• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,605 Views, 100 Comments

Something worth fighting for - Mr Andrews Pupil

Luna got sent to the east coast of Canada. What happened after was anyponys guess

  • ...

13- Homecoming

The next few day's were, simply put, interesting. Alec and Luna had stayed inside almost entirely. They had decided to do their best to teach each other the written variant's of their respectful languages for the remainder of Raymonds absence. Alec had butchered equestrian at first. The waste bin had long ago overflown with crumpled paper.

Luna on the other hand had caught on to english almost instantly. Within 3 days she was writing paragraphs on par with your average high school student.

By a week Alec was able to remember the 26 equestrian versions of his native alphabet. It wasn't really that useful though. Anyone would be quick to label him crazy if he demonstrated it for any reason.

With the only real issue out of the way, Luna had spent most of the final day putting her newfound skills to use. Alec's living room floor was hidden by all sorts of books he'd had on his shelf.



Nothing was safe from english reading Luna.

Alec was, not surprisingly, was sitting on the front steps as the sun went down, waiting for Raymond.

"You said you'd be on time" he growled impatiently.

A few minutes later, the Honda could be heard as it turned into the drive.

Alec called into the house.

"Luna, Raymond's here. I'm gonna introduce him slowly so stay put ok?

"Mhm Hm" she responded faintly.


"And put the book down please"

"Fine" Luna pouted leaving the "History of flight" for another time.

"Jeez, she's getting worse than Twilight"

Alec tried to remain calm as Raymond pulled up in front of the steps.

"Miss me?" he said getting out.

Alec rolled his eyes as he got up and opened Hondas trunk.

"Oh for fuck sakes"

Inside the trunk was a box. That alone gave Alec the chills. Every time Raymond got back from any outing whatsoever, he would always bring him back a souvenir of some sort.

"What could it be this time?" Alec sarcastically mused as he handed raymond his bags, keeping the box for himself.

"Trust me, you'll love it" Raymond said heading over to his own house.

The box was only big enough to hold something along the lines of a baseball.

Alec shook it. Nothing.

Raymond had finished at his house and had returned to see Alec still guessing.

"Just open it" He finally said.

Alec opened it, and wasn't too surprised by the contents.

"Seeds" Alec said bluntly.

Raymond then exploded into laughter. In-between gasps for air he was able to explain what Alec failed to get.


Alec stared at the pile of plant eggs completely dumbfounded. Raymond's jokes were sometimes good.


"Ok, just to make sure you never do this again, I'm going to plant these" Alec said flatly walking over to the side of the house.

He turned the box over letting the seeds fall on the closest thing Alec had to a patch of dirt.

One thing about Nova scotia. Theres no dirt underneath it. Only rocks.

Alec came around the side of the house to find Raymond gone.

"Oh no"

Alec dashed inside as fast as he could. Raymond had only one reason for going inside his house at this point.


Alec burst into the living room to find a startled Luna laying on the floor reading "Muscle cars of the 70's"

Not seeing Raymond, Alec pulled a 180 but stuck his head back in a few seconds after.

"Running out of books?"

Luna shook her head.

"I find this one quite interesting"

Alec smiled to himself as he went to the second most likely place for Raymond to be.


He stopped just outside the door. The squeaking of a chip bag being opened confirmed his suspicions.

"You know i think those are 6 months old" he said casually walking over to the culprit stuffing his face with Lays.

"Really? oh well" Raymond shrugged stuffing another handful into the maw that raided Alec's pantry almost too frequently.

Alec admired his ignorance, it was sometimes all he had.

Alec took a seat on a barstool until he finished.

"Ray, can i tell you something"

The seriousness in Alec's voice affected him greatly as he took a seat beside him.

"Is it bad?"


"Than why don't you tell me?"

"Well... why don't i just show you"

Raymond grew confused at that moment. What could Alec possibly have to show him that required him to see rather than hear about.

They walked down the hall towards the living room. Raymond pestered Alec with random guesses during the trip.



"Mini bar?"

"Would be nice, but still no"

"Call of Halo Gears- Modern black splinter cry 8?"

Alec stopped and looked at Raymond. He shrugged with a cheesy grin.

"C'mon, wouldn't that be sweet?"

Alec grabbed him by his collar and hauled him the rest of the way to avoid and more guesses. Stopping just short of the living room Alec once again turned to Raymond.

"Now, what you're about to see, you cannot tell a single goddamn soul, understand?"

Raymond nodded in excitement.

"Oh and one more thing..... try not to faint"

They entered at the same time. Luna hardly looked up from the book she was clearly absorbed in. A quick cough from Alec made her look over the top and greet Raymond rather curtly.

"You must be Raymond. Hello I'm Luna"

Her head was behind the cover less than a second later.

Alec focused more on Luna's reaction than Raymonds. So when Luna failed to even acknowledge him and not hearing a sound beside him, Alec assumed all had gone well.

"Well that went we-"


Both Alec and Luna looked to see Raymond out cold in the door way.

"Was it something i said?" Luna asked worriedly.

"No Luna, he's just a fanboy who hasn't practiced this scenario enough"

"And you have?"



Luna giggled setting the book down. She went over to Raymond and whispered in his ear.

"You know, it is considered rude to faint in the presence of royalty" She said trying to sound as if she were addressing a summit.

Alec just shook his head and kneeled beside her.

"Raymond, c'mon dude don't make me put you on the couch for the night"

Minutes passed. Raymond continued his impression of a Snorlax with amazing commitment.

Pretty soon, Alec realized his only option.

Eventually, after much lifting and more physical contact with his neighbour than he was comfortable with, Alec had Raymond on the couch like a drunk... at least as far as he could tell. Whenever the two of them drank they always crash and burn hangover- wise.

Over time any alcoholic beverage became on par with water. Just something else to drink.

Luna had read the entire transfer of Raymond to couch. She looked up periodically to chuckle at Alec, who (at this point regrettably) insisted that she not help. Luna agreed, partially because she hardly knew Raymond, partially because she was almost done the epilogue.

"Isn't that like your 3rd one tonight?" A winded Alec said plopping down on the floor beside her.

"Indeed. Your variety of books on the human species is still mind boggling"

The final page flipped to reveal sources and credits. With the book finished, Alec watched as she closed the book on auto history and proceeded to her room. Alec followed as she levitated the sheets back with what little magic remained, and crawled under the covers.

"Alec" Luna said as he was about to go across the hall.

"Hm?" he turned resting an arm on the doorframe.

"I hate myself for asking this but... it's just that I feel safer when we're together so... could I..."

"Say no more" Alec cut her off. "I understand thing's are kinda messed lately, and until your sister finds a way to get you back, i have no problem with that"

Luna almost tripped as she zipped across the hall into Alec's bed.

Alec remade her bed and joined her on the opposite side. In his nightwear, Luna couldn't help but stare and blush.

"What?" Alec asked noticing the red spread throughout her face.

"I just can't believe you agreed so quickly" She said still staring.

"Wer'e friends Luna, it's not like we're doing anything"

"True" She said quietly.

Alec turned out the light.

In the dark, Alec's words echoed through Luna head.

"It's not like we're doing anything"

"We're doing anything"


Luna quickly shook her head as thoughts of "anything" began to creep in.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked herself aloud accidentally.

"Who? me?" Alec said turning over to face her and propping his head on his elbow.

"Oh, no Alec I was just hum..."

Alec raised an eyebrow at her.

"Im just cold" Luna suddenly blurted.

She knew it was a bad excuse, she had fur after all, but the heat of the moment had gotten the best of her.

"Really?" Alec asked. He had turned the heat on a few hours before, but Luna may not be used to this type of weather. It was already september and the nights were becoming colder.

Alec knew not of what would happen if he tried what he was about to try. But when you have a magical princess from another world that's cold, you damn well keep her warm.

"Luna, come closer"

"Excuse me?" she turned over to face him.

"Put your body against mine. It'll keep you warm a bit"

Luna's brain told her no, but her heart told her yes.

Guess which one she listened to?

She faced away from him and scootched up against his chest. The initial feeling was foreign. She had seen him with his shirt off only once before, and to be this close against his smooth skin felt cold at first, but she quickly found herself questioning wether that was a lie she had said before.

Perhaps she really was cold.

Alec almost gasped when he felt ulnas back press against him. Her coat was satiny and cool, giving Alec goosebumps from the initial chill.

Alec slowly felt Luna press herself further against him. Her spine, her heartbeat, her slightly expanding chest, Alec felt it all.

"Holy shit, this is awesome" Alec thought to himself.

He finally draped a hand over her chest. The resulting increase in her heart rate meant she was still awake. She nuzzled her cheek against his hand.

"What happened to not doing anything?" she asked sleepily with a faint smile forming.

Alec was lost in the warmth of her fur and took a moment to sleepily respond.

"Mmmmmmm nighty - night to you too Luna"

Luna sighed and giggled as Alec buried his face in her withers.

She also felt one other thing, something that she had needed to feel since she had arrived, and no where was this more present than where she was right now.

She felt safe.


Author's Note:

Sweet Celestia!!!! almost 50 likes.

I honestly did not expect this for my first story. Thank you to everypony who faved or commented or followed. It really means so much guys :)

Next chapter will be up soon.......assuming the blizzard doesn't knock out the internet :(

Until then..... (Insert witty goodbye here)