• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 21,755 Views, 1,032 Comments

Address Unknown - remedy

Derpy's suffered scorn for a mold she doesn't fit. Will a chance meeting change her life for the better?

  • ...

18. Building Friendship

Chapter 18 - Building Friendship

The morning sunshine crept across the floor of the bedroom, spreading warmth through Twilight’s lavender coat as it passed over. The unicorn woke slowly to the light filtering in through the window, and a smile played across her face as she vividly relived her studies from the previous night.

Her mood could have been described as obsessively intense, as Rarity could have attested to. She had been slightly distracted and annoyed by the ivory unicorn's occasional antics while they searched for answers, and she had regrettably lost her patience once or twice during the night.

Her last distraction came as Rarity began raising and lowering her head from the table while eyeing the scroll containing the spell. It had been a curious sight, and if it weren’t for the intense look the unicorn had adopted, Twilight would have ignored her and gone back to her own texts. Something about her movements didn’t seem like her general distractions, though, and she became captivated when Rarity’s eyes widened, darting over the scroll in concentration.

The moment when Rarity conjured her light and lowered her head back to the table was when Twilight realized what exactly her friend was doing, and her breath hitched in her lungs as she watched. Rarity began to tremble as she read, her own breath coming short and ragged, and Twilight couldn’t tear her eyes off Rarity’s quivering figure, intrigued yet worried at what she may have found. Obviously she had found something extraordinary, and Twilight could only hope the error was slight – her mind recalled the warning about any damage being proportional to the severity of the mistake.

Dawning comprehension flashed across Rarity’s face. Her trembling slowed, and her breathing returned to a regular rate. She noticed Twilight’s questioning gaze out of the corner of her eye, instantly understanding the unspoken inquiry of her friend. She turned slowly toward Twilight, who waited apprehensively for the outcome that might be the conclusion of their studying. Rarity had given a small nod, with an overly simple statement.

“I found it.”

The joy spreading through Twilight’s face as Rarity explained the solution to her misstep was unmistakable. She had almost tackled Rarity in an enthusiastic and thankful hug, choking out uncounted thanks, emotion wracking her frame. She would be able to help Derpy after all, and it was entirely thanks to the ivory unicorn in her arms.

She gave Rarity a small kiss on the cheek as a final gesture before breaking them apart, her face alight with happiness and giving a small squeal of elation that sounded like a schoolfilly discovering she had just earned her cutie mark. Rarity could only stand mute, unsure of how to respond to such a heartfelt reaction, but words were unnecessary at that moment.

She had given hope to her friend, and the feeling of being able to provide her with something so meaningful filled her heart enough that it felt as though it may burst. She smiled back, the sentimentality of the moment snaking a tear down her cheek, though it had gone unnoticed by Twilight, who had proceeded to hopping happily in circles, almost Pinkie-esque.

Twilight finally slowed from the adrenaline rush, and gave her friend a beaming smile.

“Rarity, thank you so much! I don’t think I could ever have done it without you! I don’t know why I hadn’t thought to look for remaining parchment impressions before, but I’m certain I wouldn’t have found it on my own. How can I ever thank you enough?”

Rarity waved a dainty hoof dismissively at the idea of needing any sort of thanks, smiling and shaking her head back at Twilight.

“No additional thanks are needed, Darling. Watching you finally come back to your normal happy self is thanks enough. I’m simply glad I was able to help you with your problem.”

Twilight shook her head at the thought of leaving Rarity unrewarded. Being generous was noble, but sometimes effort given freely as a volunteer deserved more than modest thanks regardless. She thought quickly about what Rarity enjoyed most, and the answer virtually jumped at her – the unicorn had even mentioned it earlier in the evening.

“I can’t do nothing, Rarity, you know that. How about we schedule a visit to the spa this week, the complete works, my treat – would that be acceptable?”

Rarity’s face had brightened at the prospect, though she did have one small problem with the idea.

“That would be absolutely divine, Darling, but I do already have an appointment set up with Fluttershy the day after next. Going to the spa is wonderful, but receiving such a wonderful treatment such as you’re offering would likely be spoiled by going twice within a week, and I simply couldn’t break my engagement with Fluttershy.”

Her demeanor fell slightly at the prospect of declining such an invitation, but her explanation was truthful. She didn’t want to disappoint Fluttershy, and she wouldn’t dare degrade the bliss of a full treatment at the hooves of Lotus and Aloe. Twilight thought for a moment, unsure if she wanted to make the offer she was considering.

Ultimately, she decided to proceed regardless. Rarity could always still decline if the idea was uncomfortable. She bit her lip tentatively, then asked, “Would it be alright if I joined you and Fluttershy and treated you both, then?” She was hesitant to invite herself along and intrude on their special time together, but she really wanted to do something special for Rarity.

Apparently Twilight did not need to worry; Rarity’s face brightened at the thought, and she even added a twist Twilight did not expect.

“That would be absolutely marvelous, Twilight! We would undoubtedly have an excellent time together.” Her eye glinted as she gave her own suggestion, born slightly of curiosity, but mostly created by a feeling of friendship and welcoming. “Would you like to invite Derpy along, too? I’m sure she would love the treatment as well, and it would give us all the opportunity to talk and get to know each other better.”

The idea caused Twilight’s jaw to drop slightly. She had not expected Rarity to accept her self-invitation, let alone extend it to her new marefriend as well. She flushed slightly at the substantial counter-offer, and found herself nodding vigorously.

“I would love to,” her thoughts came a bit less frantically now, wondering how the pegasus would react. “I’ll need to ask Derpy, though. I’m not sure how she would like the idea of spa. I’m not sure she’s ever been there, and it might be intimidating for her to get to know you both better in an unfamiliar setting. Let’s plan on it, though, and if she’s not comfortable with it, I’ll let you know as soon as I can.”

Rarity nodded assent, smiling back at Twilight’s thoughtfulness for Derpy as well as her friends. “It is a date, then.” She giggled at the thought that it really would be a date for Twilight if Derpy decided to join. “I am sure she would have a splendid time with us.”

She gave Twilight a slight wink. “Not to mention, if your spell works better this time, think of how stunning you would both look for each other after the girls give you the works. I shall plan on it, and let Fluttershy know about our extra company.” She grinned at Twilight.

“We’ll see you in a couple days then, and I do hope Derpy would like to join us. Good night, Twilight, and do get some rest. You’ve earned it.”

With that, Rarity gave Twilight a joyful, beaming smile of her own before letting herself out of the library and heading home. The smile spread from Rarity to Twilight, and that look lingered for hours, well after Rarity had taken her leave and returned to Carousel Boutique.

Twilight returned to the present, the last moments of the previous night flitting through her mind, and the smile returned to her. She made her way downstairs, humming happily, and looking forward to seeing Derpy that afternoon. She only hoped that Derpy had as successful of a time with Rainbow Dash that she had with Rarity.

She knew Rainbow, and underneath her sometimes harsh exterior was a caring, understanding pony. It only took some time for that pony to welcome a new friend. She expected them to eventually get along, and for some reason at that moment her heart lightened even more than she thought possible.

At the same time, across Ponyville, Derpy felt the same light feeling flood through her as she sat at breakfast, smiling and talking with her newest friend. She seemed to be making more friends within the last week than she had her entire life, and she had never been happier.


Rainbow Dash sat opposite Derpy at the table in Derpy’s dining room, her mouth full of a huge bite of eggs, and her eyes bulging almost as much as her cheeks were. She seemed to have been frozen in time, not moving in the slightest, not even chewing. The muscles in her jaw were the only part of her body that seemed to have some semblance of movement, and all they were allowing her to do was slowly drop her mouth open.

Then, time snapped back into its usual flow, and Rainbow Dash reacted to the shift almost immediately. She forcefully closed her mouth to prevent eggs from dropping from her slack jaw, swallowing them immediately to free her mouth. She angrily slammed a hoof down on the table, and rage flowed through her veins like ice.


The sharp insult ripped through the room along with the crack of her hoof on the table. Rainbow continued seething, while Derpy mildly sat unperturbed, sipping coffee and letting Rainbow work through her outburst.

Dash flared her wings angrily and spluttered more obscenities throughout the room, her fuming rage subsiding slowly, but still Derpy sat calmly opposite her, eating her breakfast, only casting an occasional raised eyebrow or smirk at Rainbow’s agitation.

Finally, Rainbow Dash calmed sufficiently to sit back at the table, though her head was still shaking at the injustice Derpy had just told her – about how Crafty Crate had demoted her and then intentionally trailed her, looking for a way to fire her. The idea that a pony could be that downright sadistic that they would stop at nothing simply to make the other pony’s life miserable infuriated her.

The reason they were discussing this horrid abuse was that Rainbow, knowing nothing about Derpy, had earlier asked to know more about her past, and Derpy had obliged. Rainbow now almost regretted asking; the mare’s life had been quite painful to hear, but it did help her see Derpy for who she was, not who others thought she was, and for that she was grateful.

Derpy thought the best way to start from the beginning was to merely explain how school in Cloudsdale had felt for her, to let Dash know how she had felt being cast aside as she had been.

She didn’t dwell on it, though; she didn’t want to continually remind Rainbow Dash of her involvement in Derpy's foalhood misery. Rainbow sat with a gloomy expression throughout the description of Derpy's foalhood, and Derpy sped through it as quickly as possible. That part didn’t need to be pressed on much, as Rainbow had been present through most of it.

The rest of the story continued, with Derpy elaborating on the events leading up to her meeting with Twilight: her demotion, the literal collision with Twilight, the firing from Cloudsdale that had sparked such a response from Rainbow Dash, and meeting the staff at the Ponyville Post Office. She decided to end her tale there; Rainbow surely wasn’t interested in hearing about the night of heated passion she shared with Twilight. And, well, if Rainbow was interested to hear, Derpy wasn’t interested in telling.

“So, whaddya do for fun then?” Dash’s next question caught Derpy off-guard.

“Fun? I… uh, don’t really do much for fun…” Derpy fidgeted with her hoof on the floor.

“Aww, come on, ya gotta do something to relax!” Rainbow chided. “Take leisurely flights around town? Go to shows, hang out with friends, play sports, cook, read? Oh, if you like reading, you totally have to check out the Daring Do series. Twi’s got ‘em all!”

Derpy continued to fidget in uncomfortable silence, while Rainbow just stared at her.

“Okay, you can’t honestly tell me you don’t do anything for fun, can you?”

Derpy morosely shook her head. “I pretty much just worked and went home, cleaned up, ate, and went to sleep. Maybe the closest I had to fun was sitting in a comfy cloud and enjoying the peace and quiet, letting all my worries go for a little while. I never was very… good… at having fun.”

“Well, why the hay not? Ya gotta do something to unwind every once in a while! What about all that stuff I came up with? You don’t like any of ‘em?” Rainbow Dash looked at her, somewhat incredulously.

Derpy shook her head again. “I just never was good at any of those, my eyes kinda messed them all up in some way or another. I don’t fly well at all due to my depth perception being all off. I can’t see shows very well, I don’t… well, didn’t have any friends to hang out with, sports take even more coordination than flying, my cooking is miserable since I can’t see straight, and I don’t read unless I absolutely have to – it’s too strenuous on my eyes.”

Her eyes brightened slightly at that, though. “I am trying to have Spike teach me how to cook better, though. And I’d love to read, I kinda like peace and quiet, so a good book would make it even better. That’s for after Twilight fixes me up to the point where I can actually read comfortably, though.” She smiled at the thought.

Rainbow Dash smirked a bit at that. “Hah, you and Twi are two of a kind then! She never takes her nose out of her books, and peace and quiet has her written all over it, too. Looks like we might have a second egghead in our group!” Rainbow let out a little giggle, and after a moment Derpy joined in, too.

“I wouldn’t mind being Twi’s little egghead…” Derpy said somewhat bashfully, evoking a peal of laughter from Rainbow Dash. Derpy grinned sheepishly, but still thought that it sounded kind of nice to spend some peace and quiet with Twilight, wrapped up in both a good book and a better mare.

“Well, at the very least, let me offer you something for when your eyesight gets a bit better.” Dash gave Derpy a warm smile. “Since you’re not the best flier, I could give you some pointers on flying better. We’d better save it until you can see a lot better, though, we wouldn’t want you learning wrong and end up making it worse.”

Derpy gave a sincere smile at that. “I’d love that, Rainbow Dash! I’ve always wanted to get better at flying – you’d really give me lessons?”

“Pfft, sure, why not?” The cyan mare scoffed. “Besides, it’d be nice to have somepony around to fly around with, Flutters isn’t really into flying.”

“That sounds like a great idea to me, then.” Derpy grinned. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash.”

“No prob,” Rainbow assured her. “I can’t wait.”

The pair fell into silence once more after that, not sure what else to talk about for the morning. It seemed Derpy had covered most of the basics of introducing herself to Rainbow Dash, so the stillness permeated the room for several minutes, leaving an awkward feeling in the air as the two finished eating their breakfast.

The brief period of awkwardness passed, however, as a thought occurred to Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, how did you get your cutie mark, Derpy?” Rainbow had no idea what the mark was really supposed to signify, and when the thought occurred to her, she thought it would be a really interesting thing to find out. All she had known about Derpy’s cutie mark had come from general mockery.

Derpy resumed her stories about her life, focusing on when she received her cutie mark as a filly and the added jeers that had earned her. Rainbow recoiled slightly, but Derpy had anticipated the reaction and had a plan to put it to ease.

“I never knew what my cutie mark stood for, really, other than what ponies called me because of it.” Rainbow slumped a little lower in her chair. “That was before I talked to Twilight about it, though. She thought about what meaning it might have, and I have to say I was pretty amazed at the insight she took into it. Whether she was right on or not, I don’t know, but it definitely made me feel better about it.”

Rainbow gave her a querying look. She had never known any other explanation for the bubbles adorning the mare’s flank, and now she was curious about what Twilight thought they could mean. If anypony would be able to crack an indecipherable puzzle, it would undoubtedly be Twilight.

Derpy saw the confusion and continued. “Long story short, at least from how I understood it, she thinks it’s a symbol of uniqueness, represented by bubbles because they have a simplistic beauty, especially when caught in the light just right, when you can see shimmering colors and all they could mean. But they’re also vulnerable, which fit me as a filly – being picked on like I was. It all came together with my eyes being weird. Looking through a bubble makes stuff look all wobbly and weird like I see things.”

Derpy wiped a tear from her eye, recalling how she felt that night.

“She told me I was special because even though my eyes were messed up, I still had beauty, worth, and potential, and that when others truly accept me regardless of how I look, my inner beauty can be seen the best.”

Rainbow wasn’t sure that she quite got it, but she was sure that Twilight had said it much more technically and accurately. A simplified version made much better sense to her, even if it was obscure. It also gave her a warming feeling to know that there might be something more to the mark than lending weight to the idea Derpy was an airhead. She glanced back at the seven bubbles adorning Derpy's flank before turning back to face her.

Then, once again, Rainbow Dash froze. She hadn’t noticed it except by mere chance, and it was very possible her eyes were playing tricks on her. She chanced another look, earning a raised eyebrow and a strange look from Derpy. Her eyes were not playing tricks.

“Derpy… This is gonna sound really, really weird,” she began. “What color is your cutie mark?”

“You mean, what color are the bubbles? They’re kind of a dull bluish-gray. Not very flattering, I know.”

Rainbow Dash gasped slightly and then bit her lip, puzzlement working its way across her face.

“Um, were they all the same, Derpy? Any, you know, differences between them?”

“Just the sizes are a little different, but the colors are all the same.” She looked at Rainbow Dash, feeling a bit awkward at the sudden interest in her flank. She hesitantly asked the question that she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to. “Why in Equestria do you ask?”

Dash stared, transfixed, before shaking her head out of the momentary stupor. She simply pointed at Derpy’s flank. “Two of your bubbles look… different. Kinda… shimmery, and there are some streaks of different colors on them.”

Derpy gawked at Rainbow Dash for a moment, trying to decide if the pegasus was serious or playing a really, really good practical joke. She decided that Rainbow’s stare was much creepier than joking, and turned slowly to look at her flank, stretching a wing up and out of the way to see them more clearly – generally her wingtip had a tendency to obscure the mark when folded to her side.

Though they were still blurry to her, it was undeniable. Two bubbles had changed from their bluish-gray hue to a shinier version, adorned by varying rainbow tones distorted across the surface, though each bubble seemed to favor a portion of the spectrum. If anypony wasn’t looking straight at it and looking for differences it would not have been obvious. There was no way to tell how long they had even been like that.

She turned back to Rainbow Dash, wide-eyed. The two locked a perplexed gaze that wordlessly communicated what they were both thinking. Whatever it was, neither of them had any clue. They finished their meal in silence, cleaned up, and went out the front door. They exchanged a few short “see ya laters” and flew off, Rainbow Dash heading home, and Derpy heading to the library.

The two odd bubbles gripped at their minds, though they tried not to think about it. Derpy decided to ask Twilight about it, but only after things had calmed down. For now, she was content to ignore the oddity. Twilight was back at the library, and Derpy’s countenance lifted considerably at the thought of her marefriend.