• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,611 Views, 100 Comments

Something worth fighting for - Mr Andrews Pupil

Luna got sent to the east coast of Canada. What happened after was anyponys guess

  • ...

Last night on earth Pt. 2

All Alec wanted to do was panic. Panic seemed like the only thing possible at that moment, Outside his door was one (possibly two) armed police officers who probably wouldn't hesitate to put all three of the houses occupants down or worse if they refused to open the door. Alec and Raymond would likely be imprisoned for a very long time and Luna would be shipped off to an unknown fate.

That would be ending the night on a bad note.

Instead, Alecs mind applied the brakes which enabled him to remember that they still hadn't heard or seen anything. As far as the cops were concerned, the house was empty. Alec looked to Ray and Luna. He brought a finger to his lips and beckoned Luna over to a cupboard under the sink. Opening the two doors slowly, he carefully slid some contents aside to make room for Luna. When he was done, she stepped across the kitchen like it was a minefield. The slightest creak or tap would give the law enforcement outside all the reason they needed to believe that someone inside was hiding and break in. That would be game over for everyone at that point.

Fortunately, Luna had the leery steps of a ghost and found herself sliding into the cupboard as the police knocked a second time.

"Hello? is anyone home? Please, come to the door immediately"

Alec glanced at Raymond, who mouthed to him:

"Why Isn't he leaving?"

Alec gave him a mirthless look and pointed up at the kitchen light that could be seen from the front door.

Raymond blushed briefly before the reality of the situation sank back in. He pointed at his wrist like one would a watch. Alec knew what he meant. Time was running out. He had to answer or the meatheads outside would call for backup and then it would be back to scenario one.

He motioned for Raymond to make it look like he was asleep. He latched onto the idea quickly and gently laid his head down on the table. Alec then turned to see Luna had finished squeezing into the cupboard. Alec went over and closed the doors slowly, minimizing the chance of an unwanted squeak. As a third knock came, Alec ruffled his hair and slowly walked to the front door and put on his best sleepy face.

He opened the door a crack and peeked at his "guests".

Fortunately there was only one officer at his door. He was clean shaven and had a gaunt appearance. His eyes were attentive but did not instil fear or discomfort as Alec had thought. When he spoke, Alec guessed he was no older than 25 by his orotund voice which was amusingly similar to his.

"Sorry to bother you sir, I take it as if you were sleeping?"

Alec waited and summoned his best fake yawn before answering.

"Kinda, I was fixin up a late night snack and kinda dosed off. But I'm up now" he answered with a dry chuckle.

"Well, I've been told to visit all houses in the area and inform them that Castle way is going to be closed tonight and tomorrow night"

Alecs eyes almost shot open, but a salient wave of clarity reminded him that he could make no affiliation with the road in front of the officer.

"There will be alternate routes to Bedford pointed out for those who commute there and back"

"Oh... ok then" Alec responded hoping the anxiousness in his voice wouldn't betray his next question.

"Any... any idea why?"

"I haven't been told much, but apparently the province is testing some new transponders and stuff. They say it's extremely sensitive so they can't have anyone with a mobile device within a certain distance"

"Great" Alec spat in his head. "Just great. We were going to infiltrate a little radio tower and help a friend and need. But humans being humans, they just couldn't help setting up a classified one that for all we know, could be designed specifically to track us down. As much as I hate this, we still need to get to the top without being noticed"

Another thought shoved its way forward and made its presence known.

"Didn't the cop from earlier say it was classified? Why would another say it like everyone knew? Is it just a coverup for what it really is?"

Alec would've stayed in the thought chamber longer if he wasn't dragged out prematurely by the officer, who until then had been watching Alec zone out like one of the druggies he would pick up behind movie theatres on friday nights.

"Sir... are you alright?"

"Huh?... Oh of course" he said smiling. "Just how it goes when ya got ADD" he laughed.

The officer grinned in return. At that moment a burst of static drew him to his radio on his shoulder. Alec had no clue what it said but when the officer turned and started down the stairs he figured it must've been important.

"10- 4, I'll be there in a sec" he said in response.

In a moment he was in the driveway where he had parked his cruiser. Alec wondered how he had pulled up and had not alerted them from the kitchen, but knowing the cops of Halifax, he probably snuck up on them at a snails pace. That combined with the discussion inside was probably more than enough to surprise them.

"Duty calls?" Alec said as the officer opened the door to his Chevrolet impala cruiser and got in.

"Just how it goes; and remember what I said" he said using the same smirk he had given Alec earlier.

The officer nodded through the window before heading off into the darkness. Alec watched until the taillights faded into the trees before he took solace that he was gone. Alec released his breath, not knowing he'd been holding it. As soon as it left him however, a new reason to hold it took hold. Castle way was now closed. Anyone going near would be in an insurmountable amount of trouble.

Luna was dead silent inside the cabinet. She couldn't hear anything from inside so what went down at the front door was eating away at her. Still, she remained quiet. Raymond had gone quiet too. The kitchen became an assembly for stillness. The Alicorn sat in the dark for what seemed like an eternity. Not moving despite a growing cramp in her neck due to the low clearance. These factors made her relief to hear Alecs voice coming down the hall all the more bountiful.

"He's gone guys. You can come out now"

The cupboard doors flew open. A few grunts were heard as Luna squeezed herself out and proceeded to stretch her neck where the cramp had been. Alec took notice and chuckled.

"Was thy majesty comfortable?"

Luna finished stretching and smirked up at him.

"Of course. I'll have you know that us Alicorns can be quite ductile if the situation calls for it"

She looked past Alec down the hall towards the door. Despite Alec's reassurance she still felt on edge.

"Will he be back?"

Alec thought for a moment. He slowly walked to the island and reclaimed his position across form Raymond. Luna followed and clambered onto her spot as well. The crickets were now more noticeable. Their shrill chirp advertising a sense of calmness that even Luna found comforting. Luna got distracted by them for a few seconds. The subtle concerns from earlier looking more and more folly by the second.

At least until Alec spoke up.

"Castle way's closed"

Luna's mind bogged down for a moment.


Alec nodded.

"So that means... oh dear... now what do we do?"

Alec got up and went over to a drawer. After rifling through it briefly he found what he was looking for.

"A map?" Luna asked.

Alec nodded again.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm not giving up so easily. If Castle way is off limits, We'll simply find an alternate route"

He opened the map and laid in the middle of the table. Luna found it unfamiliar until he pointed out a yellow line bordered by green.

"That's Castle way, we need to get a good ways in there to reach the tower"

Her looked up to see Luna studying the laminated guide intently. Her eyes slowly followed the line leading up to where one would turn onto Castle way. A small line a shade of green darker than the forest branched off before the turn and followed Castle ways entire length through the forest.

"Service road"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Service road" Alec patiently repeated tapping the line Luna was looking at. "They're used to access the power lines that run underground there"

"So... these are unguarded?" Luna asked hopefully.

"Yep" Alec quipped.

Luna looked up, her spirits rising.

"If we go there, we can hide the car in the bushes and fly right up to the tower from behind them!"


The mood in the dimly lit kitchen brightened. An obstacle had been found and overcome in a matter of minutes. Of course it was one thing to plan something out on a map. To carry it out in the dark tomorrow night would be like going in blind.

Raymond got up from the table and headed for the door, saying something over his shoulder about making sure the Hondas alternator actually charges the battery overnight. Luna yawned and decided to turn in too. Earths day - night cycle had even Equestrias biggest night owl needing rest. Alec followed her to the bedroom and watched he pull the covers up to her chin. As she finished she noticed the human leaning against the doorframe.

"You're wondering how to tell him aren't you?"

Alec nodded before speaking.

"It's not like we've got a lot of time"

"I know... If you come with me-"

"Luna, you know that might be impossible" Alec with a bit of remorse for him and the Alicorn.

"But what if it isn't? You and him could be free from this land of fear and misery. If he found out then, I don't think He'd care much at that point"

Alec brought a hand to his chin in thought. So much had happened in the last few weeks. He brought his hand down to the spot where the strange mark was.

"I'm gonna find out what this thing is soon"

"Well?" Lunas voice brought him back to reality.

Alec sighed before walking up to he bed, jumping on and sitting on top of the covers against the headboard. Luna rolled over and rested her head on his lap, to which Alec responded by gently stroking behind one of her ears. A softening sigh escaped her, and she became even more tired by each passing second.

"You know" Alec began. "If someone had told me a few months ago what was to come, I would've called them crazy"

Lunas eyes had closed. But the alicorn was still awake, and before sleep took her, she had one more thing to say.

"You still didn't answer my question"

Alec stopped stroking her ear and ran the free hand through his hair in thought.

The princess smiled at his response.

"I will, me and him both"

Alec made to move from his position but changed his mind when Luna started to snore. Instead he looked out at the night through the bedroom window one last time before letting his head rest on the wall behind him and nodding off.

Sleep took him, and all was quiet.

The final piece fell into place.

Author's Note:

That intermission was a doozy, huh?

List any errors in the comments and I'll see to it they're fixed.

Sorry for taking so long.

Comments ( 12 )

ooooooooooohhhhhh yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh


Annnnnd it's dead again

Comment posted by Midnight Stars deleted Apr 25th, 2014

You best continue this.or I will consume your soul and leave you in tartarus to rot for the rest of time! ahem sorry but still plz continue:pinkiehappy:

Are you going to continue this amazing story?
it would be a waste if left incomplete :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

Cries in 6 years of hiatus

Cries in 7 years of hiatus

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