• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 23,412 Views, 735 Comments

Wedding Bell Blues - Darth Link 22

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Finally, after what felt like months of fighting, the group managed to fight their way to where the Glamorized Rainbow had set up. Much to Twilight’s horror, it had been her own Tower, where she lived before she moved to Ponyville.

“My home... my limited edition, one of a kind books are in there!” With renewed vigor, she bust down the front door.

Inside were a bunch of perpetually smiling ponies, all of which were watching a burning pile of books. Hearing the door burst open, they all turned to the small group.




Twilight’s eye twitched ever so slightly. “What. Is. This?”

“Silly Twilight!” Moondancer said. “Those books had conflict in them. We can’t allow any of that in our perfect...”

“So then I said, ‘That’s no gemstone...’”

Suddenly Spike’s joke was cut off by a large flash of white light that filled the city of Canterlot, temporarily stopping everyone. Even Chrysalis stopped cocooning everyone up for a few seconds to look at the pretty light.

“What was that?” Scootaloo asked as the light faded.

Spike gave an amused sound. “Looks like somepony destroyed a book again.”

“You know a spell that can harm organic matter only?” Rarity asked, a little concerned.

“Well, how else am I supposed to stop somepony from hurting a book without risking damaging the book itself?” Twilight asked. As the ponies lie withering on the ground and muttering “Golly,” Twilight set another spell off that reversed the damage on the books.

“Darling,” Rainbow Dash’s voice said as said pony floated down the stairs. “Your resistance is futile. Submit to the herd.”

“We will never submit!” Celestia declared, raising her weapon. However, an unseen magical force ripped it away.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Why fight us? We bring nothing but love to you. But if you’ll refuse, we’ll simply have to find a new princess.”

The glamorized pony turned slowly to look at Rarity. She tensed up, backing up.

“M-me? But... what about Luna?”

“She’s too obsessed with violent video games. Plus, being tainted by Nightmare Moon makes her unclean. You shall be our leader!”

Rainbow Dash started to move forward, only for Cadance to jump in front of her, weapon ready.

“No... I won’t allow you to take anypony else.”

“Darling, truly think about this. I’m creating a world entirely made of love. You’re the Princess of Love. You should be on our side.”

Cadance hesitated, but spoke again. “Forced love isn’t love.”

“We aren’t forcing anyone to do anything. We are simply opening their minds to a new way of thinking...”

“Don’t listen to... argh!” Celestia yelled as she was swarmed by glamorized ponies.

“Think about it... you could guarantee a lifetime of happiness for you and Twilight. Don’t run from this. Just let us truly open your mind.”


“Cadance, you can’t really be considering this, can you?” Twilight said, actually turning away from repairing the book to look at her former foalsitter.

“I don’t know, this sounds pretty good. No violence, no worries, it will just be us in paradise.”

“Cadance, don’t!”

“But just think about it, aren’t you sick of nearly getting killed every time a threat pops up? There’s been three in the past two years. What if something escapes from Tartarus? What if there’s another dimension full of threats? I don’t know about you, but during our first night of passion, I want to be sure...”

“Wait a moment,” Rainbow Dash said. “What do you mean, ‘night of passion’?”

Cadance looked worried. “You know... us.. In bed... having fun?”

“Oh, ew,” Rainbow Dash said. “There will be no place for icky sex in out utopia.”


“Yes, there are non-dirty ways to show love, and all babies will be born through magic mirrors. The only love you’ll be showing Twilight is through wholesome hugs and kisses. And the best part...”

Rainbow Dash was cut off when Cadance’s weapon hit her faster than she could react. Rainbow Dash went flying into the wall, her body changing almost instantly back to normal.

Immediately all the glamorized ponies began to spasm, their bodies transforming back to normal. All of the ponies all over Canterlot were freed from the effect, returning back to normal.

And that fact was seeping in as the now-normal Rainbow Dash rose to her hooves. “H-hey. I’m free! I’m back to...”

And then Cadance hit her with her weapon. Again. Again. Again. Again.

“Uh, Cadance?” Twilight said, “I think she’s back to normal.”

“Sex is at stake, Twilight, you can’t be too sure!” she continued to pound away at the limp body.

Meanwhile, Celestia removed herself from the mass of now-normal ponies that had been holding her down and walked over to the group.

Rarity looked around. “Well, I guess that’s that.”

“Yeah, except for the dozens of ponies we no doubt hospitalized in our quest to get here, not to mention the trauma that having your mind overwritten will no doubt have on everypony.”

“But that isn’t the Elements’ job?”


“Then I’m fine. Now let’s stop Cadance before she causes any lasting damage.”

“So these here psychic types are just that overpowered?” Applejack said.

“I think they fix that in the second generation,” Luna said. “That’s my next goal after these games.”

Pinkie and Fluttershy and finally exhausted themselves and were asleep.

“Ya think maybe we oughta be outside?” Applejack asked. “You know, helpin’ everypony after the invasion?”

“I’m sure everything’s fine. The changelings are our allies now, what could happen?”

The small group had made it back to the castle, with paramedics taking Rainbow Dash to the ER. They stood in the throne room, all collecting themselves.

“Well, now that that’s over,” Cadance said, slipping her foreleg around Twilight, “we can get back to planning...”

“Cadance, please, I don’t want to marry you.” Twilight clinged to Celestia’s leg again.

“Love powers, remember? Just go with it.”


“Enough,” Celestia said. She took a deep breath. “Look, we have a lot to get straightened out. First off, where’s Shining Armor and Chrysalis?”

As if to answer their question, the door to the throne room opened wide, and Shining Armor trotted through. His horn was glowing, and resting on its tip was a large ball of glowing energy.

Chrysalis was following, staring at the light like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

“Light... pretty... light.”

Shining Armor flicked it off.

“Where light go?”

Shining Armor sighed. “Do I really have to marry her?”

“I’m afraid so, Captain,” Celestia said. “After we deal with some other crisis. Chrysalis, can you get the protesting Changelings under control?”

“Huh? Yeah, whatever, after the wedding they’ll calm down.”

“Okay, glamorized ponies dealt with, promises of Changelings dealt with, did anything else pop up?”

“Don’t ask me, I was busy trying to stop Chrysalis from cocooning up every mare in Canterlot. By the way, where’s Private Exposition? I have orders for him.”

On cue, said private entered. “Sir, I’m glad I found you. I have something to report.”

“If it’s all the cocoons around Canterlot, I’m aware. I need you to inform the brass that I ordered to send some clean-up crews to deal with them.”

“Sir, I’ll get right on it, sir, but that wasn’t what I was going to report. A few minutes ago, a parasprite infestation sprung up in the market.”

At that, Rarity tensed up. “What? How did that happen? I certainly had nothing to do with it, why is everyone staring at me, Igottagobye.” And she ran out.

Shining Armor paid Rarity no attention, instead speaking to Exposition. “Well, what’s being done about it?”

“That’s just it, sir, the situation’s already been dealt with.”

Shining Armor blinked. “Well... by who? I want to commend...”

“It was by Discord.”

Everyone’s eyes went wide, several sets of pupils pupils shrinking.

“Discord?” Celestia said, in fear. “He’s free? Where is he now?”

“In the Royal Record Room.”

“What’s he doing there?”

“He’s... he’s going over Equestria’s tax code. Says he can rearrange it to cut through a lot of the fat, reduce the taxes an average citizen has to pay while still making sure public services don’t suffer.”

“...What?” Celestia said.

“I don’t get it either, your highness,” Exposition said.

“Hold your ground, everypony, I’ll be right back.” With that, she raced off to the archives.

“Since Auntie is handling that, I think I’ll go back to planning the wedding,” Cadance said. “Chrysalis, are you coming?”

The Changeling Queen blinked. “Me?”

“It’s a joint wedding, remember?”

“Ah, yes, we best prepare.” The Queen followed Cadance out. “As soon as Discord is dealt with, we can get on with everything.”

As they walked out, Shining Armor and Twilight looked at each other. They then decided to quickly and quietly get the hell out of there.