• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,215 Views, 63 Comments

NEIRE - RainConsiva

Grimdark version of the newest MLP episode, see full description for better details.

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Chapter Two; (Collection)

As Pinkie Pie awoke from her slumber she glanced around, noticing how some of the much smaller fish had some how made their home in her silky mane. She growled with annoyance but gently scooped each 'sleeping' fish out of her mane, but found that they had left tons of tangles inside of it and there wasn't any kind of brush around to fix it. Pinkie imagined what Rarity would be saying now, probably complaining about how un-lady like and messy she looked, plus not to mention how Pinkie was sure she had bags under her eyes..If only she had a mirror right now to see herself.

She 'swam' around, exploring the pond further to find it wasn't really that big and there didn't seem to be any food around for her to eat..She hungrily sat down and rubbed her tummy, what she would give to have a mouth-watering cupcake right now to touch against her tongue..She felt herself 'drooling' if that was even possible under water. She inhaled, the 'air' down here wasn't fresh..In a way it kind of reminded Pinkie of the old Rock Farm that she used to live on with her parents and siblings. The air there was never cool and fresh like it was in Ponyville.

As Pinkie's hunger continued to grow, she had found a stick that had been shoved under a few rocks, by getting the stick, Pinkie had covered her front hooves in mud and it only made the water more thick and muddy then before. She 'swam' over towards the moss 'pillow' she had used as her bed for the night and began to write on it in her best hand writing, she needed to keep it tiny so she would have space to write more.

Day 1

I miss my friends already.

I wonder what they're doing right now..I really hope Pinkie Pie is enjoying her time with them because I know I did.

Pinkie paused from her writing as she noticed a larger fish swim overhead. She sighed and began to continue, telling herself she should just focus and not get so distracted by things such as that.

I wonder if Dashie happy.

She has to be knowing she has her friend back, right? I would love to see her again..Maybe I can try and get something to bring her here and we can talk.

It took Pinkie a moment to realize that if Dashie was actually coming, she would have already came..Or maybe that was just her mind being paranoid, surely Dashie wouldn't forge-..

Pinkie frowned, dropping the stick from her mouth to let out a wail. Of course Dashie would forget, she HAS another Pinkie already..Dashie probably thinks she's the real one!

Pinkie became puzzled with herself, no, that's the real Pinkie that's with Dashie, Applejack and Twilight right now..There was no possible way she was the real Pinkie Pie...She grit her teeth and smacked her forehead against the rock, causing some blood to flow from her head and down her nose and into the watery hell hole she called 'home' now.

The mare lifted her head a few moments later and rubbed the spot where the blood continued to flow from, she let out a grunt, closing her eyes for a brief moment then opening them, she then went around to the back of the rock and took some moss and began to form it into a hat shape, just for a moment she felt happy, almost as quickly as lights turn on, her color to her body returned, as she giggled and placed the new hat on her head. She was proud of her creation but it was nothing compared to what Rarity would make out of it, oh well, at least it would stop the bleeding for now and prevent any other bashes to the head she might receive later on.

As 'Pie' began to open her eyes, she felt herself jump as Mrs. Cake bust through her bedroom door and zoomed around her room in a rather frantic way, mumbling orders to herself

"No sleeping in, missy! We have a big day today and that's to get rid of the left over chocolate chip cookies we made from yesterday!"

The older mare brushed the curtains open, letting the sun shine into the darkened room that Celestia herself raised hours ago. 'Pie' moved herself out of the covered and gave Mrs. Cake her best convincing smile to Mrs. Cake.

"YAY! Do you think a lot of ponies will come? I'd love to make some new friends today!" The pink ponies ear twitched as she stared intently at Mrs. Cake as the older mare began to fix her sheets and pillows correctly.

"Of course, but don't you already have enough friends, sweetheart?" Mrs. Cake lifted her head to give 'Pie' a confused expression, of course Pinkie had always been friendly to everypony but she had never actually said she wanted 'new' friends, as far as Mrs. Cake knew everypony loved Pinkie and were already friends with her.

"I do b-" just as 'Pie' was about to reply, Mr. Cake ran in and tugged Ms. Cake out of the bedroom and down the stairs, disappearing some where in the main lobby where the baked goods were sold. 'Pie' assumed that maybe it was something about the treats or about a customer maybe. She went over to her dresser to pick up her brush and quickly brush her mane, smiling into the mirror and looking at her reflection. She wondered what the real Pinkie Pie was doing at this moment, crying, screaming? It made 'Pie' laugh just thinking about it but her laughs sounded more like dry coughs.

As 'Pie' made her way downstairs into the lobby, she found ponies were already lining up outside..The store hadn't even opened yet! A few ponies waved at her, noticing her through the windows and 'Pie' nervously waved back, making her way to the back of the counter and looking around curiously at the cookies already lined up. There were at least ten to twenty of them on and tray and she wondered if this would be enough to feed the hungry horde of ponies that would be coming inside any minute.

Mr. Cake trotted out from the back room, he had to put the baby ponies in their room before the store opened so they wouldn't disturb any of the customers. Finally, after giving the floor a good clean, the store was spotless. He moved towards the front door and almost as soon as he flipped the sign from 'Closed' to 'Open' ponies began to topple past Mr.Cake and over to the front counter where 'Pie' stood, handing out the cookies to every one of the ponies who came towards her. Most of the ponies left but some decided to stick around and sit at some of the tables and chat with each other.

After things began to settle down in Sugarcube Corner, 'Pie' made her way to do chores she hadn't even heard of! Taking out the trash and ridding of any frozen or smelly left overs from the freezer, right now she was currently dragging a large black trash bag towards the garbage disposer in the back of the small treat store, as she hurled the bag into the dumpster she noticed a blue pegasi flying overhead. She lifted her gaze upwards, her eyes hitting the sun but spotting the figure again, before she knew it she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey!" it shouted, 'Pie' spun around and noticed the pony the real Pinkie Pie had called Rainbow Dash from their lesson but remembered that Pinkie said to call her Dashie since it was 'shorter and more nice'

"Hi Dashie!" exclaimed Pie, her eyes focusing on the other ponies ivy pools, a wide smile spreading across the pink ponies maw in attempt to seem 'normal' about their meeting.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the side before spreading out her wings to 'show off' for 'Pie'. "Ahem! I was just wondering if you forgot about you and Twilight's meeting today?"

'Pie' shook her head, she didn't recall Twilight Sparkle mentioning some kind of 'meeting', plus, to be totally honest with herself she wasn't that fond of that pony anyhow, it was bad enough with that nitwit 'Rarity' who was always bragging about being so damn wonderful.

Rainbow Dash reached her hoof over and gave 'Pie' a gentle pat on the head as if saying that 'it wasn't a big deal'. She coughed as she pulled her hoof away and flapped her wings, preparing to take off. "Anyways, just when you get done doing whatever you're doing..Just head over there, okay?" And with that, Rainbow Dash saluted and took off, leaving what only seemed like dust in her path.

'Pie' hurried herself through her chores, heck, she didn't even bother to check the freezer, she simply did one more task on her list and went towards the Library which was in the center of Ponyville, as she swung open the door she found nobody was inside...Or possibly they were in another room? 'Pie' sat down and waited, only to spot a baby purple dragon make his way from upstairs to downstairs.

"Oh hi, Pinkie!" He greeted cheerfully, stuffing the books he was carrying into the proper empty spaces on the shelves, after making sure the books were firmly pressed in the bookshelf he turned back to Pinkie and gave her a smile. "Twilight is just downstairs, she's gonna be up in a minute." With that, the purple dragon went off to gather more books from upstairs. Pinkie curiously began to browse the books as she waited, she came across one marked 'Everfree' and she pulled the book out of its tight place between the others and began to read curiously, wondering if the thing the real Pinkie was trapped in would be in here, to her surprise, it was.

Magic 'Mirror' / Reflection Pool

It is said this strange magic found in the Everfree contains powers to double up to 20 of yourself.

However, this magic must be dealt with carefully when returning clones to their rightful place.

'Pie' tilted her head, she knew this was where she came from..That pond...So many things lurked there just waiting for some pony to come along and activate it and sadly, Pinkie Pie was the taker for letting out all of those clones. But little did the other clones know how smart 'Pie' had become, she had learned to fake being the real Pinkie so well Pinkie Pie's friends believed her...Hehehe..Well, HER friends now at least.


Hey guys! This is the end of Chapter Two; Collection, just mention in the comments below on what you thought, what I can do to improve or even ideas on how to continue this story! Thanks for the read!