• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


Even in a happy land like Equestria, there are a few small matters that must be handled. And of course, stuff needs to be said or sold. Whether it be talking of marginalized groups or selling cider, these are the spots between television programs.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 79 )

I'm Roani? Is this a parody of the 'And I'm a Mormon' PSAs? because if they are good job /)

Ohhh, I am loving the concept of this fic! This is going to be good!

This looks like a really neat idea. A better alternative to an encyclopedia Equestria, at least

Nice! I like it. The Ro(m)ani deserve more attention and respect.


Parody or homage, really. I'm not cool with trying to whitewash a Big Brother cult like Mormons with thank kind of naked propagandizing but it's mostly harmless. They don't deserve scorn for things folk think; they deserve it for what they do like forced tithes, magic underwear, misogyny, and an attempt to bury their history and pretend they ever said non-whites were either evil or born from traitors and could turn white with faith.

I got the format from that, but I've been meaning to do this. It's generally akin to all awareness cmapaigns.


I sure hope so. The next part is coming next week when I have wifi access for my laptop.


Another fine idea but I like to drizzle out my worldbuilding a bit at a time. It makes it easier to integrate the bits into stories.

1670404 Okay man very good homage/parody. One thing that's inaccurate about your deserve for scorn our tithes are not forced, members are free to choose whether or not they pay them. Free agency is a core religious principle. That's all I'm going to say on the subject for now because the internet is not place for religious fights.

I like this so far, wonder what other kind of PSAs the ponies have for us? :trixieshiftright:

cheery ads.Then Not sure if it's a formatting thing or you just missed a space.
great and Powerful. Trixie disapproves of your capitalization failure.
bench a the ear of the table. ...What? at the end of the table?

Nice to hear from you again, and good to hear that you will be connected to the world again soon.


Not really. This is just how I've been doing it lately. Uploading during the one day a week I have wifi access on my laptop.

I noticed the errors much later. I'm gonna get to those later. The site seems to hate iPhones, because everything takes forever.


I would actually argue that's only partially correct. Religion is (sometimes) freely chosen, true, but all impose strictures of some kind that are non-negotiable as conditions of membership. That all leaves out the concept of "soft power" manipulation. It's not the mob boss "pay this vig or I break your legs" it is, actually, more insidious. "Stay in line or your neighbors will know it and take away social grants." The governing authority can impose sanctions or restrict church rights, which can be a social death sentence if you are in a majority-or-only that denomination region. And depending on the character of those surrounding, it could be dangerous. There's a reason you make DAMN sure you look, talk, think and act Baptist in the deep, dark South.

1677191 I agree, although tithing is done in private in the LDS between member and Bishop


That comment was about your absence last week.


Oh, that was because I had nothing to post and little to say.

I really enjoy the worldbuilding you've got going on here!

All the praise for you my friend, I'm loving it :heart:.


Worldbuilding is a particular passion of mine. I engage in it whenever I can. Glad it is appreciated.


Thank you kindly. I'm having fun doing these.

Spike is single but Twilight is married to Pinkie Pie, well that's certainly not something you see every day. :pinkiegasp:

Surprised to see that Braeburn wasn't in this one, considering what a lot of fans like to think of him. :duck:


Spike tries too hard. So he's the desperate teen with too much body spray that drives his mothers crazy.

As for Brae... No. Just no. I am actually at the forefront of Gayburn hate. Normally I'd have just a short ending with a single character but I opted out. It was going to be Hoity Toity, but I've decided to leave his sexuality ambiguous.

1709058 I'm actually supporting that decision, it's like fans saying Rainbow Dash is a lezbian, we don't know for all we know they could swing both ways if you know what I mean. :eeyup:/:duck:

The first four sentences bug me, they feel like they should be two sentences with commas.
town. Pleasant. Again, comma there, not a new sentence.
Changeling, and kissing. The 'and' is unneeded.
there a shot. Missing an 'is' there.
dragon. Spike. A semicolon seems more appropriate.

So many old friends get to make an appearance again, I'm loving this series so far.

Aww, Spike, you might be trying too hard.


That's why he's awesome.


I've actually got a new head canon with Hoity Toity; he and Photo Finish are Vinyl's parents. I got it from My Roommate's a Vampire and it just clicks, think of the sunglasses.

As for this chapter, it seemed a little weaker, but that's probably due to my dislike for "Hey, I didn't see you there" premises. I love Pokey's little coming out speech.


Well, come on, even in beautiful Equestria there are cheesy and marginally successful spots put out by the government. Perhaps you noticed, Golden Stare shares your eye-rolling disdain. He's an upright, professional, serious-minded and completely whipped stallion. Sure, he thought it was dumb, even despite the Princess herself picking him for it. But damned if he didn't do it with the most grudging smile on his face because his husband gave his the puppydog blush. Now that's love.

And yes, the coming out speech was nice. I'm fascinated by how something like that would work in a peaceful and very kind nation like Equestria.


I did appreciate Golden's reactions, the cheese was off the scale with the shower part.

Now we need the call from Pokey's mother after she sees the PSA; so many possible reactions, all of them interesting.

What the heck is a Randomoid?


The Equestrian equivalent of a Randroid, and a very, very big concern.

In "Bad Apple Chronicles 5: Apple Shrugged" Bad Apple exposed Any Random as a treasonous madmare who wanted to conquer all of Equestria and enforce her "got mine, buck you" philosophy, including through killing the Princesses with the magical equivalent of a nuke. She was captured by Bad Apple and most of the big players either arrested with her or found through a paper trail. But there are still others out there and there are more buying their ideas. It's a small group but deadly. Cultish, really. Like real Objectivists.

1746199 Where can you find "Bad Apple Chronicles" cause I've never heard of them. :eeyup:

The captured me. They

Your short sentences are driving me nuts, not because they are grammatically wrong, but because they aren't the way I'd structure them. So many places for commas and semicolons, yet periods are correct as well; it hurts my brain. Oh well, just nit-picking.

Emerald seemed to be going in and out of her dog sentence structure, not a huge deal, but it was a bit jarring in a few places.


Just scroll up and hit the stories button, you will be transported to the magical land of Gabriel's ponyverse.


T'were it not for your ignorance, I would strike you down for questioning my suggestions. Yes, they are very good, probably the best on the site. At very least, Gabriel has built the most complete world of Equstria aside from canon itself.


The short sentences seem to feel like they suit the piece. Second person stories are weird to me in general, so i'm not sure how to do it.

On a second read-through you're right. I justify it... well, I don't really. But ironically, Dog-speak is a lot harder than grammatically correct speech. Though if you like, you can imagine she's gotten supplemental Equestrian speech lessons. Now it's sort of coming in. But Dogs are just... from another culture.

I wish to see more of this multicultural Equestria.


In dialogue, short sentences are fine, it's just in the narration it bugs me. Again, not wrong, I just love my commas.


The more you know... the more you see what friendship could be :twilightsmile:


One question, though- are Diamond Ponies quadrupeds or Bipeds? I imagine Sapphire looking a little like a satyr....

Awww.... this is why I like the world you've created. It's so multicultural, definitely felt like an after school special.


I tried to make it clear but I guess I bobbled it. She's a biped... inasmuch as regular Diamond Dogs are bipeds (They may be upright but their hands seem to reach the ground by and large.) Yea, satyr I guess, or a Minotaur. Recall, I explained Iron Will as resulting from the union of a Diamond Dog and a cow. :twilightsmile:


It has ever been my contention that Equestria is that way, surviving on love and assimilation and letting all come as long as they keep the peace. And then comes romance, and marriage, and babies.

I hope Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon learned something important from all of this. :duck:

Was not expecting an Are You Being Served reference from you. Nopony else seems to remember that show. Anyway, this was a very nice chapter.

P.S. I may request your assistance in the future with a story Idea I have for my OC, an astronomer named Solar Flare. You're very good at writing OC stories, so I figured you would be a good person to ask.

We have do different things.”. Sentence does not compute.

I really love these things, your talent for world-building just shines. Oh, and Mrs. Sloe Comb, I see what you did there.


I believe this is the definition of an after-school special.


I watch it every Saturday night on PBS, along with most of the other great British comedies.


Yes! See, I knew that name sounded familiar, but I couldn't connect the dots.


Oh, that's the... weird thing I have about them. They're better-than-you over Blank Flanks. But I have this notion that they're not speciesist. It shows more clearly in "The Day Without" when they have at least one (of not more) family members who are Diamond Dogs (And implicitly, Roani as well). They might get soemthing out of the "Don't be bullies" message. But the "Respect hybrids" message is a bit lost on them, they already have that down.


I love that show so much and have contemplated making a pony version of it several times, though I always hesitated because the idea is just too out there, and perhaps obscure.

If you don't mind week-long delays between help, I can offer myself for that. I already do plot and correction work for another friend. Just send a private message here.

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