• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,902 Views, 184 Comments

Shifting Priorities - FaelaArts

A Changeling from the attack on Canterlot needs to hide out in Ponyville.

  • ...

Burning Fire[SR]

(To make things less confusing, Twilight 1 and Twilight 2 will be used.)
In the Everfree forest, something was blowing in the wind. It was black, but also gray and it had blown in from Ponyville after managing to stick together even as the wind attempted to pull the ash into two. Eventually the wind faded and it came to rest on the ground, away from everyone and everything. If anyone had been around, they might have noticed the ash reform into a pile, and then shift and shake for a few moments. With a tumbling movement, a blackened leg came out of the small pile of ash, followed by another and the front of a pony. After pulling itself out of the ash, it took a few gasps and glanced to the ash, and then in the direction of Ponyville. Its horn glowed, and it was suddenly at the train station, hidden in the shadows as it teleported to one side, and turned its gaze on the train. A few ponies were hopping on, and the pony followed, slipping in through the back of the carts and sitting down on the empty train cart and heaving a sigh. It hoped it wouldn’t be too late.

While four ponies sought knowledge on a certain subject, they merely glanced to Twilight1 and the princess leaving before returning to their studies. While Rarity and Applejack were already reading, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie still seemed to be searching the shelves for any books on changelings.

“Is it safe leaving Twilight1 alone?” spoke Rainbow Dash, the other three glanced to her before returning to their activities.

“I’m sure she can’t be controlled over distances, it only seemed to happen when she spoke, and besides the princess should be able to handle herself.” Rarity returned to reading her book, seeming to be a little disinterested in the words on the page. Rainbow Dash hovered for a moment, but eventually went back to looking for a book. Meanwhile, Twilight1 and Luna began talking while heading down the long marble corridor, their hooves making sounds as they clanged against the floor.

“So Luna, how long will it take Celestia to arrive here?” Luna turned her gaze to Twilight1, before returning it to the path ahead.

“A few hours at most, even if she uses long distance teleporting she will have to take a rest in between teleports.” Twilight1 frowned, concerned. A few hours could be a big problem with Chrysalis involved, with the army she had prepared a few hours could get her to Canterlot with time to spare. They passed a guard, and Luna greeted him with a nod which he returned with a salute and they rounded the corner and headed up the stairs onto the top floor of the main castle. Eventually they came to two large wooden doors which Luna swung open with her magic and led into a large room with a simple desk surrounded by pages of file work. Twilight1 grimaced as she saw the desk only had a simple ink and quill on it, and an unlit candle. Watching Luna close the door, she gazed around the room and noticed there was one open window that was gently blowing the papers around, making the paper work look messier then before. Luna turned her gaze to her, and waited for Twilight1 to begin talking. As was expected of Twilight1, she got right down to business.

“Luna, what are we going to do about the changelings? Why could Chrysalis control me? What happened to Skid? What if she can-“Luna gently booped Twilight1 on the nose and stopped her mid rant.

“We cannot answer those questions Twilight1; maybe we will never be able to answer those. But why is it you wished to see me alone?” Twilight1 glanced down and blushed, which intensified Luna’s curiosity.

“Well you see, I wanted to know if you are…With someone” Luna felt a blush come over her face and glanced away, very aware of Twilight1 inching closer and coming to stand next to her.

“I-That is we, are not currently with someone.” Twilight1 inched closer, and Luna gently turned her head to see Twilight1’s face flushed bright red, and felt her own mirror it. She had always cared for Twilight1, after all she had helped Luna get rid of Nightmare moon and connect with her subjects, but did she feel that way about her? Her heart thudded, betraying the fact she couldn’t hide her knowledge that it might be just that.

“Close your eyes Luna” Twilight1 said seductively, and Luna obeyed knowing full well a kiss would be coming onto her cheeks. Luna felt a sharp pain to her head, and collapsed very suddenly, unconscious in an instant. Twilight1’s horn fizzled out and she rolled her eyes at Luna. Stepping around the pony’s legs, her horn began to glow with immense power as she brought it to rest right above Luna’s heart, a spell on the edge of it. The air around her began to heat up, and as she fired it Luna’s body erupted into flame, causing the entire room to explode into flames around Twilight1. She gazed at the books as they burned to ashes and raised an eyebrow, before coughing and dashing out of the room. A guard had come to inspect the smell of smoke, and saw Twilight1 stumble out of the room before helping the pony get out of the path of the fire as it engulfed the doors and gazed to Twilight1 and shouted over the blaze.

“What happened, where’s Luna!?” Twilight1’s eyes filled with tears and she gazed into the room before breaking out into a coughing fit. The guard tried to get into the room, but the fire prevented anyone from getting too close. The guard was quickly joined by others, and they rapidly called for some water and people began rapidly working to douse the flames that were enveloping the room. Pegasi were called in, unicorns levitated over water, and Twilight1 managed to stop coughing long enough to give a weak smile to her friends who came running when they realised there was a commotion. That and a guard had summoned them to help counter the blaze. Rarity and Rainbow Dash worked on the flames, and Applejack and Pinkie Pie came over to comfort Twilight1 who was gazing at the flames with open tears.

When asked what happened, a distraught Twilight1 only spoke; “the candle, paper work” before breaking out into coughing once more. As the three watched the fire being quenched, all feared the fate of the Alicorn trapped inside. Eventually, the fire finally ceased and smoke began to settle, and people cautiously entered the room. Twilight1 got to her feet, and wobbled back into the room, four friends by her sides. They gazed around the ash covered room, and saw very little remained inside the room. Twilight1’s tears began anew, and she sobbed into the closest friend, who happened to be Rarity.

“It’s ok dear, we’re here for you.” In truth, Rarity had her suspicions Twilight1 was the one that killed her, but even so she couldn’t help but gaze at the room, and know Twilight1 would never cause this much damage. None the less, it required looking into.

“Now dear, please tell us what happened?” Twilight1 raised her tear stained face to their worried and suspicious gazes and sniffed once before breaking into tears once more.

“I was just talking to Luna, then the candle that was on the table got blown by the wind onto the paper. Luna tried to stop it-but she must have been consumed and I-I left her to burn to death after she told me to go find help.” Rarity and the other three came and hugged Twilight1 with the strongest hug they could muster, before stepping back once Twilight1’s cries faded. They walked out of the room and all solemn faces pointed to Twilight1. Rarity briefly explained, and they all gazed to each other, knowing there had been a candle in there. As they separated, the sound of the train pulling into Canterlot could be heard faintly in the distance.

“Excuse me Miss Sparkle, but we need to ask you to follow me for further questioning and some talk.” Twilight1 nodded, and she and her friends mad to follow when the guard halted them.

“Only Miss Sparkle, do not worry we will not take long.” Gazing to her friends, she smiled and they smiled back and she followed the guard out of the crowd and into a part of the corridor not far away where they could talk.

“No matter how traumatic this is for everyone, we need you to keep a strong calm about yourself. It will reassure ponies to see someone who was as close as you were to her to be taking it so well.” Twilight1 nodded, and glanced to her friends, who each gave reassuring smiles. The guard continued speaking.

“We would also like to ask your more questions, about why you were in the room with Luna alone, and what your purpose was. If you follow me through the garden toward the courthouse, we will get this done with so you can go mourn in peace. You may call your friends if you wish them to come with you.” Twilight1 turned and motioned for her four friends to come, and they gently trotted toward her, and they headed away from the scene and into the garden. Twilight1 was happy her friends were here, it made her felt reassured that things would be ok. Hopefully Celestia would be here soon, even when it hadn’t been that long. As they entered the garden, they paused for a moment as Twilight1 coughed some of the smoke out of her lungs. Applejack gently patted her back, and eventually she stopped and raised her head.

“Thanks Applejack, you a good friend.” Twilight1 turned her gaze back to the guard and took a step to follow when a black shape appeared from a nearby bush and tackled to the ground. She quickly fought back, and soon the guards had the form restrained. Upon better inspection, it was a unicorn covered in soot, and Twilight1 frowned.

“Who are you” she asked the black mare.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle” spoke a voice exactly like her own, and two eyes glared at Twilight1, who saw her friends glance between them. One guard dusted the soot off, and Twilight1 took a step back in shock.

“T-That’s me!” Rarity turned her gaze on Twilight1, and the new pony, and her suspicions grew. Rainbow Dash stamped the ground, raring to solve the mystery. Applejack gazed between them, remembering that Twilight1 had originally been Skid. Pinkie Pie jumped around speaking about some kind of mare in the pool. The guards, equally confused, captured Twilight1 as well as the other pony in case she tried to bolt. She wasn’t going to do that of course, but she struggled slightly as they grabbed her out of reflex before settling down. Her four friends stepped forward, and discussed how to tell who was who.

“I mean any one of them could be Skid, he did that spell thing remember?” spoke Applejack, Rarity Disagreed.

“But this new Twilight(2) could just be a changeling.” Rainbow Dash interrupted, throwing suspicion back on Twilight1.

“But this Twilight1 is the one that was there when Luna was killed.” Both Twilights broke into tears, but only one had shock and horror on her face while the other just deep sadness.

“P-Princess Luna is dead!?” The four turned to gaze at Twilight2, and Twilight1 could feel the raw emotion coming from her. The others felt a little sad, and they walked out of earshot to discuss a plan. Twilight1 gazed to her double, and winced at the anger in those eyes. Soon enough, the four returned and Rarity stepped forward.

“We are going to ask you two a few questions, answer correctly and you are Twilight.” Twilight1 and the other nodded; seemed simple enough.

“Question one; what is the colour I most despise?” Rarity glanced between them and blinked as they answered in sync.

“Green” they replied, glancing to each other as they answered at the same time. Pinkie Pie came next, and she giggled before speaking.

“Question two; where did I work before getting my cutie mark?” she giggled, and bounced around a few times.

“A rock farm” they both replied, and Pinkie giggled again before settling down. Applejack was next.

“Question three; Rarity designed me a dress one time, to my exact specifications. What type of shoes was I wearing with the dress?” Twilight1 mused for a moment, it was some type of boot, and she blinked and smiled.

“It was those waterproof boots used for walking around in the rain.” Once again, the Twilight2 spoke in perfect time with Twilight1. Rainbow Dash landed and eyed them both before pacing back and forth.

“Last question; were you and Syth spending some ‘quality time’ together?” Twilight1 blushed, and answered honestly.
“We’re just friends Rainbow, well were just friends.” Her tone grew resentful, and it was a few moments before she realised Twilight2 hadn’t spoken yet.

Then she spoke softly “No, Skid always had a wall around him. Sure he was friendly enough, but it always felt like... It was almost like he didn’t want to really be friends.” Twilight1 blinked in shock, and the other four did so too. They had had two different answers. That meant one of them wasn’t Twilight. Twilight1 felt dread as Rainbow turned on her.

“Wrong Answer.”