• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,688 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 9:Know your surroundings part 1

Chapter : 9 Know your surroundings part 1

The next day…

It is another beautiful day in ponyville, the sun is rising from the mountains, ponies are coming out of their homes ready to start the day, and the shop owners opening up their business.

It’s also another day for an assassin to start his day.

The rays of the sun hit Connors eyes which awoke him fro his sleep; he sat up from his bed and stretched. He couldn’t remember the last time he slept this good ever since the war started back home, Connor only hoped something like that would never happen here…

Taking his mind off of that subject, Connor turned to his left to see another bed.

An empty bed.

“Scootaloo is not in her bed,” Said Connor. ”she must have been with Derpy while I was asleep.”

Connor stood up from the bed to search for Scootaloo.


“*sniff sniff* That smell…”

Connor smelled himself.

“*sniff* Ugh…”

He quickly covered his nose.

“I think I rather bathe before I head out…”

Moments later …

After a long great shower, Connor came out of the guest room wearing his new robes with its hoodie down and found himself in a living room. There he sees Scootaloo and Derpy having a conversation over breakfast, and two other ponies he doesn’t recognized at the same table.

The first is a mare earth pony whose coat is bright yellow, her hair and tail color is orange, eye color green, and her cuite mark is three carrots.

The second is a filly unicorn whose coat is light purple, her hair and tail color is one side light yellow, the other yellow , her eye color are gold just like Derpys, and has no cutie mark.

As Connor stood there observing the two ponies, Derpy spotted him.

“Oh! Mr. Connor, you’re awake! Good morning!”

Hearing his name, Scootaloo turned around and saw him.

“Hey Connor! Good to see you up and runnin!”

“Heh…a good nights rest was all I needed.” He said.

“So you must be Connor Kenway…”

Connor saw the bright yellow coated mare walking up towards him.

“That I am, and you are miss?”

“Carrot Top, and I just wanted to thank you for saving Derpy…I wish I was there to protect her while she was being attacked…but it looks like you did the job before I did.”

“Of course,” Said Connor. “I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing while those thugs were attacking her. Some pony had to do something.”

“Well I’m glad that pony turned out to be you.”

“You saved my mommy?”

The light purple filly walked towards Connor with a smile on her face.

“Yes I did little one,” Said Connor. “and who you might be?”

“Dinky sir!”

“Dinky, a wonderful name for a filly such as yourself.”

“Hehehe! Thank you Mr. Connor!

“Dinky,” Said Carrot Top. “Let Connor have a seat at the table. He must be hungry.”

“Actually I am,” said Connor. “what is there to eat?”

“Have a seat and I’ll bring it to you.”

With that said both Connor and Dinky sat down at the table with Derpy and Scootaloo.

Connor then Started a conversation.

“I didn’t know you had a child Derpy.”

“Yup! And its because of her she is the reason who I am today! A sweet, caring, lovable mother!”

Hearing that made Dinky speak.

“Mommy do you really mean that?”

“Of course my little muffin!”

All of a sudden, both Derpy and Dinky hugged each other.

Seeing this put a slight smile on Connor face, he remembered the days when his mother always cared for him no matter what. If Connor was hurt she will tend his wounds, if he was scared she would be there to comfort him and tell him “everything will be alright.” Connor will always cherish those memories for the rest of his life, for it is all that he has left of her to remember her.

Scootaloo however did not like seeing what Derpy and Dinky are doing, it brought back terrible memories. She always to have moments like those when ever she is scared, sad, happy...but most of all, to be hugged by somepony who cared about her.

Scootaloo was on the verge of tears until.

“Breakfast is ready Connor!” Said Carrot Top.

Hearing her voice Scootaloo quickly rubbed her tears away to make them dry.

As Carrot Top got to the table she set Connor’s food down.

As she saw his breakfast, Connor raised an eyebrow.

Seeing this worried Carrot Top.

“Is something wrong Connor?” she said.

“Forgive me um…what is this?”

Hearing this slightly surprised Carrot Top.

‘Y-You never seen pancakes before…?”

“Pancakes? Is that what these are called?”


“I see…it looks delicious!”

Carrot Top calmed down as she heard Connors Comment.

“Thank you Connor…well enjoy your pancakes!”

That being said Carrot Top sat down and enjoyed her breakfast, Connor was just about to eat his pancakes until.

“WAIT!” shouted Dinky.

Connor stopped at what he was doing.

“W-What is it?”

“You can’t eat your pancakes without some syrup!”

Dinky then picked up a bottle of syrup and showed it to Connor.

“Um…t-thank you Dinky.”

Without another word said, Dinky poured some syrup on Connors Pancakes and went back to eating her breakfast.

Hoping that there won’t be no more interruptions, Connor picked up a fork, a butter knife, cut a piece of his pancake and ate it.

As soon as he ate the pancake, a familiar taste hit Connors tounge.

“Hmmm…the taste of this pancake is familiar…what is it?”

“That taste Connor, is the taste of carrots.” said Carrot Top.

“Carrots? I didn’t know you make pancakes out of carrots.”

Carrot Top laughed at what Connor said.

“You can’t make pancakes out of carrots Connor, I just added some carrots to put in a little flavor.”

“Oh…I see…”

Derpy, Dinky, and Scootaloo slightly laughed at Connor while he blushed in embarrassment.

“Anyway, finish your breakfast before it gets cold.” said Carrot Top.

After breakfast…

“*sigh* Best breakfast I had in a long time…” said Scootaloo.

“I agree, I never had this kind of meal before.” said Connor.

“Thank you for the food aunt Carrot Top!” said Dinky.

“The food was good, but I prefer muffins better.” said Derpy.

“Oh Derpy…what is it with you and muffins…”said Carrot Top. “Someday when you eat too much muffins you’ll become one.”

“Really!? Then I better start eating so I can become the muffin queen!”

Derpy then ran into the kitchen to look for any muffins to eat.

“DERPY DON’T YOU DARE!!!” shouted Carrot Top as she ran after Derpy.

Seeing this made Connor, Scootaloo, and Dinky laugh.

However the moment didn’t last long until.

“Carrot Top, do you have a map of ponyville I could use?”

Carrot Top stopped at what she was doing and looked at Connor.

“O-Of course I do,” she said. “what do you need it for?”

“I have an errand that I need to take care of,” Connor replied. “and perhaps explore the village a little more.”

“Um…sure le me just look for it, but first, Dinky, could you calm your mother down before she wreaks the kitchen?”

“Yes aunt Carrot Top.” Replied Dinky.

Leaving to find the map while Dinky tried to calm Derpy down, Connor waited for Carrot Top to return.

As he waited, Scootaloo walked up to him and spoke.

“So I heard your leaving to run an errand.”

“I am.” Replied Connor.

“Can I come with you?”

Connor took a moment to think and replied.

“I suppose I could take you along with me, but please, don’t go wandering around as we walk.”

“You got it!”

Carrot Top returned with the map.

“Here’s the map you asked for Connor, I also marked where we are at when you come back from your errand.”

Carrot Top gave the map to Connor and accepted it form her.

“Thank you Carrot Top, This will help me greatly.”



“Mommy please! Don’t eat that muffin!”

“But I must, auntie Carrot Top said that if I eat a lot of muffins I could become one!




“I think its best if you and Scootaloo leave right now,” said Carrot top. “Its Getting really out of control here!”

“I agree, lets go Scootaloo.” said Connor.

Leaving the house both pegasi looked at each other.

“So where are we going?” said Scootaloo.

Before Connor could answer.




”I’ll explain when we are far from the house.”


With their agreement taken care of both pegasi walked away from the house as the ignored the sounds inside the house.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey everyone soooooo sorry for the very late post and for the weak chapter, as i said i have been very busy to work on my fanfic and its tough...but i have great news! I thought of a new crossover fanfic! But i want your opinion, should i continue this fanfic and finish the rest of this chapter, or do the new fanfic?

Huh? you want to know whats the name of the new fanfic? well i cant tell you...But i can give a hint...
got it? good! see ya!