• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 8,076 Views, 226 Comments

Space Ponies - Boss_Hoss1

Something is watching Ponyvile and Pinkie calls them Space Ponies. One day she goes to find one...

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Chapter 8. Letters to the Princess

Space Ponies

By Boss Hoss

Chapter 8, Letters to the Princess


The Grand Galloping Gala was in full swing.

Twilight stood out of the way of the crowd near the elegant windows. She was clad in a simple red dress with a skirt layered in red and pink ruffles, with short sleeves of saffron and gold. Several shiny gold buttons ran down her narrow chest to complete the look.

This wasn’t how she had planned for this to go, at all.
So far she was too nervous to approach any of the unattached stallions. Those that looked willing to approach her were nervous of her being the Princess’ Star Pupil.

The only pony that had expressed interest in her for the Gala beforehoof was Prince Blueblood, but his demeanor so far had been unsettling to a shy wallflower like her.

A presence loomed near, but when she turned, the unicorn stallion standing there was silhouetted by the brilliant moon in the window behind him. “P-prince Blueblood?”

The stallion stepped backward, toward the door to the gardens. A stray moonbeam gleamed off a blue eye. “Really, it’s too crowded in here, don’t you think? I’m going out for some air. Would you care to join me?”

Shivering in nervousness and the daring of it all, she put one gold-slippered hoof in front of the other, following the dim shape out into the darkness as the moon hid behind a cloud.
With surprising gentleness, the stallion sidled up alongside her and walked beside her as they circled the open garden area before the doors, bounded by elegantly trimmed trees and rose bushes.
“Such a pretty red dress needs something more…”

The outlined head dipped and deftly nipped the shape of a rose from the darkened bush beside him. She smelled roses as his lips tucked the bloom into her mane in front of her left ear. Twilight shivered in delight. This wasn’t the Blueblood she expected!
“T-thank you…”

Soft strains of music came from the open door as the dancing began in earnest, making the stallion’s ears perk. He turned to her and held out a hoof. “This music is as beautiful as your voice. It would be a shame to waste it. Shall we dance? I find it more relaxing out here. -Alone.”

Twilight was giggling and shivering both in excitement and the sheer daring of it.
It was the forbidden naughtiness of straying from the Noble social circles when everypony who was Somepony was expected inside on the dance floor at this very moment.
Ooh, the wondering rumors that would spread just from the sudden absence of the favored Daughter of the House of Sparkle and the Duke of Canterlot, simultaneously, made her giggly and light headed.
She was sure her blush would light up the garden as she nodded yes.

They pressed hooves together and rose up on their hind legs, their chests pressing together.
She could feel his beating heart through their intervening clothing and tucked her head under his chin as they moved to the music. His cheek felt so soft and fuzzy against her glitter-dusted horn. She never wanted the moment to end.

Eventually, the song finally ended and as she anticipated, he arched his fine, muscular neck back.
A hoof under her chin tipped her head back so he could look into her eyes as he drew her into a kiss.

Suddenly, the clouds drew back from the moon, shining full on the stallion.
It was Scott, as finely groomed as Rarity made him at the party and wearing Blueblood’s outfit.


Gasping, Twilight sat up in bed, wide-eyed!

A romance book from the new “Lunar Library” imprint, titled “At the Gala” by Rose Papillion slid off to the floor with a clatter.

She had had these dreams about the Gala in the year leading up to the one she and her friends had made “exciting”.
However, this was the first time the dream had changed at all! Even that detail of a rapidly beating heart against her chest was new. Oh dear Celestia! She felt that last night when they danced!

Ever since Princess Celestia had hinted that she might invite her to that Gala, she had numerous romantic dreams that often awoke her with a sweat-soaked body and thighs, especially since Prince Blueblood himself had made inquiries about being the chaperone of the House of Sparkle for her first major social function.

All that had of course gone out the window with the Return of Nightmare Moon and her subsequent permanent move to Ponyville, well out of the mercurial limelight of Canterlot politics.

Still… before, and even for some time after the actual Gala when Blueblood was revealed for the lout he was when Rarity had pursued him instead, she occasionally had these romantic dreams of the Gala. -Smoldering fantasies of Blueblood, for lack of a better figure for a once-friendless student to fixate on.

Her mother, Constellation “Stella” Sparkle, had hardly been a help there, prodding her to take an active role in court matters and give her some Grandfoals! -Always pushing Blueblood as a wonderful match.
Twilight suddenly had to wonder if her Mother was behind Blueblood’s sudden interest at the time?

Butterflies ran wild in her stomach as her mind replayed that dream kiss several times and she blushed quite brightly, until… *ulp*
She quickly stumbled from bed, teleported to the Master Bathroom, and emptied her fluttering stomach quite noisily…

Timidly, Fluttershy peeked in while Twilight was washing out her mouth. “Oh my, are you all right? You arent’ coming down with something are you?”
When the unicorn looked at her in surprise, the petite Pegasus uttered a soft gasp “Is it a nervous stomach? I get that all the time, especially after meeting nice stallions like… Skybright…”

Eyes wide, Twilight’s blush deepened as Shy-shy seemed to hit the nail right on the head.
‘No it can’t be a… a crush..!? We just met! I refuse to believe it! He was not even born a pony for Celestia’s sake! What if he gets sent home? What if Celestia banishes him?’

Suddenly, Twilight gasped! She rapidly trotted in place “OhMyGosh! I forgot to send a letter to the Princess! I was going to do it before the party while Scott got ready, but… OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! OhMyGosh! We have an Alien the Princesses have not been told about!”

Fluttershy quickly wrapped soothing wings around Twilight in full Nursemaid Mode™ “Oh my! Please calm down Twilight. Just sit right down and I’ll make you some soothing chamomile tea. Okay?”

Nodding, Twilight smiled reassuringly at Fluttershy and stilled herself with an effort. “*sigh* you’re right. Thank you Fluttershy, I needed that. Please, I’ll be all right while you make some tea.”

Blushing cutely, Fluttershy flapped off to the kitchen area. “Y-you’re welcome, Twilight. It’s no trouble, really…”

Owlowiscious hooted inquisitively from his perch as she sat down at her writing desk.

Looking at the sky outside the window showed about an hour or so before dawn. Yes, plenty of time to write the letter herself before Spike wakes up and starts his chores. She can have him send it then.

Giggling despite herself, the mare shook her head “No, I’m all right, Owlowiscious. I just need to write a letter to the Princess about Scott.”


“The stallion downstairs Pinkie brought to me.”


“Yes, the strange unicorn. Anyway, I’d better get writing, so get some sleep if you need it.”



Dear Princess Celestia,

I must apologize in advance if this letter rambles at any point, for it is approximately 4:30 in the morning and I did not sleep well after the Pinkie Party this night.
I suspect everyone else has passed out only a half hour ago…

This is the first chance I have had to write this letter since Pinkie did something strange yesterday morning, strange even for her.

She has spoken off and on about us Element Bearers being watched, often after unusual or momentous events, by beings she calls “Space Ponies”.
All of us just shrugged it off as “Pinkie being Pinkie”.

Yesterday she had a “Doozy”… (See letter #29, footnotes 10 through 25)

She… brought one here to Ponyville, as proof!

On arrival, the subject, named Scott, had transformed from a bipedal Minotauroid (based on his vague description) being called a Human, into a handso bright bay unicorn stallion, with beautifl.. with a long black mane, black points, and gorge.. royal blue eyes like Rarity has.

According to his and Pinkie’s testimony, he had been severely disoriented for upwards of ten minutes before Pinkie sought me out.
Truthfully, I suspected a prank until he mentioned this proved Alternate Worlds Theory, which so far as I knew, is only known in Canterlot.
When he was asked to look at his reflection in the fountain, he grew excited and quite happy at his appearance. And… somehow he gained a Cutie Mark from this realization.

( Rough sketch of subject’s North Star Cutie Mark appears on page 1 of accompanying notes. )

He declared his name at that moment to be Scott Skybright.

In my excitement to have a full physical performed on Scott, I neglected to have Pinkie promise not to speak of Scott’s origin. Naturally, she told the entire town when she invited everypony to his party…

So far, Scott has to be taught the most basic functions of his hooves and horn, can somehow speak Equestrian but cannot read or write it, and apparently had been older than he now is.

( -See attached copies of his new hospital records, including day 1 of his physical and developmental testing, 12 pages thick so far. )

He has so far proven harmless, and even enthusiastically …friendly. All of my friends have taken to him well and shown great kindness in helping him feel welcome here in Ponyville.

This is fortunate as he seems reluctant to return home whether or not he can be restored to his human form, and will give me time to find out about his world and his former species.

As for my concerns and questions, I would be remiss in my duties studying him if I did not voice them in these letters;

Has this happened before? Will there be more of these creatures coming here?

Why did he turn into a Unicorn pony, and is it now a permanent change with a Cutie Mark as I believe?

What do I do if his talent is indeed Magic as I suspect?

Was it inevitable he become a Unicorn, or could he have become a Pegasus or Earth pony?

What if he had turned into a Dragon in the middle of Ponyville? Is that even possible?

As it is, I recommend we both meet with you at your convenience so you may see who he is inside for yourself.

What if you don’t like him he must be banished? Can we force him to go home? Would we? Pinkie says he has been so… alone… I don’t know wha

I am so sorry, Princess! I do not mean to ramble, my fatigue is letting my mind wander, and my dreams of him are so fresh in my mind.

I hope to hear from you in this matter soon,

Your Faithful Student,
~Twilight Sparkle


To my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

I and my sister, Luna were both surprised to hear of your guest, and even more so on how he had arrived to our fair land. You gave us much to… discuss over breakfast.
In fact, I had to expressly forbid Luna from coming to Ponyville to question the Element of Laughter on how she had done this, much less why.

After reading about the many Pinkie Pie incidents in your letters, I do not wish to worry for the sanity of my sister in trying to wring some sense from ‘Pinkius Piecus’.
It is indeed fortunate she is one of the Elements, and therefore on our side.

To answer one question, he is not the first and most certainly will not be the last visitor we have had. -Merely the first to be brought forth by an Element of Harmony.

To be sure, exact numbers will never be known as some have been too afraid to come forth and reveal themselves, or are beyond the borders of Equestria.
The ones that are known who were not returned forthwith have been sensibly asked to be reasonably circumspect about their origins in return for help in learning their new abilities, in the interests of maintaining Harmony.

This leads to the greater question you have asked; How did he transform and why?

Consider this a test of sorts, my little pony.

I and Luna will tell you and your guest in Our Royal Presence, once he has had a few days to get accustomed to his new form and to be tested in his magical potential.
If you think he is strong enough, we must enroll him here in Canterlot for tutoring.
-For obvious public health and safety reasons...

In the meantime, I wish for you to observe your guest and determine if there is anything logical about the hows and whys of his transformation, a “method to the madness” as it were.

Be diligent in your observations and deductions, but do not forget to have fun with it as well.
I cannot wait to hear what you discover, my little pony.

Fondly yours,
~ Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

Since the last chapter came out way late, I'll go ahead and post this early .
P.S. Does anypony recognize the dress in the dream sequence? :pinkiehappy: