• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 22,507 Views, 1,783 Comments

The Winds of Change - AgentSnail

A man named Jason wakes up in Equestria as a changeling, and must quickly adapt to blend in and survive. Making use of unlikely allies, can he forge a usable existence into this strange and surprisingly hostile new world?

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The Chase

The Chase

"Well, shit."

Twilight was still walking towards Jason, with smoke trails literally coming off of her back, he assumed from rage. "You think you can come here and just steal love from innocent ponies!?!? You're worse than your stupid queen, and probably just as overconfident." She was still walking straight at him, Applejack at her side.

He looked at his hooves. 'Great, I get here AFTER the wedding, just my luck..' He looked up, to see twilight STILL walking. 'How far was I blown away?' he turned around, and faced an angry crowd of ponies, presumably the townspeople that had been staring at him only moments before. 'Well that explains why she's walking...guess she thinks I'm trapped.' He chuckled. 'And she thinks I'M overconfident.' Some of the villagers had grabbed random things off of the street to use as weapons, and one was carrying a dirt clog. "Ooh I'm scared now, don't kill me with that wad of dirt bro." A chunk of dirt went whizzing over his shoulder. Jason's expression turned to one of disbelief. 'Wow. Ponies can throw. How do they...' Jason was suddenly picked up by a purple aura, somewhat expectantly. He turned his head, smiled, tried to flip her off before he realized he didn't have fingers, and teleported.

He heard another pop and whoosh, and appeared outside of Twilight's library, because frankly, it was the only well known place he could teleport to, and even though he hadn't read the whole section in the book, it still didn't sound like a good idea to teleport to an unknown spot. 'What if I accidentally teleported inside of a wall, or even a pony? What would happen then?' He preferred not to think about it, instead focusing on the wave of fatigue that was washing over him. He ignored his tiredness and ran inside. When he saw that there was no one around, he transformed into a light brown pegasus stallion with a light red mane. He really liked having wings.

"Where the hell is spike? I haven't seen the little guy at all, not that him providing an extra obstacle to my getaway would be good, but still." He thought for a moment. "Oh yeah, he sleeps a lot. Or he could be stalking Rarity. Well either way...ugh, god dammit" He shook his head. "Priorities, what to do, what to do..." he looked around "I should really get something on changelings, because honestly, I know nothing about my own species." He trotted over to the nearest bookshelf, and stared at the books. "What the hell kind of a system is this? What's the pattern here?" Remembering the pressing time scale, he sprinted around to different bookshelves, yet found no hints on the system, nor any books he was looking for. "You can't honestly tell me that she doesn't have a book on changelings. I mean, this is Twilight we're talking about here." he noticed a few books on a table, one of them open. He pushed the open book closed, and looked at the cover. He deadpanned. A Brief History of Changelings, read the cover. "I really hope this doesn't mean she was already on to me, because that would explain her lack of questions earlier. She is supposedly pretty smart though, so I guess it's easily possible." He shuddered a little. He didn't like being the ignorant one.

He tucked the book under a wing, slightly surprised at how small it was, at least compared to some of the other books he could've taken. Deciding he had wasted enough time, he magically opened the door after a few tries with moving the doorknob, and sprinted out.

The Town in the direction of the schoolhouse was quickly turning into a disaster area. Not in the sense of burning houses and dead babies, but more in the sense of ponies running everywhere in a complete panic. "Oh yeah, I caused this," Jason congratulated himself, with a metaphorical pat on the back after realizing that a normal one was now impossible. Then things unsurprisingly went wrong.

Twilight was making a bee-line strait for the library, now in full gallop, with the mob from before following closely. 'Yep, she had her suspicions, I guess.' He watched as she threw open the door to the library, and finding no one, screamed in anger. 'not sure how she knew I would go to the library though. Am I really that predictable? Apparently.' More smoke rose off of her. Then, she seemed to realize something, closed her eyes, and charged up her horn. The horn's glow quickly grew in intensity, becoming blindingly bright, forcing Jason to look away. Jason was worried, to say the least. After a few more seconds, he decided that the best move in this situation would probably be to run, especially considering that one of the most powerful beings in this world was charging up some sort of unknown spell, probably directed towards him.

He sprinted away, turning to look in time to see Twilight release a huge shield like wave. While he may have had no idea what the spell did, whatever it was it couldn't be good, and it definitely pertained to him specifically. The expansion of the "shield" started slowly, but then sped up considerably, quickly gaining on Jason. He couldn't out-run the spell, and it passed over him, with no apparent effect.

"He stopped running, wondering what the point of the spell was. "What was the reason for her to use all that magic to do nothing? I mean--" He felt nauseous. The feeling got worse and worse until he felt like he was going to throw up, but after a few retches, found that nothing was coming up. It wasn't like he had eaten anything anyway. He suddenly felt dizzy and fell onto his side, noticing the flickering of his hoof out of the corner of his eye while his ears rang, drowning out all outside noise. "Oh no, no, no..."

He started to feel a horrible burning pain, starting from his hooves and moving up his body, removing the disguise as it went, yet there was no green fire, and the transformation progressed much slower. He started screaming and flailing his hooves around, writhing on the ground, trying to smear the pain into the dirt. It almost felt like someone was peeling his skin off, and that all of his bones were getting stretched, reshaped and bumped into one another. After the burning sensaton and the feeling of shifting bones had mostly left his body, some of the dizziness passed as well, and he tried to get up, attempting to look himself over. His vision swam. 'No blood or gore, so apparently I'm fine. I don't feel fine.' He looked to his side to see an approaching crowd of ponies, probably having been alerted by Twilight. 'Lesson learned. Forced transformations hurt. A lot.' he thought. He stood there for a moment trying to get over the pain and move, before he remembered the large concentration of ponies nearby that wanted to cause him bodily harm.

Fear took over his body. He got up and sprinted as best he could, falling once as he tried to accelerate. He went straight towards a close street corner, and turned down another street. In full panic mode, he ran through several groups of colorful blobs, and made one of them angry when he knocked something over. When the blobs saw him, they all seemingly stopped and stared, seemngly amazed at the blatant presence of a changeling. He made a few more turns onto new streets, somehow not managing to hurt himself, and then cut into an alleyway. He saw what looked like a doorway, and sprinted towards it, and fell into a pile of garbage. "Wha..." His vision cleared slightly. What he had thought was a door was actually a small space between a dumpster and the wall of the alleyway. He quickly moved the dumpster closer to the wall, moved behind it, and patched up the openings with inconspicuous piles of garbage. He flopped onto the ground, panting. He checked himself for injuries, and finding nothing of interest, resumed his panting. The book about changelings fell out from under his wing. Jason briefly turned his attention towards the book, silently acknowledging its presence, yet too tired to question how he had managed to hold onto it.

Jason laid there for a moment, thinking and trying to recover, still feeling nauseous. Now he felt ridiculously fatigued and sore to boot, even more so than that time he had ran a marathon. Realistically, he shouldn't have been this tired. "I must be running out of love." he felt a feeling of despair hit him. "Some changeling I am, a few hours and I'm revealed to the whole town. AND I'm running out of energy because I couldn't manage to steal hardly any love from anyone. Not that that's a bad thing, I guess." He looked at his surroundings, the trash bags, the rusty back side of the dumpster, and sighed.

"This fucking stinks."

Author's Note:

So I went back and edited this. Parts of it read much better, although it was really only a cursory job. I tried at least. Maybe I'll get around to completely re-writing this later.