• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 1,197 Views, 45 Comments

Trials of Vladamir - Rennoc215

Vladamir is a Haemomage, a pony who uses blood magic. But how will he react to living in Ponyville?

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Into the Fire

Vladamir smiled as he ran down the halls, the guards not knowing where he just disappeared to. He saw the front doors, and made a beeline for them. Right as he was about to slam through them, they instead opened in, and he ran into a largem fluffy creature.

"Oh, excuse me." The motherly voice said. It was the last voice he wanted to hear.

He bowed deeply. "The fault is mine, princess." He said. "I was rushing blindly ahead, I should have paid more attention to my surroundings."

She laughed, but stopped abruptly. "Say, I don't recognize you. What is your name?" She asked, leaning in and raising an eyebrow.

"Vladamir. It's vladamir." He said, starting to squeeze by.

She smiled, and stepped aside. "Well, it will be nice to get to know you, Vladamir. How does tea on tuesday sound?"

He put up the biggest smile he could muster. "It would be a pleasure." He said, as he sidled by. "You can meet me at the carousel boutique." he added as he ran off.

From down the hall, they could hear "Stop that Colt!" Vlad could see the gears churning in her mind, as she fit the pieces together. Running out of a hospital, strange colt living with Rarity, the unique cloak. Vladamir is the pony Twilight talked about in the letter. Strange she didn't write his name, She thought as she turned.

Vladamir, however, was having the run of his life. Flying down streets, cruising around corners, Vlad was trying to escape with all of his might. Why run? She knows who you are. End the game, finish her. It is your destiny. Spoke a voice in his mind. It wasn't the comforting voice of his mentor, no. It was a voice heavy with evil.

Master, what is this? Vlad called out, hoping to find the trace of his old friend.

He was weak, and so he died. Only room for two, in your mind. So it is you and me. The voice laughed.

And who are you? Vlad asked, making a left on dougherty street.

I am you, at your full pontential. Let me in, Vladamir. Let us merge, and let the streets run red. The voice cackled more, and Vladamir realized what it really was he was speaking to. He was speaking to the Blood Lord inside of him.

I walk a different path. You hold no power over me. Vlad confindentally boasted, taking a right down memory lane. And why is it they have such ironic names for their streets?

Vlad made another right, and came face to face with a royal guard. "Over here! I found him!' The poor fellow called out, before Vladamir kicked him in the face. Using the guard as a springboard, he leaped to the rooftop, and began running along those.

A light blue bolt came out of nowhere and slammed into his side. He looked in confusion as he fell, realizing that he had just been tackled by Rainbow Dash. "Dash, please let me go. I'm leaving town, and going home." She laughed, and only held on tighter. Vlad sighed. "Dash, you saw what happenned to the mare who attacked Rarity. Don't make me end you the same way."

Dash gasped, and let go of him for a second. "You wouldn't..." She began.

Vladamir shook his head. "I don't like threatening my friends, but if you don't let me go, they are going to kill me in one of the most horrible ways you can imagine." Rainbow Dash shook her head, and Vlad sighed again. "Please, Dash. Let me go."

Dash pondered it for a minute, before nodding her head and letting go. "Thank you, my friend." Vladamir said. "Goodbye, Rainbow Dash." Vlad turned and started running.


"Fan out, and find him. We can't let him escape!" Shining called out to the assembled royal guard. All of them saluted, and ran about, searching the streets methodically. Shining turned to his sister and the princess. "Don't worry, we'll catch him."

The trio sat around, listening intently. Finally, after a few minutes, they all heard the faint sound. "Over here! I found him!" the faraway guard called.

Twilight looked in his direction, and thought hard. "That came from around sugarcube corner. Give me a second." She told them, focusing her magic into her horn. "Here we go." She breathed, releasing her magic in a bright enveloping bubble.


Vladamir heard a pop and a fizzle from behind him, and turned back for just a second. Just beyond Rainbow Dash was Twilight, Shining, and Buck Celestia. The three narrowed their eyes, and Twilight called out to Dash. "Rainbow! Grab him."

Loyalty is a funny thing, Vlad thought as she turned to face Twilight. "I can't do that." She stated. Twilight'sm face contorted in confusion, and so Rainbow continued. "I can't bring that fate on him. I can't let you do that."

Vladamir smiled giddily, and started running faster than ever. Rainbow can hold them up for a short while longer, Vlad thought. He kept running, and was nearing the Everfree forest when his limbs locked up. He looked down in horror to see his limbs engulfed in a violet glow again. No no no no no, Vlad silently cried.

You could let me in. I could free us, and let us live! Came the dark voice again.

I won't give in to you. I'm stronger than that. Vlad spoke back. "Twilight, let me go. I'm not a bad pony, you know me." He pleaded.

Twilight shook her head. "You killed somepony. I cant let that happen again." She told him.

"Holding me down will kill yet another." He smiled wickedly. "Do you want that? Do you want to be the reason another pony dies?"

Twilight shook her head, and looked down. "No. But if killing you saves everypony else, then it would be better for everypony if you died." She looked up and back, and was about to call out when Vlad tried one last stab.

"And what if you had caught me before you did? Rarity would have died. The mare under the sign would have bled to death before the doctors would have arrived. I have denied death, so he will be eager to take another. Who are you willing to lose?" Vlad closed his eyes, and began praying to anything that could hear him to let her release him.

I can hear you. Came the voice again.

Shut up. Vlad stated plainly.

Twilight, bless her heart, was horridy confused over the dilema displayed before her. But she knew that he wouldn't be stopped. He would move to another town, and start killing ponies there. "Princess Celestia! I have him!" She called out, causing Vlad to hang his head in defeat. A flash of golden light later, Celestia stood before the two, surrounded by the royal guard.

"Surround the area. We don't want him to escape again." Shining barked, the guards jumping to his command.

Celestia, however, looked intently at Vladamir. His semblance of defeat, the way he accepted his fate, something wasn't right. "Vladamir, what motivates you to accept defeat?" He looked up at her, and she got a good look into his eyes. She was a little shocked when she saw the white in his eyes stained with flecks of black.

"I'm doing all I can to control him. I don't have the strength to fight two anymore, so I decided to fight him instead." He replied calmly. The black flecks began to fade white again, but a shudder coursed through his body, and the flecks returned. He looked up at his situation, sighing contently. "Well, at least I knew it would take a lot of you to contain me." He said with a chuckle, which was cut off by another shudder.

Vlad looked up at the sun, and smiled. "Will this be the last time I see the sun?" He wondered aloud. He looked about, enjoying his last few moments of existance, before something caught his eye. Rarity was standing around the corner of one of the buildings, and she was with Rainbow. "Goodbye, my friends." He called out to them, as he shuddered again. "Now please go. I don't want either of you two to have to see this." He pleaded, shuddering more violently.

Vlad turned back to Celestia, the white in his eyes almost completely gone. "Finish it. Do it now. Please." He commanded, before one final shudder wracked his body, and the white in his eyes disappeared.

Celestia charged her horn, before something thick and heavy hit her in the side of the head. "Finally." Came a deep, rumbling voice. "I didn't think I could take any more of this sappy crap for another minute. Now, fear the true power of Vladamir, last of the Blood Lords."