• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 1,371 Views, 6 Comments

Titler Duet - sklafjdslkj

Lyra is sent an ivitation to the Grand Galloping Gala by an old friend.

  • ...


Chapter 1

Lyra was lying peacefully under the tree. From her spot on the top of the hill overlooking Ponyville, she could see everypony going about their business. This was her daily business. Every day she came out to this tree around midday and played her lyre. She made it a point to keep in practice with her lyre. Although she had never been the best musician, Lyra loved nothing more than a few quiet hours to sit and play. It had only been two hours and she had already played all the songs she could think of today, so she just lay back and relaxed in the warm sunlight, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Lyra didn’t wake up until hours later. Slowly looking around, Lyra bolted to her feet, with only one thought on her mind. Damn it! I’m late! Bon Bon is going to be so mad. She galloped as fast as she could to the café where an annoyed Bon Bon would be expecting her.

By the time she got to the café, Lyra was completely winded. She hadn’t run that hard since the Running of the Leaves and even then she hadn’t sprinted the entire time. Panting, she arrived at the café they met at every Friday night. Looking around, she saw Bon Bon sitting slumped over at their usual table.

“Sorry I’m late. I lost track of time,” Lyra panted as she sat at the table.

“It’s okay,” said Bon Bon, smiling as usual. Lyra had once bet that she couldn’t go a day without smiling. It was an easy five bits that Lyra had won; Bon Bon had lost before they could get to the library. “You fell asleep while playing again, didn’t you?”

“Maybe,” Lyra teased playfully, “It was a beautiful day today. I couldn’t help it.”

“It was. How was your day?”

“I had fun. It’s nice to get out and just play every day.”

“That’s good,” Bon Bon mumbled.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You normally talk my ear off.”

“Oh it’s nothing, Pink-”

“Excuse me,” their waiter interrupted. “Are you ready to order?”

“Oh, yes I’ll have the Daffodil Soup please,” Bon Bon said, her voice wavering with fatigue.

“Um, I’ll have the Meadow Grass Sandwich,” Lyra said. Their waiter, having written down their orders, left without another word.

“Anyway,” Bon Bon continued, “I just came from work. Pinkie Pie asked for a massive order of chocolates and I have to make a ton of them by Sunday. I haven’t had much time to rest today and I’m not going to get much sleep.”

“Do you want any help?” Lyra asked.

“Lyra, you remember the last time you tried to help me, don’t you?” Lyra did; it had been a disaster. Bon Bon had left her alone for a few minutes and by the time she came back, Lyra had made a disaster zone of the kitchen; bowls were strewn across counters and chocolate was splattered everywhere, including all over Lyra’s normally sea-green coat. It had taken Bon Bon hours to clean up the mess Lyra had made.

Blushing at the memory, Lyra tried to distract the confectioner. “So what does Pinkie need so much candy for? Is there a party this week?”

“I don’t know. She said something about taking it with her to Canterlot.” Bon Bon shrugged. “I don’t pretend to understand her.”

“Canterlot? Pinkie doesn’t seem like she would enjoy going to Canterlot.”

“I thought it was weird but she was singing some song about the Grand Galloping Gala as she left. I guess that’s why. It is supposed to be the biggest party in all of Equestria.”

Lyra took a few bites out of her sandwich to try and hide her thoughts from her friend. I wonder if she’ll be there… it seems like the kind of thing she would be at. Lyra was so lost in thought she didn’t notice that she finished her entire sandwich and Bon Bon paid for the meal. They got up and left before the waiter could return.

The two walked the few blocks to Bon Bon’s bakery in silence. The dim nighttime street flooding Lyra’s mind with memories of evenings spent with her. Bon Bon broke the uncomfortable silence, ”Lyra, what’s bothering you?”

“Nothing,” Lyra said pawing the ground.

“Don’t lie to me,” Bon Bon said trying to pry it out of Lyra.

“I-I’m just thinking about something that happened a long time ago,” Lyra said defensively as she shuffled uncomfortably.

“It’s alright Lyra.” Bon Bon softened her tone and embraced her in a quick hug and whispered, “I’m here if you do decide you want to talk about it though.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” Lyra said, breaking the embrace. Bon Bon started to go into the shop and get back to her work. Lyra knew filling a Pinkie Pie order would take all night and most of the next day. Before she could get inside, Lyra added, “Hey, wasn’t it my turn to pay this week?”

“Yeah, but I know you haven’t had a show in a while, so I figured I would take care of it,” Bon Bon replied and with a smile, she disappeared inside.

The walk from Ponyville was a long and solitary one and the night sky wasn’t offering her any consolation. The heavy clouds created a dark, oppressing blanket that seemed to weigh on her as she walked. Lyra sulked back to her house on the outskirts of Ponyville. How could Bon Bon just assume that I couldn’t pay! Sure, it had been a while since I had a show, but that was normal, right? Every musician goes through a dry spell. I just have to push through it. I’m sure even she has had a dry spell.

She pushed the door open with her magic. Lyra wasn’t particularly gifted, but she was talented with telekinesis. She had to be; it was the only way anypony could have the dexterity to play a lyre. As she walked in Lyra went to set down her lyre. In her rush to meet Bon Bon, she had left it at the tree.

Lyra turned back to go get her lyre from the park. It had been a gift from her mother when she was accepted into the Manehatten School of Music. Out of all her worldly possessions, it was the one thing she had to have. The night air was a crisp cool. Even underneath her coat, she could feel it sting against her as she walked. It didn’t take long for her to reach the tree. It was only a five minute walk from her house, but tonight it seemed much longer. Lyra could only think of making it to her lyre, only to find it destroyed or damaged. Still, she also wanted to get to sleep and forget about the stupid Gala that had been nagging at the back of her mind all night.

Once she was close enough, Lyra grabbed her lyre with her magic and brought it to float next to her. As she walked back to her house, she played a simple song to make sure it was still in working order. It was one she hadn’t played in years, but the notes came off the lyre perfectly. It was little comfort, but Lyra knew that she would like it.

She made it back to her house in what seemed like no time. Lyra pushed the door right in and put her lyre up, knowing she would have to clean and tune it the next day. Weather this cold wasn’t good for instruments. Lyra indulged her body in its one desire, sleep.



Lyra hid her head under the pillow, hoping that the noise would go away.

Knock knock

Who would be waking her up this early? Still refusing to budge, she pulled the blankets up over her head, fighting for her sleep.


Whoever it was, they were starting to get annoyed. Lyra couldn’t ignore it any longer; she had to answer the door. Dragging herself out of bed Lyra made her way from her bedroom to the door. When she opened it there was a gray, pegasus pony with a short golden mane and the most confusing eyes that pointed off in different directions. “Umm hi, who are you?” Lyra gave the pegasus a skeptical look.

“I’m Ditzy Doo, ya know the Ponyville mailpony?”

“Oh yeah, Ditzy,” Lyra lied. She hadn’t gotten much mail since she moved to Ponyville, and what mail she did get was dropped off when she wasn’t home. “What brings you all the way out here so early this morning?”

“You got a really important letter thingy. I was told to deliver this one first, normally I don’t get here until the afternoon.” The mailpony dug around in her saddle bag until she came up with a gray envelope that only said “Lyra, Ponyville” on it.

Floating the letter inside, Lyra thanked the pegasus pony and sent her back on her typical mail route. “Who would bother sending a letter to me all the way out here?” Lyra asked herself. She lay down on her couch and opened it carefully and took out the card. The only writing on the card was on the inside. Lyra held her breath as she read it, she knew only one pony who wrote with such elegant cursive. It read simply “I would like to see you again and catch up. I enclosed a ticket so you could come to the Gala.” She had signed it with her usually large, loopy, graceful stroke: Yours, Octavia.

Lyra sat down on her couch. Rummaging through the envelope she found what she was looking for, the ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. It shone with a golden sheen that she knew would only have come with an actual ticket. Octavia had actually invited her to the Gala, and she wanted to catch up! Lyra was surprised that Octavia even remembered her. They had been friends in school but that seemed like such a long time ago. Now that she thought about it, Lyra realized it had only been a little over two years since they graduated. Of course Octavia had graduated at the very top of the bassists, but Lyra wasn’t such a good student and had been 8th chair in her class of lyrists, even though she had the talent to be the first chair.

They had been roommates during their senior year, and that entire year Octavia pressed her to pay more attention in their Music Theory classes and practice more. Reflecting on it, Octavia had even pushed her when they were just fillies in Manehatten. Lyra started to feel melancholy when she remembered the long days they spent as fillies exploring the streets of upper class Manehatten.

Checking the ticket Lyra saw that the Gala was in a month. A month isn’t nearly enough time to prepare! Oh no, I have to learn a song, get my lyre fixed, arrange travel, oh! and I can’t forget the dress! Wait, wasn’t there a fashion show a while back for some ponies going to the Gala? Bon Bon said it was Rarity, maybe she’ll make me a dress. Calm down Lyra, one step at a time. Now, start with the dress. Lyra put her ticket on top of her lyre and ran a brush through her mane a few times before leaving.

She had decided that the song could wait until later; getting a dress was much more pressing. Unfortunately, Carousel Boutique was on the opposite side of Ponyville. Even though Ponyville wasn’t as big as Manehatten, it still took her over half an hour to get there. Lyra grabbed the binder she needed and put it in her saddlebags before leaving. Lyra’s walk was an uneventful one; she took little interest in the business of the ponies she passed. It was weird for her to see them so close. She didn’t come into town except to meet Bon Bon and schedule concerts when she could.

When she arrived the entire store was surrounded by a huge mass of ponies, barely able to make out which one was Bon Bon. “Hey Bon Bon, what’s everypony doing here?”

“We’re trying to see Fluttershy!” Bon Bon yelled out, hopping so that Lyra could see her above the crowd. Bon Bon had always had a thing for fashion; Fluttershy was only her recent obsession. Lyra started forcing her way through the crowd, wriggling through small places between ponies until she came to the front door. She knocked on the door forcefully.

“I've told you a hundred times already: Fluttershy—is—not—HERE!” the incensed designer yelled, “Didn’t you ponies hear, she gave up her modeling career last week!”

“Um, actually, Miss. Rarity I’m here for a dress. I don’t know who Fluttershy even is,” Lyra cried over the noise of the crowd.

Rarity cracked the door just enough to look at her, “You really want a dress?”

“Well, um, yeah. Bon Bon saw your designs in the fashion show a while back and said they looked really good.”

“Oh, alright come inside so we can talk in private.” Rarity opened the door just enough for Lyra to squeeze through but shut it in the face of the ponies who tried to force their way in. “I was just about to make some tea. Would you like some?”

“Yes, please.”

The beleaguered designer went into the kitchen for a few minutes before returning with two cups of tea. She motioned for Lyra to join her at the table she had set up. As Lyra made her way to the table, Rarity went back into the kitchen. Lyra sat down and took an eager sip of her tea, scalding her tongue.

As Rarity returned she warned, “Do be careful, the tea is quite hot.”

Lyra could only mumble, “That would have been nice to know.”

Rarity set down a tray of muffins and scones in the middle of the table before taking a sip of her own tea. “So, what occasion might this dress be for?”

“I don’t mean to be rude, but what business of yours is that?” Lyra blew on her tea to make sure it had cooled some before she took another sip.

“Oh, darling, it means everything! It affects the style, color choice, stitching, and so many other things!” Rarity said in a fervor.

“Well, I am going to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot,” Lyra admitted.

“And you are just now getting a dress?” Rarity looked at her suspiciously.

“I kind of didn’t know I was going until I got my ticket this morning.” Lyra took a long drink of her tea.

Rarity sat for a long minute in thought. “I can have it done in a week. Of course, that is barring any changes you want to make to it.”

“Um, do you know what kind of style will match me?”

“Of course I do! I’ve been to every concert you’ve played since you moved here. I make it a point to know everypony in Ponyville.”

“Thank you, I do have one request though. I have this song,” Lyra said lifting the binder out of her saddlebag, “It’s one of my favorites, and I would really like for it to be somehow incorporated into the dress.”

Rarity studied the music for a while. “That is no problem at all. Can I keep this copy though?”

“Oh, yes, I should have another copy at home,” Lyra lied. She only had one copy, but she also had the entire song memorized, it would just be a matter of relearning how to play it on her lyre. “I wish I could stay but I have to go see if there is any way to arrange transportation this close to the Gala.”

“Oh I have an idea. Twilight said she would make us a carriage with magic. If you want to I’m sure you could ride with us. I wouldn’t want something so silly to stop you from doing this.”

“Thank you so much Rarity, but how do I pay you for all of this?” Lyra asked worriedly.

“Oh I’m sure it’s nothing a private concert wouldn’t take care of.” Rarity gave her a soft smile. “Now let me take your measurements so I can get started.” Lyra went and stood on a small platform as Rarity circled her, measuring and making notes on a piece of paper. “Okay, I’ll have the dress done in a week and I’ll have the information for that chariot then too.”

“Oh thank you so much Rarity, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I couldn’t go to this.”

“It’s no problem,” Rarity said trying to appear attentive, but Lyra could see that she was already engrossed in the dress. Knowing it wasn’t a good idea to interrupt her while she worked Lyra slipped out the front door, making sure nopony could get in while it was open.

Forcing her way through the crowd, Lyra started her trek back home. Since Rarity was giving her a chariot she only had one more thing to do before that night, Lyra and Octavia always played together and she didn’t remember any of their old music.

The trip home was just as uninteresting as the trip out to Carousel Boutique, only this time she was trying to think of what song she would have to relearn. She made it home in no time and went straight to her bedroom. There, Lyra scanned her bookshelf for the notebooks she had kept. Even though she hadn’t been the best student in school she had managed to take and keep some of her notes. It didn’t take long to find a binder she could use, it was a dark purple that stood out against the other black binders that surrounded it on the shelf. She grabbed it with her magic and ran out the door, taking her lyre with her.

She trotted to her usual tree overlooking Ponyville, but instead of looking to relax today, she would start relearning the song she had chosen. Sitting under the tree she stared at the blank front of the binder. She hadn’t bothered to label any of her songs from music school. This song was one of the later ones written by Ponygang Mozart. Opening the binder she started to read the music.

Once she had given it a read through, Lyra picked up her lyre and started to play. She plucked the strings with expert precision, each note ringing loud and clear. Slowly the music built, leading to the climax. The music built to a crescendo, and then abruptly cut off, leaving the last note hanging in the air. Lyra let out a sigh and mentally reprimanded herself for every slight mistake she had made. Then, she played it again. It became a cycle for her, constantly fixing and adjusting her play until she thought it was perfect. Lyra was only forced to stop playing when the sun started to set.

Lyra spent every day in the same fashion. She practiced that one song constantly, and by the end of the month she had it perfect. The only thing that broke the monotony was Bon Bon coming by to check on her every few days. As hard as Lyra practiced, she failed to notice how worried Bon Bon was. Although She explained it as Bon Bon being a good friend, something about it kept nagging at the back of her mind. Though they still met for dinner at the café once a week, they were both exhausted and barely talked.


Knock knock

Lyra had barely gotten any sleep before the rapping at her door woke her up; she had been too excited to sleep properly.


Who would be knocking on her door at this hour? When she opened it Lyra was face to face with a troubled Bon Bon.

“Lyra you’ve been acting weird all month, what’s wrong?” Bon Bon said, fidgeting with her mane.

“I’m sorry, I’ve just been working really hard on this song.”

“Can I hear it before you go?” Bon Bon asked timidly.

“Well, it’s kind of only half a song. My friend is supposed to play the other part, it’s a little tradition we had in music school,” Lyra said nervously. The song was perfectly fine with just her lyre, but she had never played it without her friend.

“Oh, I thought we could share everything,” Bon Bon hung her head in disappointment.

“What do you mean? You’re my best friend, but I don’t play incomplete music for anypony.” Lyra stamped her hoof in anger. Incomplete music is bad music, she thought.

“I-I’m just your best friend?” Lyra didn’t know why but she could see tears forming in Bon Bon’s eyes, “I thought we had something… else between us.” Bon Bon started to back away from Lyra, barely holding back tears. Realization hit Lyra like a ton of bricks.

All this time she thought they were friends Bon Bon had thought they were fillyfriends.

“Oh Bon Bon, I’m so sorry. I don’t like you like that. I like you... just not like that,” Lyra pleaded. She moved closer to Bon Bon, trying to console her friend but Bon Bon shied away from her.

Bon Bon couldn’t hold back anymore; tears started streaming down her face as she turned and galloped back towards town without a word. Lyra started after her but as she neared Ponyville she realized she had to get to the carriage. Returning to her house, she scooped up her ticket and luggage and locked the door behind her. Her walk to the center of Ponyville felt different, like there was nothing left for her there. She had probably lost the one pony in Ponyville who had really been her friend, the only thing that had bound her to Ponyville besides her house. I have to talk to her... but after the Gala. I can’t miss this chance to talk to Octavia, it’s been so long.

Lyra arrived at Carousel Boutique as a pair of stallions were hitching themselves to a carriage. As she drew closer she realized that she had never seen them before. In all the time she had watched Ponyville, Lyra had never seen the two earth pony stallions in town. She slowed to a trot and eyed the two of them skeptically.

Rarity stepped out of the carriage and looked around, her eyes finally settling on Lyra. “Lyra,” she called, “We were about to leave!”

Breaking into a gallop she quickly covered the remaining distance between her and the carriage. She stowed her luggage before talking to Rarity. “Sorry I’m late, I… I woke up late,” she lied.

“Oh it’s okay darling. You’re here now aren’t you?” Rarity smiled as she opened the door for her. Lyra entered the carriage and took a seat next to the window across from a lavender unicorn mare. Rarity sat next to her after telling the stallions it was time to leave. There was a short silence as Rarity’s friends watched Lyra with curiosity.

“Uh, hi? You probably don’t know me but Rarity invited me to ride with you to the Gala,” Lyra said sheepishly.

“Hi Lyra, my name is Twilight Sparkle,” said the lavender unicorn as she smiled. She pointed to the orange pony next to her. “This is Applejack.” Applejack nodded as Twilight went on introducing the ponies. The pink one next to Applejack was Pinkie Pie, the cyan pegasus fluttering around the top of the carriage was named Rainbow Dash, and the silent yellow pegasus was named Fluttershy.

Lyra listened to them talk for a while but lost interest after only a few stories. She didn’t feel like sharing any of her stories and so passed the time by watching the landscape as they traveled and playing a few soft songs. Eventually she noticed the rest of them had stopped talking and were staring at her.

“Oh… sorry.” She blushed.

“Don’t be. You’re really good,” Twilight complimented.

She smiled weakly. “You’re too kind.”

“You could easily rival any of the court musicians in Canterlot,” Twilight said.

Lyra looked down at the lyre lying between her forelegs. “Oh no, I never did well in music school. I could never be better than them.”

Twilight opened her mouth to press the point, but was silenced by a glare from Applejack. Instead she asked, “Lyra, could you play for us some more?”

“Sure,” she said giving a soft smile as she picked up her lyre again. She started with a soft lullaby and progressed into more and more lively songs. In the end she played them several pop songs as they sang along. They sang with her music the entire way to Canterlot, and when she ran out of songs they continued singing and making up their own songs. Although she still couldn’t keep her thoughts about Bon Bon from nagging at her, she hadn’t enjoyed herself like that in years and made sure to savor every moment of it.

=====================================================================Thanks to CartoonGeld, Filler, JKinsley, Vanner, and Vimbert for reviewing and editing this.