• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 9,081 Views, 628 Comments

The Brother and The Sitter - Spike120812

A love story of Cadance and Shining Armor beginning back to Twilight's foal sitting days.

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“Shining, your dad and I let you sleep in. Please try to take it easy. I know the doc said you’d be alright, but I worry. Love you my little moonpie.


Shining sat at the kitchen table with a half-eaten apple in his hoof and a red tint on his cheeks from the note on the table. It was later in the morning than he usually woke up, but after the day he had yesterday, he deserved a little extra sleep. He could still recall everything that happened the day before, his run in with Jet Set and his entourage especially gnawing at his brain. He remembered wanting to punch the smirk off that stuck up pony’s face and the restraint it took for him not to, but he also remembered the few words from the posh stallion that stuck with him.

Was he right? Or was Shining just letting a guilt that shouldn’t be there consume him? The questions without a clear answer kept up with their attacks for a few moments more until Shining gave his head a shake. He knew he’d have to deal with the whole mess later, but for now, he just wanted to spend the day with a friend.

Shining gave a quick glance at the clock in the kitchen and realized he slept in much longer than he originally thought. With haste, Shining finished off the rest of his apple, downing it like his brother would a turquoise shard. Had he been thinking, he wouldn’t have eaten the core, but was instead left to the unpleasant swallow.

With his face in a twisted expression from the apple core crawling down his throat, Shining ran upstairs to the bathroom. He ran the water in the sink and squeezed toothpaste onto his toothbrush before sticking it in his mouth to brush. Three minutes later, he was ready for some fun. It wasn’t a minute after he had finished in the bathroom that Shining heard the beginning of his and Star’s signature knock pattern. With a coy smile, he decided to have a little fun with it this time.





The door opened before the mare standing in front of it could knock again, revealing the colt standing in the doorframe that began to rap his own hoof against the door.


“Shiny...” he finished off, cutting off Stardust’s knock. She was not amused.

“That’s just wrong,” she deadpanned before smiling.

“I know,” he teased, “That’s why I did it.” Stardust just rolled her eyes with a small giggle. “So, what are we doing today?”

“Thought we could catch a movie, then maybe grab some lunch. Have you seen Dragon’s University yet?”

Shining just shook his head. “Nope.”

“Then c’mon. I think there’s a showing in a few minutes.” Stardust’s excitement proved to be contagious as Shining’s own eagerness rose. He reached at a nearby table in the house and grabbed a small sac on a string and threw it around his neck. With a flick of magic, the door was locked and he was ready to go.

The two friends left Shining Armor’s house and made their way down the streets with high hopes for the day. Shining, hoping to forget about yesterday’s incident and all that came with it at least for just a little while, and Stardust, hoping to simply cheer her friend up. Call it a mare’s intuition, but she knew something happened yesterday, and she was gonna find out, but it wouldn’t hurt to have fun at the same time.


Celestia sat in a circle with three of her favorite ponies and her favorite dragon in Twilight’s new room. Everything was already moved in, even Twilight’s seemingly never-ending collection of books managed to all fit in the room. Said filly could barely hold her excitement in as her foal-sitter downed the last bit of soda in the glass bottle they were gonna use for a game, a game a certain prince was already growing a disdain for.

Truth or Dare? Really, Auntie?” Blueblood whined to the snow white alicorn beside him.

“Blueblood.” Celestia’s voice was gentle, but laced with a firmness that demanded immediate attention. “Twilight and Spike are new to the castle, so we will make them feel at home, and if they want to play Truth or Dare, we’ll play Truth or Dare.”

“But I thought today was supposed to be a family day?”

“The castle is their home now, and Twilight has been my student for almost two years now. She and Spike are just as much family to me as you and Cadance.”

Blueblood gave an uncomfortable look at the filly and dragon in the circle busying themselves with downing the last bit of soda in the glass bottle they were gonna use as the spinner. Finally, he sighed out in defeat. “Fiiine, but if they wanna ask me anything really embarrassing or dare me to do something really stupid, I’m not playing,” he said with a huff.

“She’s just a filly and a dragon that can barely talk. What could they possibly ask or make you do?”

“Speaking of the dragon, Spike, I think, how’s he supposed to play?”

“Twilight’s going to play for him. Just go along with it, Blueblood,” Celestia strongly advised, earning an aggravated sigh from her nephew.

“Okay, Auntie,” he reluctantly agreed.

“Thank you, Blue Blue,” Celestia giggled, causing the young prince to blush a violent red.


At this point, Cadance was already adjusting the bottle in the middle of the group while Twilight barely contained herself.

“Are we ready? Are we ready? Are we ready? Are we ready?” Twilight repeatedly asked, bouncing slightly in the air.

“Yes, Twilight, we’re ready. You wanna spin first?” Cadance asked with a chuckle.

“Nah, I think Spike wants to go first,” Twilight answered, pointing to the purple dragon sucking on his tail yet again. “I’ll just spin for him.”

Twilight reached for the bottle and gave it a light spin. It spun around a few seconds before stopping on Cadance. Twilight gave a small grin at the result. “Okay, Cadance. Truth or dare?”

With a hoof to her chin, Cadance thought it over before giving her decision. “Dare,” she answered with a shrug.

Twilight’s grin grew across her face when her eyes landed on Spike. “Give Spike a kiss on the cheek.”

Spike spat out his tail at the mention of his name. The next thing he knew, a set of pink lips met the side of his scaly cheek. Spike replied by going into a fit of joyous giggles while Cadance smiled at the little drake.

“Careful, Cadance. Don’t want Shining Armor finding out you’re seeing someone else,” Twilight joked, moving her eyebrows up and down.

“Whatever, Twilight,” Cadance said with a roll of her eyes. “Your turn.”

Twilight reached out for the bottle and gave it a spin, only for it to once again land on the pink alicorn. “Truth or dare?”

“Let’s go with truth.”

“Okay.” Twilight’s eyes scrunched when she let out a hum of thought. After a few seconds, she had it. “Do you dream of my brother?”

The question froze Cadance in a stunned shock, not so much as from the nature of the question, she expected as much from Twilight, but from the stares of her family as they awaited her response. “On second thought, let’s go with a dare,” Cadance hastily changed her answer, but Twilight wasn’t letting her off that easy.

“Okay. I dare you to tell me if you dream of my brother.”

Cadance’s eyes narrowed slightly at the filly, but even she had to admit that was a clever move. “You’re good.” Seeing there was no way out of her question, Cadance hesitantly began her answer. “There are... some nights ever since we started dating that… Shining has… made a little appearance whenever I’ve had a dream.”

“I KNEW IT!” Twilight shouted, pointing a hoof to a blushing Cadance.

“Is he sweeping you off your hooves and riding into the moonlight in a chariot with you?” Celestia teased in a light-hearted tone.

“No comment,” Cadance answered flatly.

Celestia dropped the topic there for now, but once it was her turn to spin, it was back on the table once the bottle finished its spin, pointing at her niece. If one were to look closely, they would be able to see miniscule reminiscences of golden magic fading out from the bottle and her horn.

“I like this game now,” Blueblood whispered over to Celestia, who bore an intrigued look aimed at the now stone-faced pink princess. With a loud sigh, Cadance prepared for what was to come.

“Hit me with your best shot.”


Outside the palace and outside a cafe somewhere in Central Canterlot, Shining Armor and Stardust busied themselves talking about the movie they saw. After the movie, they decided to grab some lunch at one of the cafes around the city. It was a simple place, nothing too extravagant, and more importantly, affordable.

The waiter at their table, tall and proper like a true Canterlot server, set down two glasses of tea at their table. “You’re refills ma’am and mister,” he addressed, his Canterlot way of speech coming through.

“Thank you,” the two answered back before the waiter bowed and returned inside and left the two to converse.

“This was such a good idea, Star,” Shining voiced before chomping down on the dandelion sandwich he ordered.

“I know. Last time it was just the two of us was back in the library. Speaking of which, how’s Ms. Paiges doin’?” she asked before taking another bite of her rose and daisy salad.

“Good, but she says it’s gotten kinda boring there now.”

“What can I say? I bring the party to places,” Stardust joked as she pumped her forelimbs in the air a few times, gaining a small chuckle from Shining Armor. “And hey, how are things goin’ with Cady?”

Just the mention of Cadance’s name brought a quick smile to Shining Armor’s features, and it was all the answer Stardust needed.

“Guessin’ good?”

Shining confirmed with a small nod before taking another bite of his sandwich. “I know it hasn’t even been two weeks, but I really like her.”

“Imagine if ya acted faster. Ya could’ve had her for months by now.”

Shining’s ears dropped a bit at the comment and he shot Stardust a look that screamed “Really?”.

“I’m just yankin’ ya, Shiny,” Stardust laughed off, earning an eye roll from her friend. “But it was kinda cute how ya spent months just thinkin’ ‘bout her. Makes me kinda wish I had somethin’ like that.” Shining was about to add onto Stardust’s last comment, but was quickly met with a hoof in front of his face. “Don’t even think of settin’ me up.”

Shining slumped back down with a loud sigh. “Fine!”

“But thanks for thinkin’ I deserve one,” Stardust countered cheerfully.

“You do, Star. Especially after Comet Crush.”

“Eh, he was just a sleaze,” Stardust said dismissively, “and I’m not really lookin’ for a relationship right now. I’m more worried ‘bout gettin’ that apartment I was lookin’ at and hopefully move out.”

“Speaking of which, where were you looking around?”

“Just around work. Figured I might as well live close by.” Stardust stopped for a moment as something dawned on her. Hearing herself talk about moving out brought out a truth that scarred most ponies her and Shining’s age, and it put her in a slight daze. “Wow, it doesn’t really come crashin’ down on ya that we’re legal adults until we start talkin’ ‘bout all this stuff. I mean, movin’ out, lookin’ for an apartment… it’s a little scary, Shiny.”

Shining gulped down the bite of sandwich in his mouth before opening his mouth again. “I know.” It came out more with a drawled out disbelief. Technically speaking, he and Stardust had been legal adults for a couple months now, but he knew they both didn’t feel it. It was a confusing time for ponies their age. A time of change, mystery, and fear, and he could only hope he could handle well enough when his life started to take off. “How are you feeling about it? You know, moving out and stuff?”

Stardust had to think her answer out for a few moments. “Other than a little scared… pretty good actually. I mean, I finally get to be my own mare. Me against Equestria, Ms. Independent, finally able to see how I can handle myself, not that I doubt I can. Plus, I get to sing for other ponies nearly every night!” she answered, the last part coming out with full out excitement.

Shining could tell she was radiating with joy. He knew of her dream to sing for crowds, no matter how small. To see her so happy made him smile as well, but then he took notice to the distant gaze she put on when she began to play with the straw in her tea by swirling it around.

“Shiny? Can ya actually see me singing for large crowds? You know, name in lights, selling out shows, putting out albums, can you actually see that?”

Shining paused for a moment to see Stardust baring a truly curious look, like she was sincerely uncertain of herself, something Shining never thought he’d seen before. With a reassuring smile and a confident tone, he gave her his answer, “Star, you are the only pony other than Twilight that I’ve seen so invested in what they do. I mean, your room’s basically got no floor. All I’ve seen in there is guitar equipment, song sheets, lyric notes, and a disturbingly large amount of trash.”

“I don’t like some things I write down, and unless I think it’s perfect, I trash it,” Stardust defended.

“See! You want what you write to be the best you can make. I’ve seen some of your songs, Star, they’re really good.”

“Ya really think so?”

“Yeah. You should sing some when you go to work sometime.”

“I think I will,” Stardust agreed, her confidence shining through once again. “Thanks, Shiny.”

“No problem, Star,” Shining waved off as he took a sip of his own drink.

“So what about you? Any luck with the whole not knowing what ya gonna do thing?”

“Ehhh, some. Cadance talked it over with me a few nights ago. I told her how I got my cutie mark and then she kinda diagnosed me or something.”

“What’d she say?”

Shining took a few seconds to recollect what Cadance had told him. He remembered the sureness she had when she told him, and the surprise he had when she gave her answer. “She said I was… a defender?” he replied, his answer coming out more like a question.

Stardust cocked her head to the side, letting Shining know to go on.

“Okay, she said how I’ve had a history for protecting my family, and that she could see me using my special talent to, I guess, protect others as well?”

Shining’s confusion on the whole thing only increased when he saw Stardust looking him over like he he sprouted a second horn. Her eyes scanned him over until she started to nod. “I can see that.”

Shining sat there in a daze at the sudden comment. “Huh?”

“Ya’ve been there for ya family, ya wanted to be there for me after the whole Comet Crush thing, and ya charged into a flaming building for Cadance and a foal. Ya don’t see it, Shiny, but when ya need to be, you’re a pretty strong and fearless stallion.”

Shining sat in his seat, completely lacking his speech from the praise he was getting.

“Aaaand,” Stardust continued, “Ya were there for Spike. Every time ya had to bring him to work wit ya, and any time some snob tried to treat him like some kinda wild animal, ya stepped in and made sure they got the message that ya brother wasn’t some kind of circus sideshow.”

She was right. After Spike was hatched and started to go to work with him, Shining Armor couldn’t go a whole month without at least one pony coming up to the little dragon and stare at him like he was some sort of rare animal that should’ve been put in a zoo, or at least that’s what one had compared him to.

If there was anything in any of those ponies lives, anything at all that they could say they regretted, it was what they said to, or how they treated Shining’s little brother. The fury they faced was something otherworldly. Uncalled for? Absolutely not.

“You’re a strong guy, Shiny. I can see ya doin’ something’ pretty awesome in the future.”

No words could have described the joy Shining felt from Stardust’s words. He had been so unsure of himself for a while now, but to know his marefriend and best friend had the same high hopes for him, it helped him much more than he could express.

“Wow. Thanks, Star.”

Stardust returned a smile as she reached for her glass of tea and held it up. Shining returned the gesture and held his glass up as well.

“To finding our destiny,” he started.

“To starting life,” she closed off before they tapped their glasses together and taking a drink.

The next few minutes were spent in relative silence as the two friends finished off what was left of their lunches. The waiter had come by again to hoof them the bill, and both payed for what they ate and drank. Shining sipped at the last remnants of his drink with a wide smile. It almost pained Stardust knowing she’d be the one to break that smile, but there was just something she had to know.


The white colt looked at his friend as he got down to the last of his tea and gulped it down.

“When I came to see ya yesterday, ya were a little off, and I know ya weren’t just tired.” Shining slowly set his glass down on the table as he readied himself for the question he knew he’d eventually hear from her today. “What really happened yesterday?”

Shining sighed out. He knew it was coming, and he knew he’d have to say something before she found out another way. He had no idea how she would, but he knew she would. He also knew she didn’t ask just to be nosy, she did it because she worries for her friend, and he couldn’t say he wouldn’t do the same.

“Okay,” he began, “I was coming back home from the castle…”


Blueblood’s choice activity for “Family Day” had been one of the more relaxing things done in the day. Cadance and Celestia were lying down in reclining chairs as their manes were being worked on by the spa ponies as Blueblood treated himself to a seaweed wrap. Twilight sat in a nearby hot tub, looking like she was in heaven. The dragon lying down in a safety floaty that glided across the tub had a similar look on his face as his sister.

All five looked like they could’ve died right then and there and be completely at peace, at least until something made Celestia’s ear twitch and open her eyes wide open.

“What’s wrong, Aunt Celestia?” Cadance inquired with a turn of her head.

“I… I don’t know. I got this really strange feeling that a volcano just erupted.”

“But Equestria doesn't have any volcanoes,” Cadance pointed out.

“I know. That’s what’s strange.” Celestia looked over to her niece who bore the same confused look as her aunt. They stared at each other with their perplexed glances before shrugging it off and going back to their rest and relaxation.


Shining’s eyes stuck open and he struggled to keep balance on his tilting chair in an effort to back away from the mare in front of him.

Stardust’s face was contorted to an anger that Shining never knew could come to pass. Her left eye twitched violently and she looked like she was ready to burst. With a motion of his forelimbs, Shining tried to calm his friend down.

“Star? Remember, we’re in public.”

That did very little to ease the blue mare’s anger, seeing as her eyes continued to twitch in frustration. Those ponies insulted her best friend, called him unfit for the mare she saw him dream about for months, and she looked like she was ready to kill.

A heavy breath escaped her ever so slowly as she tried her best to calm herself down for what she had to ask. “Shiny?”

Shining Armor looked at her with a mix of fear and concern. “Yeah?” he squeaked.

“Just tell me ya actually fought back this time.”

An unbearable silence remained between the two friends as Shining ran through all possible answers that wouldn’t set her off, but eventually, only one came out, the truth.

With a little reluctance, Shining took in a breath, “No.”

He watched, with expectancy, Stardust try to contain the fires of fury that burned like Celestia’s sun before he continued on. “If I did, I would've just proved Jet Set right.”

Fury gave way to curiosity as Stardust visibly calmed down and cast a confused look to Shining Armor. “Whad’ya mean?”

A little tinge of regret creeped up Shining’s spine as images of yesterday flashed in his head. All he could see was himself mere centimeters from the snob he wanted to punch. Just one motion away from sweet revenge, only to see himself stop and lower his hoof. With an aggravated sigh, Shining dove right in.

Stardust listened to Shining's recounts of the past day and his run in with members of the elite. Her expressions changed throughout the story, but most coming to ones of contempt, shock, irritation, and finally, understanding.

Shining had come to the part he remembered the most, and it took all he had to keep his voice level and calm. "I wanted to hurt him so bad, Star. I could've. He was right there, and I was so close to doing it, but..."

Jet Set's voice rang in Shining's head as he tried to speak, repeating that same line on loop. "Oh! Out of her league, left her in a burning building, and quick to violence. I'm sure that will keep her with you."

Stardust reached a limb out and placed a hoof over Shining's own, an understanding and genuine pride dawning her features. "Ya were the better pony, Shiny. That must've taken a lot. Hay, if it would've been me, that stallion would be eating from his flank for the rest of his life."

Shining shot Stardust a look of confused fear, only for her to chuckle lightly at the shock on his face. "Don't worry, he'd still be alive." That didn't help. "But seriously, ya did pretty well for a colt in that situation.”

Shining eased up noticeably as he exhaled a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. Stardust finally knew, she didn’t blow up, and he got that bit of news off his chest. It was relieving but bittersweet at the same time. Just telling somepony about it didn’t make the problem go away.

“Are ya gonna tell Cadance about this whole thing now?” Stardust asked with a partially pleading look on her face.

“Yeah, tell the mare who just got through a near death experience that her relationship is crap to the closest things to neighbors she has.”

“Point taken,” she deadpanned back, “but ya still shouldn't put up with this! I bet none of those ponies would’ve done what ya did in the school.”

“Still, I don’t want Cadance to have to worry about anything right now. It’s only been about two weeks! You really think now’s the time to pour all this on her?”

“It’s gotta come out soon!” Stardust wasn’t gonna let up. That much was clear to Shining Armor.

Shining put his hooves to his temples and began to rub before letting out a sigh. “I know, I know, but just not now, okay. I’ve had this whole not knowing what I’m gonna do thing on my plate, and I’d rather tackle one problem at a time.”

The look Shining gave told Stardust that he wasn’t gonna let up as well. When he wanted to be, he could be stubborn. She didn’t know if he really did want to tackle one problem at a time, or if it was an excuse to not worry Cadance, either way, she knew she wouldn’t be able to persuade him today.

“Fine, Shiny,” she caved, “but if ya keep runnin’ into those ponies and they keep sayin’ that stuff, ya better tell Cadance about it. A relationship is helpin’ one another out to show ya willin’ to do whateva for them, a real one at least, and I can tell that’s what ya want. And just by seein’ the way Cadance looked at ya that night you two came by the restaurant, somethin’ tells me she’d like something like that too.”

Her words had an impact on Shining Armor, and it was showing. With more force, Shining rubbed his temples with a strained expression. So much to think about, and so many ways to approach his problems. For the second time that day, Shining had to admit that Stardust was right again.

“You’re right, you’re right, you’re right, but just not now, okay. I wanna let the whole fire incident blow over first, and then I’ll think about how I’m gonna tell her,” he practically begged.

Stardust gave a small smile at Shining’s plan. Yes, he’d still be holding the problem in, but only for a few more days, at least that’s what she hoped.

“Alright, Shiny,” she simply said. “Hey, why don’t we get outta here? Feel kinda bad I killed the fun.”

“You didn’t kill anything. I’m actually kinda glad you brought it up,” Shining countered happily.

Stardust kept her smile as she leaned over the table and gave Shining a light punch to the shoulder. “Any time, Shiny.”

“So, where do you wanna go now?” he asked while rubbing the shoulder she punched.

Immediately, Stardust had an answer. She was already out of her seat and by the gate of the outdoor cafe. “C’mon, I wanna show ya the apartment I was lookin’ at.”

Shining hopped out of his seat and met his friend at the gate before the two trotted off to their next destination.


It was a simple building. Nothing was falling apart, the various blue shades of paint seemed very well intact, and everything outside advertised the rooms available. Stardust had been true to her word about the closeness of the apartment building to her work, and the instant Shining saw the monthly price, he couldn’t help but gasp at what he saw.

“450 bits a month!?”

“Yup,” Stardust simply confirmed.

“Isn’t that a lot?”

“Compared to what it should’ve been, not really.”

A raised eyebrow and a crooked mouth gave Stardust the signal to go on. “Everything's workin’ in there, the building is in good shape, really it should've been more, but somethin’ came around.”

“What something?”

Like it was on cue, a slight rumble was felt in the ground. At first it was nothing, but within seconds, the sound picked up and the rumbling grew, sending loose pebbles of pavement in the air a few centimeters. Adding to the rumbling, sounded a distant holler of some sorts, growing with each second that passed.

Soon enough, one single unicorn stallion came into Shining Armor and Stardust’s field of vision. His grey coat was covered from the top by an assembly of shining gold-plated armor. Atop his head sat a golden helmet with a white and pale grey helmet crest. He ran down the street with a rushing pace and stern look glued to his face. Behind him came a sight Stardust and Shining Armor wouldn’t forget. Trailing the lone unicorn stallion came row after row of marching young stallions in silver-plated armor. While none of them looked nothing alike, they all moved as one, each bearing the same serious expression as the stallion in front of them.

As quickly as they came, they all vanished in the cloud of dust they left behind, leaving Shining Armor to shield his eyes from the blinding cloud.

Stardust let out a few coughs as the dust settled before waving a limb back and forth to clear the air. “Yeah, the apartment manager told me that the Royal Guard use these streets for some kind of trainin’. Somethin’ about knowing the city and all its streets for emergencies or somethin’.”

“And how does the Royal Guard tie in with the apartment deal?”

“Ya really think ponies wanna live where the ground rumbles at the most random of times? Let alone sleep through it?”

“What do you mean sleep through it?”

“The manager told me that they come and go at the most random times, depending on who’s leadin’. Sometimes it’s early in the mornin’. Sometimes in the afternoon. And sometimes, well, ya get the picture. Anyway, since they use these streets, some ponies don’t want to rent here, so prices got lowered, and here I am,” she finished off with a smirk.

“Aaaand you think you can sleep through this?”

“I lived in Manehatten for most of my life. A few stallions stomping on the ground, please! I slept through police sirens and construction crews.”

Shining gave a small shrug at Stardust’s answer before another small rumble ran through the ground.

“Oh yeah, the manager also said there’s usually more than one platoon the passes by,” Stardust pointed out as the rumbling grew, revealing another swarm of young stallions being led by another golden armored stallion. This time however, the lead stallion caught a glimpse of Shining Armor and came to a halt. The silver-armored platoon that soon followed the lead stallion also came to a halt when they saw their lead pony standing still.


Without hesitation, the group of young stallions all resumed their march through the street, kicking up dust in the process and partially blinding Shining Armor and Stardust once again.

When the dust settled, Shining Armor saw the lead stallion approach him. He too was a grey coated unicorn stallion. Very little could distinguish him from the previous lead stallion that brushed through the street a few minutes ago.

“You,” the stallion addressed to Shining Armor in a far less severe tone that he had on his platoon a few moments ago, “are you the colt that saved that foal from the gifted unicorn school?”

At this point, the stallion stood no more than two feet from Shining Armor, and it was then that the white colt took in the size of the stallion. He was a wall of armor and fur and looked like a force to be reckoned with.

“Yes?” Shining half-answered as he tried to keep his tone even towards the intimidating stallion.

Whether he could tell that Shining was nervous, or that Shining was terrible at hiding it, the grey stallion let a smile crack on his face as he extended a forelimb. “Sergeant Iron Defense.”

“Shining Armor,” he returned with a hoofshake of his own before turning to the blue mare next to him, “and this is my friend, Stardust.”

Stardust came up to the large stallion and extended her own limb which he shook as well.

“Pleasure to meet you young mare. I can see you and your coltfriend are a little confused, so I’ll make this quick.”

A deep red spread across Shining and Stardust’s faces at Iron Defense’s words.

“She’s not my—”

“And I’m not his—”

“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” Iron Defense laughed out for a few seconds at the teenage ponies’ baffled reactions. “I know who this colt is. He’s the one dating Princess Cadance. Plus, he doesn’t look like the cheating type.”

“Ugh, thank you?” Shining responded, once again back to his uneasy tone. “How did you know I’m dating—”

“You’re dating a princess of Equestria in the capital city. The real question is who doesn’t know.” Iron Defense’s answer forced Shining Armor into a small round of forced laughter. “You must be a good colt if her highness trusts you,” Iron Defense said with a proud smile and a scanning eye over Shining Armor. “And I believe you proved that a few days ago. Charging in there with no regard for your own personal safety. A little stupid, some would say, but you came back out with a rescued colt.”

Shining’s mind flashed the events of that day rather quickly in his head. He really hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but with this stallion spewing out details like he was there brought at all crashing down on him. He had saved a foal. Plain and simple. He saved a foal.

“And then, to go back into that place to try and rescue the Princess,” Iron Defense continued, “that took guts, kid. Hay, that took bravery. That took something that I wish everypony had in them.”

Shining didn’t know it, but he was smiling at the praise he was receiving. It never really clicked with him that he was brave, he just did what he felt needed to be done back there. “Thank you, sir.”

Iron Defense kept his smile as he stared down the young stallion before him. “Have you ever thought about your future, Shining Armor?” he suddenly asked.

“E-Excuse me?” Shining responded.

Iron Defense’s horn started to glow a deep yellow before a piece of paper appeared in a flash of white and yellow in front of the stallion’s face. He took it in his hoof and offered it to Shining Armor.

Shining took it in his own hoof and looked it over. His eyes widened at the print on the paper.

“Equestrian Royal Guard
Protecting their highnesses, protecting Equestria, protecting our citizens. WE NEED YOU!”

“I know it’s a little sudden, but, give it some thought. A young stallion with bravery like yours, well, Equestria would become a little stronger.” Iron Defense’s smile never faltered as he spoke his words, not even as he started to walk away from Shining Armor and the now wide-eyed Stardust when her eyes landed on the flier. Once he was a good distance away, he stopped again. “Oh, and, Shining Armor?”

Shining and Stardust looked up from the flier in the colt’s hoof.

“Think fast!”

What followed came in a blur. Neither of them could see the quickness of Iron’s movement. First, his horn glowed a bright yellow, then, he seemed to do a complete one eighty in half a second. From his horn, flared out one massive bolt of magic.

It came fast, pulsing with energy, ready to hit, but all it met was a bubble of lavender. The magic bolt shattered on impact, and the bubble of magic that surrounded Shining Armor and Stardust saw no trace of a scratch.

Shining released his magic with a terror stricken face at Iron Defense’s sudden attack. Stardust on the other hoof was not as paralyzed.

“WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT!!!” she shouted at the grey stallion.

“Just a little test for Shining Armor, and I gotta say, I’m impressed,” Iron simply answered.

Irregular breathing came from Shining Armor at Iron Defense’s answer. “W-Wh-What… do you mean?”

Iron Defense just pointed to the mark on Shining Armor’s flank. “I had a feeling it had something to do with defensive magic, but I didn’t expect that! Not even a scratch on your shield!” He began to rub his chin with a hoof as he kept his eye on Shining Armor. “You’ve got potential, Shining Armor. Just thought I’d let you know.”

Iron turned his eyes from Shining to the now less irritated looking mare standing beside her friend. “Sorry for the scare, ma’am,” he said with a small bow.

“Ughhh, yeah. No problem,” Stardust answered, surprised from the well-mannered display.

Iron Defense stood back up and flashed a small smile at the two before breaking into a full gallop toward his now long gone platoon, leaving Shining Armor and Stardust in a stunned silence.

“What… What just happened?”


The evening sun hung in the air as Shining approached the door to his house with the same stunned expression he held for the past few minutes. After his run in with the guard stallion, and after he got to check out what could be his friend’s new home, he and Stardust had decided to call it a day.

The flier given to him sat folded up in the bit bag around Shining’s neck, a penetrating reminder of everything Iron Defense had told him about being brave and having guts. To hear those words being spoken about him was new and unusual to him, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it.

Still, he now held in his bag an option to a problem that’s been on his mind for awhile now, an option that somepony could see potential in.

With a flick of magic from his horn, the front door cracked open, and Shining stepped inside. When he entered the living room, he heard the scrambling of hooves on the floorboards from the kitchen.


Once again, Shining Armor found himself in the vice grip of his mother.

“Oh, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Velvet exclaimed like Shining was a missing foal.

“C’mon, honey, he just went out for the day.” Night Light stepped into the living room and managed to separate the two, receiving a grateful look from his son in the process.

“Hi, guys,” Shining simply said after the pain from his mother’s grip faded.

“Hi, Shining. How was your day today? Did you get my note? Did you take it easy? You didn’t get hurt out there did you? So soon after the doctor sent you home?”

“Velvet,” Night Light chided slightly, ceasing the grown mare’s barrage of worry-filled questions. “So, Shining, how was today? Anything interesting happened?”

“Actually… something did happen,” Shining answered with hesitance. With his magic, Shining Armor pulled the flier out of the bit bag around his neck and smoothed it out before showing it to his parents.

“I got this.”