions are so easy to play with! Wiggle a flank and they come running…”

Blushing, Scott rolled his eyes. “Um, excuse me, I can hear you…”

Giggling, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him turn a brighter red that almost matched her hide “Exactly!”

Rarity’s face scrunched up as she fumed and turned red before levitating Cherry Bomb away. “At least let me fix him up before you throw yourself all over him like a horse blanket, MISS Cherry Bomb!”

Snorting in disdain, the Pegasus stuck her tongue out at Rarity. “Like a filly cant’ mess with a colt’s head now and then? I was just kidding…”

Combs, washcloths, and brushes suddenly surrounded Scott and went to work. He watched the mirror in awe as the scruffy unicorn stallion he saw there was groomed to Show Ring perfection before his eyes. “Oh Epona! Rarity! This is amazing!”

Rarity smiled haughtily as she took the loose lock at the end that suggested a ponytail and tied it in a masculine manner with a small navy blue ribbon. Even Cherry was impressed and said so.
“Oh pish-posh! I would need time to make you really shine! Now go on my dear! Strut that tail! Be proud to be a unicorn!
By the way, I really must take you to the Spa later this week to help teach you how to groom yourself! Consider that a Welcome to Ponyville gift from me.”

With that, Rarity put herself between Scott and the mirror to break his fascinated stare. She then nudged him out the door and down the stairs.

Cherry shook her head as she left the Master Bathroom with Rarity after they shooed him back downstairs. "You know? I never seen a pony stallion stare at his reflection as much as you do yours... He must really be in love with himself."

Rarity giggled "Not quite, dahling. I've seen that look before, when a pony unsure of their self-image sees themselves in the mirror in one of my creations.
He is coming to grips with the fact he CAN look good -and looks incredibly smashing to boot. The poor dear is probably half afraid he will be back to the way he was if he looks away."

Wide-eyed, the red Pegasus stopped in her tracks, stunned at the implications "Celestia! Just what did he look like before he got here..?"

Rarity shuddered "The way he is acting, I really don’t wish to think about that..."

Halfway down the stairs after resisting the advances of the randy pegasus yet again, Rarity suddenly stood still. Her eyes sparkled as her mind raced. “I-DEAaa! I know just what to do for the poor thing!”


Meanwhile, Scott swished his tail eagerly as he took a moment to build a sandwich at the buffet table. He did not yet notice Rainbow Dash quietly drop down from behind and examine him quite closely, the noise of her wings masked by the loud music and talking around him.

Getting the sense someone was near, Scott turned his head, but Dash zipped up above him before he could see her.

Shrugging, he went back to the sandwich and Dash came back down.

This was repeated several times before AppleJack joined in.
They quickly moved to flank him and started prodding him with their hooves "Yo! You feel real, all right. Is it true?!"

Applejack snorted as he turned toward them in surprise. "Yeah, you smell like a stallion, right enough. So is it more'a Pinkie's bridle gossip? It’s written in black an' white... err, Pink and white on th' invitations, but we want ta’ hear it from the horse's mouth."

Dash gave him a comically suspicious eye, then giggled to show she was not serious "Yeah, Space Pony, you're not a spy from beyond are you?"

A quiet voice sounded from behind them “Oh girls, I’m sure this must all be strange for him. What if he was a cute, fluffy alien with adorable paws?”

Ears perked, Scott craned his neck to look behind the two mares at Fluttershy, then back at AJ and Dash. “Let me grab this sandwich and find a place to sit. -Then I’ll talk.”

After some hasty shuffling, there was now a small circle of cushions in one of the side rooms that had apparently been there in Season 1 but not shown on-screen. - The Romance Fiction room as AJ informed him with a wink, of course.

Scott took a drink and spoke to the mares. “Yes, I’m not of this world, and I’m one of those Space Ponies that Pinkie has been telling you about. -And nope, not a spy.” He added with a wink.
AJ chuckled and elbowed a sheepish Dash.
“Twilight was going to tell you all later but Pinkie had too much of a head start to keep her quiet.
In any case, I’ll tell you what happened and answer some questions, but it might be best to save those for later, when Twilight is examining me.
You three, Rarity, and Pinkie are free to be there anytime Twi is studying me so there wont’ be any secrets or misunderstandings. Okay?”

AJ nodded, satisfied he was telling the truth. “Sure thing Sugarcube.”

Meanwhile, Dash put on a devious smirk “I’m sure I can come up with some wild questions to keep you and Twilight on your hooves.”

Fluttershy nodded, one eye peeking from behind her mane. “…o-okay…”

After a quick recount of who, where, when, and why, Rainbow Dash scratched her head “So if you are an alien, what star are you from?”

Everyone suddenly looked at her in surprise for the intelligent question. “What? I love Sci-Fi, Adventure and Spy Thriller movies!”

Chuckling, the stallion shook his head and winked teasingly “Just surprisingly deep for the most awesome Pegasus ever.”
After the chorus of giggles died down he continued. ”Anyway that’s the weird part of this too. From what we Bronies saw on the other side, our constellations are about the same.
In short, I’m an alien, from another… well, every Joe Average says “dimension”, so let’s go with that…”

Rainbow Dash giggled excitedly “We are talking with an ALIEN from another Dimension! How cool is that?! *Squeee!*”

Slowly raising a hoof, Fluttershy looked at Scott with one eye from behind her sweeping pink bang. “You say you’ve helped out with cute critters and repairs on a farm before? If you don’t mind… If it would not be a bother... Could you possibly… HelpMeWhenIneedIt?”

While he had to lean in to catch the last part, he gave a reassuring smile. “I would be honored to help the Element of Kindness once I get used to being without fingers.”

With that, Fluttershy blushed and gave a quiet thank you. She managed a smile before she used up her store of bravery for the moment.

Tipping her hat back as she looked him over, AJ joined in “So, how’s bein’ on four hooves workin’ out fer’ ya?”

Chuckling, he lifted a black hoof to inspect it. “Easier than I imagined, just takes a little getting used to. My problem now is going to be dancing. I never really got to try before, and now? As you saw earlier with Pinkie, I’ve got four left hooves unless somepony can teach me.”

AJ and Rainbow Dash grinned as they shared a look. Somepony asking them for help on learning how to dance? -And a stallion at that?
In seconds, the unspoken bet was on as to who could successfully teach him first!

Flapping her wings, Dash rose up and did some midair breakdancing. “Oh, have you come to the right ponies! There isn’t a pony in town who can't dance, but me and AJ are really super-awesome! –Oh, everypony in town except Twi, but she’s really set on learning too, right?
Aaaanyway, come on out and lets get your groove on with the experts!”

Grinning, AJ flipped her tail to grab a hoof with it, and pull him to the door. “That’s right partner! Lets teach ya’ll how to do-se-do!”

Surprised at how forward her friends were being with the stallion, Fluttershy followed them out the door and back to the party.
She suddenly realized she had invited him right to her door as well, and blushed. “Oh my…”


While Applejack was taking her turn teaching him how to dance like a pony, he noticed Lyra and Bon-Bon dancing as well.

Lyra was leading her partner closer in the dance.
Once she was close enough, the turquoise unicorn smiled at him and kissed her partner before stopping for the moment and waved a hoof at him "Can we switch for a moment?"

Puzzled, Scott looked to Applejack, who raised an eyebrow but shrugged "Up ta’ you Sugarcube."
The newly made stallion nodded and looked to Lyra. "Sure!"

At the least, the change of pace would let him catch his breath. How can dancing be so tiring to an awesome new body?

AJ smirked and raised his hoof, holding it loose. “Ready Lyra? On three! One… Two… Three!” And with that, the orange cowpony swung him around and let go.
He sidestepped, seeing Bon-Bon pass him face to face, and felt Lyra’s hoof take his to complete the circle.

He was relieved to find the pace with Lyra much slower as she looked at him with those startling golden eyes. Her scent also had a lot of wintery mint to it. Was that perfume?
Why did these ponies all have to be so beautiful?

Smiling sweetly, Lyra leaned in and nuzzled his ear, whispering “I read some interesting things on this invitation about where you came from. Would you please come to our home tomorrow so we can discuss them? Just ask Twilight for directions to “Bon-Bon’s Sweets”. -Say about Noon or so?”

Smiling, Scott nodded “It would be my pleasure…”

As the dance ended, he bowed to Lyra, and turned toward Rainbow Dash, “I’ll be back in a moment. I need a drink Miss Dash.”

"Oh, THERE you are Dahling!"
Suddenly, Rarity came out of the crowd and hooked a foreleg around his, pulling insistently and propelling him in one direction. "I have only one way I can give you a proper Ponyville Birthday gift. I just need you for a moment to measure you."

Snorting, Rainbow Dash stamped her forehoof in air as if she was standing on a solid floor. “HAY! Bring him back here! It’s my turn again next!”

Shaking her mane, Rarity smirked at the cyan pegasus. “Oh, Rainbow Dash! Not to worry, Dear. I’ll only have him for a moment, and then I’ll bring him back, safe and sound.”

Rarity led him to one corner out of the way to get his measurements.
As she pulled out her measuring tape, she looked back behind her and frowned.
The proper Fashionista quickly gave him a pointed look and cleared her throat, seeing where his eyes were pointed. "Excuse me, but my eyes are up here, Romeo..."

Blushing at being caught, he quickly stammered an apology, but Rarity raised a hoof. “Tut-tut. I suppose it’s flattering that you would think my flank worthy of attention, and that being an alien, these feelings must be new and overwhelming to you.
Still, one must exercise self control. …If nothing else than to keep little Spikey-Wikey from making your life… difficult should he see your wandering eyes, yes?”

Still blushing, Scott nodded and moved his limbs for her as she started measuring him. “Yes, Miss Rarity…”

His mind was busy in thought while he was forced to stand in one place. At first, he didn’t think Spike would be a problem, but the more he thought about it, the more he began to worry.
One thing was certain; he was going to be around Twilight the most of all the Mane 6 simply because she would need to study him.
If her “Number 1 Assistant” was out to get him, there’s no end to the pranks and random acts of sabotage he would try. ‘Owl’s well that ends well’ taught him that much.
He gave a little shiver thinking about Spike ever being mad enough to try his little fangs on him. Fangs that slice through diamond like butter…
Just to be safe, he looked around and spotted the baby dragon, asleep under a table with a lampshade on his head.

As she finished her measurements, he whispered “I will try to be more of a Gentlecolt in the future, Miss Rarity.”

Finishing her notes and putting them in her saddlebag, the unicorn giggled and gave a saucy wink. “Thank you, kind Sir. As it is, you are many times the Gentlecolt a certain prince is. Never forget that!”


It was during one of his increasingly numerous rest breaks that he found himself next to a strangely familiar Earth pony stallion.
In fact, somepony that seemed to be watching him and glancing back at his invitation as he drank some punch. -A stallion with brown eyes, dark brown slicked-back mane, white shirt collar on his neck held with a bowtie, mocha hide and an hourglass Cutie Mark.
Scott did a double take and blinked “Excuse me, are you… the Doctor?”

Said stallion went bug-eyed and did a spit take of his punch, then spoke in a very familiar voice. “Err, no, no... I am Time Turner. I maintain the clock tower and regulate the clocks that are used in the town offices. Also, I am the official timekeeper for special events. Ahaha… Yes, that’s me, Town Official in charge of timey-wimey… stuff…”

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, Scott snorted. “Uh Huh, Right… Whatever happened to me got you too, didn’t it?”

Scoffing, “Time Turner” patted Scott’s head dismissively “I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about, so I must be on my way home right now, “Space Pony”…Ha, ha… Good night.”

As he turned away, Scott hissed out “Yes, to the Tardis…”

Screeching to a halt, the stallion looked back at him, then came close so they could whisper. “Oooh! Well played Sir… Right then, what’s your game?”

Chuckling, Scott saluted him with a cup of punch held in both hooves “Just looking for my “Happily ever after!” here, and finding answers to Twilight’s questions.
Don’t worry, I wont say anything to anypony about you. How about lunch sometime so we can compare notes on our… condition.”

“Time Turner” looked at a pocket watch coming out of nowhere, then back at Scott. “Make it teatime. It will be two O’clock P.M. in this timeframe.
-Don’t bother setting a day, it will happen on its own. We’ll meet at chance and we’ll happen to have our notebooks. I’ll make it three place settings as Miss Sparke will be along as well.”

Shaking his head and chuckling, Scott grinned. “Agreed! See you later, “Time Turner”.

The brown stallion was turning to leave when he stopped, and turned back for a moment “Can you find a packet of Jelly Babies? I haven’t had those since I got stuck here…”

Scott laughed “I’ll see what I can do.”

As Doctor Whooves disappeared into the crowd, Rainbow Dash came up and touched his shoulder. “My turn, Big Guy! Hey, what were you and Turner talking about?”

Scott hoped he kept his ears straight as he spoke “Oh, I was curious what he actually did here. I see him all over the show but not what he does.”

Shrugging, Dash put a firm wing around him to drag him back to the dance. “More egghead stuff, yeah…”


Sometime later, Applejack passed him off again to a new partner.
He was expecting Rainbow Dash again, only to bump into Twilight as she held a hoof out for him. “Ooops! Sorry Twilight! I’m already getting rubbery legged even with rest breaks.”
She giggled “Quite all right! It must be quite exhausting for somepony who hasn’t danced before in the best of times. At least I know how to slow dance a little for official functions. Would you like that, Scott?”

Nearby, AJ and Rainbow Dash giggled and slapped each others backs as they saw Scott blush and get a sappy smile on his muzzle.

After a moment, he nodded. “Y-yes, please!” and took the offered hoof.
Smiling, she took the lead “This should feel somewhat familiar to you. Lean into me as we get up on our hind hooves.”

It took several tries, but they were finally able to stand, chest to chest.

Twilight moved his right hoof to the middle of her back since she would lead, she then took his left hoof in her right and started moving. “Easy now Scott, move with me. I only know a few steps but that should make it easy on you, right?”

Tail quivering, he nodded and squeaked out “Y-yes.” as he concentrated on moving his hooves with her guiding push. Left, right, left, right, back, turn, repeat.
Everything seemed to fade out around him with the hypnotic repetition as he smelled lilac and mare together. He could feel her heart beat as their chests pressed together. Her purple eyes shone as a warm sensation filled him, and somewhere he thought he heard an owl for some weird reason.
Twilight’s thin, elegant lips moved as he lost himself to the dance.

Suddenly he realized she was speaking to him “Huh? What?”

Twilight giggled and shook her head “I said, have you ever seen a party like this before?”
Blushing, he replied “S-sorry, I kinda lost myself there. I’ve never slow danced before. The only really big parties I can personally compare have been at Furry Conventions. -That’s conventions for fans of shows and books about animals with human attributes, with a party somewhere every night. I missed those so much…”

Twilight giggles at his expression as they danced “Well, I’m glad Pinkie made you feel so happy with her party then. These conventions, are they large gatherings like I’ve been to for my favorite book heroine, Daring Do?”

He smiled and shrugged, “Probably. The last one I’ve been to had 1,500 attendees.”

Whistling, Twilight smiled and shook her head in wonder “That sounds just like the latest Manehattan DaringCon I went to a few months back. I got to meet the Author and some of the actors for the stage show. …Um, are there conventions about…us?”

His ears went up eagerly as he smiled “Two so far that I heard of and a bunch of Brony meetups to watch the show here and there. –Never any close to me unfortunately.
Oh I’d love to see their faces if they ever found out you girls were real!”

Giggling at a sudden thought she put a hoof to his lips “Don’t give Pinkie any ideas now…”

With that, their dance ended in laughter.