• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 891 Views, 35 Comments

Erebus: Episode 1: Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! - Honey Mead

The Sun and Moon no longer shine over the alabaster walls of Canterlot. A darkness long forgotten has begun to seep through the cracks and erode the morality of those it touches. But at the edge of the light there is shadow, holding back the darkness

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Scene 4

More than ever before, Twilight felt the oppressive weight of the crown resting on her brow. It would be a lie to deny that she’d always wanted to be a princess, but she’d always assumed that there would be another standing at her side. Now she wanted nothing more than to teleport her crown over the nearest active volcano and let the blasted silver circlet melt in the bubbling inferno. But, every time she considered it, the image of Celestia’s disapproving frown would crash down upon her like a mountain. Responsibility was not something one could simply cast aside.

Twilight did her best to carry the weight as she strode through the castle halls, the steady click of horseshoes echoing off the stone walls. Rarity, walking just at the edge of her vision, was the perfect picture of grace and poise. Twilight did not envy her friend as such, rather she wished not to have need to worry of such things herself. ‘If wishes were wings—’ Twilight grimaced and stopped that train of thought before it could develop further.

Her mind quickly turned to the events of the evening. The unfettered joy of Rarity’s appearance had been quickly tempered by the opening of old wounds long healed over and nearly forgotten. Her sudden departure all those years ago had torn her heart out. Only the needs of those around her had made it possible for her to bury the pain. The prospect of the conversation around the corner was one Twilight found herself both desperate for and dreading in equal measure.

The ornate double doors to her study opened with barely a thought. The scent of candles, books, and ink greeted her like old friends. For the briefest second, she was able to relax in the familiar surroundings. Twilight picked her favorite cushion on the far side of the coffee table, facing the door as she sat back on her haunches.

Rarity stepped into the private study a moment later, freezing in surprise. Twilight watched her friend’s eyes widen at the sight of the rooms accoutrements. Plush cushions circled around a low wide coffee table of dark mahogany. Between each cushion sat a small ebon side table, edged in gold filigree, the tasseled corners of red velvet cloths hanging over the sides. A number of golden candle stands reflected in her wide eyes as she took in the multitudes of carpets, and the floor to ceiling bookcases filled to bursting that made up the walls.

“I may have been hasty in assuming you were still the humble librarian I met all those years ago.”

Twilight forced a small smile. “The last few years have not been kind to my innocence. But you can thank Shiny for this room, it was hardly my first choice.”

“That isn’t surprising in the least.” Rarity’s smile seemed to come easier than her own.

Twilight turned away, focusing on the fresh pot of tea sitting on the low table, waiting to be poured. Taking the delicate pot in her magic, she filled the two small cups and offered one to the mare beside her. Rarity took the cup in her own magic without a word, smiling patiently.

Neither spoke as they enjoyed the first sip of the freshly brewed tea. Twilight’s eyes closed, breathing in the vapors of the steaming drink. The spicy tang of the tea mixed with the soft hint of perfume wafting softly from the mare beside her, plucking at memories long set aside. Tea, half swallowed, caught in her throat. A hoof to her muzzle failed to hold back the brew being thrown back by her hacking cough.

Before Rarity could ask, Twilight held up a hoof to stop her. Fighting through the laughter trying to take over, she said, “Do you remember when—when Pinkie and Rainbow put purple dye in your tea? And and you—you didn’t notice until—until you were at dinner with—”

Rarity’s hoof pressed against the base of her horn. “With Hoity Toity, and he thought it was to be the next big thing. Yes, I do remember that particular incident. I still don’t see what’s so funny about it.”

Twilight took a calming breath. “Hmmm. I still don’t know how you managed to get into Rainbow’s house, much less dye and style her mane without her noticing.”

“A lady must have some secrets,” Rarity said coyly, bringing the cup to her lips. “This really is a lovely brew.”

Inhaling more of the spiced steam wafting from the cup, Twilight smiled. “Yes, it’s a gift from Spike. A special blend—”

Rarity gasped. “Little Spikey Whikey?”

“Spike’s... well, he’s not so little anymore..."