• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,903 Views, 184 Comments

Shifting Priorities - FaelaArts

A Changeling from the attack on Canterlot needs to hide out in Ponyville.

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Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity had finally come up with a plan that would get them free, and just in time because a certain changeling decided to walk over and gaze at them again. Fluttershy was resting so she didn’t get overexerted but she was probably also tired out from being so frightened. Rainbow Dash seemed to be trying to escape, even now when even if she got free she wouldn’t get far. Rarity was watching for the opportunity to strike something. Pinkie Pie seemed to be watching all this with a look that said she wasn’t buying the situation, but Twilight didn’t understand what that meant. And Applejack seemed to be saddened as she merely gazed toward the ashes still lying on the cobbled path.

“It’s such a shame 666 failed, it would have been so easy to implant you into the princess’s life.” Twilight glared at Chrysalis, but kept herself in check for the moment of opportunity. She couldn’t help but feel a strange awareness of Chrysalis, almost as if she could tell what she was thinking. Chrysalis seemed to realise this, and lean forward and gaze seriously at her.

“Twilight, stand” was all she said, and Twilight gasped in open shock as her body called up a simple spell to free her from her bounds, and meekly obeyed even when her brain would have never done so. Her friends mirrored her shocked face, and the glanced to each other with worried glances.

“It seems 666 has given me a very useful puppet after all. Twilight, jump” she demanded again. Twilight opened her mouth to say she would never do so because Chrysalis had said so, but just as she made to do the action her body reacted on its own, and she threw a worried glance to her friends. Chrysalis was somehow able to control Twilight, this wasn’t good. Chrysalis smiled, and Twilight felt absolute dread fill her heart. It wasn’t the kind of smile that spoke of happy times, it was the malevolent smile of someone who had just found a new toy that wasn’t theirs, and they were ready to break it just for spite.

“Twilight, kill your yellow friend.” Twilight and the others hearts thudded at the same time in shock, horror, and dread as Twilight felt her body turn and face Fluttershy, who was still resting.

“No, no I will not do it!” Twilight screamed, trying to somehow stop her body from killing her best friend. No matter how much she tried to pull herself away, the body responded without her desire. Turning to face Fluttershy, an unknown spell sprang into Twilight’s mind without her own bidding, and she could feel the pure negative thoughts that were associated with it. Twilight could tell without being told, it was a death spell.

“NO” she cried out in vain, desperately trying to move her body in any direction other then toward Fluttershy as her head lowered with slow precision to rest on her chest, right where her heart would be located. Closing her eyes Twilight put all of her desperation into one final push, and for a brief moment she felt her body seem to twitch slightly before something tackled into her, sending the spell toward the sky where it dissipated harmlessly. Opening her eyes, they widened further to see a dark blue Alicorn breathing heavily as if she had been flying for her life just a few moments earlier.

“Thank the moon we’re not too late” a quiet voice whispered between gasps, before Luna, for of course it was her, turned and stood tall and proud before the changelings. She quickly judged there was too many for her to take on, not to mention Chrysalis who had shown to be able to go toe to toe with her sister. Her eyes saw Chrysalis growl and open her mouth to speak, and narrowed in preparation of a simple rescue plan.

“Get them!” Chrysalis spoke, her own horn charging, with its trademark green tinge. Chrysalis was fast, but Luna was faster. First she called a blue shield around them, fending off all Changelings while she loosened the bonds on the six ponies, and four rocketed to their feet and gazed to Twilight.

“What WAS that Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, Twilight meekly shook her head, she didn’t know.

“Focus, Twilight Sparkle, we must retreat until such a time we are better prepared.” Blinking in shock, Twilight gazed at Ponyville, seeing all the familiar faces of people who had already been taken over.

“But what about Ponyville, we can’t just leave it!” Their gazes met and Twilight realised something about those eyes the princess held. There were thousands of untold stories where she must have had to make a difficult choice between none and some, and she was feeling the weight of all those choices on her shoulders right now as she maintained the shield, it starting to flicker as it grew weaker. Twilight guessed defensive magic was not Luna’s speciality.

“We must retreat, so we may fight another day.” Twilight glanced to her friends, and they all gave a solemn nod. There were questions to be answered before the changelings would be able to be defeated, and some of them required something they could not have if they tried to fight all the changelings; their lives.

“Of course Princess, at once” Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated as her horn began to glow. It slowly encompassed the seven of them in a warm glow as she began the wide range teleportation spell. Opening one eye, she noticed Luna send her power into the spell, greatly bolstering the range at which Twilight could teleport. She had to laugh, it seemed so easy to teleport the distance to Canterlot with her and Luna combined. Closing her eyes again they rose into the air, and with the simplest of poof’s, they vanished from Ponyville and appeared in the Canterlot Garden.

“Nooo-” a cry tore through the spell as the air around them bent and they became for a split moment pure magic. Each type of Magic had a certain colour to it, and all of them had a magic to each of them. It was over too quick to see any details, and Twilight had her eyes closed in concentration so even if she had of had a chance to see them she would have missed it. Opening her eyes, she swayed as her body accommodated the sudden absence of a large quantity of magic as it vanished from her system. Rainbow Dash was the quickest to come to her aid, wrapping a wing around her body to keep her standing as she recovered from the spell.

“Twilight, you ok?” Twilight nodded, and after a few moments Dash stepped back and Twilight stood on her own. Gazing to her friends, they gently lifted the injured Fluttershy up and prepared to carry her to the infirmary. Luna stepped into Twilight’s view.

“There are matters we must attend to, but first we must see to Fluttershy.” Twilight nodded, and Luna led the way to the infirmary where a doctor and nurse were tending some patients. He came over and after they placed Fluttershy on a bed he quickly examined her and smiled, alleviating their fears.

“She is going to be fine, she’s only exhausted. However we can only allow one of you to stay here with her…” he trailed off, and they quickly discussed who would be the best choice. After some moments, they decided Rarity would be the best option.

“You go and find out what is happening Twilight, I shall watch our dear Fluttershy, through rain or shine, thick or thin, beautifully dress or in an ugly green-“ Twilight and her friends smiled and bid farewell to Rarity, who continued her list of things she would stick with Fluttershy with even if they happened. Turning to their current problem, the princess led them to the private Library and they all picked a spot to sit, and they gazed at each other before their eyes settled on Twilight.

“Twilight, you almost killed Fluttershy back there, it was almost like…” Dash trailed off, thinking of the word.

“You were like another changeling, simply obeying an order” Dash finished, happy with her words, before she paused and scratched the back of her head as she saw Twilight wince.

“You may be right Dash” Twilight spoke morbidly, and the others sympathised with her and Applejack placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder.

“Easy there Twilight, al we have to do is solve the puzzle of why this is happening, you’re good at that aren’t ya?” Twilight turned her gaze to Applejack, and gave a meek smile before nodding and putting her front hoof on her chin and musing.

“Well remember those changelings talking about how I…Died?” She paused, and they gulped and nodded, Luna stayed silent.

“And how I overpowered Skid and now I’m alive again?” Once more they nodded, Luna seemed to be paying more attention than earlier, as if she knew something but wasn’t entirely sure about it just yet.

“Maybe I’m still partly changeling, and Chrysalis is able to control that part, being the queen and all.” They nodded, and all seemed to be musing quietly over what she said. Luna raised a hoof, and they all turned to gaze at her.

“I remember reading a book; it sounds similar to what you are talking about right now, however I do not know its location. We might be able to get some information out of it however.” They nodded, musing and Twilight stood up and gave the others her ‘we have a mission’ smile. Pinkie pie saluted her as she spoke, and Rainbow Dash merely rolled his eyes.

“Alright girls, we have a library to search, look for any old books on changelings, once we know why this is happening maybe we can find a way to stop it from happening. If that’s the case, then we are one step closer to bringing the fight to Chrysalis.” The three nodded, and headed off to different sections of the library. Twilight turned to Luna and paused.

“Luna, is there somewhere we can speak…Privately?” Luna looked down at her, and for some reason she acted a little sheepish as she spoke.

“Well, we can always go to my private study.” Twilight smiled, and waved goodbye to her friends, quickly mentioning where she was going. They nodded, and she followed Luna out of the room and towards a spiralling staircase. Twilight seemed happy, things were finally coming together.

Meanwhile at the clearing, Changelings were preparing for a full scale invasion of Equestria. Chrysalis was barking orders furiously and the whole clearing around the Town hall was a bustle of activity. No one noticed a small pile of ash get picked up by the wind, and blow towards the Everfree forest.