• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 1,370 Views, 6 Comments

Titler Duet - sklafjdslkj

Lyra is sent an ivitation to the Grand Galloping Gala by an old friend.

  • ...


Chapter 2

The carriage arrived in the middle of the hotel district, but Lyra had been too engrossed in the song they were singing to notice. Taking her luggage to the hotel, Lyra quickly walked to the front desk and got a room. She rode the elevator up to the 43rd floor. It was a Honeymoon Suite at the Maritrot.

“I still can’t believe Rarity got me this room,” Lyra grumbled as she approached the door. She deftly unlocked the door and entered the room. The room could only be described as lavish. Lyra entered into a spacious living room that seemed larger than her house back in Ponyville. The far wall was covered in windows. In the center of the room where two large copper colored couches facing an obviously fake fireplace. On one side of the room was an alcove that contained the hotel equivalent to a kitchen, and on the other side of the room was a short hallway that ended with a white door. Looking at it Lyra guessed that it led to the bedroom.

Still, her curiosity was peaked and she walked over to it. She opened it to reveal a large bedroom, at least by Lyra’s standards. It was surprisingly sparsely decorated considering the rest of the room. Looking around, Lyra only saw a large, luxurious looking bed, a nightstand and a closet. She hung her dress in the closet before returning to the living room.

Sitting down on one of the couches, Lyra took in the view. The city was practically glowing, and she could see lights on in nearly every building in Canterlot. She glanced at the clock on the wall; it read 6 P.M.

I guess I could explore the city for a bit, Lyra thought. The Gala doesn’t start until eight, that should be enough time for a quick walk around town. However, she could feel her eyelids drooping. Before long she gave up the notion of exploring the city and let sleep overcome her.


Lyra found herself lying in a bed. It wasn’t her bed though, this bed was large enough for two ponies. The sheets weren’t her normal dark green. These were a dark blue. Lyra started looking around. Lyra didn’t recognize the room and wondered where she was.

She went over to the window and looked out, trying to figure out where she was. Instantly she realized she was on the second floor of this building and she was in Ponyville. From her vantage point she could see city hall just a few blocks away.

Why am I in Ponyville? I-I can’t be. Just a minute ago I was in Canterlot for the Gala! Oh no, Octavia will be disappointed if I don’t show up! Wait, I was falling asleep in my room, this must be a dream. Lyra breathed a sigh of relief at the realization. “Now what am I dreaming about?” she said to herself. Lyra looked around the room for clues as to whose house she was in, but she couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary.

Lyra trotted down the stairs into what could only be the living room. She recognized some of the furniture: her couch, her coffee table, and her bookcase. Why is my bookcase here? Lyra never let anypony move her bookcase before. She eyed it suspiciously as she approached it. As she looked it up and down, she could find nothing missing or out of place. Gaping, Lyra took a second look at the house. Although she was the only pony who knew how to organize the music, this was definitely not her house.

Lyra put it out of her mind for the time being. She had to find out whose house this was. There was only one other room, the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, Lyra could only describe it one way: huge. It wasn’t a normal kitchen for a house. Looking around, Lyra found nothing special until she came to the cream colored mare humming at the stove. Lyra recognized her; it was Bon Bon. What in Celestia’s name is going on? Why did I wake up in Bon Bon’s house and why does she have my music?

Bon Bon turned around, depositing a plate of fluffy pancakes on the table. “Wow! You’re up! I was just making you some pancakes,” she said upon seeing Lyra.

“Well, as much as I like pancakes I should-”

“They’re apple flavored, your favorite.”

“I would love to, really, but I have to get home and-”

“But, honey you are home. Don’t you remember? You moved in last week.”

Lyra’s jaw fell open in shock. “I-I-what?!”

“Ly, you’re scaring me. Don’t you remember it? We were having dinner like normal and you proposed right there in front of the entire restaurant,” Bon Bon said holding up her hoof to show a bright gold band. “You moved in a few days later. Y-You don’t remember?” she asked. Before Lyra could say anything, Bon Bon started to cry.

Lyra couldn’t stay there, she pushed the door open and galloped as fast as she could. She didn’t care where she went, she just couldn’t stay there. In her haste she accidentally crashed into a lavender unicorn.

“Oh hey Lyra. Where is Bon Bon? You haven’t left her side since-”

“Eeeep!” Lyra took off at a renewed gallop.

It’s just a dream. It’s just a dream. No matter how much she told herself that it didn’t seem to help. She couldn’t escape this nightmare. Still she ran, she ran as fast and as far as she could. The city faded into a blur and was soon replaced by the countryside. Lyra ran through the countryside until she could barely feel her legs, and then kept running. Lyra was topping a hill when she tripped over a root growing from a nearby tree. Unfortunately for her, Lyra’s momentum carried her over the top of the hill and sent her tumbling head over hoof down the other side, coming to a stop after hitting another tree.

“Ow,” Lyra said trying to shake the throbbing in her head out. “I thought you couldn’t get hurt in dreams,” Lyra mumbled. She lay there, trying to get rid of her headache and avoiding thinking about what she knew would come up. What in Equestria is going on? I proposed to Bon Bon?! That-That’s impossible! I-I-I know who I love. She hadn’t ever thought about Bon Bon like that, she had only ever thought of them as friends, but now she couldn’t help but wonder. What if we did have something more? Bon Bon’s a great friend, my best friend, my only friend. Could I risk our friendship for just a chance? I might have already ruined it though. Lyra entertained the thought of being with Bon Bon. There were parts of it she might enjoy, but she didn’t know if she loved Bon Bon. Lyra pushed the thoughts out of her mind, knowing she would come back to them later.


Knock knock

Why did ponies keep waking her up? Can’t I just sleep through the night? Lyra wondered before realizing what time it was. She woke with a start, falling off the couch she had been sleeping on. Quickly checking the time she realized that it was only seven, leaving her plenty of time to get ready.

Knock knock

Lyra grudgingly opened the door, and Rarity pushed her way in. “Now darling, we absolutely have to start getting ready,” she said before getting a good look at the sea-green unicorn’s disheveled state. “Please don’t tell me you were sleeping just now.”

“Hey! I was tired, do you know how little sleep I’ve gotten lately?” Lyra asked indignantly.

“I understand, but what would you have done if I hadn’t come and woken you up?”
Lyra flushed in embarrassment. She could have easily slept through the Gala.

“It doesn’t matter though, you are up and I’m here to get you ready for tonight.”

“What do you mean, ‘get me ready?’”

“I won’t let anypony go to the Gala without looking their absolute finest,” Rarity said as she started a machine up in the kitchen. “Plus, I already brought everything I need over, I’ll be getting ready, too.” It didn’t take long before Rarity emerged from the kitchen with two cups of brown liquid. “Here, drink this.”

Lyra took the cup with her magic and looked at it before asking, “What in Celestia’s name is this?”

“It’s called coffee, it’ll help you stay awake tonight.”

Lyra took a sip and found it hot and bitter, but she liked it and before she knew it she took one long drink, emptying the mug. It didn’t take long for her to feel the effects of the potent drink, within minutes she had gone from her usual hyper state to one of complete chaos. She couldn’t focus on counting to five, much less playing an entire song.

“Rarity, I can’t play like this, I can barely focus on anything.”

“Don’t worry sweetie, that will wear off in a little while. I drink this all the time when I have to stay up late and finish an order.”

Lyra nodded her understanding. Maybe Bon Bon could use this, especially when she has to fill a Pinkie Pie order. I’ll remember to tell her next time I see her. If she talks to me. Lyra knew that was unlikely but still held out hope. She had broken her best friend’s heart, and didn’t know if they would even be friends when she got back to Ponyville.

It didn’t take long for Rarity to work her magic on Lyra once she started. The first thing that she addressed was Lyra’s mane. Rarity had her sit on the couch and started to run a comb through her mane. She hadn’t given it a thorough brushing in at least a year, and Rarity had to stop often to work through a particularly stubborn knot. Lyra didn’t complain though; she sat through the entire ordeal with only the occasional grunt and muttered curse. After what seemed like hours to Lyra, her mane was done.

Her relief was short lived though, Rarity was already starting on her tail. Lyra yelped as Rarity hit the first major snag and pushed the comb right through it. She stopped for a minute and gave Lyra a concerned look. As Lyra motioned for her to continue she gritted her teeth against the pain she knew was coming. Rarity tugged at her tail for an eternity, but eventually it was over and Lyra could relax. She took a tentative look at her mane and tail, wondering how Rarity had styled them. To her surprise they were still in her usual style, only brushed smooth and straight.

“Now, where do we start?” Rarity asked as she opened a large box of makeup.

Lyra dove off the couch and away from Rarity. “Oh no, I know you’re trying to help, but I am not wearing makeup.”

Rarity sighed. “Oh well, then you are almost done. Just run a brush through your coat a few times before you put on the dress.”

As she stood, Lyra grabbed a brush from Rarity’s collection of hair styling utensils and walked back to the bedroom while she brushed her coat. She opened the bedroom and finished the brushing. Thankfully it was much less painful due to her short coat.

Lyra took her new dress out of the closet and opened up the bag it had been confined to. It was a beautiful dress. Rarity had found just the shade of green that would perfectly compliment her coat, and embroidered it with the lines of music Lyra had given her. Lyra was glad that she had insisted on having the music notes put on the dress, Rarity had outdone herself on them. She pulled the dress on and fastened it together. As she walked out she stopped when she walked by the mirror in the room.

She looked gorgeous. Her mane, curls and all, ran down her neck perfectly with the thin headpiece Rarity had brought holding it in place. The dress was beyond her wildest dreams. She had seen it plenty of times on ponykins but this was the first time she had actually worn it. On her it looked as if every movement she made played a note, and when she walked the song came together. It truly took her breath away. Bon Bon would have loved this dress, Lyra thought before she could quash the idea. She knew it was true, but she didn’t want to think about her now.

She stood there looking at the mirror until Rarity called, “Lyra, where are you? It’s almost time for us to go.”

Lyra went back out to meet up with Rarity and was astonished by the transformation the fashion designer had made. She looked... elegant, like the nobility Lyra had grown up around. “Oh Rarity, this dress is amazing, how can I ever repay you?”

“Don’t worry about it darling. Now, we need to get going. Do you want to ride with us to the Gala?”

“Thanks for the offer, but I want to see Canterlot. I grew up in Manehatten and have never gotten the chance to visit,” Lyra said, shuffling her hooves.

“Don’t get lost, I would hate for you to miss the Gala.” Rarity strode out of the room and turned down the hallway, leaving Lyra in the huge suite alone. “Well, are you coming?” Rarity called down the hall, “You can still talk with me while we ride downstairs.”

Lyra grabbed her lyre and trotted down the hall to catch up to Rarity. “Thanks for all the help Rarity.” They rode the elevator in a comfortable silence. Rarity went so far as to walk Lyra to the lobby, where Rarity’s friends were waiting. Lyra recognized a few of them from the trip there, but she had already forgotten their names. She tried to skirt around them by walking on the other side of the lobby.

“Would you like to ride with me and my friends? I’m sure they would love to see you at the Gala,” Rarity asked enthusiastically.

“Oh, no, I wouldn’t want to impose, besides I want to get there early,” Lyra lied. They would ask about Bon Bon, and she didn’t know what to think about Bon Bon herself.

“Okay darling, maybe when we get back to Ponyville. Twilight and Fluttershy would love to meet you, they absolutely love your music.”

“T-thank you.” Lyra blushed at the compliment.

“The royal castle isn’t far away. It is above the rest of the city right on the mountain,” Rarity said as she departed with her friends.

Lyra watched Rarity go over to her friends before she walked away herself. She walked through the revolving door out into Canterlot. The princesses had already transitioned from day to night, but nopony had bothered to light the streets. Lyra took a minute to notice why, the paving and building stones were glowing. Somehow the entire city lit itself at night.

Lyra started looking around. Rarity had said that the castle was within walking distance, but she hadn’t told Lyra which way it was. Looking around Lyra eventually found a street going further up the mountain towards a colossal building that she could only assume was the castle. It was slow going because she was walking up the steep road without stepping on the dress. She was determined that she wouldn’t ruin all of Rarity’s hard work just because she got distracted. Along the way, she couldn’t help to keep her thoughts from turning to Bon Bon. As she fought the thoughts of her friend out of her mind, she failed to notice that she had arrived at the castle. The security was ready at the gates, but all she had to do was flash her ticket and they ushered her through.

Walking through the gardens, Lyra made her way into the ballroom where the actual Gala festivities were happening. She started looking for Octavia in the crowd milling about the ballroom. She sent me the ticket, surely she is here, Lyra reasoned. It didn’t take long for her to find the gray earth pony; Octavia’s perfectly styled onyx mane stood out anywhere. What Lyra didn’t expect to see was Octavia on the stage, setting up her huge bass. Lyra knew better than to interrupt Octavia before a performance. She had learned that lesson early on when they had been in school. She had burst in on the gray earth pony preparing for a show, and had promptly been launched out of the window.

Sticking to the outskirts of the party, Lyra made her way around the crowd gathered around the dance floor and found a table at edge of the room. She looked blankly at the empty table before deciding that she needed a drink. As she wormed her way through the crowd, Lyra kept her eyes trained on the band. They were playing a traditional waltz that Lyra knew by heart. She deftly avoided all the dancing couples and made it to the serving area easily.

Luckily for her there were only one other pony at the table. Quietly, Lyra walked up to the table and looked at the selection of drinks. There were ten different kinds of punch, several bottles of wine, but the one thing she was looking for wasn’t there. I guess it really wouldn’t be a good idea to have some of that coffee this late, Lyra thought. I really need to be able to focus la-

“Where did you get that dress?” asked a stallion, interrupting her thoughts.

Lyra looked up from the table. He was a good head taller than her, with a stark white coat and a blue mane. However, what she noticed most about him was his attire: a traditional tuxedo with a purple bow tie and monocle. She had known ponies like him before, high class ponies that were always looking for the next big fashion. “Oh, this? My... friend Rarity made it for me.”

“Rarity,” the stallion said thoughtfully. “Oh, I’m sorry, where are my manners. I am Fancypants, and you are?”

“L-Lyra,” she stuttered, taken aback by his kindness.

“Nice to meet you Lyra. What brings you to the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Lyra shuffled her hooves, uncomfortable talking to him. “Oh... I’m just here to see the band.” It wasn’t a complete lie, she reasoned.

“And you are a musician as well?” Fancypants asked as he inspected her dress.

“Yes, but I-”

“Oh! I have a big engagement coming up and I’ve been looking for a musician for a while now.” He looked across the room, but Lyra couldn’t tell who he was looking for.

“I-I’d love to, but I live in Ponyville and only rarely come to Canterlot,” Lyra said demurely.

“I’m sure we could work something out,” Fancypants said, dismissing her concern. “But, I have tarried too long and must be going. Goodbye Lyra.” He turned and walked off without waiting for her answer.

Slightly confused, Lyra turned back to the table of drinks and poured herself a cup of grapefruit punch. She trotted back to the table she had eyed earlier, only to find it occupied by a pair of light blue ponies. Lyra sighed and decided to sit on one of the cushions bordering the windows on the wall opposite of the band. From her vantage point, she could see most of the ballroom. While most of the other ponies took turns dancing, she closed her eyes and listened to the music. She savored the ups and downs, the rising and falling of the tempo, but most of all she enjoyed the serene feeling it brought her.

For a while she was able to let her mind wander and relax. Suddenly the music stopped, and Lyra looked up to find that Pinkie Pie had stopped the band and was whispering to them. They were clearly shocked by whatever her request was, but they obediently obliged her. Lyra watched as they reluctantly started playing again; she recognized the tune instantly: The Pony Pokey. Pinkie had jumped off the stage and was trying to get the nobles to dance.

Typical Pinkie, Lyra thought as she watched the chaos develop from her seat. She could see that most of the band was shocked and appalled, but she could also see that Octavia was trying her hardest not to smile. Down on the dance floor, everybody was trying to stay out of Pinkie’s path. As she watched, the chaos quickly escalated. She saw Rarity yelling at a white unicorn noble, while covered in cake. The next thing she noticed was on the other end of the ballroom. Rainbow Dash was balancing the large statue of Celestia. It teetered back and forth as she tried to keep it from falling. Lyra watched in horror as it bumped into one of the columns, sending it crashing into another one. They fell like dominos as the ponies that had been standing in the area ran for cover. Turning her attention to the doorway, Lyra saw Princess Celestia enter with Twilight in tow. As they surveyed the damage, a set of doors burst open. Animals stampeded through the door, and followed by Fluttershy. She screamed something, but Lyra couldn’t hear her over the animals heading her way. Lyra darted out of the way of the animals and followed the rest of the ponies as they left.

The crowd started to disperse as they left the castle. Everypony took their separate ways back home or to their hotels. Lyra sat down in the shadows of a building near the castle to wait for her chance to talk to Octavia. Although she tried to pass the time by counting the stars, thoughts of Bon Bon kept distracting her. She thought about what it would be like moving in with Bon Bon, being so committed to another pony, and other... more private things that made her blush.

It was only after all the other musicians had left that Octavia emerged from the back door. Octavia didn’t see her right away. She had purposefully sat in the shadows so as to make a dramatic entrance. She hadn’t ever paid attention in class, but Lyra knew how to make an entrance. She stood between two stone buildings just across the street from the castle.

Lyra plucked the first few notes on her lyre. It had the desired effect, Octavia whipped around in surprise and watched Lyra walk out of the shadows into the soft moonlight. Lyra gave Octavia a moment to compose herself before continuing. She plucked the notes on her lyre slowly. The song was slow and serene. Lyra hit each note perfectly, building the atmosphere.

Octavia slowly slid the large bass off her back and started playing along with Lyra. The deep sounds of her bass intertwining with the light airy sound of Lyra’s lyre. They both knew the song by heart, and the melody filled the streets around the castle. Lyra heard her join in. Without missing a beat, Lyra slid next to Octavia as they played. The music rose to a soft crescendo and abruptly ended. As they finished the song Lyra let the last note fade into the silence. They had played that song since they could hold instruments and it still brought a tear to Lyra’s eye.

Octavia was the one who broke the silence. “I’m glad you could make it. You look beautiful.”

“Well, I had to dress up, it was the Grand Galloping Gala after all,” Lyra joked, they both hated these kind of parties. “I had this dress made just for tonight.”

“It’s... gorgeous, who made it?”

“Have you heard of Rarity?”

“Rarity? I haven’t heard of her, but if she made that she must be good.” Octavia looked at the dress in astonishment.

“Yeah, I kind of owe her majorly though,” Lyra mumbled.

“It’s a beautiful dress, and I’m sure I could help you with whatever favor she.” Octavia gave Lyra a playful shove on the shoulder.

“So how have you been?” Lyra asked as she strode over to a nearby bench and sat down.

“Good, I’ve been playing a lot of concerts here in Canterlot lately,” Octavia said, joining her.

“You always were the best, I’m glad.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit, you easily could have graduated higher than you did. Especially if you had paid attention in cl-”

“You played great tonight,” Lyra interjected, trying to change the subject.

Octavia gave her an annoyed look. “Thanks, Ly. I still can’t believe I was invited to play, but it was a disaster.”

“Pinkie Pie just isn’t used to parties like this,” Lyra chuckled. “She has a habit of going little bit overboard. You should come to one of her parties. They are amazing.”

“You always did enjoy parties more than practicing,” Octavia teased.

“I miss it though. I miss the parties. I miss the endless practicing. I miss exam weeks. I even miss Professor Crescendo and his stupid bowtie.” Lyra looked longingly at the stars.

“Remember that time we dyed all of his bowties bright pink?” Octavia asked chuckling and trying to cheer Lyra up.

“Yes.” Lyra laughed. “That was almost as good as when you replaced all the concert sheet music with some Sapphire Shores song.”

“It wasn’t just any Sapphire Shores song. It was I Kissed a Mare. The look on the conductor’s face was priceless! Still not as good as the time you turned the conductor’s baton into a bouquet of flowers!”

“It was all I could think of!” Lyra forced out between laughs.

“Those were the good days,” Octavia said as she calmed down. “We were such bad fillies though.”

We? You were such a good filly; I had to force you to do anything interesting! If anypony was a bad filly it was me.”

“Come on Ly, I got in my share of trouble.”

“Being forced to miss practice isn’t a punishment,” Lyra teased.

“It is when your roommate doesn’t bother to wake up and go herself and you end up having to force her to practice with you,” Octavia countered.

“Practice was so boring though,” Lyra complained. “Besides, we had more fun walking around Manehatten.”

“Those were good days,” Octavia trailed off.

“Those were some great years.”

“What made them so great?” Octavia jibed. “You never paid attention, went to class, and only barely passed your exams. If you had really tried, you easily could’ve been at the top of the class.”

“I only had the best roommate ever,” Lyra said dismissively.


It’s now or never, Lyra thought. Nonchalantly she said, “Well, she was only the best bassist, the smartest, most beautiful, kindest, po-“

“Wait, what did you say?”

“I called you the best bassist, smart, beautiful, and kind.”

Octavia’s face contorted with confusion and she opened her mouth to say something but Lyra stopped her.

“Just, let me say this Via. I should have said this a long time ago, but I could never make myself. Via, let me finish. I’m not sure if you know but I like mares,” Lyra said meekly. “I like one mare in particular though.” Taking a deep breath Lyra tried to seem confident, “Octavia, I love you. I can’t really explain it. It’s just... ever since graduation I’ve missed you.” Lyra looked to Octavia, expecting some sort of rejection, but was met only with a look of confusion. “Look, I know it’s really sudden but I just couldn’t live without telling you.” Seeing the confusion on Octavia’s face, she got up from the bench.

"Lyra, I... oh, Celestia. Wait!" Octavia called as Lyra got up.

"Via, I-"

“Just listen for a minute,” Octavia interrupted. “Now, Lyra, you know me. Well, I guess you don’t know this but I had a sort of fling with that violinist.” Seeing how confused Lyra was she explained, “Her name was Pizzi and she had a blue coat with an orange mane.”

Lyra felt a pang of guilt. She remembered seeing the other mare and being jealous of all the time Pizzi and Octavia spent together.

“Lyra, you know I like mares so why are you leaving so quickly.” She gave Lyra a quizzical look.

“I-I just figured... I just dumped this all on you. I-I can’t expect you to say yes,” Lyra said as she sobbed.

“I... just give me some time. I need to think about all of this,” Octavia said somberly.

“I guess I could go look at the gardens for a while,” Lyra mumbled before setting off in that direction.

Lyra trotted to the gardens, her legs felling like jelly the entire way. She had loved the large gardens in Manehatten as a young filly, but as she walked she couldn’t focus on the flowers. All she could think about was how Octavia would reject her.

This is hopeless. Lyra stared at the ground as she walked. I went and dropped that on her. There is no way she could say yes. She walked on in silence before being struck by a realization. I... I did to Octavia, what Bon Bon did to me. I told somepony who was totally unprepared for it. Her ears flattened against her skull. How could I do that so soon after Bon Bon? There is no way she says yes. I just stood there after Bon Bon said she “thought we had something more.” Now I’ve told Via that I love her, and have loved her for years. Her eyes started watering and threatened to erupt into tears. She’s going to say no. No matter how long I’m here, she’ll say no. I might as well head back to Ponyville now. Maybe I could patch things up with Bon Bon... if she doesn’t already hate me. No, I can’t think like that. I love Octavia, even if she says no. I can’t lie to myself like that. Looking ahead, she could see that the end of the gardens wasn’t far off. She had walked through the entire castle garden without paying any attention to the flora. Sighing, she wiped the tears from her eyes and walked out of the gardens.

She could see Octavia was still on the bench where she had left her. Lyra dried her eyes on one of her forelegs before approaching her.

“That was fast,” Octavia remarked.

“Uh, I’m sorry, gardens just aren’t my thing. Do you need more time?” Lyra was shaking.

“I... no. I know what I want to say.” Octavia looked down at her hooves.

Lyra’s pulse quickened in fear and excitement; her heart felt like it was going to explode.

“I sort of knew a few years now, I just never managed to put it together.” Octavia paused and shifted uncomfortably.

Lyra felt the pit in her stomach grow and her heart race at an unimaginable pace.

“I-I-I love you Lyra.”

Lyra was overwhelmed by surprise and relief. Tears streamed down her face again, but this time out of joy.

“I knew it the moment you left for your walk. You said I should be alone to think, but I didn’t want to be. All I wanted was you here.”

“Via, I don’t know what to say.” Lyra tried to hold back the tears.

“‘I love you too’ is a good start,” Octavia said before drawing Lyra down into a kiss. Lyra couldn’t resist, she gave into her happiness, embraced Octavia and kissed her back. Octavia broke the kiss and looked into Lyra’s eyes as she hugged her. They lay there the rest of the night, unable to bring themselves to leave, only wishing that the night could last forever.

=====================================================================Thanks to CartoonGeld, Filler, JKinsley, Vanner, and Vimbert for reviewing and editing this.

Comments ( 4 )

All I can think about is poor Bon Bon and how awkward it'll be for her and Lyra if Lyra comes back from Canterlot with her new GF.. :fluttershysad:

Great story good work! :moustache:
but poor bon bon!!!!!! :raritydespair:

That picture alone was enough to get me to read...so freaking adorable. Lyra is beyond a doubt one of the cutest ponies that never gets any lines. We've seen her crying, we've seen her sitting like a human, we've seen her waving cutely, we've seen...everything! And it's cute stories like this that, while aren't as detailed as others, make me love that sweetie even more than I already did. Lyra rules! Oh, and sorry, Bon-Bon; try not to be such a brat next time. :twilightsheepish:

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