• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 1,068 Views, 18 Comments

Rise of Zyra - Rennoc215

Sequel to "Trials of Vladamir," where Zyra, the outcome of Vlad's death, learns what it i

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A Lotus Bears No Fruit

Twilight watched as the white vine slowly crawled off of her friend's back. "How did she take the news?" Twilight asked as Rarity shook her head.

"I told the story, and she listened. When I was done, she asked what was in the letter I got." Twilight raised an eyebrow, so Rarity continued. "It's Vladamir's will. He left me everything, because I was his last caretaker."

Twilight smiled. "That was nice of him. What did you get?"

Rarity smiled in return. "A fairly large amount of bits, and a large swath of property up north. Up in the mountains, where the old temple rests. Here, the will gave a location in his large monologue." She said as she stepped inside, quickly picking up the note and smiling as she read the location. "Here it is! Up in the mountains by Tramplevania!"

Twilight cocked her head. "Tramplevania? Isn't that where the old Vampony legends originate?"

Rarity smiled. "Funny coincidence, isn't it?" At this, the two laughed. "But seriously, Twilight. I'm thinking of visiting it. Although I'm not the adventurous type, checking out an old temple sounds like a tad bit of fun. Especially since I own it and," She paused, and looked down at the will. "Four hundred acres of desolate mountain. I know Rainbow would find it fun. Adventure and all."

Suddenly, an idea hit Rarity. "Ooh! I get to design warm and fashionable new outfits! Oh, this will be so delightful!" She practically squealed, and Twilight smiled knowingly. There was no dissuading her friend from working on a new fashion. "Oh, I'll need fur and fluffing and" Twilight turned and left her friend to... whatever madness would ensue.

"Oh, and Twilight?" Rarity called out the door as Twilight was walking down the street. "Could you take care of Zyra for me while I'm gone? I'd normally ask Spike, but..." She motioned with her hoof. "You understand."

Twilight chuckled, and nodded her head. "Sure thing, Rarity." Twilight said with a smile.


This was not what Twilight had signed up for when she told Rarity that she would watch Zyra while she was out. She had thought it would be like watching her cat; Zyra would go on and do whatever it was she did. But this Zyra was needy to an extreme. It seemed that everywhere Twilight went, she could find Zyra's white vine creeping along behind her.

At least Zyra was willing to learn. Although Rarity had taught her manners, Twilight gave her knowledge. Zyra voraciously learned whatever Twilight gave her, as if memory and thought was on a cellular-level, instead of organ-level. Oh wait... She is a massive plant. Of course the thoughts would go on different, she has no brain. Twilight thought as she set the quill down. She looked at the new book she had beneath her, A study of Plant Physiology, Psychology, and Arcanology, By Twilight Sparkle.

At least I'm the only one who has yet to learn from a sapient plant. Twilight thought with a smile. She looked back down to her book, and picked up the quill again, before she found Zyra's tendril creeping up her back.

Twilight? Came Zyra's voice as Twilight's vision dimmed.

Yes Zyra?

Can I ask you something? Personal?

This drew Twilight's attention, and she stepped forward gingerly. What is it? Twilight asked.

What is it like being a pony? Being able to see and hear, to go wherever you want, whenever you want. Zyra inquired.

Twilight was taken aback. This was some pretty deep stuff, to describe something to somepony who won't ever experience it. Well, Twilight started, It's definitely different than being a plant, that's for certain.

What is sight like?

Well, it is definitely nice, I can tell you that. You get to know what is around you at all times, and, as a pony, I can see color, which changes what something looks like.

How? Zyra interjected.

Twilight excused herself, and pulled herself out. She went over to the windowsill, and grabbed her two flower pots. One was the regular brown, and one was a festive orange, since the running of the leaves was a few days ago. But they were both the same shape, both empty, yet different with color. Twilight brought them back with her, and allowed Zyra back in.

Feel these two pots here? They should feel the same, right? Twilight got a wave of reassurance from Zyra, prompting her to continue. Are they different in any way?

After a few moments, Zyra spoke. No, she said.

That is what color is. Your mind, right now, doesn't process color from our memories, which is probably a good thing. But these two pots are different. One is brown, the same color as the dirt, and one is orange, the same color as the leaves on the trees this time of year. I bring the orange one out to celebrate a local holiday, and the brown one is the one I use for everyday use. Color helps me differentiate the pots.

But why does the different color matter? Don't both pots serve the same purpose? Zyra inquired.

Twilight thought about that for a moment. Well, they do both serve the same purpose, the only difference is that they look better at different times. Oh, if only Rarity could see you now... She would have a fit. Her life revolves around making fancy clothes in nice colors... Oh! I realized why color is useful! So, think about how Rarity physically feels, compared to me. We are pretty much the same, right?

Zyra sat silent for a long time, before finally replying. No, She finally said flatly.

Twilight was taken aback. No? How? We are both the same size, both unicorns, and, although our manes and tails are different, those are easily changed. So, what is it that tells you that we are different?

Simple; posture and reaction. Rarity holds herself daintily, showing, as she puts it, "Lady-like charm." She keeps herself light, making her sway slightly, and she is accepting when something dear to her moves her. You hold yourself proud and strong, showing your royal training. You don't like it when outside forces act upon you, even if they are friendly. Every being is different, just like every mind. This color just sounds like another way to separate beings. "Oh, you can't com in because you have a purple mane," Or, "Oh, I'm sorry, Carrot Top!"

Wait, Twilight interjected. How do you know Carrot Top?

Zyra laughed. Oh, she came in while Rarity was working on those "Winter Expedition" suits. I pulled her to me, and told her that Rarity would be a while, she was very distracted at the moment.

How did she respond?

She screamed. But Rarity soon rushed in and gave me a harsh beratement about kidnapping strangers. I had to apologize, and Carrot said it was nothing. Rarity told her she would only need a few more moments, and so Carrot and I started talking. Eventually, we got on her name and how the name was to make fun of her outrageous orange hair. As I said before though, this whole color thing sounds completely unnecessary. While sight would be nice, I don't think I need this "color."

That's... Incredibly mature of you. Twilight said after a pause. I wish there was a pony like you, Zyra.

A sudden wave of alarm ran through Zyra, and Twilight was about to ask about it, when she heard five detached screams. Zyra shuddered, and suddenly the screaming stopped. Twilight felt her presence diminish as she felt six small minds join. "What the hay happened to us?" One, instantly recognizable filly's voice asked, voice laden with the southern accent her family shares.

"Why can't I see?" Asked the voice of a particular pegasus filly, Scootaloo.

"What did you three dweebs do to us?" Asked a strange, new voice.

"Does anypony know if Twilight is okay?" Came the boyish voice of Spike.

Everypony, stop talking! Came the thoughts of a familiar unicorn filly, Sweetie Bell. You all are scaring Zyra!

"Woah, How did you do that? And why does it sound like my voice is coming from everywhere but me?" Came Scoot's voice again.

Project your thoughts. Sweetie told them. Hello Zyra! I thought Rarity was going to have Fluttershy watch you.

No, my dear. My good friend Twilight is watching over us. Zyra responded.

Twilight was going to speak up, when she heard that same new voice talk again. "'Project our thoughts?' Sounds like a stupid trick to get us to act dumb. And you, strange voice! I demand you let us go!"

A new, second voice joined the clamor. "Yeah!"

Sweetie, who are these two? Zyra asked.

Unfortunately, they are Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon. The two worst bullies followed us home to tease us some more. Sweetie responded, provoking a hurricane of wrath from the plant. Zyra! Calm down! You'll scare my friends. Sweetie pleaded, causing Zyra to bottle her emotions into a bubbling sea, one ready to explode at any time.

Twilight sighed. Zyra, surprisingly, couldn't hide her emotions as well as most ponies. Of course, she hadn't been confined to a single, interactive body, which would have hidden them for her. Scootaloo spoke up, breaking her train of thought. "So, you're like a smart plant? Then, when you have a little sapling of your own, can I have one?"

"Yes, can she have one?" Diamond Tiara said, mockingly. "I just don't get how you three wind up with the weirdest of weirdos. Let us go, you big brute."

Very well. But leave this house, before I decide to throw you far away. Zyra responded coldly. There were the sounds of two distinct pops, and Twilight heard the two bullies scurry away. As she heard the footsteps quiet down, Twilight heard Spike think aloud.

Now, Tell me what you did with Twilight! Zyra responded with a determined silence. Hey! Didn't you hear me? Wait, what are you doing? Get out... of my head!" Spike struggled as Zyra probed his memories, seeing just exactly who he is. After a few minutes, Spike let out a gasp, and Apple Bloom inhaled a shocked breath. Shortly after her came Scootaloo, who resisted the probe the most.

Not my mind, you wont! She cried as they all felt light vibrations. Soon, the vibrations ceased, and Scootaloo began panicking. No. No, no no no. NO! She cried as Zyra pressed deeper. Stop. Please, stop. She begged, desperate.

Zyra! Enough! Twilight finally shouted over the group. You can't force your will onto other ponies like that. If you do, then they won't like you. Almost immediately, Scootaloo felt the force leave her memories, just a small distance away from the... incident.

Twilight! Spike cried. Oh, I was so worried!

I know Spike. Zyra? Go ahead and let these four go. They are all good fillies, and they won't break anything. Right?

She was answered with a resounding wave of Yes. Zyra relaxed, and let them go. Twilight then felt Zyra's mind turn to her own.

Twilight, something resounded within me at what the winged one said. About having my seedling. I wondered, will I ever have a child? It was a serious problem, one that Twilight realized she had no answer to.

I don't know, Zyra. I can do as much research as I can, but right now, I have no idea. Twilight answered, sighing.


Diamond Tiara noticed the crestfallen looks on the three blank-flanks as they entered the school the next day, and she nudged Silver Spoon, who was standing beside her. "Hey, what's up with the blank flanks?" She whispered, drawing Silver Spoon's attention.

"I don't know, let's see if we can hear it, because here comes Twist." She replied, pointing at the red-maned filly coming up to the sad trio.

"Hey girls! What's up?" Twist said with a smile. "Did Pinkie not give you any sweets today?"

"No, she gave us more than usual." Sweetie replied, looking towards Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, but we was sad before, and no amount of candy could make this problem any better." Apple Bloom agreed.

"Are you sure?" Twist interjected, holding out a few more pieces of chocolate.

"Yes!" Scootaloo said, knocking the candy from Twist's hand. "Zyra has a problem, and there's nothing anypony can do about it!"

Diamond Tiara turned and looked at Silver Spoon, a smile crossing her face. "The big plant has a problem big enough to down those three? Hah! This oughta be good." She said, Silver Spoon nodding in agreement.

"Now now, what kind of problem?" Twist asked, her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Zyra's... From out of town, and the problem is that she can't have a kid." Scootaloo said, her expression falling from anger to depression again. "She's just so nice when you get to know her, you know?" She asked, looking towards her friends, who nodded in support.

"Class! Class time!" Cheerilee called from the schoolhouse door.

Scootaloo rushed ahead on in, as if getting there faster would make the day shorter. Apple Bloom and Sweetie stayed behind to talk to Twist. "Scoots is taking it the hardest. We may have just met her, but Scootaloo really likes her. When we were told, Scoots left and was at Rainbow Dash's house for a half hour."

Twist nodded in understanding, and Diamond Tiara turned to Silver Spoon. "Hey, do you wanna get back at that brute of a plant after school?" She asked, a devious smile crossing her face.


Zyra sensed two fillies walking up, and began to reach out to embrace them. They thought nothing of it, bravely stepping inside her embracing tendrils. The pale tentacles crept up, and soon they could hear her.

I take it Scootaloo is still grieving? Zyra asked.

Actually, We have no idea, do we Silver? Diamond Tiara said smugly.

You... Zyra breathed.


"Nurse Readheart!" Twilight called, running down the halls after the pale mare. "What happened? I heard something about a hole forming in my library, and I wanted to know if anypony was hurt."

The nurse turned towards Twilight, and gave a sad sigh. "Yes, two fillies were seriously injured. One is here, who's wounds were thankfully less critical. A few days bed rest and she'll be up on her hooves again. But the other one is currently under intensive care. We don't know how long she'll be here. Could be upwards of a few months."

Twilight gasped. "Who was it? How could that have happened?" She asked.

"Well, the fillies names are..." She said, looking down at her clipboard, "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Diamond is the one in intensive care, Silver will be walking around soon. As for how it happened..." She looked down at her clipboard, reading over the list of injuries. "Probably falling. Although the height they had to have fallen was enormous, far larger than the height of the tree."

The nurse looked up at her. "Almost as if they were thrown. Tell me, did you throw them?"

Twilight gasped. "I? Throw them? Hardly. I was out, seeing if any of my friends needed some help."

Nurse Redheart nodded. "Mhm." She said, jotting something down on her clipboard. "Thank you for your time, but I really have to get to some patients." She said, hurrying down into the labyrinth of halls that made up Ponyville hospital.

Twilight sighed, looking back towards her home. Zyra, you better not be responsible... Twilight thought, hurrying down the hall.


"Yes, it was that hellish brute that threw me through your roof, and I'm suing!" The filly in the bed before Twilight said to the lavender unicorn. "I want to see that monster destroyed!"

Twilight was one of the first visitors admitted to see Diamond Tiara after her surgery, and Twilight was ever so thankful. Had her parents come here first, then Twilight would have never heard the end of it. Also, coincidentally, they were out of town for the day, on business. By the time the news reached them, Twilight will be long gone.

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. "Monster?" Twilight asked, a smile creeping across her lips. "That's ludicrous. Did your reflection throw you? I've seen you around the Crusaders. And you call that gentle plant a monster? So far, the only thing that plant is guilty of is..." Twilight looked up dramatically. "Protecting property. And I don't think that that is a punishable offense."

Diamond Tiara's mouth nearly dropped. "But it threw me!" She complained.

Twilight smirked. "After you were trespassing. I wasn't there, and the sign clearly said 'Closed.'"

"Wait till my father hears about this!" Diamond called as Twilight turned away.

"Oh, I'm waiting." Twilight said, walking out of the room.


The wind whipped violently around Rarity, snow blowing viciously around her warm hood. I hope Rainbow Dash is having it easier than I am, Rarity thought, looking up, trying to see her companion.

Rainbow Dash, coincidentally, was actually having a pleasant time. The clouds refused her commands, but they gracefully stayed low, allowing her to easily fly ahead, seeing the peak of the mountain they had been climbing the entire time. And peeking through the cloud, near the summit of the mountain, lay a lone building. Glad they were making progress, Rainbow Dash braved the harsh weather to tell her friend. "Hey," she called, as soon as she could see the brown mass that made up her outfit. "We're almost there."

"Oh, thank Celestia!" Rarity exclaimed, panting slightly. "How are you faring up there? I hope the wind isn't too bad."

"Oh, it isn't easy, let me say that." Rainbow replied, glad her 'Frozen Expedition Uniform' concealed her smile.

"Well, it'll be nice to get out of this snow, that's for certain." Rarity said with a nod.

Smiling, the two friends continued on their trek, unaware of the two vicious green eyes watching them.


Zyra? Twilight called, the plant staying eerily silent. Did you throw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?

Zyra's voice was weak and distressed. I didn't hurt them, did I?

Nothing serious. Mostly injured prides. Twilight lied, cringing slightly.

Relief flooded Zyra's voice. Oh, that's good. I just... I don't know what happened. One moment, I was fine. The next, they were gone, and I could feel a breeze. I was so worried I had hurt them. I didn't mean to, even if they meant to hurt me.

Twilight shook her head. Wait, what? How did they hurt you? She asked.

Zyra floundered at the question. Y-yes... She answered, her voice wavering.

And how did they hurt you? Twilight pushed, hoping to get something out of the usually quiet plant.

They... They... They insulted me. Then they laughed. I got angry, and they didn't take me seriously. They kept laughing, making it worse. Then, I felt something. My senses changed, tilted slightly. Zyra paused, worrying Twilight. Twilight, is there a color to describe anger? As in pure, unbridled rage?

Twilight rapidly became confused. Why? You can't see them, so what does it matter?

Zyra's tone became dead flat. Just answer my question. Is there?

Yes, it's called red. Twilight stammered, suddenly unsure of Zyra. She had been acting odd.

Red. Such a nice word. Alright then, try this comparison: It was like everything you saw was slightly red. Red covered everything, until all you could see or think was red. That's what it was like. And do you want to know what this red told me? Zyra paused again, building dramatic tension. Soon, the tension was unbearable, and when Twilight was about to speak, Zyra answered her question.

"Hurt them," It told me.


Rarity gasped at the strange warmth of the temple, a nice reprieve from the grueling walk up. She rapidly threw her outfit on the rack, and watched as Rainbow walked in the door, suspiciously dry. Rainbow still played the part though, shaking snow and water from your mane. "What a trek." Rainbow sighed, before noticing the disapproving look on her friend's face. "What?"

Rarity shook her head, chuckling to herself. "Nothing dear." She said, turning to look at the atrium. The room was nice and spacious, although the colors definitely made the place feel... evil. The supports, rafters, and floor were done in black, while the walls and furniture were in red. At the center of the room was a dark steel fountain, with the topper showing a pony's head, red liquid burbling out of the eyes, nose, and mouth, making Rarity shudder in revulsion. On either side was a hallway, and at the far side of the room were a pair of large, steel doors, with ornate silver inlay. The doors, however, had no handles or pulls.

"Well, Darling, which way should we travel?" She asked her companion. Before Rainbow could respond, they both heard a rustle in the rafters, drawing their attentions. "Who goes there?" Rarity called.

They could hear a hissing laughter, and a dry, deep voice responded. "Oh my, a unicorn and pegasus. Begone, and heed my warning. This is a sacred place, and your species filth shall trespass here no more. Begone, before I loose my patience. Should you return, prepare to bleed." They heard another rustle, similar in sound to changeling wings, and then all was quiet.

Author's Note:

I apologize about the enormous delays, but I have a blame list:
English and Math classes
School in general
Magic the Gathering
And League of Legends. Can't leave that off the blame list. KD

God, this chapter took forever to write. I kept checking my word count going up and up, but I still wasn't close to where I wanted to be at.