• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 1,197 Views, 45 Comments

Trials of Vladamir - Rennoc215

Vladamir is a Haemomage, a pony who uses blood magic. But how will he react to living in Ponyville?

  • ...

I am Vlad.

"Kneel before Vlad." The dry voice called out. Unable to fight the exhaustion, the coal colored gangster collapsed to the ground, unable to fight this coated monster. He felt an icy hoof set down on his side. "I like you. Type AB. You will make a good missionary." The gangster looked at the Pale pony, dressed in his blood colored jacket. His irises, which were vibrant red, began emitting with an eerie glow. The blood of the other gangsters, which splattered the floor, began to move closer to the coal pony, who began to struggle under the attacker's weight.

"Now, now. Sit still, don't want to end up like your unfortunate companions." He said viciously. "Now, I am going to make you just strong enough to take my message to your leaders. Tell them this: I, Vladamir, am coming for them. They should turn themselves in, lest I come for them. Tell them that." He said, before sinking into the pool of blood. The Gangster stood up, and watched in horror as the blood of his friends crawled up his legs and into his own wounds. He felt the strength seep into his veins as if he hadn't just been beaten by a strange newcomer.

Grimacing, he trotted out of the warehouse, heading to deliver the message of this terrifying newcomer.


"And just like that, he sinks away into the pool of blood, like some sort a ghost. But I swear! He is real! He told me to tell you that we should just turn ourselves in, 'lest I come after them." The gangster was terrified. The other members thought he was seriously drunk, or hallucinating, and they were all going to die, because he couldn't do anything.

"Sure he will, Blinky. Next thing we know he's just gonna pop out and drink our blood, like some sorta creep vampire." The black pegasus gangster stated mockingly.

"Nah, I'm serious. He's coming, and I think we should seriously... Urk!" The coal pony stopped mid sentence, clutching at his heart.

"Yo, Blinky? Somtin up?" The black pegasus asked, half interestedly. The rest of the gang watched with bemused gazes, watching as Blinky gasped for breath.

"My heart..." He groaned, before exploding. The surrounding gangsters screamed, if only for a moment, out of sheer surprise at being covered in the blood and bits of flesh of their own member. The group watched in absolute horror as the drops of blood started to pool on the table, flinging themselves from the gangsters in order to reconnect with the other drops. A sizable pool formed in the center of the table, and from it rose the form of a pale white pony. The remaining blood lept into the form of a brutal red cloak, adorned with a silver trim.

"My warning was fair. Now, are you ready to submit? Or does your desire to die outweigh the need to live?" The gangsters gathered their wits, and jumped from their seats, brandishing their weapons. Vladamir only smirked. "So you wish to die then." He stated simply, as if it was written in stone. To this, the gangsters charged, brandishing weapons of all varieties. They were within striking distance when Vladamir sunk into the pool of blood, and the crowd slammed together at the center, accidentally beating and stabbing each other.

When they separated, Vladamir smiled wickedly. "You're bleeding." He said, pointing to one of the bleeding gangsters. "Let me fix that for you." He rapidly pulled his hoof backwards, and the poor gangster began bleeding profusely, at a rate that left him bloodless in seconds. Vladamir pulled the newly formed sphere of blood towards him. "Ooh." He laughed. "O negative. The hospital will be happy tonight." He pulled the sphere into his cloak, and laughed again.

"In fact, You're all bleeding." He said, before jumping into the fray.


"Signed, Twilight Sparkle." Princess Celestia read aloud. She often found herself reading her student's friendship reports out loud. She smiled contently. Good for her, donating blood to help out the community, She thought.

Unfortunately, her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a pounding at her door. "Princes Celestia. We have someone who demands to see you." The guard called out.

"Send them in." she sighed. The door opened, and a battered pony in a suit stumbled in. "Yes?" She asked.

"Princess Celestia," he coughed. "An honor. I am Miller Junior, Godfather of the Ponyville Pofia." He bowed, and she narrowed her eyes. "Yes, I am a criminal. But I am too weak to do anything aggressive. Instead, I come to you for my own protection."

She raised an eyebrow at this. "Oh? And what caused the sudden desire to turn yourself in?"

He frowned. "A vigilante attacked my fellows earlier today. He killed each and every one of them that didn't agree to his terms." He laughed. "And you won't believe them. His terms were not to swear fealty to him, nor to pay him. No, he demanded that we turn ourselves in. I watched old friends die in my hooves, princess. I could handle that. But not like the way he did it."

She frowned again. "And how exactly did he kill them?"

A single tear slid down his cheek. "He was an earth pony, pale white with blood red eyes. His cloak, the same color, trimmed in silver."

"This doesn't answer my question." She interrupted.

"No, but it is important." he retorted. "An earth pony, he was. He killed them by having them bleed to death. But not slowly. No, quickly, and violently. Somepony would get cut in the melee, be lightly bleeding. His eyes would glow, an unholy red glow, and he would cause them to bleed to death as if the blood in their veins was pressurized. The blood would spurt from their wounds, and he manipulated blood like a unicorn manipulates everything. His eyes would begin glowing, and the blood could do anything. He fought with floating swords made of it. His wounds would heal at the touch of it. He would sink into a pool of it, and step out of another pool. His cloak could be torn, yet he would mend it with a spurt of the stuff."

"Miller," She interrupted. "You are safe now. The guards will take you to prison, but at least there, you will be safe."

"Thank you, princess." He said with a bow. "I hope you take care of this monster." He turned to leave, opened the door, and walked out, escorted by a guard. Celestia turned away with a frown. Reaching out, she grasped a quill and parchment, and set down to write.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is important. Gather the girls, they need to hear this to. In your midst is a haemeomage, a pony who uses horrid dark magic. One has come to your town of ponyville, and I am asking you to all to keep an eye out for any new pony. These sorcerers are often dark, twisted, and bloodthirsty. I know it will be a long time, but I hope to have someone sketch him to help you all find him..."


"Sincerely, Princess Celestia." Twilight finished. She lowered the scroll to examine each of her friend's faces, finding mixed looks of fear and confusion on the majority of their faces. "Well girls, you heard the princess. Keep an eye out for anypony suspicious."


Vlad was enjoying his stroll in the ponyville park, listening to the birds singing and watching the clouds, when he ran into somepony, knocking him down. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She said, reaching a helping hoof his way. He examined this new specimen, a beautiful mare with a white coat and a perfectly styled purple mane. "I was rushing past, fretting over the new sense of fashion, when I accidentally ran you down. Is there anything that I can do to help you?"

He stood up. "Please, Miss, calm down. I was just enjoying the scenery. Not many birds in the mountains." He looked down at her. "I'm sorry, mam, I didn't catch your name."

"It's Rarity, darling. And yours?"

"Vladamir. Please, call me Vlad." He said with a smile.