• Published 2nd Feb 2013
  • 891 Views, 35 Comments

Erebus: Episode 1: Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! - Honey Mead

The Sun and Moon no longer shine over the alabaster walls of Canterlot. A darkness long forgotten has begun to seep through the cracks and erode the morality of those it touches. But at the edge of the light there is shadow, holding back the darkness

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Scene 8

“Erebus!” Filthy screamed, the hairs of his mane touching the surface of the liquid. “You damn fool! Save me!”

Erebus rolled back to his hooves, pushing away the pain pulsing in his jaw. Blinking in the light of the overhead lamps, he forced the world into focus. The five stallions he had put down were still scattered across the ground, unmoving.

The white coated mare sat on her haunches, biting at her sides like a dog with fleas. Her itch satisfied, she looked up at Erebus. A grin threatened to split the top half of her head from the rest as a hoof rose to the crane's control box. The chain lowered and Rich didn’t even have a chance to scream before his head was swallowed up by the rainbow liquid with a plop.

Erebus charged forward. The blue glow of his magic opened a slot in his belt and a blade like a pair of pegasus wings flew out. The black crescent struck the lift button on the control box, pinning it down. Filthy Rich gasped for air as he breached the surface, the multi-colored liquid dripping from his head and shoulders.

“Oh, that is sooo not fair!” the mare screamed, stomping her hooves.

Erebus launched himself at her before she could make to remove the blade and send Rich back under. Rearing up, he spun like a tornado, attacking the mare with all four limbs. Each strike precise, each movement exact, each completely failed to find anything but empty air.

“Wow!” the mare exclaimed as she sidestepped another hoof strike. “Those are some fancy moves! You must have practiced for years to get this good. Is that what you did when you left?”

Erebus fell back a step, huffing in frustration and a little exhaustion. Circling the mare, he tried to shake off the uncertainty creeping at the back of his mind. He studied her, trying to understand how she was doing... he wasn’t even sure what she was doing.

The infuriating mare held a hoof in front of her muzzle, blocking an exaggerated yawn. Erebus snorted at the insulting gesture. She grinned, and motioned him forward with her hoof.

Rearing up, he reached for his belt. With snaps of his fetlocks, he launched a series of winged crescents at the mare as he charged on two legs. In a display of impossible contortions, she jumped, spun, and twisted out of the way, dodging all of the projectiles.

Erebus ignored this, swinging his hoof at the space the mare’s face would be when she recovered. His eyes widened in shock when it stopped hard. A white hoof held his in place.

“Now that’s an impressive trick. Where’d you lear—AAAAH!” The mare screamed, releasing his hoof and crumpling to the ground. Her back arched in wrenching pain. “Nnnnnnn—AAAAH!”

Erebus watched the writhing pony in confusion. Wary of a trap he stood back, waiting for the trick that never came. A full minute passed before her screams quieted and her twitching stopped. Erebus stepped towards her cautiously, still unsure of the situation. When poking her with one of the winged crescents elicited no reaction, he finally let himself relax.

Letting out a sigh, he stepped over the mare to the control box and the winged crescent imbedded in it. Wrapping the tool in his magic, he tore it out and returned the whole set to their place in his belt. Using his magic to operate the buttons, he began lowering Filthy Rich back to the warehouse floor.

Rich didn’t struggle against his bindings so much as refuse to sit still. He twitched constantly, trying to look everywhere at once. The rainbow liquid soaked his head and shoulders and streaked down his white jacket.

Erebus wasted no time in rounding up the rest of the ponies and making sure they wouldn’t be going anywhere before the Guard could arrive. After making one last check of his restraints, he placed the used Sound Stone in the center of the floor. With a satisfied nod, he pointed a hoof up to the rafters, disappearing into the shadows.

The four white feathers that swirled and fluttered in his wake went unnoticed.