• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 4,815 Views, 368 Comments

Dawn of the First Day - Miniscule Literary

A man with nothing to lose finds himself in Equestria. But which version of Equestria is he in?

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Good Night, Nurse

“Shouldn’t…there be a trial?” Alfonz asked weakly, blinking a bit of blood from his eyes. The man swayed uneasily in the center of the mob.

“And waste more time and resources?” the Mayor replied with a scoff. “This is your trial. You are being judged by a jury of your peers.”

“You…aren’t my peers…” Alfonz corrected with a feeble smile. “Different…species…”

“Would you rather be tried as an invader from a foreign nation?”

Alfonz didn’t reply.

“Well then! Where were we?” the Mayor called to the crowd with a smug smirk. The ponies had been arguing amongst themselves during the man’s brief interaction with their ringleader. Upon closer inspection, however, he found they were not arguing over the means of his punishment; they instead were arguing about who would go first. Needless to say, it didn’t take any detective skills to figure out what they were planning.

“I’m warning you…” Alfonz said suddenly, glaring at the Mayor and her posse. “I don’t care…how many of you there are…I don’t care how…fucked up my body is…I will not go down without a fight.”

“Oh please,” the Mayor replied with a roll of her eyes. “We can work out the details later. Let’s get him to the town hall, ladies.” In response, a unicorn mare stepped forward. Despite a commendable effort on her part, the unicorn was unable to lift the man with her magic. After a few minutes of continual failure, she was eventually replaced by a pair of pegasi; the two winged ponies took up positions on either side of him.

As the first reached toward him, Alfonz threw himself at his would-be abductor. The man’s head cracked loudly against the pegasus’ own, causing the mare to recoil with a shout of pain. Alfonz, meanwhile, collapsed onto his chest, even more disoriented than before. His attack caused a brief swell of confusion and chaos in the crowd, and before he could even see straight, he found himself squirming his way to what he hoped to be freedom. The crowd had encircled him in every direction, however, so his escape was primarily through the legs of unsuspecting ponies. This caused an even larger disturbance in the mob, as arguing equine bumped into arguing equine. Before he knew it, a large part of the crowd had erupted into outright (although quite cartoonish) violence.

“How is this working…” the man thought as he inched his way through the tangle of legs. Occasionally he would get stepped on in the frenzy; this was all well and good until they managed to hit one of his ruined limbs. The resulting pain begged him to cry out, but his determination to free himself kept him from doing so.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

Before he could even guess who had spoken, the Mayor of Ponyville threw herself onto Alfonz’s back. The man had just reached the small staircase leading up to the station; the resulting attack sent both man and pony tumbling to the ground at the base of it. Alfonz clenched his teeth as his bloodied limbs collided forcefully with the ground, and for a moment he thought he was going to pass out from the pain.

“You’re not getting out of this that easy!” the Mayor cried as she once again hurled herself at him. The man was more than a little shocked to see the Mayor of Ponyville engaging a fugitive like this, but he figured this was less “crime fighting” and more “attempted rape”. With the sound of the brawling mob roaring in the background, the two rolled further and further away from the station. Although he had no limbs to help him out, the man had a significant size advantage on his opponent; the two kept rolling for some time before the Mayor finally pinned him to the ground.

“Will you fuck off already?!” Alfonz growled, smashing his head against the Mayor’s in defiance. The blow dazed the pony enough to cause her to fall to the ground beside him, but the man was in no condition to take advantage of it. The continual abuse to his head, coupled with his previous injuries and loss of blood, were really starting to take their toll. He wondered if he would have any brain cells left by the end.

By the time he recovered, his attacker had already climbed partially onto his chest again. Alfonz tried to repeat his assault, but even lifting his head overwhelmed him with pain and nausea. He was truly at the end of his rope.

“W-wait!” he coughed, causing the Mayor to hesitate. “The reason…I can’t…is because I have no…uh…’apparatus’.”

The pony jammed a hoof into his crotch, causing him to choke loudly in both pain and discomfort.

“Well that says differently!”

The man’s frenzied thoughts grasped at any possible way out, some way to weasel out of a bad situation, like he always had. Try as he might, the man could think of nothing; the mare sitting atop him began gnawing at his jeans in a barbaric attempt to remove them, and he could only watch. Slowly, the man’s desperation turned to anger. This wasn’t about his morals anymore; this was about his survival and by God, if nothing else, he was the master of his own fate, not them.

“I’d rather die by my own hand then go out like this!” he cried, dredging up strength he certainly didn’t have. The Mayor barely had time to look up before the man’s head came crashing into her own. The blow sent a wave of pain through her body, causing her eyes to tear up, but her position on his body kept her from falling. Before her vision could regain its focus, Alfonz went in for another attack, spattering the earth pony’s head with his own blood in the process. Again and again the man struck, ignorant to his own suffering as he lashed out against his foe. With each hit, the Mayor’s body shifted, and by the fifth, she toppled off the man’s body in a heap, her gaze blurry and disoriented.

Alfonz slumped back, thick streams of blood trickling down his face. The man’s eyes were dark and lifeless, but he had a smile across his face. The world around him began to fade away, as if he were falling. The sights and sounds before him grew fainter and fainter until finally they were gone, and he was left in nothing but silence and the prevailing dark.

He was dead, he was sure of it. This wasn’t so bad, actually. It was quiet, tranquil even, though quite bland. He no longer felt the pain of his injuries, even if he couldn’t actually move to enjoy it. He felt himself relax for the first time in what felt like years. He wasn’t worried about what to do next, or even some deep-seeded sense of impending doom. He wasn’t about to let himself die, or do something stupid and get himself killed; he was already dead! The hard part was over! Now, truly, he hadn’t a care in the world.

But that sense of fulfillment quickly got old, and his mind began to wander, though it didn’t wander in a way he expected it to. Before him he could see snapshots of his life in his own world; this was the first time since he left that he even thought of his life before. This wasn’t exactly surprising, though; with no family, a shitty job, and a failing education, what the hell did he want from his old life? Even after his terrible ordeals in this twisted version of Equestria, he was hesitant to say it was a worse existence. At least he didn’t have bills to pay.

An image of a beautiful young lady flashed before his eyes suddenly. The woman stood in a field of grain, smiling confidently at the camera. Her clothes were of a style that he could scarcely recall; of a time long passed.

It was his mother. She died so young, only a few years after he was born. His heart ached at the thought; his father was already gone by the time he had entered the world, and couldn’t remember any extended family. His mother was all he had, and the feeling was mutual. After she passed away – to something as horrifying as cancer, no less – Alfonz was sent to various foster families. His life wasn’t all that bad for a while; none of the foster families treated him badly, at least, but they never really showed him any attention, either. Despite being surrounded by other foster children, he felt alone all throughout his childhood. As soon as he turned 18, without ever finding a new family to call his own, he was thrown out into the world and expected to survive.

Everything that was dear to him was already gone there, but he couldn’t exactly say he ended up any better in Equestria. He had come into it like it was a dream come true; like he was finally being rewarded for the shitty life of isolation and obligation he had to suffer through. He was in a world of friendship and adventure, where the obnoxious realities of life did not apply. But this wasn’t his paradise; this was a world of perversion and depravity. And it wasn’t even like that all the time! It seemed normal, for the most part, until he revealed himself. He really did have the shittiest luck in the universe; he finally got to Equestria, and it turns to shit only when he’s around.

A blue and black pony appeared before him now, standing proud and confident atop one of the towers of Canterlot. Luna, Princess of the Night, at work; of all the God-forsaken perverted ponies, she was probably the least shitty. Although he could never return her interest in him, Alfonz felt that her affection for him was genuine, rather than purely instinctual like the rest. She was definitely a curious case. He wondered why she was so different, when even her sister fell prey to the nature of the universe. If nothing else, she was the closest thing he could call a friend now.

Alfonz’s mind continued to wander. The events that led him to his inevitable demise were displayed before him, as if he were subconsciously trying to diagnose what went wrong. He felt as though he wandered through this emptiness for days, watching memories float in and out of view, from both of his lives. Try as he might to suppress it, in the back of his mind, the man wished his life did not end. Even though he had suffered for so long, the idea of just letting his story end was agony to him; it simply wasn’t something he would do. He was a fighter, even if it made more sense to lie down and die. It was honestly one of the few things he was proud of; one of the things that made him…him.

Alfonz sat up suddenly, inhaling violently as if he had held his breath for days. The man’s senses slowly began to return, and he found himself not in the abyss he had descended into, nor the patch of grass near the train station.

He sat in a bed, hooked up to various machines, in a hospital.

Author's Note:

Go go gadget chapter!