• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 21,758 Views, 1,032 Comments

Address Unknown - remedy

Derpy's suffered scorn for a mold she doesn't fit. Will a chance meeting change her life for the better?

  • ...

23. Apples and Oranges

Chapter 23 – Apples and Oranges

Celestia’s sun was setting for the day, and Luna’s moon was beginning its slow ascent from the horizon as Derpy made her way from the post office to Sweet Apple Acres. The time she had spent with Fluttershy had been enlightening for both of them – Derpy was relieved that Fluttershy was accepting her as a friend, as well as believing that the mailponies at the post office really did not bear a grudge against her.

Fluttershy had sat amazed while Derpy had told her of the shifting cutie mark she bore, and the yellow pegasus had been flattered to find that she had influenced yet another change. They had enjoyed a cup of tea relaxing for some time, chatting idly. Fluttershy had apologized again for her display from earlier – she admitted it was the first time since her experience with Iron Will that she had become that enraged, but Derpy kept the yellow mare from being too harsh on herself for it.

After all, from what she had heard, back then Fluttershy’s aggression had been over minor incidents, and this was her first experience since then actively watching somepony being verbally abused by others. It was only natural she wouldn’t be familiar with how she’d react in a situation like that.

Fluttershy had been thankful for the comfort, and they fell into a soothing quiet, watching flames dance in the fireplace as they enjoyed each other’s company. Eventually, though, Derpy had to excuse herself – night was creeping closer, and she still had several things to do for the day. Fluttershy had bid her a pleasant farewell as Derpy wobbled down the path toward the post office.

The building had been nearly empty of everypony when she arrived. Only the mail sorting crew remained, and in a small town like Ponyville, only a handful of ponies were needed for the job. Derpy had been relieved to not have to face Post coming in as late as she was, and she deposited her borrowed equipment as quickly and quietly as she could, so as not to draw attention to herself. She had not been entirely successful, however.

Several bumps and crashes had alerted the other ponies in the area to her presence, and she left hurriedly to the awkward stares of the night staff. She resolved to not forget her bags again, and she trotted off toward Applejack’s home to talk with her about the possibility of getting some help from the farmpony. The light was fading fast, and it would be too late to start tonight, but at the very least she wanted to ask Applejack if she’d be willing.

As she came closer, the giant barn of Sweet Apple Acres loomed over her, illuminated by the rising moon. Slivers of light shone through the windows of the family home, filtering through the apple trees and reflecting off the arch trellises and post-and-rail fencing adorning the grounds. Derpy marveled at the subtle beauty of the farm in the tranquility of the night, and she hoped she would be able to spend more time enjoying the gentle atmosphere. She wondered how much contrast there would be during the daytime. Surely the day would be as full of activity as the night was peaceful.

Derpy approached the Apples’ house, and noticed Applejack’s pet Border collie snoozing beside an apple tree in the balmy night air. It suddenly occurred to Derpy that, aside from Applejack, she really did not know any of her other family members. She may have seen them around town, but she could not particularly recall exactly what they looked like, and she realized with the onset of a cold sweat that she did not even know their names. Unless by some lucky chance Applejack was the only Apple around that night, it seemed that she may be in for an uncomfortable meeting with the entire family of a pony who tolerated her reluctantly at best.

She paused nervously, trying to decide whether she should continue or not, and fumbled over her own hooves in the brief moment of indecision. Her small misstep did not make much noise, but what noise she did make was enough to wake the dog from its comfortable nap underneath the tree. The collie gave a startled bark at the sound, noticing the unfamiliar pony in its master’s yard so late in the evening.

Derpy turned inelegantly toward the collie, carefully backing away from the rising dog and toward the farmhouse, the warm glow from the windows falling across her backside. The dog gave a low growl of warning, unsure of whether the pony was a threat or not, but not willing to take the chance of allowing Derpy unannounced passage to the house.

Behind her, the light intensified, and Derpy could see the area of light expand along the ground around her. The collie stopped its advance, its job of alerting its master done, though it still held a low growl in its throat – at least until the pony in the doorway spoke.

“That’ll do, Winona.” A low voice drawled out, clear but slow. “Go on, get out of here.”

Derpy froze momentarily. She didn’t know if the last command was aimed at her, at the dog, or at both of them, but at the moment she wasn’t sure that she really cared. She almost took off at a gallop, except the voice took advantage of her brief hesitation.


Derpy turned slowly back toward the house, not sure if she really wanted to meet the overly succinct stallion at the door. His voice sounded calm but wary of the unknown mare before him, and his speech, or lack thereof, did not give any indication of whether he was in a welcoming mood or not. As she turned to face him fully, she shrunk back, feeling dwarfed by his immense size. The darkness shadowed his features, and the light emanating from behind him obscured his face against the dim shroud of the early night.

Only one thing was certain – the bulky stallion was silently watching her, rooting her to the spot with an appraising stare.

At length, he spoke – quietly, unperturbed, but to the point. “Was there something you needed, Ma’am?”

Derpy stood, statuesque. The stallion intimidated her immensely, and she barely stammered out a coherent response.

“I was wondering if Applejack was home…” It was a pathetic answer – entirely uninformative and showing no valid reason for her presence. She wanted to elaborate, to somehow give a more useful statement, but she simply couldn’t find the words to put one together.

The stallion stood, unmoved, his darkened eyes never leaving the strange mare who had come calling in the night. “AJ,” he called, his speech indifferent, yet terse, “somepony’s here to see ya.” The stallion stood in the doorway, waiting on his sister.

Finally, a familiar and much more amiable voice spoke. “Thanks, Big Mac. You head on in. Apple Bloom ain’t wantin’ to hit the hay yet, an’ she ain’t listenin’ to me. See if ya can’t get her to get out of that silly crusader cape an’ into bed. Last Ah saw her she was runnin’ up the stairs lookin’ like she got another idea.”

The shaded figure nodded and let out a sigh. “Eeyup.” With that, he turned and walked past Applejack, allowing her a glimpse of her visitor.

Her face registered a look of incomprehension. “Derpy? What in the hay are ya doin’ here, especially at this time of night?”

“I’m sorry, Applejack. I didn’t mean to get here so late, but I got a little sidetracked, and things are moving a bit slower for me today.” She gave Applejack a sheepish look. “I was hoping I could talk for just a little bit, and maybe ask a favor of you. Not tonight,” she added hastily as Applejack gave her an incredulous look, “but maybe sometime later.”

She noticed the suspicious look on Applejack’s face at the mention of a favor. “I can always come back some other time. I’m sorry to have bothered you.” She drooped her head in a slight bow, backing up a few steps to turn and leave.

“Nah – that’s okay, Derpy. C’mon in.”

Derpy looked up to see a welcoming smile on Applejack’s face, though the mare still appeared somewhat ill at ease. Well, at least we have something in common, Derpy thought. Her mind drifted back to the beginning of her time with Rainbow Dash; the two had made amends eventually, but that didn’t change the fact that initially their time together was tense at best.

Derpy’s last time with Applejack had been when Twilight had blinded her, and she couldn’t see how the farmpony had reacted that day. All she knew for sure was that Applejack had originally been furious with her, but had lost all her fervent anger quickly after the situation had been revealed. Following that, Applejack had been almost silent the rest of their time together. Just how she felt after that day was a mystery, and Derpy hoped that she would be receptive to Twilight’s idea.

Derpy stepped forward into the glow radiating from the house, her face partially covered by Applejack’s shadow. The farmpony turned to lead the way inside, and Derpy followed, stepping cautiously as she walked. They made their way to the spacious living room, and Applejack took a seat on a chair while Derpy sat on a loveseat on the opposite side of the room.

There was an uncomfortable silence that hung between them; Derpy wasn’t quite sure what to talk about, and Applejack didn’t even know why she was there in the first place. All of her meetings with the others in the group had somehow clicked into place, either by accident or by another pony’s introduction. She had known Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash when they were fillies, Rarity was a socialite that thrived on meeting new ponies, and Pinkie Pie was happy talking with anypony, whether she knew them or not.

Applejack, on the other hand, was entirely different. She hadn’t known Applejack from any time other than the incident at town hall, and they hadn’t even talked then. It was terrible to know the only commonality they shared in the past was a disaster, and it wasn’t likely to be a good way to start a conversation. She also knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea to bring up her cutie mark – at least, not yet. It was an interesting topic, but every one of Applejack’s friends had initiated a change in her cutie mark, and pointing out that Applejack was the only one of the close group that had not made an influence would be rude, if not downright insulting.

Despite the night being pleasant and clear, she felt as if the air had grown denser and was pressing her deeper into the cushions of her seat. Then, without warning, a shrill whine jolted both ponies upright.

“Ah said Ah don’t wanna go to bed! Ah’m tryin’ to earn my rock climbing cutie mark!”

A stern voice rumbled after Apple Bloom’s outburst. “There ain’t any rocks in your room, and your special talent isn’t in climbing. You’re picking all this stuff that you knocked over tomorrow. Now get off the top of your bookshelf and get in bed!”

A few muffled thumps and scurrying sounds moved across the ceiling, tracking the chase upstairs in Apple Bloom’s room. The scurrying ceased abruptly, followed by a squeal and a single thump – presumably Big McIntosh had caught her and shoved her in bed under protest from the filly.

“Now stay in bed. You can crusade tomorrow, after all this mess is cleaned up.”

Both Big Mac and Apple Bloom gave loud huffs of frustration, clearly audible by the two mares sitting in the living room below. Derpy, smirking, looked over at Applejack, who was holding back a laugh.

“Does this sort of thing happen often?” she asked Applejack.

Applejack stifled a snort and wiped a tear from her eye as she let a little laugh escape. “Just ‘bout every night. Ah swear that filly’s gonna tear the farm apart tryin’ to get that cutie mark.” She grinned and lifted an eyebrow at Big McIntosh as he came trudging into the room. “Cutie Mark Crusader rock climbing? Seriously?”

Big Mac trotted across the room and took a seat himself, muttering lowly and shaking his head. “Of all the absurd things that filly can get in her head… you don’t even want to see her room. At least she didn’t wake up Granny with all her crashing around.”

Applejack gave a chuckle, earning a reproachful look from her brother.

“You’re on crusader duty tomorrow,” he stated matter-of-factly.

Applejack stopped her laughter abruptly, and once again the room fell into an awkward silence, with Applejack and Derpy looking anywhere but at each other. Occasionally one of them would happen upon a thought, almost breaking the ice, and then the words would slip off their tongues, and they would regress into reticence.

Big McIntosh watched his sister and her unknown visitor fidgeting in discomfort, and the taciturn stallion took it upon himself to put an end to the quiet. He, at least, had a question he wanted to ask.

“AJ? Ain’t ya going to introduce me to your friend?” He gave a nod in Derpy’s direction. “Never met her before.”

Derpy looked up, startled at the broken stillness, but also glad the stern stallion was looking at her much more receptively than earlier. When she had been outside, he had been very intimidating. Inside, though, he looked much friendlier.

Applejack cleared her throat and gave her brother an appreciative nod for giving them something to talk about. “Ah’m sorry – yer right. Big McIntosh, this is Derpy. She’s the new mailpony Twilight’s got herself all in a twist over.” She turned toward the pegasus. “Derpy, this here’s my brother, Big McIntosh. He don’t say much, but he’s as hard workin’ an’ reliable as ya can get.”

Derpy and Big Mac exchanged a brief acknowledgment of the introduction, before Applejack decided to carry on with the conversation before it died out altogether again. “So, not that I mind ya stoppin’ by or nothin’, but how come ya came over, Derpy? Ya said ya needed to talk and wanted to ask a favor, but ya ain’t said more than a few words since we got in here.”

Applejack paused as she noticed all of the scratches covering Derpy. “Land sakes, girl – how’d ya get all them scrapes on ya?” She looked extremely concerned as a thought crossed her mind. “Winona didn’t do that to ya, did she? I heard her goin’ off at somethin’ earlier.”

Derpy shifted uncomfortably. She really must look like a mess to have everypony asking her about it, but that explanation would have to wait until later. “Winona is your dog, I assume?” She asked.

Applejack nodded.

Derpy shook her head. “No, I just startled her earlier – that’s why she was barking and growling. These…” she indicated her injuries, “I got myself, but I’ll tell you how in a little bit. It’s kind of related to one of the reasons I came over.”

She took a deep breath. “I kind of wanted to start off with saying I’m sorry about how I made you and Rainbow Dash feel uncomfortable the past week. I should have taken the time to sit and talk with you all before charging full tilt into the middle of your friendships. I could have been a threat to one of your best friend’s safety, and I should have been more mindful of how you felt.”

Applejack held up a hoof to stop Derpy from continuing her apologetic ranting. “Derpy – honest, it does ya no good to keep worryin’ ‘bout all that. The way Ah see it, you ain’t in any spot to go hurtin’ Twilight anymore.”

Derpy smiled at the reassurance. “I know. It’s just that it’s been really weird for us all since I got here, and part of the reason I’m here tonight is that I think it’s been more awkward between you and me than most of the other ponies. We really don’t know each other all that well, and I’d like to be able to take some time to get to know you better. That is, if you wouldn’t mind.” Derpy fidgeted at her request, dragging her hind hoof across the floor.

A pensive expression crossed Applejack’s face at Derpy’s statement. Though it bothered her to admit it, Derpy’s assessment was true – the pegasus did make her feel uneasy at times. “Ah think we’re all fine with ya by now. But yer right, that ain’t to say Ah’m exactly comfortable around ya.” Applejack blushed. “Ah think we just need some time before we can be all ‘chummy friends’. Hangin’ around is easy enough – with all the gals there’s always somethin’ goin on, so maybe we can get a little more used to each other goin’ out as a group.”

The farmpony sighed. “Ah guess what it all comes down to is we all need to be more accepting of you bein’ with Twi’ an’ all, and Ah’m probably the worst pony around when it comes to puttin’ up with stuff changin’ from what it was all like before.”

Big Mac gave a snort at the understatement. “Worst don’t even come close to touchin’ you, AJ.” He grinned. “She may be the Element of Honesty an’ all, but she’s still stubborn as a mule with a skull twice as thick.”

He laughed as Applejack launched from her chair to give him a solid punch to the shoulder, taking the blow and then casually swatting her away as if she were a fly. “Anyway,” the red stallion turned to Derpy, “you were saying?”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, I guess we kind of got derailed there.” She looked back to Applejack. “I was hoping I might ask you for some time to do some jogs around Sweet Apple Acres to get some time to talk, and to help me improve my balance.”

Applejack looked confused. “Improve your balance from what?” She dropped her face into her hoof. “Don’t tell me Dash up and whapped ya over the noggin fer some fool reason and got yer balance all wibbly-wobbly.”

“No, no - nothing like that,” Derpy reassured her. “Rainbow Dash and I are getting along much better now, anyway.” Applejack looked shocked at that announcement, but allowed Derpy to continue. “Twilight fixed my eyes with her spell last night – "

Applejack shot up, utterly shocked. “She did? Honest ta… how in the hay did I not notice yer eyes were all better?”

“I don’t know what y’all are talking about, but you’d miss whatever it was pretty easily, since neither of you were looking anywhere near each other until I came down,” interrupted a slow and amused voice.

“Hush, you!” Applejack snapped, shooting Big Mac an irritated glare.

“I have a very bad case of what I guess you’d call wall-eyes – my eyes never focus on the same thing at once,” Derpy interjected, trying to give Big Mac a basic idea of what they were talking about. “Twilight has been trying to fix them for me.”

Applejack looked back to Derpy. “So Twi went an’ fixed ‘em proper this time. Glad to hear that it all went well for ya, but what does this have to do with your balance?”

Derpy looked slightly embarrassed. “I guess I just got so used to my eyes being messed up, that I got used to moving with them like that. When Twilight cast the spell, my sight got better, but I’m not used to moving with perfect vision. That’s how I got all banged up today – I’ve been bumping into and tripping over almost everything in my path.”

Applejack cocked her head momentarily, trying to grasp exactly how that concept made sense. It sounded a little strange, but she could imagine how she would react if her vision abruptly changed, and even though the change would give Derpy perfect eyesight, it would still be just as sudden. She nodded with the realization, and decided that taking some time to wander the farm with the pegasus wouldn’t be a problem. Even if she were busy bucking apples, Derpy could walk along with her as she went, and some added conversation while she worked could help the day go by faster.

“Ah’d be happy to help, Derpy. Feel free to c’mon over any time ya want – if Ah’m free we can go for a jog, and even if Ah’m workin’ ya can walk along with me. You okay with Derpy stoppin’ over, Big Mac?”

“Eeyup.” He grinned at Applejack. “Long as she don’t interrupt when it’s your turn on crusader duty.”

Derpy giggled as Applejack shot her brother another glare. She got up from the loveseat, trying to find her sense of equilibrium as she stood. “Thanks, Applejack. And you too, Big McIntosh. It was nice to meet you.”

The red stallion gave her a nod of courtesy. “Same.” He stifled a yawn. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m headin’ off to bed.”

Derpy smiled. “Have a good night, then. I need to head off myself; I need to tell Twilight that I need to head home for tonight. I keep forgetting my mailbags at home, and I want to make sure I remember them tomorrow.” She made her way toward the door, nearly falling as she knocked a hoof into a table leg.

Applejack sidled up next to her. “Hold on, there, sugarcube. If you’re headin’ out, Ah may as well walk ya home to make sure ya end up there in one piece. If you’re trippin’ on stuff in here, Celestia knows what’ll happen to ya in the dark.”

Derpy looked at her in gratitude. “Thanks, Applejack. I suppose you’re right about that – I’d probably end up with half my bones broken by the time I got back.”

The two shared a laugh as they walked out the door, the darkness enveloping them as they aimed their way toward the library, guided by the moonlight.


“… So, Twi needed to make sure everythin’ we did was on her checklist,” Applejack chuckled. “She was so focused on that dadgum list that she did whatever it told her without even thinkin’. She wanted a pillow fight, and she didn’t even know what one was!”

Derpy gave an appreciative snicker at her marefriend’s obsession, but stopped abruptly as Applejack took on a somber expression.

“We messed it up pretty bad for her that night, though. Me an’ Rarity were goin’ at it somethin’ fierce, an’ we never noticed how miserable she was gettin’. Ah guess it took me pullin’ half a tree through her window to get our heads on straight.”

Her face lightened to amusement again. “Heh, that was probably the best thing Ah coulda messed up at. Got me an’ Rarity to act civil, an’ through it all, Twi was still checkin’ her book to see if we were still goin’ by it.” She laughed out loud. “She was actually looking through her book to see if there was a section about tree branches at a slumber party!”

Derpy laughed along with Applejack, picturing Twilight sitting with a toppled tree behind her, frantically searching a book to see if it was supposed to be there or not. The absurdity of the whole situation made her stop for a moment – a stitch was forming in her side, and she had to catch her breath to recover from the fits of laughter. Applejack and Derpy eventually calmed to periodic giggles and continued on their way.

The pair had been ambling slowly on from Sweet Apple Acres, and though silence came often, occasionally other anecdotes would run through Applejack’s mind, giving her something to share with the pegasus beside her. Even though the farm was not far from Ponyville, Applejack and Derpy were just arriving on the outskirts of the town – Derpy’s clumsiness was clearly slowing them down, and more than once Applejack had caught her as she stumbled.

The ponies lapsed back into the quiet of the night, carefully picking their way through town, though the road was less cluttered than the path from Sweet Apple Acres. As Derpy tripped once more, however, a thought occurred to her that caused her to pause after Applejack had helped her back to her hooves.

“Applejack, if I have this much trouble on the ground, there’s no way I’m going to be able to fly myself home tonight.” Derpy paused, hesitant to ask what was on her mind. “Do you think Rainbow Dash might mind if I asked her to help me fly home? I’d hate to bother her at night like this, but if I want to get my stuff from home I’m going to need help.”

Applejack pondered the question before responding, trying to think of what Rainbow Dash might say to such a request. After a minute of deliberation, she nodded. “Ah think she’d help. She’ll probably be a bit annoyed if she’s sleepin’ an’ we wake her up, but she wouldn’t go an’ leave us hangin’. An’ she don’t go to bed too early – she takes too many naps durin’ the day to get to sleep fast. Ah’d bet right now she’s just loungin’ on a cloud somewhere.”

They cast their eyes upward, scanning for small clouds the multicolored pegasus might be relaxing on. Thankfully, the night sky was beautifully clear, with only a few small groups of clouds dotting the skyline. They walked along from patch to patch, Applejack watching the sky while Derpy watched the ground, intent on not falling again.

Finally, Applejack spied a multicolored tuft of tail hanging over the side of a wispy cloud positioned conveniently enough over Sugarcube Corner. Applejack gave a smirk, and broke the night silence.

Dash!” She grinned sassily to herself as she heard several coughs and splutters from overhead. She had surmised that Rainbow Dash was snacking on the bakery’s goods, and gave a cocky laugh as her guess was confirmed. Rainbow Dash poked her head over the edge of the cloud, still spitting out chunks of the cupcake she had been eating before Applejack had scared the ever-living hay out of her.

“What the hay, AJ? Ya trying to give me a heart attack?” she spat angrily at the chortling farmpony beneath her.

Applejack caught her breath as the fit of laughter subsided. “Nah, Derpy was wonderin’ if ya could help her out a bit tonight, and Ah couldn’t pass up the change to scare yer tail off ya.”

Dash's face softened as she noticed Derpy standing next to Applejack, though she still took a moment to blow an aggravated raspberry at the snickering mare.

“Yeah, yeah. Funny stuff. Remember that when Pinkie and I make our next visit to Sweet Apple Acres.” Applejack shot back a raspberry of her own, remembering her orchard of painted apples, while Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Derpy.

“So, what did ya need, Derpy?” She sneered at Applejack again. “I hope it has something to do with a cocky orange pony and a mudhole.”

Derpy laughed as Rainbow Dash chucked the remainder of her cupcake at Applejack while waiting for an answer. “No, no mudholes tonight – sorry. I was kinda wondering if you could help me fly home in a little while – Twilight’s spell worked, but I can’t even walk straight until my body adapts to how everything looks. I think if I tried flying I’d head directly into the side of a building.” She flushed with embarrassment, though she doubted either pony noticed since Applejack had started kicking pebbles at Rainbow Dash.

Ow! Okay, okay! Knock it off!” Rainbow Dash gave a final glare at Applejack as the farmpony stood smugly beneath her. “Yeah, I can do that – no problem. Were you heading there now?”

“Actually, I was going to stop by the library first to let Twilight know that I’d have to head home for a little bit tonight, since she lives much closer to here than I do.” Derpy glanced down the road toward the towering oak tree. “Would that be alright?”

“Yeah, I haven’t gotten a chance to see her for a bit, anyway.” Rainbow Dash landed softly next to her friends. “Speaking of Twi, did she ever figure out what was going on with your cutie mark?”

Derpy cringed at the question, pushing her wing farther over her flank as Applejack gave her a curious look. “Yeah, she kinda figured it out…” she hesitantly admitted.

“Figured what out?” Applejack asked. “Somethin’ funny goin’ on with yer cutie mark?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash interjected, before Derpy could form an excuse. “When I stayed over at her place last week, we noticed in the morning that a couple of the bubbles changed color. It was kinda freaky. I’ve never seen that happen before.” She grinned with anticipation. “So, what’d Twi come up with?”

“Ah wanna see ‘em, too,” Applejack added, somewhat haughtily, noticing the gray wing hiding the mark. “How come ya never mentioned yer cutie mark changed color?”

Derpy sighed at having to admit the truth; she didn’t want to single Applejack out, and she also didn’t want it to look as though she was only spending time with Applejack to earn another change to her cutie mark. She really did want to get to know the farmpony better, and now Derpy had no choice but to tell her about it and hope she didn’t think the pegasus was being shallow about her request.

Keeping her wing over her flank for the moment, Derpy looked up at the two ponies in front of her. “The truth is… well… the changes are coming from you guys.” She noticed the confusion spread between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, do you remember what I told you about Twilight interpreting my cutie mark?”

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. “You said it was something about being unique, and having potential or something.” She scratched her head trying to remember. “Sorry, I don’t remember the whole explanation – I kinda got lost in half of it. Twilight’s details can be pretty heavy to figure out.”

Derpy giggled. “That’s true, she can get very in depth on things. Well, it had to do with my inner beauty showing best when I’m accepted for the pony I truly am. It turns out that was more accurate than we thought.” She moved her wing out of the way as she continued. “They’re changing to represent each of you as you accept me – although I’m not sure who the seventh bubble is supposed to represent.”

Derpy watched as Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s eyes grew wide, their jaws dropping in shock. “Applejack, I didn’t want to tell you right away, because you’re the last one. I didn’t want you to think I was only interested in getting to know you to change my cutie mark.” She dropped her head as she spoke; just admitting that as a possibility felt sickening.

Applejack watched Derpy’s crestfallen form as she finished her reasoning. Shaking her head, she approached the pegasus and draped a hoof over her neck. “Sugarcube, Ah know ya were bein’ sincere about that, so don’t go worryin’ about me thinkin’ that. Ah was tellin’ ya the truth about me not bein’ all that comfortable with ya yet, so Ah’m not upset to be the last one.”

Derpy raised her head with a small smile. “Thanks, Applejack.”

“Anytime, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, with a smile of her own. “Now let’s get a move on, or else we ain’t gonna be done until the night’s half over.” She looked over to notice Rainbow Dash was still staring at Derpy’s multicolored cutie mark. She gave a smirk as she and Derpy started walking again, and threw a taunt behind her. “Dash! Stop starin’ at her flank, ya look weird doin’ that.”

Rainbow Dash snapped out of her vacant gaze with a shake of her head and trotted up to catch her friends, a light blush forming on her cheeks. “Sorry about that – I’ve just never seen anything like it. It’s seriously a level of awesome higher than any other cutie mark ever. Aside from mine, of course,” she added hurriedly, hoping her own coolness hadn’t taken too severe of a hit from the comment.

Applejack rolled her eyes at the near constant self-worship her friend held. “Of course not, Rainbow. Nopony can come close to your awesomeness.” Her sarcasm was apparently lost as Rainbow puffed out her chest proudly. Derpy just snickered quietly to herself, careful to make sure Rainbow Dash didn’t hear the muffled chuckle.

They moved down the road, Applejack and Rainbow Dash giving each other half-playful pushes and shoves along the way, nearing the giant library. Then, without warning, a loud mixture of a growl and a shriek ripped through the night, followed by a short, bright flash emanating from every window in the tree.

Derpy stood in shock, fixed to the ground, unsure of what had just happened. Rainbow Dash and Applejack, however, exchanged anxious glances. They had heard that sound and seen flashes like that before, though rarely. They were the sounds and sights of a certain purple unicorn igniting into a seething fireball.

Something had to have made Twilight really, really angry.