• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 4,815 Views, 368 Comments

Dawn of the First Day - Miniscule Literary

A man with nothing to lose finds himself in Equestria. But which version of Equestria is he in?

  • ...

Beneath the Moonlight

"What do we do now?" Cadance asked, showing, much to Celestia's surprise, genuine concern, though likely for herself.

"I'm not sure," Celestia replied honestly, sighing. They had made the comatose Alfonz a bit more comfortable; he now lay in a proper position upon Celestia's own pillow, his eyes closed, as if merely sleeping.

"Aren't there spells to wake him up?"

"I will have to consult the archives," Celestia responded, turning away from where the man lay. "But I think it is best we leave Alfonz to resolve this himself. I will speak with Luna, to see if she can enter his dreams and determine his well being."

"Wait," Cadance said suddenly. "You intend to tell your sister?"

"Of course."

"Are you insane?" Cadance replied. It took her a moment to realize who she was speaking to. "Sorry...I just mean that Luna cares deeply for Alfonz. As familiar with love as I am, I can say without a doubt that she worships the human!"

"We will have to proceed carefully, as I said, but she cannot be kept in the dark like this, Cadance," Celestia retorted, adamant in her decision. Her kin did not seem so sure, however.

A series of violent knocks echoed throughout the room, interrupting the alicorns' conversation. Both of them held their breath for a few moments.

"I am very busy!" Celestia called in response, hoping it was merely a concerned guard. "Please, come back later!"

"Sister, open this door or will remove it entirely!" Luna furiously yelled back, the sound causing them to jolt, despite the heavy wooden door between them. Celestia and Cadance exchanged worried glances.

Hesitantly, Celestia unlocked the door and pulled it open with her magic, revealing the enraged visage of her sister. Another jet of air shot from Luna's nostrils as she entered, glaring daggers at the two alicorns before her.

It wasn't long before she spotted Alfonz.

"...No!" she cried, her anger melting away as she rushed to the man's side. Luna crouched protectively beside Alfonz, looking as if she were on the verge of tears. Celestia and Cadance frowned; they hadn't expected such a morbid reaction.

"He is in a coma, sister," Celestia said quietly, making her way over to her grieving kin. Cadance remained at a distance, frowning. "Perhaps, if you look to his dreams, we can help-"

"How did this happen?" Luna said suddenly, her voice becoming dangerously calm. Almost as soon as she finished her sentence, her horn began to glow, and Cadance found herself launched into the air. The alicorn collided with the ceiling with a surprised yell, unable to move as she was subdued by the princess' magic.

"Sister, please-!"

"HOW?!" Luna roared, tears streaming down her face as she looked up at Cadance, her expression a mix of anger and despair. Her starry mane churned violently, as if depicting the night sky under threat from a hurricane.

"We don't know," Celestia replied, looking scornfully at Cadance for a moment, who was utterly terrified at this point. "But that is not what we need to focus on, sister. Alfonz is in danger; we must figure out a way to help him."

Luna continued to glare at Cadance through tear-filled eyes, her teeth clenched as she fought the anguish that gripped her. Every part of her being wished to hurl the deceitful mare out of the window, as she knew Alfonz's condition to be her doing, but the calm words of her sister resonated throughout her mind. She was right; they needed to help her mate, above all else.

Revenge would come later.

With a resigning snarl, Luna released Cadance, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the man's chest. Celestia watched with a frown, wishing she could ease her sister's pain, but knew she couldn't. Cadance, meanwhile, hit the floor with a short yell and a loud thud, her legs splayed at her sides as she regained her senses.

"I will look into his dreams and try to bring him back to us," Luna explained after several moments of silence, looking up at Celestia with a worn but determined gaze. "Be sure to show her the door while I work."

"Good luck," Celestia replied with a soft, concerned smile.

Luna closed her eyes and bowed her head near the side of the man's resting place, entering a sort of meditative state. The process was difficult; with her emotions raging within her, she couldn't hope to sleep until they were calmed. The effect was finally achieved after a few minutes of concentration; the alicorn clung to a single thought, that which would aid in her efforts. The idea of seeing Alfonz again, alive and well, drove her onward. Eventually, she entered what seemed to be a sleeping state, though she was aware of everything around her at the same time.

The waking world melted away as she sat there; despite the somewhat violent change of her surroundings, the mare did not budge from her position. With deadly determination, she endured the transition; in a few moments, she found herself, much to her surprise, on a moonlit hill; the same hill where she had first encountered Alfonz.

The soft green grass beneath her hooves, the cool midnight breeze wafting through the air, the beautiful display of stars above; Luna remembered the location quite well. So, too, did Alfonz; she quickly found him in the exact position she had found him before, laying, silently, on his back atop the hill, his arms behind his head.

Luna couldn't help but smile widely as she approached. She felt as though her love had come back to life. The man noticed her as she drew near, giving her a casual wave of his hand, as if he was expecting her. The princess laid down beside him, pressing her side against his own, while Alfonz laid his arm on her back, comfortingly, as they both watched the stars in silence. She felt as though she could have remained there forever, without ever saying a word; she no longer cared about intimacy with the man. All that mattered was that they were together.

"I love you."

The words escaped her mouth before she could stop herself.

"I love you too."

Her eyes widened. Turning away from the brilliance of the night sky, she looked back at Alfonz, disbelieving. The man did not look away from the display above, simply smiling contently to himself. It was almost too good to be true. Just about drowning in bliss, Luna swiftly found herself pulled from her paradise. This was just a dream to Alfonz; did he really mean what he said? Was he even aware of the situation?

She frowned. As much as she wanted to cherish the moment for as long as possible, she knew it couldn't last. Alfonz was in danger; if he remained in a coma for too long, he would eventually starve or perish from thirst. They could try to feed him, but it could easily cause him to choke. He needed to wake up as quickly as possible.

"Alfonz..." she began, feeling her heart breaking at the thought of destroying the moment. "This is a dream. I'm sorry if this disturbs you, but-"

"I know."

Luna's mouth opened, looking to Alfonz yet again with utter astonishment. The man only continued to smile.

"...You're in danger," she replied, summoning all of her willpower to continue. "You must wake up, Alfonz."

"Why?" he responded simply, calmly. His eyes never left the stars.

"'Why'?" Luna repeated, confused. "You wish to remain in a coma?"

"I'm happy here, just like this," Alfonz explained, finally averting his gaze to give the alicorn a stern stare. "This is the first time I've felt true peace in ages. I don't give a damn about the real world, and all its depravity."

Luna was inclined to agree. Here, it was just the two of them; as artificial as it was, they were both happy, and she would not have to endure the heartbreak of sharing him with the others. But it would not last forever, as once Alfonz's body failed, the dream would cease to exist, and he would be gone for good. She couldn't even bare the thought.

"Alfonz...you do realize what that would mean?"

His silence told her all she needed to know.

"I can't let you do this," she said, shaking her head. "I can't watch you fade away."

"I'd rather be happy for a short time, than be miserable for a long time," Alfonz retorted with a sigh, frowning, as his gaze returned to the stars. "I can't live in your world. Not the way I want to live."

"I can help you!" Luna insisted, giving him a desperate gaze. "We can talk with the others, and my sister, so we can make sure you are safe."

Alfonz did not reply. The man merely watched the stars, frowning. The alicorn beside him watched him for some time, her gaze pleading him for some sort of response, but none would come.

"I can't be without you, Alfonz," Luna said suddenly, giving him a sorrowful stare. "I can't."

"You've done just fine for thousands of years before I came along," he retorted with a chuckle, trying to remain lighthearted. "You'll do the same once I'm gone."

"I don't think you realize how much you mean to me," she replied, praying the man would see sense. "Please, Alfonz. If you have any love for me at all...Wake up."

Alfonz frowned, staring into the alicorn's pleading blue eyes. Normally, he would have no problem telling her off. But now, he felt he was really in a bind. He did not wish to return, that was sure, but he did not wish to break Luna's heart either.

The two simply stared at each other in silence; two hearts, two minds, two souls, each pleading with the other to give in; neither willing to deny the other.