• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,068 Views, 18 Comments

Rise of Zyra - Rennoc215

Sequel to "Trials of Vladamir," where Zyra, the outcome of Vlad's death, learns what it i

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Getting to her Roots

A loud crash, and the sound of shattering glass drew Rarity's attention upstairs. "Zyra?" She called out inquisitively, shaking her head afterward. She can't hear, what's the point of saying anything? Rarity thought frustratedly. Carefully, she walked up the stairs, and heard a second thud. Tiptoeing past her sister's room, she pulled open the door concealing Zyra. The lights were turned off, and so when she flicked them on, what she saw made her gasp.

There lay poor old Zyra, fallen off of the table the jar rested on, her small pot smashed on the ground. Zyra was trying to lift her mass off the ground, using her vines as rudimentary legs. Her lotus pivoted towards Rarity, the thin white connector vine weakly stretching out. Rarity stepped forward, nuzzling the vine. Her vision went dark, and she was immediately besieged by a horrid mental shriek.

The wail made Rarity cringe, as it reached a crescendo of pain. Zyra! Rarity called out. Calm down! I'm going to help you, but I need you to calm down so I can think of a way. The unearthly wail subsided to a long series of quiet sobs. Rarity thought hard, rationalizing the situation. I can't lift her, but there is no time to get somepony who can. Zyra's growing weaker steadily, and the pain is roaring through her. Rarity cocked her metaphysical head, perplexed by the situation. Suddenly, she felt Zyra pull a particular memory from Rarity's mind.

It was a nice, heartwarming scene, where fluttershy had volunteered at the old-ponies home. Fluttershy was leading an old, blind mare who could barely stand, re-teaching her how to walk as they walked outside so she could feel the sunlight one last time. It had brought tears to her eyes, how adorable the scene was.

But why would Zyra show me... Rarity thought before it hit her. Zyra's mind pulled away from Rarity’s as the pale tendril pulled off of her, and Rarity smiled. "As Pinkie would say, just put one hoof in front of the other..." Rarity mused as she reached out for Zyra.


Of all the obstacles, the stairs had been the worst. Zyra slid down the entire flight of stairs, landing with a rough thud on the main floor. The rest of the walk outside was uneventful, aside from the few odd looks shot Rarity's way. Soon, Zyra was rooting again, sliding them deeper and deeper into the ground. Zyra snuggled to the ground contentedly, and after a few moments, the white tendril revealed itself, snaking towards Rarity. Rarity could only smile as she allowed the vine to snake onto her back.

Rarity shut her eyes, and poked around for Zyra's mind. She finally felt the wave of calm, signifying that Zyra was now feeling safe in the ground. Rarity smiled, and was about to begin a wonderful chat, when she had the sudden sensation of movement, along with the feeling of a new, confused and screaming mind being thrown into the fray. Zyra... what did I tell you about grabbing strangers? Rarity asked slowly.

Soon, the screaming subsided. Uh... Hi? Came the tentative voice of the local ditzy mailmare, Derpy Hooves. Am I dead?

No, darling, you're not dead. Rarity politely stated. Derpy, this is Zyra.

The big plant? Derpy asked, confusedly.

Yes dear.

Uh... Hi?

Hello there. Zyra responded. A pleasure. I know you from Rarity's memories. You always seemed like such a sweet dear. Tell me, have you got something for my nurturer here?

Uhuh. Derpy said happily.

Rarity felt a wave of pride from Zyra, followed by, I'd love to get to know you, Derpy. Come back later and we can talk.

Okay. Derpy replied, before they heard the distinct popping sound of being disconnected. Soon, their eyesight returned, and Rarity saw Derpy standing there, holding a letter.

"So, what have I got today?" Rarity asked inquisitively.

"A... Uh... Will! I... oh... I'm sorry about your loss." Derpy said, her expression going from happy to sad over the few moments it took her to process what she had said.

"Who...?" Rarity began, before realizing who it was from. "Oh, It's fine." She said, her voice growing sad. "There was nothing we could have done about it. Thank you for your concern." Derpy handed her the envelope, before her mood brightened. "By the way, I finished fixing your mailbag the other day. Here, let me go get it for you." Rarity said, ducking inside to grab the bag.

"Bag... Bag..." She muttered looking around to try and find the mailmare's bag. "Aha!" She exclaimed as she found it. "Here we are!" she announced as she stepped outside, a smile on her face. When she looked towards Derpy, she saw that she was reconnected to Zyra. Rarity let out a sigh, before walking over and allowing the vine to creep down her back.

Ah! Rarity! I heard the bad news. Who passed away? Zyra asked, as soon as Rarity was all the way in.

I'll tell you later, but first, can you let Derpy out? She has things she needs to be doing. Rarity replied sternly.

Of course... Zyra said reluctantly, and Rarity heard the signifying pop of disconnection.

"Oh Derpy?" Rarity called, drawing the gray mare's attention. "Here is your bag. Oh, and there is a little surprise for you inside." Rarity said with a smile as she handed the mailmare her bag.

"Oh boy oh boy oh boy." Derpy said as she took the bag. A loud gasp rang out as Derpy removed the fresh muffin from within, before she gave Rarity a crushing hug. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" She said.

"It was... Nothing." Rarity said between gasps for air. "Darling I... can't breath."

"Oh, sorry." Derpy said, releasing the fashionista. "Well, it was fun. Tell Zyra I'll be back."

Rarity nodded, gently rubbing her throat. "Goodbye." Rarity said as Derpy flew off. Turning, Rarity frowned, thinking about the will. Zyra reached for her, but Rarity gently turned her down. Walking inside, Rarity opened the envelope, to find a paper written in red ink, with a unique penmanship. "Knowing Vlad, it probably is in blood." she muttered to herself as she began to read the paper.

"If you are reading this, then I, Vladamir, have finally died. If I have a successor, then you will already know how my will be done. If, for some ghastly reason, I should not find a successor, then whoever was my caretaker shall be the one who shall inherit everything. This includes 400 acres of desolate mountain, one ancient temple, 20'000 bits stored in my bank of Equestria account (User number: 666, passphrase: 999), and my body, whatever is left of it. Best of luck, and remember: I never truly die."

At this, the paper transformed into a story of his life, detailing his time in the town, his time learning under his master, his master's death, and a few of his travels. It ended with "I now plan to settle down, but continue to protect ponies. A small town, perhaps? I've heard good things about Ponyville, maybe I'll find my one there."

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye, then folded the letter and put it away. She stepped outside into the sunlight and smiled. "Goodbye, darling." she whispered to the wind. She noticed a purple shape dart behind her house, so she stowed away her dramatic break for later. She turned to see Twilight connected to Zyra, who was waving about agitatedly. Rarity stepped forward, and Zyra lashed out, wrapping around her. The white vine snaked its way down her spine. Oh boy, was all that Rarity thought before she entered Zyra.

In the collective, it was surprisingly peaceful. Rarity? Came Zyra's thought. Where did I come from? There has never been another like me, so... what am I?

Now dear, you are the sweet plant that I raised, ever since she was just a bloom. Rarity said. As for where you came from, that is a long story, one that I had hoped that I wouldn't have to tell. Rarity sighed. A pop was heard, and Rarity knew Twilight had left them two alone. Best get comfortable, it isn't the happiest story.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay, Weeklong vacations with no computers do happen to put a dampening on writing ability.
Also, I am going to admit that this is my working semester, which means that there is a forcast of a huge homework front moving in. I don't know if I'll have time to write as much, thus these stories will have some... release delays. Again, I apologise.