• Published 17th Nov 2012
  • 1,203 Views, 8 Comments

The U-Files - TCSNxs

When Lyra is found unexplainably unconcious, it's up to two ponies to find the answer.

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1. A Broken Heartstring

The U-Files
By: TCSNxs

Chapter One
A Broken Heartstring

Home of Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon, Ponyville
9:45 PM
August 24, 1004 A.B.

“Lyra? I’m home,” spoke the pale yellow earth pony again as she cantered through the small cottage she shared with her marefriend. Though nothing seemed visibly amiss, Bon Bon knew deep down that something was wrong. Lyra never missed "Thursday Night Delight". Bon Bon even rented a candy wrapper costume for the evening’s entertainment.

“Lyra, are you here? Lyra?’ Bon Bon continued to call as she trotted through the residence. The earth pony found the second floor empty, though the door to their bedroom was left slightly open. Peering inside, she found the bed made, the dresser drawers closed and the rose scented candle she left burning that afternoon. Though the candle was burning low, it seemed in no danger of going out. Bon Bon hoofed over to it and quickly puffed the flame out anyway.

Returning downstairs, the earth pony’s apprehension grew with every step. Suddenly, she heard a crash outside followed by a quick thud of a body dropping on the grass. As Bon Bon trotted towards the back door, her tension continued to climb as she pushed it open. Quickly bursting outside, she found her marefriend sprawled on her back on to the grass. Time seemed to slow down as she closed the remaining distance.

“Oh Lyra!” Bon Bon cried out. She quickly put a hoof to the unconscious mare’s nostrils. There was breath still, “Oh thank Celestia!” As Bon Bon's eyes filled with tears, she cried out for help as loud as her distressed state would allow her. As she continued crying, a few lights from the neighbor’s houses turned on and eventually a police whistle sounded.

Bon Bon moved to the front door, Lyra’s breathing remained shallow, but steady. Next her form was a broken flower pot and a strange print was left in the earth.


Royal Equestrian Bureau of Investigation Headquarters, Canterlot
8:30 AM
August 26, 1004 A.B.

“Morning Dulmer,” spoke the red maned unicorn as she brought two cups of hot coffee in her magical grasp. Her caduceus cutie mark proudly displayed itself on her flanks, complimenting her cream fur. Her inquisitive blue eyes looked over the office in the bowels of the Royal Equestria Bureau of Investigation building. A number file cabinets and papers were strewn about almost at random. A large rolling screen dominated a corner of the room. It was usually left down as a matter of convenience. “Are we still fighting the good fight?”

“You might say that, Lucsly,” spoke the brown maned pegasus. His charcoal fur sported a weird cutie mark, or so he was told. Not that her cared anyway. A silver cylindrical object with a round top and little spots of white seemed rather unabashed given his line of work. His nostrils caught the aroma of the coffee and he inhaled deeply.

“Long night?” Lucsly spoke.

“Yes. I was looking over a case forwarded to us by the Ponyville Police Department.”


Dulmer took a long slug of the hot liquid. Though bitter, it always helped him think straight, “Yeah. Tell me, have you ever heard of a musician by the name of Lyra Heartstrings?”

Lucsly watched as her partner rose from behind the desk and moved towards the light switch on the wall. Flicking it with a wing, the lights shut off as she spoke, “I think so. If I remember right, she usually plays at the Grand Galloping Gala. Quite a gig.”

“True, but what if I told you she was also a member of MUHON,” the pegasus moved towards a projector on his desk, turning it on with a hoof. The machine whirred to life, spitting out an image of the musician onto the rolling screen.

“MUHON?" the unicorn took a small drink of her coffee.

“Mutual Unexplained Human Observation Network,” Dulmer recited, “She's actually a charter member.”

“Wait are you telling me...”

“She believes in humans. More than that, according to her marefriend Bon Bon,” the stallion hit a button on the projector. The next slide clicked into place, projecting a picture of the smiling earthy pony, “Lyra believes she regularly sees humans.”

Luscly rolled her eyes, “Dulmer, don’t these ponies know that Humans are an old mare’s tale meant to frighten small foals into doing their homework.”

Dulmer pressed on, “Come on Luscly, don’t you want to believe?” The pegasus smiled despite himself. In truth, he enjoyed getting a rise out of his partner.

“Fine, whatever Dulmer,” she took another sip, needing to break up the conversation before it followed the usual course, “But what does this have to do with us?”

“Two nights ago, Lyra was found unconscious outside their cottage in Ponyville,” he hit the projector again, displaying an image of the unconscious musician, her tongue hanging out a little, “by Bon Bon. According to the local P.D., there was no signs of struggle or forced entry at the premises, and the doctors at Ponyville Hospital haven't been able to explain what put her out.”

“So? Why was this given to us? There are any number of agents that handle the case," Luscly nearly scoffed, "It hardly sounds like a U-File."

“Because of this,” he hit the button again and smugly smiled.

If Luscly had seen the image when she first partnered with Dulmer on the “U Files”, she would have spit out her coffee at the sheer ugliness. Instead, she merely raised an eyebrow. Where one would expect the perfectly round nature of a pony’s hoofprint, there was seemingly an alien outline. It was long and rounded, curving in gently along one long edge. with five different sized egg-shaped impressions above the main print.

“Dulmer, what did that!?” Lucsly asked emphatically, though she wasn't too surprised beyond the initial shock.

“Unknown,” Dulmer was grinning, “The scholars in the area and at Canterlot University have not been able to identify it. What they can say though is that it doesn’t match any known species in Equestria.”

“But Ponyville is near the Everfree Forest, isn’t it? And most of that area hasn’t been explored.”

“Right,” he turned the projector off and moved to turn on the lights, “But Lucsly, can you honestly look at that and tell me that came from sort of species on this planet?”

“It’s possible,” Luscly’s mouth was open a bit as she gave a curt nod, “Do you have any idea how many undiscovered species could be living in the Everfree?”

“Well,” he moved behind his desk and took another slug of his coffee, “Let’s see if we can find the one that made that print. Grab your latte, we’re going to Ponyville.”

"Dulmer, wait a second," Luscly spoke as her partner paused, "Do you suppose that, for once, somepony else can handle this case? I mean, when was the last time we looked into a weapons smuggling ring or a foalnapping that had a reasonable explanation?"

"Just give me this, will you?" Dulmer pouted.