• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,684 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 7: Welcome to ponyville part 4

Chapter: 7 welcome to ponyville part 4

“Uh…w-where am I…”

“Oh, hey Connor!”

“S-Scootaloo?” said Connor as stood up and rubbed his head. ”W-What happened?”

“You fell form the sky and spoke something’s that creeped me out.”

“W-What did I say?”

“Let’s just say that things are not meant to be repeated...” said Scootaloo as she shivered.

“I see…”

Connor looked around to see Rainbow Dash and Derpy missing.

“Where’s Rainbow Dash and Derpy?”

“They left to the hospital while you were…well… you know…”


“Anyway were here!”


“Yeah, turn around.”

Connor turned around and saw the building behind him.

“This is the place?”

“That’s right!” said Scootaloo.

“Then let’s go inside.”

Connor and Scootaloo walked towards the door and opened it, however the door is locked.


“Calm down Scootaloo.” said Connor. “I’m sure we just have to knock before we can come at another time.”

“How come we didn’t do that first?”

Connor gave Scootaloo a stare telling her to stop over reacting, she responded by pretending to shut her mouth like using a zipper.

Connor faced the door and knocked.

*Knock knock*

“Just a minute!”

Connor and Scootaloo looked at each other with a smile on their faces, looks like this trip was worth the wait.

As the door opened, both pegasi saw a white unicorn mare with beautiful dark purple curly hair and tail, blue colored eyes, light blue make up on her eyelids , and her cutie mark is a pair of three diamonds.

“Welcome to the carousel boutique, my name is Rarity, how can I be of ser-AAAAAhhhh!!!!!!”

“W-What’s wrong!?” shouted Connor.


“What is it!?” shouted Scootaloo

“Your hair and tail!!!”


“P-Pardon?” said Connor

“Your hair and tail darlings, it’s a mess!”


“Hush now darlings, come inside and let Rarity fix you both up!”

Rarity grabbed both Connor and Scootaloo and pulled them inside.”

After being pulled inside by Rarity, Connor and Scootaloo looked around and saw their surroundings:

Pony versions of manikins wearing clothes, sowing machines, etc.

Their exploration of looking around the room was interrupted by Rarity’s voice.

“Well now darlings, shall we get started?”

Connor spoke.

“I-I think we should slowdown and let us explain why we-“

“Hush now darling,” said Rarity.” I’m an expert on fixing your hair and tail.”

“Miss Rarity please I-“

“Darling please don’t interrupt, now where was I? Ah yes, fixing your hair and tail…”

Connor started to wonder why Redheart send him and Scootaloo to a pony that overreacts to things, is Rarity the one who can fix his coat? There is one way to find out, and Connor knows he will regret what will happen next.

“Now then, let’s begin shall we? First I’ll-

Connor suddenly puts his hoof over Rarity’s mouth and spoke.

“Madam, it’s impolite to talk over a customer who is trying to explain why he’s here.”

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

(“Is Connor speaking…fancy?”) She thought.

Rarity was surprised, this colt knew the way of speaking properly and how to speak like a gentlecolt.

“Oh my…I-I didn’t know I was speaking over you.”

“It’s quite alright my dear,” said Connor while trying not to be embarrassed. “You saw something that was extremely horrible by the knowledge of you’re…” Connor quickly looked around with his eyes to finish his sentence properly. “Fashion.”

Rarity slightly squeed from Connors speaking ability, no pony in ponyville but her has that kind of fancy talk. She was beginning to like this conversation.

“Why of course,” said Rarity. “Your hair and tail speaks for you!”

“Speaks for me you say?” said Connor. “Why is that Miss Rarity?”

“Well you see my hair is perfectly and extremely well groomed, it shows character.”

“Is that so? What does mine say?”

“Well darling, it says let Rarity fix for she will make things all better.”

“Why Miss Rarity, that’s exactly why I came for!”

“Perfect! Shall we get started Mr…”

“Kenway, Connor Kenway.” said Connor as he slightly took a bow.

Scootaloo saw this and tried to contain her laughter.

Connor Kenway…” said Rarity. “A great name for a pegasi such as yourself.”

So does the name Rarity,” said Connor. “for you see it is a ‘Rarity’ to meet a beautiful unicorn such as yourself.”

Rarity’s face turned red as she playfully covered her face with her hooves.

“Oh Mr Connor you flatter me! Not in front of a child!”

“Then let us get down to business shall we?”

“Yes of course! I Rarity shall fix your image!”

“Excellent! Scootaloo you shall go first!”

“Wait, What!?” shouted Scootaloo.

“Very well,” said Rarity. “come with me little one.”


“No but young lady, now let’s get that hair and tail fixed!”

As Rarity walked away towards her station, Scooatloo looked at Connor and gave him an upset look while he was looking around and acting innocent.

Both Connor and Scootaloo walked towards Rarity as she waited for them.

“Have a seat Scootaloo,” said Rarity. “while I shall see what to do with your hair and tail.

“Ok…” said Scootaloo. “try not to make my hair too girly.”

“No promises on that my dear.”

As Scootaloo took a seat, Rarity immediately started to study her hair and thought what to do.

(“Hmmmm…lets see….Ribbons? No, her hair won’t match. Straight hair? Goodness no! Hmmm…her hair is long, might as well cut some of it.”)

As Rarity used her magic to levitate a pair of scissors, Scootaloo freaked out.

“Hey what are you doing!?”

“I’m just going to cut your hair.” said Rarity.

Hearing this shocked Rarity.

“Heavens no! I’m just going to cut bits of your hair and see if I can fix it.”

“…A-Alright, try not to play with those things last time I saw a pair of scissors a colt ran with them and it did not end well.”

Rarity slightly laughed and replied back.

“I wouldn’t think of that my dear.”

After conversation Rarity started to cut parts of her hair that were no longer needed, bits of Scootaloos hair fell onto the floor as her hair started to get short.


*GASP* “That’s it!”

“What is it?” said Scootaloo.

“I know what your hair should exactly be!”

Without another word Rarity instantly got to work.

Minutes later.

“All done!” said Rarity. “Your hair is finished, as well as your tail. Have a look.”

Rarity levitated a mirror in front of Scootaloo so she could see hoe she looked, her hair is combed forward with a small curl on the tip of her hair while her tail has been combed back with a small curl on the tip as well.

After looking at herself, Rarity spoke.

“Well, what do you think?”

“I like it!” said Scootaloo. “This hair style suits me!”

“I’m glad you like it dear,” said Rarity. “how about you Mr. Connor?”

“It looks wonderful Miss Rarity,” said Connor. “It definitely suits her.”

“Alright Connor,” said Scootaloo. “your turn.”

“I’m afraid Scootaloo is right Mr. Connor,” said Rarity. “it is your turn since she went first.”

“Very well,” said Connor. “let’s begin.”

“Of course! Have a seat and I’ll start working.”

Did as he was told Connor took a seat as Rarity began to decide what to do.

But first.

“Before we can begin, I would I like to cut your tail short.”

“My tail?” said Connor. ” Why is that Miss Rarity?”

“Every stallion’s tail must be short not long; you see only mares cane have their tails long.”

“Ah yes…I see,” I never thought of that.” said Connor. “might as well cut it short.”

“Very good, hold still while I cut it.”

Holding very still, Rarity started to cut Connor’s hair ail to its proper length as any stallions tail should be.

A minute later.

“All done Mr. Connor,” said Rarity “your tail is short. Now all I need to do is decide what to do with your hair.”

“Actually, I have decided how my hair should be.”

“Is that so? Tell me how it should be and I’ll do it.”

After minutes of explaining how his hair should be, Rarity began to work as Connor told her the style and the proper way to do it. Truth to be told she was beginning to like the style she was working on.

“My word…this hair style looks…looks…”

“Is it finished Miss Rarity?” said Connor.

“Yes, please have a look and tell me if it’s right.” said Rarity as she levitated the mirror in front of Connor.

Connor looked at himself and saw his reflection, his hair looked perfect! It was the same hair style he had before it was shaved into a Mohawk.

“It looks perfect Miss Rarity; your fashion abilities are amazing!”

“Thank you Mr. Connor, I must say your hair style looks classic. When I say I mean very classic, those in canterlot have the same hairstyle such as yours. Do you live in canterlot Mr. Connor?”

Canterlot? What is that? Where is that? Sounds like a place where rich ponies live.

“Uh…no Miss Rarity, I do not live in canterlot.” Connor replied. “The ‘old man’ showed me the hairstyle; I had it ever since I lived with him.”

“Old man?” said Rarity. “Who is this ‘old man’ you speak of Mr. Connor?”

Connor lowered his head in sadness.

“A…pony who took me in when I moved away from my village years ago, he was like a father to me…it was him who made the colt I am today.”

“This pony, “said Rarity. “Is he…”

“…Yes…of old age.”

“I’m sorry…”

“It is alright, it happened a long time aog.”


“Anyway,’ said Rarity breaking the silence. “Now that both your hair and tail is fix, by yours truly, is there any thing else?”

“Yes!” said Connor as he finally got to the point. “I wanted to show you this.”

Connor opened his bag and pulled out his assassin robes.

“I was wondering if you could do something about my robes.”

As soon as she saw those robes Rarity’s eyes sparkled.


“Those robes… said Rarity. “may I see them?”

Connor gave the robes to Rarity as she was amazed by its designs.

“My word these robes…they look absolutely amazing! The looks! The color! The fabric! This is the work of a master piece!”

“The reason I showed you the robes is because my wings feel uncomfortable when I wear them,” said Connor. “I was wondering if you could create holes for me.”

“Create holes? You mean…”


“*Gasp* Nonononono! Absolutely not!” Shouted Rarity

“Why not?” said Connor.

“As I said these robes are a master piece, they must not be tampered with!”

“I see…”

It looks like the trip was a bit wasted, at least he and Scootaloo got their hair and tail done. The robes however could not be messed with as Rarity said.


“However…” said Rarity.


“Since the robes cannot be tampered, I can create a replica of the robes with the holes for your wings of course.”

Connor smiled and replied.

“That would be great Miss Rarity.”

“Although I need the Robes to do so in order to make the copy,” said Rarity. “Every replica needs to be perfect.”

“Of course,” said Connor. “how much shall it cost?”

“No charge.”



“But why?”

“Well as a fashion expert, seeing a master piece is an honor to work with! Your robes is what other fashion designers would create the worst dress or suit just to see and work on it, that’s why I Rarity will charge you nothing!”

“Even after all the work you have done for us?”

Rarity nodded.

“That is very ‘generous’ of you Miss Rarity,” Said Connor. “Thank you.”

“The pleasure is all mine Mr.Connor, I suggest you to return tomorrow since it will take some time to work on the replica.”

“Very well then I’ll shall leave you to it, let’s go Scootaloo I believe we’re done here.”

“Oh yes Mr. Connor, let us go! said Scootaloo mocking Connor’s ‘fancy talk’.

Connor rolled his eyes as they left Rarity’s shop.

After walking for an hour, Connor and Scootaloo found themselves at a in a park where it was a prefect chance to rest. They sat at a near by bench until…


Scootaloo fell on the ground laughing uncontrollably.

“*Sign* What is it wrong Scootaloo…” said Connor lazily.

“T-The way you spoke to Rarity was just Priceless! Hahaha!!!”

Connor again rolled his eyes and replied back.

“It was the only way to stop Rarity from doing something that we both may not like, also we were there for a reason: get our hair and tail cut and my robes fixed, that is all.”

“Well yeah but come on,” said Scootaloo. “you a colt from nowhere somehow knew how to speak fancy to a mare who knows how to speak fancy.”

“Let’s just say that during my travels, I picked up a few things that managed to help me in life all those years ago.”

“Really? Think you could teach me a few tricks?”

“No.” Connor replied.

“Meh, worth a try.”

Scootaloo sat next to Connor on the bench and relaxed since it has been a long day, both pegasi didn’t say a word as they sat on the bench and watch the sun setting down.

The silence was broken until Scootaloo spoke.

“Wow…look at that sunset.”

“Yes…is quite a view isn’t it?” Connor replied.

“Yeah…it’s hard to believe princess Celestia controls the sun and the moon.”

“Yes… it’s hard to believe that-“

(Wait…what did she say?)

“Could you repeat that again?”

“Repeat what?” said Scootaloo.

“What you have said before.”

“Um… princess Celestia controls the sun and moon?”



“Nothing…it’s just…Cheerilee never mentioned that…”

“Oh…well now you know!” said Scootaloo with a smile.

Connor slightly laughed and replied back.

“Thank you for the new information about the princess Scootaloo.”

“No problem.”

Connor and Scootaloo continued to their relaxation and looking at the sunset.



“Did you hear that?” said Scootaloo.

“It sounded somepony needs help,” said Connor, “we should investigate.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!”

As Connor and Scootaloo searched for the voice that needed help, they found a mare Pegasus whose coat is bright yellow, her hair and tail color is bright pink and beautifully long, her eye color is light blue and her cutie mark are three butterflies with pink wings.

(“Could she be the source of the voice that needed help?”) Thought Connor.

Connor walked up to the yellow coated mare and spoke.

“Excuse me, do you need help?”

Hearing Connors voice made the mare slightly panic.


Turning around she saw Connor and Scootaloo behind her, waiting for her to respond.


No response.

“Um…hello?” said Connor.


Again, no response from the yellow coated mare as she stayed silent.

Scootaloo spoke.

“Uh… we heard some noises while we were around, so we decided to check it out and somehow it let us straight to you.”


“So yeah…is something wrong?”


Once again, no response as she tried to cover her face with her hair. Almost as if she’s trying to hide.

“*sign* This is getting us know where Connor!” said Scootaloo.

Scootaloo is right, this mare is not saying a word. But why? However, Connor quickly came up with a plan. It was a bit rude, but he’ll know it will work!

“It seems you are right Scootaloo,” said Connor. “and she is wasting our time. We should leave.”

He ended his sentence by a wink at Scootaloo, the orange filly quickly understood what was going on and what he meant.

She replied with a wink and said.

“Yeah your right, lets go Connor.”

Both Connor and Scootaloo turned around and started to walk away slowly.

The yellow coated mare took a peak from her hair and saw the two pegasi she met leaving.

Suddenly, she spoke.

“No! Wait! Please don’t go!”

Hearing her voice, both Connor and Scootaloo stopped walking.

(“Looks like your plan worked.”) Whispered Scootaloo.

(“I knew it would.”) replied Connor.

Both pegasi turned around and walked back towards the yellow coated mare.

As they got close, Connor spoke.

“Forgive me and the filly for walking away from you, it was the only to get you to speak.”

“I-Its ok,” said the yellow coated mare. “I’m just like that when…well…I-I’m just shy that’s all…”

“It’s quite alright,” replied Connor. “there’s nothing to be shy about miss…”


“Can you repeat that again,” said Scootaloo. “I can’t hear you.”

M-My name is F-Fluttershy…

“Can you say that a bit louder?”

“Her name is Fluttershy, Scootaloo.” said Connor.

“Whoa! You can hear her!? Even when she’s talking that low!?”

“Of course, where I came from your ears have to be sharp, its how my people know when there is a predator or an animal nearby when we are out in the woods or forest when we plant our vegetables. (“Mostly when we hunt animals for meat…”) Also, my ears are telling me that an animal is stuck on a tree right next to Fluttershy.”

Scootaloo looked up and saw a white rabbit hanging on a tree for dear life. And from the looks of it, it’s injured.

“Oh no!” said Scootaloo.

“Tell us how the rabbit got on the tree Fluttershy.” said Connor.

“W-Well…sometimes when Angel gets cranky, he and I go to the park so angel can run around and bounce freely to release some stress. When all of a sudden an eagle scooped up Angel off the ground, I flew fast as I could until I saw Angel bite the eagles’ foot and let him go. I prayed to Celestia to give the speed to catch him as Angel continued to fall, suddenly he was falling towards a tree and caught on a branch. Then that’s when you and I met.”

“Have you tried to fly up to the tree and get him?” said Connor.

“Yes, but when I get too close Angel would panic! I dare not to try again.”

“Hmmm…there’s has to be another way…”

Connor looked around to see if there’s anyway to reach Angel without making him panic.


(“There’s a row of trees behind the tree Angle is at, if I could go far form here and climb on one and move onto the next then I should be able to reach Angel without making a sound and take him to safety.”)

After some thinking Connor walked away from Scootaloo and Fluttershy as he spoke.

“Wait here, I will return.”

“Wait! Where are you going!” shouted Scootaloo.

Connor stopped walking for a moment and replied back.

“Finding a way to reach angel without being spotted.”

With that said he continued to walk.

After walking for a few minutes from Fluttershy and Scotaloo, Connor stopped and looked around to see if there is a place to start climbing.


(“Damn… the trees are too high to climb…how will I reach Angel in time?”)

Suddenly, Connor spots a bird flying near by and saw it land on a branch.

(“That bird…I wonder…”)

Connor looked at his wings and wondered if he could mimic the birds landing on the branch.

He readied his wings and hoped it would work.

(“Please…let this work…”)

Connor jumped high as he could and flapped his wings toward the branch, getting close he carefully landed on the branch and took notice on his accomplishment.

“It worked. Heh, it’s embarrassing that I forget what I am now. I will need some practice to perfect it, but for right now I have to reach Angel.”

Without any further delay, Connor started to move onto branch to branch, tree to tree with ease, even thought he’s a pony now his ability to climb hasn’t been taken away, he only had gained a few new abilities that might help him in the future.

Getting close to the tree Angel is at, Connor slowly moved towards the branch as he tried to not make a sound.

Back on the ground, Fluttershy and Scootaloo kept an eye on Angel in case he fell of the branch.

“*sign* What’s taking Connor so long,” said Scootaloo. “the longer we wait here Angel could fall at any moment.”

“Well…he did say that he’ll be back.” said Fluttershy.

“Then what are we going to do? We just can’t sit here and do nothing!”


“Yeah…any other ideas?”



Suddenly, Scootaloo saw a shadow on the tree.

“Hey Fluttershy, look.” She said as she pointed towards the shadow on the tree.

Fluttershy looked closely at the shadow and replied.

“Oh my…what is that?”

As the shadowy figure moved into the light, the two pegasi quickly knew who it was.

“Connor!” They shouted.

Hearing his name, Connor put his hoof over his mouth telling to be quiet.

Which they did.

Connor started to move towards Angel, who’s still hanging onto the branch, he carefully tried not to make a sound and not to move the branch too much.

But his plan to move quietly and slow failed him when he almost slipped off the branch; Connor quickly looked up and saw Angel panicking from the movement of the branch. With no time to waste Connor ran towards the helpless bunny fast as he could, but the movement of the branch caused it to move uncontrollably as Angel tried to hold on much as he could.


Angel accidentally let go of the branch and fell down.

Watching in horror, Fluttershy screamed his name.


”NO!!!” Screamed Connor.

Without a second thought, Connor leaped off of the branch and eagle dived towards Angel.

In mid-air, Connor put his hooves out and successfully grabbed Angel and pulled him close as he prepared himself for the hard fall.

Miraculously, both Connor and Angel landed on a bush.

Running towards the bush, Scootaloo, shouted.

“Connor! Connor are you ok!?”

*rustle rustle*


Connors head popped out of the bush unharmed.


So did Angel as she popped out of the bush as well.

As that happened Fluttershy flew towards Angel, picked him up and hugged him happily.

“Oh Angel! You’re ok! I was so worried!”

With Connor and Scootaloo.

“Hehehe, you never seem to stop wowing me.” said Scootaloo.

“Heh, I guess you can say I am full of surprises.” said Connor as he came out of the bush.


Angel! You’re hurt!”

Both Connor and Scootaloo turned around to see Fluttershy holding Angel with care, she also has tears in her eyes.

(“The bunny doesn’t look well, I have to help.”)

Both pegasi walked towards Fluttershy to see if she needs help.

“Is everything alright Fluttershy?” said Connor.

“A-Angels is h-hurt…I-I can’t help him without medical attention.”

Connor looked at Angels wounds, it didn’t look life threatening but it still needs to be treated.

(“Hmmm…I wonder if the eagles claws caused these wounds, however Fluttershy is Correct. Without medicine Angel might not survive…unless.”)

Connor opened his bag and took out a small clear bottle and some medical bandages.

“Would these help?”

Fluttershy looked at Connor and quickly recognized the items he is holding.

“Yes! That’s perfect.”

She immediately took the items and helped Angel.

“Now hold still Angel, this medicine should help you and it might sting.”

The white rabbit nodded and prepared himself for the pain, Fluttershy carefully applied the clear liquid on Angel.

As this was happening, Connor spoke.

“You seem to know what you are doing.”

“Yes well…I am an animal care taker,” said Fluttershy. “as of matter of fact I live in a cottage that’s full of animals. Weather it be a wild, a stray, or one that just needs a home.”

“You live in a cottage that full of animals that are wild, vicious, and probably make a mess? Sounds exhausting.” said Scootaloo.

“Oh, not all animals are like that.” said Fluttershy. “You see all the animals I take in just want to be treated with compassion, and I return those feelings to them.”

“That’s very ‘kind’ of you Fluttershy.” said Connor. “Taking in animals weather it be hostile or not, I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thank you Mr. Connor.” said Fluttershy with a smile.

Minutes later.

“That should be it,” said Fluttershy. “how do you fell Angel?”

Angel replied with a slow nod as his wounds were now wrapped and healing properly.

“Thank goodness.”

Fluttershy faced Connor and Scootaloo and spoke.

“Thank you for helping me and Angel, if you both weren’t here in time I…I wouldn’t know what to do.”

Scootaloo replied back.

“No problem, it’s what we do.”

“I am glad we were able to help.” said Connor.

Fluttershy picked up Angel and placed him on her back, she looked at the two pegasi and said.

“I-I guess this is goodbye.”

“It seems that way,” said Connor. “Scootaloo and I must leave as well.”

“Maybe we’ll see each other again,” said Fluttershy. “That’s um… i-if you what to…”

Connor smiled and replied.

“I would like that.”

With that said, Fluttershy and Connor, along with Scootaloo went their separate ways.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

There you go, part 4! And that means part 5, the final part, is coming up soon. Sorry for the long wait, I've been busy for these past couple of weeks but managed to finish this chapter and post it. Hope you liked the chapter!