• Published 17th Nov 2012
  • 1,204 Views, 8 Comments

The U-Files - TCSNxs

When Lyra is found unexplainably unconcious, it's up to two ponies to find the answer.

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2. Of ESPS and UHOs

The U-Files
By: TCSNxs

Chapter Two
Of ESPS and UHOs

Ponyville Train Station, Ponyville
12:09 PM
August 26, 1004 A.B.

The train let out its final huff of steam as the two agents exited the passenger car. Their saddle bags bounced as they trotted with due speed towards Lyra and Bon Bon's cottage. Their badges, each hanging by a lanyard, glistened in the summer sun.

"It seems a nice enough place Not at all like the reports made it out to be," Lucsly commented.

"True, but need I remember of the refresher course?" Dulmer spoke, referring to the training class called "Ponyville: Demolition, Discord, and Other Fun Facts" they took in the spring.

"Is it really so bad, Dulmer?" the unicorn chided, "Or is it maybe the peace of a small town just bothers you, 'Spooky'?"

"Lucsly, a full quarter of my U-Files are from this place. They cover everything from parasprite possession to ESPS."

"ESPS?" the unicorn asked, "That's a new one on me."

"Extrasensory Pinkamena Sensations," Dulmer explained, "The case started with the inquiry into the sudden collapse of a building under construction. The events surrounding the rescue of four construction workers seemed a little too lucky so the local badges grilled the rescuer for two hours. She chalked it up to what she called her 'Pinkie Sense'."

"I don't recall that being a case assigned to us?"

"It never was. The bearers of the Elements of Harmony themselves vouched for her so the local P.D. then ruled out wrongdoing on her part, accidental or otherwise. The story of it though, along with the testimony, seemed enough to warrant a U-File," Dulmer finished explaining, "You won't find any other material on it though. The depositions, evidence, all of it was was suppressed, sealed, and quietly buried by our government."

Lucsly rolled her eyes, "Dulmer, do you have any idea what it you are saying?"

"Sometimes," he smiled, "But the order to bury it came from within Canterlot Castle itself."

"Who told you that? And if it was buried, how'd you get a hold of that information."

"My contact."

"Ahh yes, 'Deep Night'," Lucsly shook her head at the sheer insanity of it all. Still though, it beat doing non-existent autopsies.

The two continued trotting through the small town. The market was in full swing as various ponies sold their wares and talked about nothing too important. It was actually a pleasant town. More than a few ponies were friendly enough to smile and greet the two R.E.B.I. agents.

It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination; the home of Lyra and Bon Bon. A few ponies stood around and gawked while more than a few of the local police were wrapping up their business of evidence collecting and actually cleaning the cottage. Lucsly suspected it was partly to justify their annual budget. The cottage was a typical structure for Ponyville. It was two story building with a thick straw roof. The white exterior walls had pink wood bracers and rounded windows. Yellow caution tape was strung liberally around the place.

A policepony moved to stop the two as they approached the building, but a quick motion to the badges they wore around their necks quickly quelled any protest. As they moved, they happened upon a blue earth pony wearing a fedora who seemed to be grilling one of his charges. A cigar hung loosely from his mouth as his eyes seemed stuck in a perpetual scowl.

"I don't care if its Celestia herself gives you permission to use the Little Colts Room," he was near yelling, "Get those samples to the lab first!" The policepony nodded and quickly trotted off with bags in tow.

Dulmer and Lucsly moved towards the pony as he turned, glaring and growling at the duo, "Sorry folks, no tours."

"I'm Agent Dulmer and this is Agent Luscly," the charcoal pegasus greeted before they could be brow beat, "We're with the R.E.B.I."

"Oh," his face broke the scowl, "I'm Chief Dragnet. Thanks for coming so quickly."

"Your note said it was urgent," Luscly offered.

"Yeah," Dragnet spoke as he lead them through the house. The discussion of evidence and the clicks of cameras filled the domicile as they moved through the back door, "I tell you that I've seen a lot of strange things living in Ponyville. I've seen Gods of Chaos turn this place into a Salvador Baali painting. I've seen baby rabbits nearly eat this town into famine. I've even seen pet birds turn to dust and rise before my eyes. But I ain't ever seen anything like this."

The Chief leaned down towards a blanket spread out just outside the back door. After checking to make sure the area was clear, he moved the a concealing blanket and revealed the alien looking print. The picture sent to them hardly did it justice. The depth of the impression and tiny curving ridges in it gave the two pause.

"Have you turned anything else up?" Lucsly asked despite herself

"Just some hair next to the print," Dragnet spoke while puffing on his cigar, "I've had my Deputy Chief run them to our lab."

"Do you know when they'll be processed?"

"A few hours," Dragnet guessed, his worn shoulders shrugged.

Dulmer accepted that, "Will you let us know when the results come in?" '

"Sure," he inhaled on the cigar as if it were the only things keeping him sane, "Don't really know what else we can do other than that. Lyra came to a few hours ago. She said she slipped can fell, which would account for the vase and the fact she was unconscious when Bon Bon found her. But that print ain't sitting right with me and she's got no explanation for it."

"Chief, how many ponies know about this," Dulmer eagerly asked, referring to print.

"Besides the victim? Only me, my Deputy Chief and Bon Bon," Dragnet asked, "Nopony else knows and I wanted to keep it that way until you two got here. Speaking of which, how did you want to handle this.

"Keep it under cover," Dulmer said while Lucsly groaned at the joke. The Chief nodded and flung the blanket over the print. The partners cantered through the house and out the front as the spectators still gawked.


Ponyville Hospital


1:45 PM 1004 A.B.

Lyra seemed frustrated in her sterile room. Next to her bed sat a semi-distraught Bon Bon. The door was open a crack as the hospital staff and patients passed by occasionally. A few machines beeped despite the fact she was off of them for an hour now.

"Bon Bon, I tell you I'm fine," Lyra said though a cloud passed over her face, "I just slipped and fell. That's all."

"Then what about the hoofprint outside!" a nearly frantic Bon Bon retorted, unsure if "hoofprint" was even the right word, "How do you explain that?"

"I was hoping for the same thing," the badged pegasus spoke as he pushed through the door open, followed by his partner, "I'm Agent Dulmer. This is Agent Lucsly. We're with the R.E.B.I."

Lyra glared to her marefriend while Bon Bon tried to look as impassive as possible. She turned her gaze back to the two, "Is this some sort of joke?"

"No ma'am. We at the Bureau do not have a sense of humor that we are aware of," Lucsly chimed in, "May we come in?"

Lyra paused for a second before waving at them to come in. The two ponies cantered as Lucsly used her magic to close the door behind him. Bon Bon sat quietly as if thinking deeply on something.

"What's this about? I've already told the police happened. I slipped and fell, knocking myself out where Bon Bon found me. That's it," Lyra said, her tone carrying an edge of anger.

"It seems your 'fall' drew some curious inquiries," Dulmer spoke as he fished out a picture from his saddlebag and set it before Lyra, "Do you know what this is?"

"A joke?"

"It's a print that was found outside your backdoor," Dulmer spoke, "Do you know what its from?"

Lyra shook her head sharply. Lucsly followed her partner in speaking, "The detail of the impression and the sharpness of the outline indicate it was made recently, perhaps around the time you fell." The unicorn approached slowly with a soft look on her face, "Do you remember seeing anypony or anything else at the time of the incident?"


"Do you know of somepony who would wish you harm?"

"Besides Octavia?" Lyra sneered, "Nopony I know of."

"Miss Heartstrings," Dulmer broke in at a even voice, "Do you believe in Humans?"

"What!? I...no!"

"We know you are a member of MUHON and this print wasn't made by any known creature on Celestia's green earth," Dulmer spoke on evenly, "So I'll ask you again, do you believe in Humans." Lucsly knew where her partner was going, and assumed a slightly defensive and protective position between Dulmer and Lyra. Such was the act they played though Lucsly genuinely glared at her partner.

"For the last time, no!" Lyra nearly yelled while trembling a little bit. The musician fought hard to keep the tears from her eyes as Bon Bon moved to hug her. Dulmer nodded, getting what he wanted as Lucsly rose.

"Listen. We're going to be in town a few more days," his voice taking on an air of gentleness. He produced a card from his saddlebag and set it on her bed, taking the picture back up and putting it into his saddlebag, "If you remember anything else, we'll be staying at the motel just off the market place. Room 12."

"Why? So you can ridicule me more?" Lyra spoke defiantly, though her face betrayed her confusion as her eyes still rimmed a bit with wetness.

"Miss Heartstings," Dulmer spoke, staring Lyra directly in the eyes so there would be no misunderstanding, "I will believe anything you tell me." Lyra just watched as the two left her room while Bon Bon kept a hold of her marefriend. Lucsly closed the door with her magic. The partners quickly made their way out of the hospital towards the center of Ponyville.

"Dulmer, was it necessary to press her so hard?" Lucsly asked.

"Ponies who have experienced UHO phenomena often fear they will suffer ridicule and humiliation from the world around them if they come forward," Dulmer spoke, "Didn't you see the look in her eyes? She was about to break down crying."

"Probably because she felt you were mocking her and that all this attention is unwarranted," Lucsly said heatedly, "The evidence doesn't contradict her story one bit, so what were you hoping to accomplish by interrogating her then being her friend?"

"To get her to speak the truth," Dulmer said evenly, "Between that hoofprint and her history, if she were to come forward with her experiences, it could blow the truth wide open!"

"Her experiences? What are you talking about Dulmer,"

The charcoal grey pegasus looked around before diverting to an alleyway. Lucsly followed as he fished into one of his saddlebags. Bring out a brown folder that read "R.E.B.I Case File" in the usual lettering while "U-File" was printed in big black block letters in the middle. He presented it to the unicorn, who grasped it with her magic, opening it and perusing its contents.

"In June of 999," the pegasus began, "Lyra Heartstrings played a concert here in Ponyville. She was supposed to show up to an afterparty but never made it. She just disappeared with no evidence of foul play or where she had gone. She turned up five days later in front of her home, unconscious. When she came to, she claimed she was abducted by Humans. She spoke of this to the Bureau and she was, in the opinion of the investigating agent 'crazy, delusional, and probably in need of therapy'. Finding nopony believing her, she did decide to seek professional help."

"After a few months of those sessions," Dulmer continued as Lucsly turned the page, "she helped form MUHON, a network of ponies who discreetly document, catalog and discuss all matters relating to Humans and Human-related phenomena. Not long afterwards, a large number ponies began to joining MUHON to share those experiences. Lyra's particular investigation case was left cold and buried in the basement with the rest of the U-Files."

Lucsly finished looking through the file and closed it, "So what are you hoping to accomplish then by getting her to come forward?"

"Lyra was shunned from music circles for years afterwards because everypony thought she was crazy. She moved from Canterlot and went into seclusion in that time and only stepped back into the daylight after meeting Bon Bon," Dulmer spoke with some passion in his voice, "It's very likely that she didn't want speak of the truth despite the evidence because of that ridicule. The sooner Lyra talks about what really happened, the sooner she can moved past it. In her mind, the print maybe the proof she needs to speak of what happened once she's ready. Maybe she'll set an example for those others and they'd be willing to step forward."

"I give you nine out of ten, Dulmer," Lucsly spoke, "You almost convinced me."

"Thanks," Dulmer beamed, "but it doesn't change the situation."

"So then what do you hope to get out of this? There is no crime without a criminal and I earnest doubt we'll catch a Human redhoofedly. The only lead we have is a print that we can't identify."

The pegasus shrugged, "I don't know. Perhaps get closer to exposing those things that our government doesn't want brought to light."

"You are closer then you think, Agent Dulmer," spoke a voice in the shadows of the alleyway, "Closer than you thought possible."

A pony stepped out from the shadows with a dark trench coat and black sunglasses, black fur and, surprisingly, a blank flank. Dulmer recognized the pony as Deep Night.

Comments ( 2 )

Reminds me of that trope "Humans are Cthulu". I've always thought that was an interesting trope, so this was interesting story. :eeyup:

Why did you cancel this story?

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