• Published 28th Nov 2012
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Myths & Legend Act 1: The Scholar - Streamtouched

When Twilight is woken in the middle of the night. She discovers a strange visitor in her basement.

  • ...

Prologue: How to Meet Princesses and Establish Kingdoms

Prologue: How to Meet Princesses and Establish Kingdoms

A Very Long Time Ago In a Time Before Equestria…

The environment outside the cave was Hellish, Heat filled the air. The ground was harsh, jagged and barren. The sky was filled with dark angry clouds that blotted out the sun, light only emanating from the brief flashes of lightning and the ground they set alight. The cave was only better by the water that dripped from the ceiling.

The caves two occupants huddled together tired and hungry from the past few days events.

“Tia why did our tribe chase us and when are mum and dad coming to get us” the younger said to her elder sister. Celestia looked at her sister a fake smile hiding what lay beneath.

“They chased us out because they were scared. We’re special and they’re not, they’re just regular earth ponies but we've got horns and wings”. She lied trying to convince herself more than her sister. “Besides that doesn't matter I’m sure mum and dad will turn up any minute now with supplies and a plan”. She nuzzled her sister and wrapped wing around her. “It’ll be alright Lulu it’ll be alright” She whispered barely holding back her emotions.

It was this moment that fate intervened and they heard movement coming from outside. Celestia hugged her sister tighter.

It’s them they've come to finish us off she thought to herself. Then as quickly as the noises started they stopped and a stallion popped into view.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn't know this cave was taken”. The head disappeared hoofsteps moving away. A few bolts of lightning struck nearby and the head reappeared. “Say if it’s not too much trouble could I stay here until the storm passes”.

Celestia stared at him scared and confused by the situation and slowly nodded.

This Strange pony he wasn't like the rest, she didn't even think he was from their tribe. Celestia slowly shuffled back deeper into the cave dragging a squirming Luna with a protective hoof.

As if he sense the fear he slowly stepped into the cave, just far enough for it to be shelter. Celestia finally took a good at him as he sat at the entrance to their shelter.

He was an adult snow white earth pony with a long blue streaked blonde mane and matching blonde goatee. A mane that was swept back as if he’d spent the day staring into a gale. She also saw that he while he was an adult he was only a few years her elder.

As he sat down he let out a loud sigh that made them both jump and he collapsed. Luna finally squirmed free of her sister's grip and ran to the collapsed stranger.

“Luna no. Get back here now we don't know him” the elder pleaded in a desperate whisper.

“I think he’s asleep Tia” Luna replied prodding the unmoving mass with a hoof. After a few minutes of prodding and pleading he stirred with a groan.

Luna jumped and scampered back to the protective hooves of her elder sister. The strange colt awoke with a snort and jumped to his hooves making Luna squeak with surprise.

He looked around slightly disorientated until he spotted the two sisters. “Oh good you weren't dreams or hallucinations nice to know, now could one of you kindly tell me what two ladies are doing in such a ... lovely place such as this?" He said gesturing to the cave.

“We’re waiting for our parents they’ll be here any minute” Luna said still a little weary of him.

Celestia saw a sad look flash through his eyes his face betraying nothing. “Well is there a safer place you could wait this isn't really the best place for two young ladies.”

He looked around and scuffed the ground with a hoof. “I saw a village yester…” “NOOOO” the pair shouted together a look of relief washed the stranger's face. “Oh good I don’t think they’d be too happy to see me after what they did last time.”

Celestia who’d been cautiously watching the stranger relaxed slightly at his words, her hooves lessening her grip on her sister. “Did they run you out of the tribe as well” she piped curiously as tried to sit comfortably in her sister’s grip.

The stranger shook his head. “No. I try not to associate myself with as... jerks." he scratched his chin. "Besides after I accidently set that building on fire. They sort of had a good reason to chase me out"

Now both the sisters were confused. “How did you set a whole building on fire? were you trying to show off with magic or something?” Luna questioned.

Celestia tapped her sisters horn "He doesn't have a horn silly how could he do magic"

The stranger thought about for a moment. “Well apart from the building it might have this” The stranger turned and pointed at a yellow six pointed star on his flank.

“What is that” they both remarked.

The stranger scratched his chin “I don’t actually know but I've had for quite a while and as far as I’ve seen I’m the only one with one.”

Celestia thought about the situation, this stranger was different just like them so he could probably be trusted. Luna looked up to her sister, a question Celestia could already guess in her eyes.

Celestia gave her sister a reassuring nod and Luna focused on the stranger. “Would it be alright with you if you stayed here with us until our parents get here” she said meekly.

The Stranger went into a low overly fancy bow that made Luna giggle. “It would be my honor to stay in the presence of two ladies such as yourselves”…..

- - - - - - - - - -

Celestia waited until Luna was fast asleep before she made her way outside.

The stranger had made an excuse earlier about keeping a lookout and stepped outside when the lightning had stopped.

As she stepped out of the cave she stared at the sky in awe. The storm had passed and the land below illuminated by the dark dazzling gem filled sky, the largest being the large glowing eye that look down like a ruling king at his throne.

“I wondered how long it would take for her to fall asleep” the stranger said startling her. He was sitting to the side of the entrance looking at the sky. She could have sworn he hadn't been there a second ago.

“We need to have a little chat” he said as he tore his gaze from the sky and gestured and waited for her to sit. “ You've probably realized they’re not coming already haven’t you.”

Celestia let out a chuckle. “I figured they’d abandon us if the tribe ever found out about us, they’re probably living the good life now that the “Cursed Ones” are out of theirs.”

“CRACK” The stranger smashed a hoof to the ground a look of fury and rage covered his face.

“Don’t you DARE disrespect your parents like that" He growled. "they knew where you’d gone and they died to keep that secret.”

“H-hh-how do yo…” she stammered with shock.

“I was there." he replied "When I turned up I managed to catch the last act of that village’s DISgusting performance.”

The stranger stopped and for a second she could see him remembering. “They did terrible things such terrible things…”

He waved a hoof in the air as if to brush the memory away. “After they realized your parents weren't going to tell them anything they ended it, when the mob started to disperse I was spotted and chased. I managed to lose them then…” he let out a sigh. “Then I found your trail, covered it up and came here.”

Celestia stared at the ground her emotions finally overwhelming her as her body was wracked with quiet sobbing.

The stranger moved over to her and wrapped his hooves around her.

They stayed like that for a while until Celestia removed herself from his hooves.

As the flow of tears started to slow one question still remained. “Why are you being so nice, why aren't you afraid like they were. Why?”

He looked at her a sad look on his face. “In all honesty after the display I saw at that village I was expecting some sort of terrible beast or demon to be here, not two innocent young ladies such as yourselves.”

“But we are monsters just look at us” she screamed at him.

The strange colt held up a hoof. “No you’re not you just look different and have been raised in a place that doesn't know any better. Besides I know what it’s like to be hated and feared for being different.”

Anger flared through Celestia. “Don’t you dare compare your life to ours. Look at you you're nothing like us. Were your parents killed and you forced flee from your home?” she said stabbing a hoof his chest.

“Yes actually how did you know?” he replied nodding sadly.

All the anger fled Celestia as she recoiled in guilt and shame. Again she’d made a wrong assumption about him.

“I’m sorry” she mumbled.

She felt a hoof on her shoulder and flinched. “It’s fine I've had a few years to get over it. However for you on the other hoof it was a few hours"

She nodded

"What are you going to do now? Obviously you can't go back"

Celestia stood and looked at the slowly approaching dawn. “I don’t know but I want to get as far away from there as possible.”

She heard him stand behind her. “Well that settles it” he said. “There’s no way I’m letting two defenseless young ladies wander this wilderness unaided.”

He stood next to her. “Well what do you say Princess mind if I tag along?”

She turned to him blushing. “Princess wha why would you call me that?”

The stranger shook his head "I've got my reasons.”

“Well” she replied sly grin creeping across her lips. “If I’m going to be royalty I simply must have a knight to guard me.” The stranger went into a mock bow. “If the princess wishes it so shall it be. You may refer to me as Knight.”

As he got back up they both cracked up laughing.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better. You want to know something funny” Knight said wiping a tear from his eye.

Celestia nodded with a chuckle. “When I saw you two I thought you’d attack me.” They both broke into another fit of laughter which unfortunately was loud enough to wake a still sleeping Luna...