• Published 21st Nov 2012
  • 9,081 Views, 628 Comments

The Brother and The Sitter - Spike120812

A love story of Cadance and Shining Armor beginning back to Twilight's foal sitting days.

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One More Night

One More Night

Combine saving up for moving out, packing, work, and drafting new material for said work, Stardust thanked Celestia for the nights when Cadance and Shining Armor wanted to hang out. Not only was it the perfect stress reliever, it was simply fun. It also helped that the love birds that were her friends were up for a place that didn’t have what she came to slowly despise on the menu. After so many weeks working with, seeing, and smelling them, veggie burgers and hay fries nearly made Stardust gag at the thought of having that combo for a meal. Even the scent of the now-deadly combo that wasn’t at her work almost made her stomach churn.

The three had opted for one of the little outdoor cafes by Stardust’s house. Celestia had raised the moon a few hours ago, and the stars had filled the night, twinkling alongside the full, bright moon, painting a perfect night to be outside. Not being one to normally notice things like the simple beauty of her surroundings, Stardust found herself strangely looking around and noticing things she ignored; the way the streetlamps cast their light on the streets, the swirling shades of blue and black in the night sky, even the blooming flowers in pots and the life they added around the tables.

For a second, she wondered why she began to look into these things until her reason screamed out loud in her mind; it would be the last time the three of them would have nights out like this for a while.


Shining’s voice brought her attention back to the ponies in front of her. “Huh?”

“I said, are you gonna want another carrot dog?”

She stared down at her crumb-littered plate, and the little blots of mustard and ketchup still lingering the surface. “Nah, I’m good. Thanks anyway, Shiny.”

Shining turned his attention back to the pink princess sitting next to him, continuing a conversation Stardust paid half attention to.

It had been like that for the last hour or so. The three of them would be talking about something, then she’d drift off until Shining or Cadance would pull her from wherever she went. It was always the same thought that got her drifting off, and she knew her friends knew what it was. They just didn’t know how to breach the tender subject, so they went back to their meals or whatever it was they were talking about.

Stardust on the other hoof was not so hesitant or subtle. The clear avoidance of what was all on their minds was about as evident as a unicorn growing wings. “Elephant in the room, I’ll say it,” she said loudly, throwing her forelimbs up. “Shiny, ya leaving’ for boot camp tomorrow and we won’t see ya for a while.”

Shining came close to the perfect spit take at the sudden comment. “Star!”

“Thank you for saying it!” Cadance all but breathed out in relief as she slouched in her seat.

After giving Cadance a quick look, Shining whipped his head back to see Stardust give him a shrug.

“Well, dang, Shiny, what did ya expect? Tonight’s the last night the three of us are gonna be together for a while. You’ll be here one day and gone the next. Somethin’ like that’s gonna pop up.”

Shining didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. If anything really surprised him, it was how long she was able to go before breaking the ice on the subject. “I’ll give you that one, Star.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, well, ya know I don’t hold back. Still, when ya told me and Cady ya signed up, I could and couldn’t believe it. Could, ‘cuz I could see ya goin’ through with it nicely, and couldn’t, ‘cuz I find out later on that we only had three months left together. Now we’re at the last night.” Her horn glowed its green aura, crumbling a few napkins together into a ball. She flung it lightly at Shining’s chest where it dropped to the ground. “Ya jerk,” she said, somehow smirking as she laughed.

Rolling his eyes, Shining saw Cadance giggle at Stardust’s antics. He really couldn’t blame her. “Yeah, well, I’m the jerk that made sure to include his best friend in his last day at home plans,” he countered, matching the smug expression Stardust still held.

That smugness melted into a genuine smile as Stardust scooted her chair closer to the table. “Ya did, didn’t ya?” She reached across the table and gave Shining a light punch to his shoulder. “Thanks, Shiny. Means a lot.”

The smile across Shining’s face was all Stardust needed to know it was no problem. Turning her attention to Cadance, she rested her head on her hoof propped on the table. “What about ya, Cady? Ya coltfriend’s heading’ off for a while. Holdin’ up fine?”

Cadance gave a quick once over towards Shining Armor before she answered. “We already talked about it,” she said calmly while reaching for Shining’s hoof. “We’re still gonna stay in touch. He says he’s gonna write everyday, and when he gets back, I’ll be the second mare greeting him home.”

Stardust tilted her head as an eyebrow went up. “Second?”

“His mom’s probably gonna beat me to him. That and if I were the first one instead of her, princess or not, I think she’d tear the flesh from my bones.”

Stardust drew breath through clenched teeth as she straightened out in her seat. “Yeeeeeah, I’d bet. No offense, Shiny.”

“None taken. She’d… she’d probably do that,” Shining admitted as another mental image began to scar his mind.

“Speakin’ of which,” Stardust continued on, “how’s she doin’? Ya know, last day and everything.”

“Her, me, my dad, Twilight, and Spike all went out earlier today for a little family day in town.”

“Yeah? How’d that go?”

Shining made a face as he pondered his words. “Ughhhh…”


A few hours ago


Wailing cries. Wailing cries and a sobbing so forceful, they could move oceans. It wasn’t much of a surprise that everypony in the crowded restaurant stopped and stared at the source of those cries, which only added to the young stallion’s embarrassment as he continued his struggle to escape his mother’s hold on him while avoiding the numerous sets of eyes.

“No! No! Not yet! Not yet! I’m not ready!” Twilight Velvet clutched her son harder when she felt the tiniest millimeter of him slip away.

“Mom!” Shining managed to say through forced breaths, “I just need to go to the bathroom.”

“C’mon, honey, let him go,” Night Light said as he tried his hardest to separate his wife and son, barely making a trace of progress.

“Don’t say that horrible word!” The sobbing mare gained back the distance Night Light created between her and Shining, tightening her grip as more ponies stopped to see the side show.

“What? ‘Go’?”

“You said it again!”

“Mom!” Shining’s ragged squeak might as well have come from a mouse with laryngitis.

“My baby! My baby! My baby! Don’t leave me just yet!”

Somewhere in between Night Light’s futile attempts as a pony jaws of life, the onlooking eyes, the booming cries, and Velvet’s anaconda-like forelimbs, Shining could’ve sworn he saw a tunnel of bright light and some motherly voice calling his name.

From their table, Twilight and Spike watched on at the scene they called their family. Spike watched from his booster seat, completely unaware that his brother may or may not have been suffocating. Twilight remained in her seat, meeting Shining’s eyes. All she could do was give him sorrowful eyes and a pitied look of “I’m sorry.”




“Better than I thought it would go,” Shining admitted with a shrug.

Stardust couldn’t be bothered to hide her laughter. She was rolling on the ground, hollering in a disarray of spasmodic gasps and laughs. She gripped her sides as she began to settle down and stand back up. “Sorry, Shiny.” She paused to take a few much needed breaths. “The image… stuck in my head… and it’s freakin’ hilarious!” She found herself on the ground once again.

Cadance began to find holding in her giggles challenging, and even Shining joined in on his own bandwagon with his own roars of laughter. “I swear, one second longer and I would’ve been dead.” How he found that funny, even he didn’t know.

Once her giggles died down, Cadance turned to face Shining Armor. “Imagine if she hadn’t had three months to prepare for you heading off.”

All laughter died down from the stallion as his eyes set somewhere far off. Whatever crossed his mind sent shivers down Shining’s spine. “How about I don’t imagine that.”

Stardust picked up her glass and took a drink. “Wooo, you’d be a puddle, Shiny. Three months huh? Can’t believe we’re at the end of the line now. Nervous about tomorrow?”

“Second most nervous I’ve ever been.”

“What’s the first?” Cadance asked.

Shining suddenly tried avoided her eyes, only to be met with Stardust’s sly look. He tried hard to fight the sudden rise of temperature in his cheeks, but the blush that came put his efforts in vain. “Ugh, well, it was… when I tried to ask you out the first time.”

Cadance smiled warmly and leaned her head against Shining’s shoulder, unintentionally causing his cheeks to glow a brighter red.

“Awwww.” Stardust was gushing playfully, but the sentiment was still there. “And four months later, we still got the cutest pair of lovebirds in the city.”

To the couple still cozying next to one another, four months sounded too short for the amount of joy they brought one another. It was filled with its ups and downs like any other relationship, but just as they had said before, they weren’t going to let each other go that easily.

Since he joined up, Shining made it a point to make the time he had left at home the best he could for Cadance. Did he go overboard at times? At times. Did every single date and hang out go as planned? Being him and his life, no. Were all the little screw ups that came in a relationship make them stronger? Absolutely. They said they weren’t going to let one another go so easily, and they stuck to it, making every day they saw each other more magical than before.

“Ya got plans later on tonight?”

Cadance raised her head off of Shining’s shoulder. “Actually, Stardust, Shining’s taking me to the park for a little stargazing night.”

Her smug smile returned as Stardust swiveled in her seat to face Shining Armor. “Stargazing? What’s next? A ring?”

Hacking followed by a series of coughs ignited from the couple, starting up another round of laughter from the unicorn mare. “I’m teasin’ guys. It’s a cute idea.”

Shining beat down on his chest before responding in a struggled voice. “Thanks.”

“So, Stardust” Cadance began after regaining her regular breathing pattern and eagerly wanting to switch topics, “are you close to moving out now?”

“Still tryin’ to save up a bit more just to be on the safe side, but I’m getting’ there.” Hopeful dreaming wrote itself on Stardust’s smile and shown through in her eyes as she went off imagining what her near future would be like. “What about you, Cady? Any new princess stuff?”

“Not much. My aunt’s mostly been giving me a lot of Equestrian history lessons. A princess needs to know her country, right?” The others nodded. “There’s a lot of stuff she’s been teaching me that I didn’t know. Apparently there’s a lost kingdom up North made of crystals.”

“I thought that was a myth.”

“I thought so too. I don’t know, she kinda told me the story and dropped it.” She dragged out a sigh and rolled her eyes. “I can never get a straight answer with her. One minute she’s talking about crystals, next she’s talking about mirrors.”

“Mirrors?” the other two asked in unison.

“Long story, don’t worry about it.”

Whatever it was, Shining didn’t press on. It was little mentions like those that reminded him of the things Cadance would later on have to deal with. She was a princess after all. He knew there would be more to come for her, and she would have to face it. The same went for him. Tomorrow morning, he wouldn’t find himself in the bed he was so familiar with, nor the house he grew up in. Stardust was nearing a similar position, and she was more than eager to fling herself into the unknown.

“Everything’s changing, isn’t it?”

The girls’ ears flicked up before they glanced Shining’s way. It wasn’t like what he said never dawned on them before, but it still didn’t take the surprise out of it.

“Yeah,” Stardust said with another swig of her drink. “It is.”

Sensing the awkwardness he created, Shining gripped his glass and held it out in front of him above his head for the other to see. He was smiling triumphantly, like a hero in a history book. Cadance and Stardust couldn’t help but be infected by the presence he suddenly gave off.

“To a hopeful future.”

Cadance beamed at her coltfriend before she grabbed her own glass and held it up to his own. “To new adventures.”

Stardust’s glass found itself in the air with its comrades. “And ta not buckin’ everythin’ up.”

The glasses met with a *CLINK, and the three of them found themselves laughing once more. The next hour went by quickly as the three ponies simply talked, joked, and simply enjoying one another’s company. It would have gone on longer had the clock tower a few blocks away not caught Shining’s attention when the hour struck.

“Time to take your lady out?”

Shining met Stardust with an unamused stare, but a trace of a smile lingered. “Almost. I just got a few last minute things I need to set up. Mind if I leave real quick, you two?” They each waved him off with their hooves before Shining disappeared in a flash of magic.

With the young stallion gone, Stardust quickly scooted towards Cadance and propped her head up on her forelimbs. “Okay, Cady, spill. Shiny’s got more planned, and I know it.”

Intrusive to some, enjoyable to others. Cadance leaned towards the later after Stardust asked her question. That, and she was feeling gabby. “The stargazing is true, but he’s also trying to surprise me with some dessert picnic. He’s even bringing a phonograph for some romantic music.”

“How’s it a surprise if you know about it?”

“Shining’s not good at hiding his plans. Seriously, he actually draws them out. He has blueprints.”

Stardust slammed her hoof to her forehead and sighed, half out of amazement, and a little out of shame. “That ding dong tries too hard at times.”

Reluctantly, Cadance had to agree. She wasn't going to lie to herself. “Yeeeeah, he does, but it’s nice to know he cares that much. It’s just that… ugh…”

Her hesitance didn’t go unnoticed. Stardust leaned in closer with quizzical eyes, urging Cadance to continue on.

“Don’t get me wrong, Stardust, its just that Shining’s done all this amazing stuff for me, he’s made me feel so special the last few months, and he goes out of his way just to make me smile. He does so much, and sometimes I feel like I don’t do enough for him.”

“You make him happy.”

“And I can see that, but…” She bit her lip and pondered her thoughts. Was this even something to be worried about? “I don’t know. I feel like I could do more, but I just don’t know what. Anytime I have even the slightest hint of an idea on what I could do for him, or how I could be romantic, he blows my idea out of the water. And I honestly can’t think of anything that I’ve done for him that could match up to what he’s done for me. He’s taken me into the city, introduced me to so much that I’d never would’ve known about on my own, and he’s one of the few ponies that doesn’t treat me differently just because I’m a princess. Hay! Because of him, I got to meet you. I gained a good friend because of him. What have I done for him?”

A smooth intake of air and a calm exhale later, Stardust had Cadance’s full attention. “Cady, it’s not a contest, but I can see where ya comin’ from. Shiny’s just always put alotta heart in what he does. If it helps, the dates that he plans, it’s all him. Honestly, he’d go more overboard if I didn’t talk him out of it.”

It did help, but it made Cadance wonder what kind of things Shining would’ve done. Their first date was in one of the fanciest restaurants in Canterlot. It boggled her mind to think of what else he could’ve planned.

“And as for the whole he’s done a lot for you thing, and I’m sayin’ this to be honest, he kinda had a lot to work with.”

Cadance lowered her eyes in an unamused stare.

“What? A pony that never got to really live outside her home? Ya feel like he’s shown ya show much because ya hadn’t seen a lot to begin with anyway, but if ya really want to try and do something for him like he’s done for you, ya might hafta wait and see what ya can actually do. Shiny’s a pretty stable guy. Not much ya can really do for him that ya haven’t already.”

“Yeah, well, what have I really done for him already?” she said as her expression sunk a bit.

“Ya gave him confidence in the two of ya as a couple. Remember?” She could see the reminiscent look flicker brightly in Cadance’s eyes as a dreamy smile crossed her lips. “Ya told him that no matter what other ponies said, it wouldn’t come between the two of ya. Really, ya gave him the best thing he coulda asked for at the time.”

Humming, buzzing, a tingly feeling? Whatever it was that was coursing through Cadance at the moment brought her back to her normal self and had her beaming like a lighthouse. If she could say she did at least one thing for the colt that had been so good to her, it was that she would stand with him, and she had.

Even after almost four months together, and even after numerous trots through the city, certain ponies still didn’t agree with the idea of a princess dating somepony they saw beneath her. They’d never say anything out loud when Cadance was around, nor would they give Shining those penetrative and disapproving glares. They wouldn’t even hiss or whisper a side-comment like they usually would whenever the two were seen together. They’d save it for when Shining was alone, or when the two were out of sight, but that didn’t matter. What Cadance had told him that night he brought the elite up kept him strong. She gave him strength. She had done something for him.

Fuzzy? Strange? Uplifting? Whatever the feeling it was that was coursing through her, it let Cadance let go of her worries, letting them flow out of her to be replaced by the blanketing warmth she was experiencing. “Thanks, Stardust.”

Stardust gave Cadance a light pat on her back. “No prob. And hey, if bein’ a little more romantic is what you’re aimin’ at, try and be the one to set the mood.”

“How do I do that?”

Taking a few seconds to think, Stardust tapped her chin with her hoof until an idea ignited. “You said he was bringing a phonograph, right?”

Cadance nodded. Stardust wasted no time in scooting away towards her saddlebag. She dove in and scoured through her bag in an animated fashion before popping back up with something in her hooves.

“A record?” Cadance asked after scanning the item.

“Yeah,” Stardust said with a nod and an eager smile. “I went ova to a record store earlier and picked this one out. I wanna let ya be the first ta use it. Spin the track and ya got a cheesy movie scene.” She was practically shoving the record in Cadance’s face, subliminally letting her know she wasn’t taking “no” for an answer.

“Okay, thanks, Stardust,” Cadance said as her magic took hold of the record and put it in her own saddle bag.

“Just lookin’ out for my friends. Now look alive, ya coltfriend’s comin’.”

Cadance turned her head, and sure enough, Shining Armor was trotting back to the cafe, hiding his eagerness rather poorly. She couldn’t help but smile back at his antic. “Ready?”

“All set.”

Cadance stood up to gather her saddlebag. After strapping it on, her body shifted, facing Stardust. Shining was looking at her as well, unsure of just how to say goodbye. It was weird, knowing once he took off, he wouldn’t be hanging out with her for a while. So many words could’ve been said right then and there, and so many mistakes could’ve come out of the whole ordeal, but Stardust wasn’t going to have any of it. She stared at the two with half-lidded eyes and a little smirk before she stood up as well and motioned for them to come over.

“C’mon, bring it in. Give Star some love.”

It was all that was needed; the three of them all together in a group hug. Suddenly, all those possible mess ups were ridiculous, improbable to the three ponies. Just as sudden, all the words that could’ve been said were unnecessary, a waste of air, nothing compared to the embrace they were in.

“Shiny,” Stardust called from within their hug, “when ya get back, the three of us are gettin’ together ta do somethin’, got it?”

“Got it, Star.” Shining knew she was being strong. Never one to break easy, never one to really show the mushy side of herself, and always looking forward to the good times ahead if things went her way. He’d miss that. He’d miss the fire she always held, her confident stride, even the jokes and friendly teasing she mastered.

He’d be back. It was the one thought that kept him from pulling something his mother would do.

The three parted. Stardust backed up a few steps to take in some air. A breath later and she still had her smirk. “Now get outta here, lovebirds. Make the last night count.”

Shining smiled when he was reminded that he still had one more piece of business to attend to; making sure Cadance had a good ending to a great night. He took her hoof, catching her by surprise, and pointed his head in another direction.

“See you tomorrow, Stardust?” Cadance asked.

She nodded. “Yeah.” Now her eyes were on Shining. “See ya soon?”

He nodded. “Yeah. You’ll see me soon.”

Not knowing what else to do, Stardust went with one of the few things she knew how to do… punch Shining in the arm. “Now quit tryin’ to make this goodbye dramatic and go show Cady a good night before I punch ya stomach into ya brain.”

Shining resisted the urge to rub his slightly aching arm, but still couldn’t control the snicker and eye roll that came. Along with Cadance, he spun around on his hooves with his path to the park in sight. When they were a couple of buildings down, he called over his shoulders. “See you soon, Star!”

Stardust’s voice traveled over to the couple loud and clearly. “See ya soon, Shiny! See ya tomorrow, Cady!”

“See you tomorrow, Stardust!”

Final goodbyes out of the way, Stardust watched on as her friends trotted on, their forms growing smaller with each step. As she looked on, she could make out Cadance leaning ever so easily into Shining’s shoulder. A wide grin made its way on her face at the princess’s action.

“Callin’ it, those two are gonna get married.”