• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 23,412 Views, 735 Comments

Wedding Bell Blues - Darth Link 22

  • ...

Rainbows, Darling! Rainbows!

"Shining Armor, I'm glad you could make it," Princess Celestia said officially as the stallion in question trudged into the throne room, looking like he hadn't slept in days. "I understand life has been difficult for you, but there is an urgent matter that needs your attention."

"Of course, Princess, I live to serve," he deadpanned, sounding like he would rather be anywhere else, doing anything else.

"You might have noticed, Captain Armor, that the ratio of same-sex marriages is on the rise."

"Believe me, I noticed," Shining Armor said in a weary tone.

"I'm all for allowing ponies the freedom to love and live as they please, but if this continues, there could be population concerns. No foals being born could mean trouble."

"I see... so what am I expected to do about it?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Celestia said. "By Royal Decree, I am ordering you to impregnate every lesbian mare in Equestria. It will mean days, maybe even months of nonstop effort towards this goal, as each might take multiple attempts, but there is no other choice."

"...Youdon'tsaywell... wait a minute, won’t that cause a problem a generation later when half the eligible ponies are related to me?”

“Are you turning down an offer like this?”

“No, just saying. For the good of Equestria, I accept this task," he said, opening his mouth and spraying in the breath spray he just so happened to carry for situations like this.

"Excellent. Allow me to bring in the first mare," she said, lighting up her horn.

There was a blinding flash of white light, which caused Shining to look away. When it cleared, he looked in anticipation. Instantly his eyes widened to beach ball size, his pupils shrinking to pencil points.

"Hi Shiny!" Twilight said happily, waving.

Shining Armor turned to Princess Celestia.

"Every. Lesbian. Mare," she said with a firm tone.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shining Armour shot up, breathing heavily. He looked around. He was in his honeymoon suite.

"Oh, thank Celestia," he said, dropping back down. "It was just a horrible dream."

Twilight draped a foreleg around him. "What was it about, Shiny?"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shining Armor shot up, breathing heavily. He looked around. Cadance, Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity were all looking at him concerned.

"Shiny, are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"...Okay... what happened before I passed out?"

"You caught me and my future wife practicing," Cadance said with a smirk. Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but decided it would have had the same effect as flicking rice to stop an oncoming train.

“Oh, this couldn’t get any worse,” Shining Armor muttered. Then his eyes went wide. “No, no, I didn’t mean that!”

The door flew open. Almost immediately it slammed shut as Chrysalis entered the room, breathing heavily and looking like she had seen an unspeakable horror. When she saw the five ponies gaping at her, she did something most unexpected. She fell to her knees.

“Please... I had nothing to do with this, honest. Just... don’t let her near me!”

“What are you babbling about?” Shining demanded. “What...”

“Oh darlings,” a voice sang from behind the door.

Chrysalis’s eyes went wide. She bolted forward and hid herself under the bed. “I’m not here!”

Before they could ask her who it was, the door opened, and five jaws dropped.

It was Rainbow Dash... but at the same time it wasn’t. For starters, she was wearing what was, without a doubt, the tackiest dress ever conceived by any equine ever. Even Applejack, who had the fashion sense of a diamond dog, managed to know it was terrible. It was pink, with hearts and flowers decorating it. A matching sunbonnet accompanied it, out of which flowed much longer hair. Hair that was styled, they noted, on a pony who hardly combed.

“Darlings!” she said, moving stiffly. “So wonderful to see you!”





“...finally!” Rarity exclaimed, rushing to her friend. “Darling, you look magnificent!”

“Darling, you look magnificent!”

“Darling, you look beautiful!”

“Darling, you look amazing!”





“I had such a marvelous time at the spa, Darlings! Thank you, Princess,” Rainbow Dash said.

“...Uh, you’re welcome?” Cadance said, nervously.

“But poor Chryssy was so upset. She’s having, and I’m afraid that won’t do, a terrible time, Darlings. That naughty conflict is simply too dreadful to continue. So you see, Darlings, I was hoping to find her. Have you Darlings seen her?”

“Why do you keep saying Darlings?” Shining Armor asked.

Before Rainbow Dash could answer, another guard came running up. “There you are! Queen Chrysalis has ordered that you be detained...”

“Ah, ah, ah,” Rainbow Dash said, sticking her hoof to the guard’s chest. “That’s conflict. We can’t have that, Darlings.”

Instantly the guard let out an ear-piercing scream. He withered and squirmed on the floor, his coat and mane turning pink. Then, he rose.

Or rather, she rose.

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash,” the mare said in a squeaky voice. “I felt really really super-duper not-good, but now I feel really really super-duper all better!”

“Of course you do, Darlings. Now go and spread your message of non-conflict to the other guards.”

“Okay! Then I can play with the stuff in my stuffy stuff drawer!” With that, she skipped down the hall.

Rainbow turned back to the room, which was now frozen in terror at the monstrosity Rainbow Dash had become. “Now then, do you know where Chryssy... Oh my, this won’t do!”

It took a moment for everypony in the room to realize that she was looking straight at Shining Armor with a disapproving look.

“Me? What did I...”

“Stallions are simply improper, Darling,” she stated, in a regretful tone. “There'll be no place for the Darlings in our Darling new world order.” With that, she raised her hoof and drew it toward him.

Realizing what was going on, Chrysalis exploded out from under the bed. “You’re not taking my stallion without a fight!” she snarled, grabbing onto him and pulling her up against her chest while lighting up her horn. With one great burst she fired it at Rainbow Dash.

The aim was true. It struck her in the face causing bits of her to break off. A very bloody, very messy sight lay before them, with the bare bone of her skull showing through the marred flesh.

Everypony else screamed in terror as Rainbow Dash was struck.

But she didn’t flinch.

She just looked at Chrysalis as, slowly, half of her face grew back. Blood dried, then disappeared. If the observers didn't know better, it would be like Rainbow Dash was never struck.

“Darling.... that wasn’t very nice.”


Chrysalis jumped out the window and flew away, screaming in terror all the while.

Rainbow Dash dropped. “Aw, the Darling got away.” But then she smiled. “But that Darling can’t hide forever! I must bid you Darlings adieu, I have some Darling business to attend to. Darling, Darling, Darling!”

With that, Rainbow Dash skipped down the hallway, singing “How I adore painting my nails!”

Silence hung in the air for a moment as the four remaining mares just gaped at the sight.

“Uh, Twi?” Applejack said. “You think maybe you ought to have done somethin’ ‘bout that?”

“Like what?” Twilight said. “Chrysalis blasted her at close range, and she shrugged it off.”

“Well, reverse it or somethin’! You’re the Princess of that miracle crud!”

“...Maybe we should go talk to Princess Celestia about this...”

“Well, if they get rid of all the stallions,” Cadance said in a sultry tone, draping her foreleg around Twilight, “Then you’d have to get use to...”

“Now’s not the time!”

Spike scrubbed the floor for the fiftieth time. Finally, after three solid hours of nonstop scrubbing, his room was finally free of germs. Finally, he was safe.

And then the door opened.

"There you are!" Sweetie Belle said happily.

Spike turned. Sweetie was indeed in the doorway, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. And so were the germs, spreading out all across the room.

"Ahh! Get out, all of you!"

"Sorry, Spike, but th' bottle landed on you," Apple Bloom said. "Sweetie's gotta kiss ya now."

"Yeah, so come on!" Sweetie said, coming closer toward Spike.

"No, no, no, get away! Get away!"

"Kissie, kissie, kissie!"


Spike tried ducking out of the way, but Sweetie leapt onto him and put him in a vice grip, placing her lips on his cheek.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo.... hey, that actually felt pretty good!"

Celestia was beginning to wonder how much more of her flask she could get away with drinking, and if she could discreetly reach for any of the emergency ones she kept in her throne. She had already downed half of it dealing with the changelings, and when Jet Set practically banged down her door, she knew she’d need a bigger drink.

“What is this?” he demanded, holding up an Extra headline about the marriage between Chrysalis and Shining Armor.

“Well, we need to have a Royal Wedding, so we’ve arranged for Chrysalis to...”

“But Chrysalis isn’t a princess! She’s a Queen!”

“Well, yes,” Celestia said patiently, “but she will be a princess once the integration hits in everything but name. She merely insists on being called Queen.”

“Yes, that’s just it. She’s not a princess. Royal Weddings have always had a princess! That's the way it's supposed to be!"

"Well, yes, but it's really such a small change that shouldn't affect the overall feel of..."

"No!" Jet Set yelled, stomping his hooves. "Everything has to be exactly what I'm expecting or it's terrible!"

Celestia sighed, wishing she had about thirty extra flasks. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Have Cadance get married! She's a Princess!"

"But..." then she sighed. "Very well..."

At that point, Twilight and her friends burst in, all looking panicked. "Princess, something has just happened..."

"I know," she sighed. "I'm sorry, my most faithful student, but I'm afraid I must insist on the wedding to go forward between you and Princess Cadance."


"Oh my gosh, this is so great!" Cadance exclaimed. "We'll be married, and then we'll get a nice big honeymoon in Manehattan, and I can show you how to get real kinky..."

And then Twilight fainted.

"...Really, I'm starting to think the Sparkle family has a most peculiar medical condition," Rarity noted.

Author's Note:

This chapter is short, but I think this story works best fast paced.

By the way, I hope you people appreciate this. I watched G3. G3!