• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 2,217 Views, 63 Comments

NEIRE - RainConsiva

Grimdark version of the newest MLP episode, see full description for better details.

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Chapter Three; (Unwanted Truth)

This chapter of 'NEIRE' and the next chapter of 'NEIRE' will have swearing and suggestive scenes. I suggest turning back now if you are under the age of 16. Also, special thanks to my boyfriend with helping me write this one. I had huge writers block.

Day 2

I'm so lonely..

Its getting colder here now. I wish I had my blanket.. or maybe Gummy to snuggle up against right now.

As Pinkie Pie continued her 'journal' she didn't seem to spot a figure looming over the pond, staring down at the pink pony in..some what interest before leaning its maw down to drink from the puddle, hearing the lapping noises Pinkie sprung up in reaction, was it Rainbow Dash coming to her rescue? As the mare drifted towards towards the shore line of the pond she could clearly make out this was an animal of the Everfree, it had long limbs and a short muzzle, its coat was covered in polka dots of a light, glowing green. Its eyes were some what derpy looking according to Pinkie, The animal noticed how Pinkie got closer and let out some kind of growl before running up in a underground tunnel it had dug to get around the rock that was placed over the main source of entering.

Pinkie, once again was left alone. She frowned and began to wail, wanting the creature to come back and be her friend..She couldn't take this. This..This was..making her go FUCKING insane. She didn't want to admit it but...not having every pony greet her every time she awoke and not to see the sun smiling through her curtains in her bedroom was dreadful. Instead she was left in mucky waters with unknown sea creatures, annoying fish and in the middle of the Everfree forest! How DARE her friends put her here...What did she do wrong? She just glanced at Twilight before she came here...Why...Why did this have to happen to her?

Chapter Eight: How to Keep Clones Under Control
Chapter Nine: Where is it located?

No..No... 'Pie' shuffled through the Everfree book angrily, wasn't there a chapter on how you can escape? Or get back in? She needed to find out these things so she could keep that..stupid Pinkie Pie from ever finding her way out. As she flipped through the pages, she finally found the chapter she was looking for.

Chapter Twenty: Bringing Back and/or Removing Clones

As 'Pie' moved his eyes to the description she let out a shriek...It was...so..simple..

Go into the belly of the beast

'Pie' didn't fully understand but she remembered her time there that there were a lot of stranger creatures that lurked deeper and further back into the pond, and sometimes you would happen to see them swim by, eating some of the many school fish that would float around you curiously..But surely that dumb ass of a pony wouldn't go near a big sea monster, plus, knowing her shes too weak and hungry to move anyhow. 'Pie' giggled, closing the book just as Twilight arrived.

"Oh hey Pinkie! I never knew you were interested in reading." The egg-head remarked as she made her way over towards her friend, picking he book she was holding in her hooves up in the air with her magic, inspecting the title. "Oooh. I see..You like these kinds of books well Pinkie I have tons mor-"

"Um..Twilight? What did you want to see me for?" 'Pie' asked, reaching her hooves up to take it from Twilight and quickly put it back into its proper spot on the shelf before turning her blue eyes onto the purple unicorn.

"Oh, yes! I totally forgot..I was going to ask you help me with making a party for Apple Jack, a cousin of her's is coming to Ponyville and I really wanted to make her visit a special one she won't forget!" Twilight exclaimed cheerfully, her purple orbs focusing on Pinkie Pie eagerly.

"I see! Okie Dokie Lokie! I'll be sure to get everything ready and...very special!" The party pony cheered, giving Twilight a hug then running out of the library, snickering to herself.

"Oh yes...special.." She murmured as she made her way back into Sugarcube Corner to prepare the treats for the party.

She decided to make Chocolate Mousse along with Yankee Apple Crisp on the side and some lemonade for the drinks. As the pink pony finished taking the Apple Crisp's out of the oven she was greeted by Gummy making his way down the stairs from her bedroom, he must have just woke up now and 'Pie' assumed he was maybe hungry, she took a Apple Crisp and fed it to the small reptile, to have him nod his head in delight and move away from his owner, he was still weary about being around her since he could still feel the deflated ball wrapped around his neck. The reptile had made his way into the back room and disappeared into looking for some more food that 'Pie' might have left out, maybe even he could steal some of the food from the babies.

'Pie' inhaled the fresh scent of the newly made treats, she grinned, covering up the smell of the rat poison for when she would dip it on each of the Apple Crisps would be unbelievably hard, but surely that would do that cousin of her's in for good. 'Pie' let out a giggle, what fun it was coming up with her plans, she began to chant as she pulled the rat poison from out of the cardboard box that was under the counter to hide it from the costumers.





The day of the extravaganza had finally come; Pinkie Pie had given the death treats to a pony who was hired to serve the treats to the guest of the hour, the party was set up just on the border line of Ponyvile so when Apple Jack's cousin would arrive through the train, she would simply just walk in on the party on her own. Twilight had managed to set up a few games and even brought a DJ down from Canterlot to help arrange the music. Applejack sat a long table that was fit to hold three other guests, thankfully though 'Pie' had arranged for the pony who would hoof out the treats to give the Apple Crisps to only to Apple Jack's cousin, Pinkie couldn't take a chance of killing one of her friends and it would be obvious that she would be suspected.

The music started up and all the ponies who were attending the party took a few glasses of lemonade and began to dance, or simply sit down and chat about such pointless things such as the usual Canterlot gossip, it was nothing of interest to 'Pie', instead, she was just waiting for that look on the ponies face, the look of death. The pink pony felt herself getting hot just thinking about it, she giggled and trotted over towards Twilight who was in a crowd with Rarity and Rainbow Dash as well.

"Oh! Pinkie Pie darling! There you are! This is simply the most amazing party you have ever hosted. I simply ADORE the music. It's fit for a queen!" The preppy unicorn exclaimed, flipping her beautiful purple mane back and batting her eyelashes in Pinkie Pie's direction.

"Thank you Rarity! I really tried my best for this one since any family of Apple Jack's is surely part of my family too!" The mare said, reaching her hooves out to grope Rarity and in reaction the unicorn squirmed slightly.

"O-Oh..I'm glad to see your so happy, darling." The white unicorn pulled out of the hug and gave Pinkie Pie a gentle smile before her blue eyes widen as she noticed the train pulling into the station and everypony else as well turned their gaze onto the train.

As grey unicorn stallion wearing a conductors hat stepped out of the train, bowing before the ponies as he opened the sliding door with his magic, a slightly glazed yellow pony stepped out, her mane was pulled back tightly into a bun and she had freckles, just as Apple Jack and wore a blue tail bow. She stepped forward, the crowd remained silent as the mare glanced at the DJ, then to Apple Jack who gave a wave.

"Hi." and with that, everypony in the crowds cheered wildly at the mare's voice, running over to her to greet the mare of the hour. The yellow tainted pony giggled, and moved out from the crowd "Oh thank you everyone! It really is a pleasure to be here." She said, her tone of voice full of glee as she got in the seat next to Apple Jack and the ponies who crowded around her returned to their festivities.

As the clock ticked exactly 12:00, it was time for the feast. The server pony made her way over to the main table where she set the Apple Crisp in front of the guest, hoofing out the Chocolate Mousse to everypony else, once the waiter was sure everyone had received a treat, the mare disappeared in a booth behind a curtain. Pinkie Pie on the other hand had sat closet to the 'Queens Table' and watched as Apple Jack and her cousin hungrily munch down on the snacks, it only took mere moments before the guests eyes popped out of her head as she felt the chewed up Apple Crisp hit the acid in her stomach, she began coughing and the ponies stopped dancing to turn their gaze onto Apple Jack's cousin, Apple Jack was attempting to help her by patting her on the back roughly, assuming maybe she had swallowed something too quickly, but when she started to cough up blood, that's when things took a turn for the worse;

The ponies began to panic, running in different directions and Twilight had made it her duty to save Apple Jack's cousin. The unicorn strained slightly as she picked the pony up with her magic and began trotting away into the actual town and rushing into the Nurses Office. The guest was immediately checked in and sent into the emergency room as six mares watched her being pushed away on a roller.

Apple Slider, age, N/A


Apple Slider, checked in at 12:05 pm was at a party hosted for her arrival to Ponyville. She was fed a dessert that was made by a friend of her cousins, the name of this pony is unknown but we shall be doing a follow-up with this pony.

Apple Slider, checked out at exactly 12:30.

Her cause of death is still unknown if she was either choked from the piece of treat..but it seemed we had also found rat poison in her stomach contents, I assume that maybe the server had done this, but we are still unsure.

Witness Statements:

According to a mare, she had seen the server take the treats into a 'booth', most of the party goers seemed to think this was a station for the waiter to rest but the booth was not seen at the party since it seemed the waiter had took off after Apple Slider was transported to the hospital, name of the waiter is N/A.

Detective Gold signing out.

Comments ( 20 )

22 upvotes and 7 downvotes for pinkie pie. 22/7 is a pi approximation. Spontaneous mathematical humor -- definitely pie.

A new one! YES! :pinkiegasp:

After reading: On second thought, maybe a less enthusiastic "YES". Maybe a sad one? :pinkiecrazy: Either way great and engaging story!

Great chapter, only one problem, which isn't even that much of a problem. Applejack's name is one word. The spaces in her name kept breaking me out of the story.


Twilight when this is over you will be sent back to magic kindergarten! :ajbemused:

YAY!!! Another chapter :)

This chapter is amazing, and I don't mind the cussing. Also it's nice to see a female writer on this site.



As 'Pie' moved his eyes his his his HIS HIS HIS!!!!!!!!!!! lol

also "I suggest turning back now if you are under the age of 16." ya thats like asking somone if there not 18 to not go on pron ya ya im 18 for sure :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:




Oh my god. I'm sorry about that, I'm so used to writing in male persona I messed up. Sorry ^^'

no wait no dat not good :rainbowwild:
derpy derp will RD get cupcake'd?


No, this isn't going to be a rip off story. Plus not to mention I think this is a before math of that, and plus there are already too many stories of Pinkamena.

Truly wondrous! Your story just keeps getting better :twilightsmile:

1648250 I wasn't trying to dis dis :rainbowderp:
This is the best...ly... executed version of this story i've seen. And there are hundreds.

I can smell the cupcakes from miles away. I hope you won't abandon this fic. Abandoned fics make Fluttershy cry. :fluttershysad:


Nope, I haven't forgotten. I just wait until I reach a certain number of likes and then I make the next chapter.

Right now, I'm going for 30 likes.



...um... that is... if you want to... :fluttershyouch:

Are you thinking about resuming this story?

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