• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 801 Views, 6 Comments

Time moves on - ZekeThePony

When life isn't going the way you want it to go, you find another path and start finding hope to live through it all.

  • ...

A cold night

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was white. Such a brilliant hue it cast that it almost blinded her eyes as it would be with staring at the sun for too long.

Snow was falling gently on her form and it was beginning to cover her pitiful gray body.

The cold..oh she hasn't felt that kind of chill set in her bones in her whole life, it threatened to take away the little warmth she had left in her heart and leave her for dead on this unforgiving landscape.

Blinking a couple times to adjust to the radiant light,she tried to sit up, but simply didn't have the strength to do so. She collapsed on the snowy ground and stared up at the tree's above her form, swaying ever so gently in the breeze that winter blew so bitterly.

The sun was beginning to set in the sky with a fiery glow that cast out across the land. Night was coming soon and she had ran out of food hours ago, having to give it to the wolves that threatened to tear her apart as she trans versed the dark bowels of the Everfree forest. She still had water,but the emptiness in her stomach was aching with pain from the lack of nourishment she had gone through the past 3 days.

She could always go back.. no, she had nothing to go back to. She sold all her things and gave away all the animals she cared for so much..nopony there probably even knows she exists, much less know that she is gone.

She shivered violently in the unbearable cold of the chilled air and floor of the forest she tread upon for three whole days.

Where was she to go to?

She had a warm home with food and animals to care for three days ago. Now she was a worthless mare on the ground, like trash you see in Manehatten alleyways. You always despised the horrid objects,wanting to clean them up, but you just walked past anyways and leave them there to rot.

Just like she was now and most of her life. The days of youth were long gone from her. Now she was just a grey Pegasus with nowhere to go..she had to get somewhere out of the cold, or else she'll freeze to death.

She first tried weakly rubbing her arms and legs,in hope of warding off the hypothermia that is starting to make itself evident in her body.

Slowly,but surly, the blood inside her tired limbs starting to circulate and bring a little welcome warmth to her frozen body. After that, she attempted to get herself off the ground, pushing up with her forelegs. A few minutes later, she succeeded in standing on her shaking limbs.

She observed the area around her,taking in details that might help her. Nothing but rocks,bare tree's, and snow. There was no sign of a cave that she could build a fire in to ward off the even more dropping temperatures of the growing night.

She had to find shelter, or else she will die out here in the dark,snowy Everfree forest.

It hurts being alone.

Having no one to hold tightly in times of joy or sadness,good times or bad.
No one to tell how your day was and what cute animals you've seen playing by the pond.
No one to share a meal with,talking about the old days and how you miss them.

Oh how I miss them..

It wasn't always like this. I was loved, adored, and respected.

My friends would come visit me everyday, despite some of their busy schedules.

I would sometimes go to the spa with Rarity and talk about the latest gossip or who are the cutest colts in Ponyville. Go pranking with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash(Id always stay at a distance). Helping out Applejack with the local wildlife and help with the apple tree's.

Sleepovers at twilights house where also great fun. There were nights where we would laugh our heads off or cry in each others arms. Nights where I wasn't so alone surrounded by the ponies I held so dear to my heart..

What happened to the good days I once lived so happily?

The snow was falling gently by the time Luna's night has truly fallen. The woodland creatures,both big and small, have taken refuge against the driving cold with their families. Surreal peace filled the forest that only a blanket of snow in the dead of winter could do. The tree's glistened with ice and the moon shown its bright light over the inhabitants and their homes all over Equestria.

The only movement in the land was a shy, yellow mare timidly making her way through the tree's. She knew this one place her old friends went to when when a pony named Trixie Lulamoon took over Ponyville for a brief amount of time.

After a few minutes of searching, she found the tree and went inside. It was cold and empty, memories of the warmth and safety she'd felt when she visited the creatures that resided there was devoid of it. It was still a refuge from the frigid air outside, so she thanked Celestia for remembering the place.

With nothing to cover herself up, she curled upon the dirty floor and fell into an uneasy sleep and dreamt of the old days and ponies that were mere remnants of her happier times.

Thus begins another chapter in Fluttershy's life, one of loneliness and growing hatred towards the ones who abandoned and forgotten her.

But things are not to stay this way. The magic of friendship will find its way back into the bitter mares heart and rekindle the dim embers that reside in her heart.

Only time will tell if everything will go back to the way the golden day of her youth was.

But that only happens in fairy tales and dreams, right?

Comments ( 6 )

This was.... depressing? I don't like how you typed this thing up. It seems a bit off to me. I noticed several errors in grammar. It's not trans versed it's traversed. It wasn't exactly worded the best so I'm gonna give this a 5/10. It still needs some work.
Also first.

i was never too good at writing stories haha xD

I'm definitely going to be keeping track of this one. Like Impressme said, there are a couple of grammar and spelling mistakes, in particular the lack of apostrophes to show possession and an apparent lack of spacing in front of commas. However, I like how descriptive you are and do see a lot of potential. I suggest reading over the story several times before posting; it helps not only to pick out errors, but it also helps you find plot holes that you might not have caught while writing. If you don't have a keen eye for finding mistakes, finding a proofreader is a pretty good alternative.

Thanks for making a sequel to my story; it means a lot to me that someone actually liked my work enough to begin a whole spin-off. I hope you can take this criticism constructively and really make this story memorable. :twilightsmile:

Getting a proofreader would be nice xD Thanks for the tips! ^-^ I do hope my writing gets better with time and my chapters get longer :3 And i'll try my hardest to make this a great story! xD

Both are really good stories more? please?:fluttercry:

I'm slow on making chapters >>
I promise to try to get another chapter out sometime this week xD

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